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Khóa học Luyện ñề thi ðH-Cð môn Tiếng Anh – Thầy ðặng Văn Mạnh ðề số 09 ðỀ SỐ 09 Giáo viên: ðẶNG VĂN MẠNH I Find the word with the different stress in each sentence A discriminate B domestic C dormitory A interfere B machinery C apparent A precedent B calculus C confident A uranium B confidential C discovery A elevate B element C evaluate D deliberate D achievement D specific D emergency D elegant II Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence And finally here’s a……………of today sports news A round-down B round-off C round-on D round-up The best known books of Ross Macdonald, writer of detective novels, feature the character Lew Archer, a private detective A is the B is an C they are by D the We are prepared to overlook the error on this occasion………….your previous good work A with a view to B thanks to C in the light of D with regard to I’m afraid a rise in the salary is …… … just now A out of sight B out of control C out of date D out of the question 10 This is…… …… the most difficult job I’ve ever had to A by chance B by far C by heart D by myself 11 When I have some free time I tend to nothing laze about A only B but C and D like 12 Down……….…… for three days A the rain poured B did the rain pour C poured the rain D the rain pour 13 More than $100.000 went up in….…… in a fire at Bingley's Bank A burns B ashes C soot D smoke 14 They stayed for hours, my mother was very annoyed about A that B this C which D whom 15 When friends insist on expensive gifts, it makes most people uncomfortable A them to accept B their accepting C they accepting D they accept 16 The stolen painting was a large sum of money A worth B cost C valued D priced 17 The boy refused to answer the policeman's question for fear that the man arrested A will be B had been C would be D would have been 18 Nine of every ten people in the world… …… in the country in which they were born A living B they are living C lives D live 19 Beware of that fierce dog,………………? A will you B don’t you C won’t you D doesn’t it 20 Are you sure you told me? I don’t recall……………….about it A having told B having been told C to have told D to have been told Hocmai.vn – Ngôi trường chung học trò Việt Tổng ñài tư vấn: 1900 58-58-12 - Trang | - Khóa học Luyện ñề thi ðH-Cð môn Tiếng Anh – Thầy ðặng Văn Mạnh ðề số 09 21 Frank: Goodbye, Nanian! Nanian: ……….……… ! A So long B So so C Yeah D The same 22 It is advisable to any contact with potentially rabid animals A escape B avoid C prevent D evade 23 The senior customs officer had… by the customs officer A the old man stop B the old man stopped C the old man to stop D the old man to be stopped 24 People who of violence should be punished A make crimes B create crimes C commit crimes D cause crimes 25 We went by sea, but I'd rather by air A went B have gone C go D A, B or C 26 Sometimes very young children have trouble .fact from fiction and may believe that dragons actually exist A to separate B separating C to be separated D for separating 27 a clear policy, we would continue to be manipulated by others A There is B Without C With D In case 28 Tom and I did the whole work but Mary said as though she………… it herself A did B has done C had done D does 29 Burglar alarms on cars and houses may act as a to the casual thief A prevention B deterrent C stopper D precaution 30 Next year, we're going on a cheap holiday to Portugal The flight and the hotel are included in the price A packet B inclusive C overall D package III Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each space One of the hottest topics on the international development agenda is how to harness the power of International Monetary Fund for the benefit of developing countries What is sometimes called “the death of distance”, brought about by the (31) allows professional services such as (32) education and training to be provided easily and quickly to (33) areas Some of the gains can be seen in countries as diverse as India and Morocco, where innovations range from (34) government announcements to local craftsmen selling their wares to a (35) .market But already a huge and expanding (36) .divide is opening up between developed and developing nations The major task facing world leaders at present is to (37) everybody on the planet with clean water, basic education and the drugs needed to fight preventable diseases Installing a (38) in every classroom and linking us all to (39) must be a lesser (40) ., for the time being at least 31 A computer B telephone C modem D internet 32 A stationery B software C hardware D equipment 33 A far B uninhabited C remote D secluded 34 A programmed B broadcast C recorded D online 35 A global B technical C village D shrinking 36 A physical B digital C electrical D economical 37 A supply B give C donate D administer 38 A plug B video C mobile phone D modem Hocmai.vn – Ngôi trường chung học trò Việt Tổng ñài tư vấn: 1900 58-58-12 - Trang | - Khóa học Luyện ñề thi ðH-Cð môn Tiếng Anh – Thầy ðặng Văn Mạnh 39 A the real world 40 A priority B cyberspace B advantage C virtual reality C importance ðề số 09 D outer space D criteria IV From the four words or phrases A, B, C, or D, choose the that best completes the sentence 41 Making mistakes is all…………… of growing up A chalk and cheese B part and parcel C top and bottom D odds and ends 42 It was a horrible ride through pouring rain ………… he had a puncture and for the last hour had to push the bicycle A As a matter of fact B To make matters worse C Even so D In fact 43 Johnson: “ Thanks for the