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Khóa h c Luy n gi i đ thi môn Ti ng Anh – Th y ng V n M nh S Giáoăviên:ă s 17 17 NGăV NăM NH ây đ thi kèm v i Bài gi ng luy n đ s 17 (Ph n 1) thu c khóa h c Luy n đ thi H-C môn Ti ng Anh – th y ng V n M nh t i website Hocmai.vn có th n m v ng ki n th c đ thi, B n c n k t h p xem tài li u đính kèm v i gi ng I Find the word that has its underlined part pronounced differently from the others in each question A brush B custom C cushion D mushroom A brown B flown C drown D frown A era B eminent C emblem D emerald A hear A excursion B deer B further C mere C occur D rehearse D occurrence II Find the word with the stress pattern different from that of the other three words in each question A surgeon B surface C suburb D surround A compare A reckon A inability 10 A ingenious B compose B protein B personality B principle C company C sanguine C potentially C generous D consist D technique D territorial D mineral III Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct 11 The Canadian province of Newfoundland has a rocky coast, a moisture climate, and probably the best A B C cod-fishing areas in the world D 12 The eight stripes of red, white, and blue on state flag of Hawaii represent Hawaii’s eight major islands A B C D 13 The ability to talk is one of the skill that make humans different from the rest of the animal world A B C D 14 With the discovery of gold in the Kiondike in Canada’s Yukon Territory in 1896, people flocked A B C soon there from all parts of the world D 15 In the United States among 60 percent of the space on the pages of newspapers is reserved for advertizing A B C T ng đài t v n: 1900 58-58-12 - Trang | - D Hocmai.vn – Ngôi tr ng chung c a h c trò Vi t Khóa h c Luy n gi i đ thi môn Ti ng Anh – Th y ng V n M nh s 17 IV From the four words or phrases (A), (B), (C), or (D), choose the one that best completes the sentence 16 With the start for the penny papers in the 1830’s, the number of people a newspaper rose considerably A who reading regularly B were reading regularly C regularly reading what D regularly reading 17 The amount of lapsed time between the thunder and lightning can be used to determine A how the thunder and lightning are far away B how far away are the thunder and lightening C the thunder and lightning are how far away D how far away the thunder and lightning are 18 After the great blizzard of 1988 in the northeastern United States, it took some the snow away from their homes A people several days to shovel B days to shovel people several C several days people to shovel D people to shovel several days 19 The store A that had the recently big sale went bankrupt B that had the big recently sale went bankrupt C that had the big sale went recently bankrupt D that recently had the big sale went bankrupt 20 Upon returning from class A a letter was in the mailbox B a letter was found in the mailbox C the mailbox had a letter in it D he found a letter in the mailbox V Choose the sentence (A, B, C or D) which is closest in meaning to the one in bold 21 Jill was walking to school when she found the purse A Jill was walking to school with her purse B Jill bought the purse when she was walking to school C Jill found the purse on the way to school D Jill found the purse at the school 22 I had to stand in line for two hours to get first-row seat for the performance A The performance lasted two hours B The man got a seat in the front row C The man got a seat in the second row D The man failed to get a ticket to the performance 23 Dave had to take a cut in pay to keep from losing his job A Dave’s salary was lowered Hocmai.vn – Ngôi tr ng chung c a h c trò Vi t B Dave lost his job and had to cut pay T ng đài t v n: 1900 58-58-12 - Trang | - Khóa h c Luy n gi i đ thi môn Ti ng Anh – Th y ng V n M nh C Dave had an accident on the job s 17 D Dave was given a salary increase 24 I would rather you stopped talking about her A I would rather stop talking about her B I would rather you not talk about her C I want you to talk about her D I prefer you not to talk about her any more 25 He acts as though nothing matters to him A He acts when there’s no matter for him B He acts although nothing matters to him C He seems not to care about anything D Nothing matters to him when he acts VI Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence 26 The police are said to be looking the matter A for B into C up D over 27 Please take a message he call A should B when C will D if 28 I would have met you at the bus terminal if I that you A knew / were arriving B knew / had arrived C had known / were arriving D would know/ had arrived 29 – “Are you going to visit him?” - “If she goes .” A I so B so will I C so I go D so I 30 If my aunt had not fallen down yesterday, A her legs would not be hurting now B she can walk normally now C she does not have to use a support now D she would not have been painful now 31 As as a mouse A fast B wise C quiet D poor 32 It turned out that the treasurer along with the secretary held responsible for the mismanagement of the funds A was B were C has been D have been 33 The advertisements on the front part of a newspaper usually the most expensive A is B have been C has been D are 34 The wounded immediately taken to the hospital A seriously/ were B serious / was C serious / were D seriously / was 35 He found the trousers but clean A it wasn’t B they weren’t C they wasn’t D it weren’t 36 In many homes, children is great problem A disciplinary B disciplining C discipline D disciplined 37 Please describe one of your A embarrassed incident B embarrassing incidents C embarrassed incidents D embarrassing incident Hocmai.vn – Ngôi tr ng chung c a h c trò Vi t T ng đài t v n: 1900 58-58-12 - Trang | - Khóa h c Luy n gi i đ thi môn Ti ng Anh – Th y ng V n M nh s 17 38 I saw a look on his face as he was wheeled into the operating room A frightened B frightening C frightful D fright 39 Most of my friends detest early A to get up B get up C to getting up D getting up 40 They a list of all the people interested in the idea A drew up B took up C called up D turned up 41 If she hadn’t gone out in the rain without a raincoat, she in bed now with flu A weren’t B wouldn’t have been C wouldn’t been D wouldn’t be 42 I haven’t had a very week I seem to have done nothing at all! A extensive B productive C enthusiastic D economic 43 It wasn’t she left college that she realized how much she had enjoyed her time there A by the time B when C until D while 44 According to my the meeting starts at ten tomorrow morning A opinion B knowledge C belief D information 45 “I’m very to you for putting in so much hard work,” the boss said A grateful B thanking C considerate D courteous 46 For my birthday I was given a writing set two pens, envelopes and notepapers A comprising B involving C holding D consisting 47 One condition of this job is that you must be to work at weekends A available B capable C acceptable D accessible 48 I am going to my dress dry- cleaned A make B send C get D take 49 Don’t to bring a hairdryer I’ll lend you mine A mind B bother C forget D worry 50 If you park there, you will have to pay a A fee B ticket C fare D fine VII Read the following text and choose the correct answer for each question The Empire State Building and its occupants suffered a serious trauma one Saturday morning in 1945 The Empire State Building was, quite suddenly and without warning, struck by an airplane That morning, an experienced army pilot named Bill Smith took off from Bedford, Massachusetts in a B-25 bomber with two passengers on board He was headed for Newark, New Jersey in very foggy condition About an hour into the flight, the plane was in the middle of New York City rather than at its intended destination The pilot was able to maneuver the plane around several skyscrapers before it crashed into the 79th floor of one of the tall buildings, the 102-floor Empire State Building When the plane hit the building, there was a huge amount of destruction There was a big hole in the outside of the building, and parts of the plane crashed through interior walls on the 78th and 79th floors Then, when the fuel tank exploded, six floors of the building went up in flames There was also a human toll Fourteen lives were lost in the crash; the number would have been far greater, however, if the accident had occurred on a weekday rather than on a Saturday During working Hocmai.vn – Ngôi tr ng chung c a h c trò Vi t T ng đài t v n: 1900 58-58-12 - Trang | - Khóa h c Luy n gi i đ thi môn Ti ng Anh – Th y ng V n M nh s 17 hours, there might have 25,000 people in the building 51 The subject of this passage is A an unusual accident C a scheduled flight B a military attack D a visit to a famous building 52 When did this event occur? A In the middle of the 19th century C In the middle of the last century B In late 19 century D In late 20th century 53 Look at the word “struck’ in paragraph This word could be best replaced by A flown B landed C constructed D hit 54 How many people, as implied in the passage, were in the plane? A l B.2 C.3 D.4 55 It can be inferred from the passage that fire A did not break out anywhere B only engulfed part of the building C spread throughout the whole building D burned down the complete building VIII Choose from the alternatives A, B, C, and D the best way to make meaningful sentences from the words given about Jack London 56 Jack London/ life and writings/ represent/ American/ love/ adventure A Jack London’s life and writings represent the American love of adventure B Jack London’s life and writings represents the American love of adventure C Jack London’s life and writings represent for the American love of adventure D Jack London’s life and writings represents for the American love of adventure 57 He/ quit/ school / fourteen/ become / sailor/ A He quitted a school when he was fourteen to become a sailor B He quitted school at the age of fourteen becoming a sailor C He quit school at the age of fourteen and became a sailor D He quit the school at the age of fourteen and became a sailor 58 He/ travel/ many place/ Europe/ United States/ Far East/ A He travelled to many places in Europe, United States and the Far East B He travelled to many places in Europe, the United States and the Far East C He travelled to many places of Europe, the United States and the Far East D He travelled to many places in Europe, the United State and the Far East 59 experiences/ wild/ northern country provide/ material/ many/ later/ stories/ novels/ A His experiences in the wild northern country provided material for many of his later stories and novels B His experiences in the wild northern country provided with material for many of his later stories and novels C His experiences in the wild northern country provided material for many from his later stories and novels Hocmai.vn – Ngôi tr ng chung c a h c trò Vi t T ng đài t v n: 1900 58-58-12 - Trang | - Khóa h c Luy n gi i đ thi môn Ti ng Anh – Th y ng V n M nh s 17 D His experiences of the wild northern country provided material for many of his later stories and novels 60 best-known/ novels/ include/ The Call of the Wild/ The Sea-wolf/ A His best-known novels include The Call of the Wild and The Sea Wolf B His best-known novels include with The Call of the Wild and The Sea Wolf C His best-known