nice present you bought for me!” Dinian: “ “ A Actually speaking, I myself don’t like it B All right, Do you know how much it cost? C Not at all Don’t mention it D Welcome! It’s very nice of you 44 So incredible ……… of the Yellowstone area that people didn’t believe in its existence A explorer John Coulter’s descriptions B explorer John Coulters descriptions were C were explorer John Coulter’s descriptions D was explorer John Coulter’s descriptions 45 - ………………? - About ten miles before we met him A How fast did he drive B How long did he drive C How often did he drive D How far did he drive V Read the passage and the questions or unfinished sentences Then choose the answer - A, B, C, or D - that you think fits best In the very distant geological past all animals were aquatic The very first vertebrates, or animals with backbones, of which we have any fossil record, lived in the water These vertebrates, the fish, were adapted to underwater living Their streamlined bodies were covered with scales to reduce surface friction: they had muscular tails so that they could swim swiftly in such a dense medium as water; and they were endowed with gills for breathing underwater Descendants of fish-type ancestors crossed the seashore barrier and accommodated themselves to life on land As amphibians, they possessed limbs instead of fins and lungs instead of gills But they never became completely free of the bonds that tied them to the water; even today many amphibians return to the water to lay their eggs Millions of years after the first clumsy amphibians crawled over the land, newer types of land dwellers appeared; these animals gave rise to the present-day reptiles and mammals They were more completely converted for land dwelling, with bodies and biological activities far different from those of fish With these special adaptations, mammals have been able to colonize the woods and meadows, the deserts and high mountains, often far removed from the sea 46 Of the animals with backbones, the first to appear were A mammals B fish C amphibians Hocmai.vn – Ngôi trường chung học trò Việt Tổng ñài tư vấn: 1900 58-58-12 D birds - Trang | - Khóa học Luyện ñề thi ðH-Cð môn Tiếng Anh – Thầy ðặng Văn Mạnh ðề số 09 47 Fish are suited to underwater life because of their……… A scales B gills C streamlines shape D All of the above are correct 48 In converting to land life, animals acquired… A eyes B lungs C tails D warm blood 49 The word “descendants” in line is closest in meaning to… A descenders B offspring C grandchildren D ancestors 50 The passage suggests that the first amphibians used their limbs to…… A swim B crawl C jump D run 51 An example of an amphibian’s incomplete adaptation to land life is its…… A return to water to lay eggs B scales-covered skin C need to keep its skin wet D inability to breath air 52 Animals found desert living possible only……… A when they became amphibious B if they migrated to the sea periodically C after they could walk on two feet D when they were fully adapted to land 53 The seashore was a barrier for descendants of fish type creatures in that……… A the land once rose much higher above the sea B crossing it required bodily changes C every attempt to cross it ended in death D once they crossed there was no return 54 The word “They” in line 11 refers to……… A animals B amphibians C land dwellers D reptiles and mammals 55 The adaptation process described in the article was accomplished……… A over millions of years B through biological changes C by the receding of the seas D Both A and B are correct VI From the four underlined words or phrases A, B, C or D identify the one that is not correct 56 After we moved to another town to live, we lost touch of our relatives A B C D 57 Although she has been cooking for many years, Ann still doesn't know to prepare English foods in the A B C traditional manner D 58 After she had lunch and took a nap, Mary hurried off to the lecture hall again A B C D 59 If drivers not observe the traffic regulations, they will stopped and fined A B C D 60 The mother tongue has a great influence in learners' pronunciation of English A B C D VII Read the passage and choose the best answer Our demand for water is constantly increasing Every year there are more and more people in the world Factories turn out more and more products and need more and more water We live in a world of water But almost all of it – about 97% - is in the oceans This water is too salty to be used for drinking, Hocmai.vn – Ngôi trường chung học trò Việt Tổng ñài tư vấn: 1900 58-58-12 - Trang | - Khóa học Luyện ñề thi ðH-Cð môn Tiếng Anh – Thầy ðặng Văn Mạnh ðề số 09 farming, and manufacturing Only about 3% of the world's water is fresh Most of this water is not easily available to man because it is locked in glaciers and icecaps There is as much water on earth today as there ever was or will ever be Most of the water we use finds its way to the oceans There, it is evaporated by the sun It then falls back to the earth as rain Water is used and reused over again It is never used up Although the world as a whole has plenty of fresh water, some regions have a water shortage Rain does not fall evenly over the earth Some regions are always too dry, and others too wet A region that usually gets enough rain may suddenly have a serious dry spell and another region may be flooded with too much rain 61 All of the following statements can be inferred from the text EXCEPT: A We need more and more water B The population of the world is increasing every year C Most of the world's water is locked in glaciers and icecaps D Factories also need more water 62 Which of the following is NOT true about the world's water? A The vast majority of the world's water is ocean (or salty) water B Ocean water is salty enough to be used for drinking, farming, and manufacturing C Most fresh water is locked in glaciers and icecaps D the percentage of fresh water is very small 63 What can be inferred about water? A The amount of water on earth is always the same B Water can be used once only C Water will probably be exhausted D Most of the water we use is rain water 64 It can be inferred from the text that A no region in the world suffers from a lack of fresh water B rain does not fall equally everywhere on earth C the world has plenty of fresh water in comparison with salty water D a region that usually gets enough rain hardly ever has a dry spell 65 The phrasal verb "turn out" in the second line is closest in meaning to ………… A sell B switch off C prove to be D produce VIII Choose the sentence A, B, C, or D which is closest in meaning to the sign: WARNING! 66 Street musicians are not allowed to perform in this station A Musicians must not play here B Musicians not have to play here C Musicians can leave instruments here D Musicians must keep their instruments with them 67 Latecomers will not be admitted until the interval A The play will start later than usual today B Please be quiet because the play has started C We never start late for any reason D If you arrive late you cannot go straight in Hocmai.vn – Ngôi trường chung học trò Việt Tổng ñài tư vấn: 1900 58-58-12 - Trang | - Khóa học Luyện ñề thi ðH-Cð môn Tiếng Anh – Thầy ðặng Văn Mạnh ðề số 09 68 The management does not accept responsibility for property left in the dining room A You cannot bring your luggage into the dining room B You must look after your things yourself C You should give your things to the manager D You should lock things in your suitcase 69 Outdoors shoes must not be worn in the sports hail A Hand in your shoes at the sports hail B Don’t leave your shoes outside the sports hail C Change your shoes before entering the sports hail D Please wear shoes all the time in the sports hall 70 Payment must be made at time of booking A Allow plenty of time for booking B Pay when you book C Sign the book when you pay D It is too late to make a booking 71 Please lower volume from 11 p.m A Switch off at 11 B Do not make a noise at midnight C Reduce the noise after 11 D Switch off before midnight 72 Visas will only be issued to holders of return air tickets A Get a visa before booking your flight B Book a return ticket before you ask for a visa C You can’t fly without a visa D Apply for a visa before you book your return flight 73 Public meeting to discuss proposed motorway A Many people don’t want a motorway B Building the motorway starts today C People are going to talk about building a motorway D Everyone travelling on the motorway should meet here 74 Do not lean out of the window A Open the window carefully B This window cannot be opened C Do not put anything against the window D Do not put your head out of the window 75 Members are reminded that they are responsible for any damage caused by their guests A If your guests break anything, you’ll have to pay B If guests are hurt, members have to look after them C Please don’t let guests make too much noise D Please remember to look after guests very politely IX Choose one sentence A, B, C, or D that has different meaning to the original sentence(s) 76 I think no city in the world is more beautiful than Venice A According to me, Venice is the most beautiful city in the world B For me, Venice is more beautiful than any other city in the world Hocmai.vn – Ngôi trường chung học trò Việt Tổng ñài tư vấn: 1900 58-58-12 - Trang | - Khóa học Luyện ñề thi ðH-Cð môn Tiếng Anh – Thầy ðặng Văn Mạnh ðề số 09 C I think all the cities in the world are as beautiful as Venice D I think all the cities in the world are less beautiful than Venice 77 Animals can’t speak our language They can’t tell us when they are unhappy or annoyed A If animals could speak, they would be able to tell us when they are unhappy or annoyed B One day we could speak animals’ language and know when they are unhappy or annoyed C We don’t know when animals are unhappy or annoyed because we don’t know their language D We don’t understand animals because we can’t speak their language 78 While I strongly disapprove of your behaviour, I will help you this time A Despite the fact that I strongly disapprove of your behaviour, I will help you this time B I will help you this time because I strongly disapprove of your behaviour C I will help you this time in spite of my strong disapproval of your behaviour D I strongly disapprove of your behaviour, but I will help you this time 79 My sister and I had never been to Beijing before A Neither my sister nor I had been to Beijing before B My sister had never been to Beijing before, and neither had I C I had never been to Beijing before, and my sister hadn’t either D Both my sister and I had been to Beijing before 80 She was irresponsible at times, so she lost her job A She lost her job because she was irresponsible sometimes B She was not always responsible Therefore, she was dismissed C She got her job though she was irresponsible D The reason why she lost her job was that she was not always responsible The end Giáo viên : ðặng Văn Mạnh Nguồn Hocmai.vn – Ngôi trường chung học trò Việt Tổng ñài tư vấn: 1900 58-58-12 : Hocmai.vn - Trang | -

Ngày đăng: 05/11/2016, 09:01