novels includes in The Call of the Wild and The Sea Wolf D His best-known novels include of The Call of the Wild and The Sea Wolf VII Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each space SALTY OR SQUARE We know little about how (61) people came to use money, but we (62) know some of the articles which have been used as money During the days of ancient Rome, salt was hard to (63) Salt for the preparation of food was considered so precious that soldiers were paid (64) it This salt money was (65) as salarium, and from it we get our word salary In some regions of Asia, tea was used for money; and the American Indian used a (66) of shell beads which he called wampum Perhaps the most common money of all was an animal of some kind In some places today, cows are still used as a kind of money So you see, things highly valued by everybody may (67) as money Probably the Greeks or the Chinese began using coins as money Some scientists think the Chinese (68) have been first; but it is certain that the Greeks (69) coined money over 2,650 years ago Today (70) coins are round; but the coins of ancient peoples were of many shapes Some were round, some were square or rectangular, and (71) were even egg-shaped or had square hole (72) in their centers 61 A primary B principal C primitive D antique 62 A actually B indeed C can D 63 A obtain B fetch C attain D acquire 64 A for B with C by D from 65 A called B named C known D accepted 66 A variety B shape C number D form 67 A act B serve C make D perform 68 A would B should C must D may 69 A had B have C were D has 70 A most of B almost C most D almost of 71 A another B others C other D the others 72 A pierced B drilled C punched D cut Hocmai.vn – Ngôi tr ng chung c a h c trò Vi t T ng đài t v n: 1900 58-58-12 - Trang | - Khóa h c Luy n gi i đ thi môn Ti ng Anh – Th y ng V n M nh s 17 VIII Read the passage and the questions or unfinished sentences Then choose the answer - A, B, C, or D - that you think fits best The Woodstock Music and Art Fair—better known to its participants and to history simply as “Woodstock”—should have been a colossal failure Just a month prior to its August 15, 1969 opening, the council of Wailkill, New York, informed the fair’s organizers that it was withdrawing its permission to hold the festival Amazingly, the organizers found a new site, a large field in Woodstock, New York, owned by a local dairy farmer Word spread to the public of the fair’s new location The event drew a larger audience than the organizers had expected On the first day of the fair, crowd estimates of 30,000 kept rising, traffic jams blocked most roads Leading to the area Some musicians could not reach the site to appear at their scheduled times In addition, fences that were supposed to facilitate ticket collection never materialized, so the organizers abandoned all attempts at taking tickets But that was not all: as the large crowd gathered, so did summer storm clouds It started raining on opening night and continued for much of the three-day event To deal with the crowd, which reached an estimated 500,000 by the third day, helicopters flew in food, doctors, and medical supplies Despite all of its problems, the festival featured some of the greatest musicians of the 1960s, including Janis Joplin; Joan Baez; Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young; Sly and the Family Stone; Creedence Clearwater Revival; and Jimi Hendrix Today many people think of Woodstock not only as a milestone for rock music but as the defining moment for an entire generation 73 The main idea of this passage is best expressed in which sentence? A Most Americans think of Woodstock as a bunch of kids dancing to music in the mud B The organizers underestimated how many people the festival would attract C Despite poor planning, Woodstock was a success and a high point for a generation of Americans D The organizers succeeded in their goal of creating a historically significant event 74 What was the final crowd estimate? A 20,000 B 500,000 C 30,000 D 50,000 75 Which of the following was NOT a problem faced by the event’s organizers? A attracting musical talent B blocked access to the site C bad weather D finding a location for the festival 76 The phrase “defining moment” in paragraph could best be replaced by which word or phrase? A belief B anecdote C fun time D symbol 77 Where in the passage does the author describe the weather conditions during the event? A at the end of paragraph B at the beginning of paragraph C at the end of 7aragraph D at the beginning of paragraph 78 The word “facilitate” in paragraph is closest in meaning to A make easier Hocmai.vn – Ngôi tr ng chung c a h c trò Vi t T ng đài t v n: 1900 58-58-12 - Trang | - Khóa h c Luy n gi i đ thi môn Ti ng Anh – Th y ng V n M nh s 17 B make more difficult C build a facility D increase 79 What does the author mean by the statement “the Woodstock Music and Art Fair should have been a colossal failure”? A Woodstock should not have happened B Woodstock was a financial failure because the organizers did not collect tickets C When you mix dairy farmers with your g rock fans, you are asking for trouble D The large crowd and other problems could easily have resulted in a crisis 80 The passage suggests that A a free concert would never happen today B area residents thought the rock fans were weird C the impact of the event exceeded expectations D music brings people together in a way other art forms cannot Hocmai.vn – Ngôi tr ng chung c a h c trò Vi t Giáo viên : ng V năM nh Ngu n Hocmai.vn T ng đài t v n: 1900 58-58-12 : - Trang | -

Ngày đăng: 05/11/2016, 09:02



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