•• It has been passed down through the ages, highly coveted, lost, stolen, and bought for vast sums of money This centuries-old Senet has been understood by some of the most prominent people , in history: Plato, Galileo, Beethoven, Edison, Carnegie, Hnsteinlalong with other inventors, theologians, scientists, and great thinkers Now The Secret is being revealed to the world "As you learn The Secret, you will come to know how you can be, or anything you want You will come to know who 'You really are You will come to know the true magnificence that awaits you in life." -from the Introduction • infOImation about the film version 1M Secret, visit www.thesecret.tv 1$8N.13: 97IH5827().170-7 1S8N.10: 1"s827().170-9 authors, ministers, teachers, filmmakers, designers, to bring forth The Seoel world, and through her vision, bring joy to millions Contributors include John Michael Bernard Beckwith, Lee Brower, Jack Canfield, Dr John F Demartini, Marie Diamond, Mike Dooley, Bob Doyle, Hale Dwoskin, Morris Goodman, Dr John Gray, Dr John Hagelin, Bill Harris, Ben Johnson, Loral Langemeier, Lisa Nichols, Bob Proctor, Arthur Ray, David Schirmer, Marc! Sh!moff, Dr Joe Vitale, Waitley, Neale Donald lIhd Fred Alan Wolf, Ph.D tia1sch, online at www.simonNys.tw on this and odc, IJ8II: booM' ragments of a Great Secret have been found in the oral traditions, in literature, in religions and philosophies throughout the centuries For the first time, all the pieces of The Secret come together in an inaedible revelation that will be life transforming for all who experience it, In this book, you' lIleam how to The Secret in every aspect of money, health, relationships, and in every interaction you have the world You'll begin to tl.e hidden untapped power ' within you, and this revelation C8tI lIrins joy to every spect of your Iile The Secret contains wisdom from modern day teachers-men and WQDlen who ha,ve used it to achieve wealth and happiness By the knowledge of The Secret, bb~.hilllg to light compelling stories 'Of eradicating disease, acquiring ma' aive weal th, overcoming and achieving what many regard as impossible obstac~ ATRIA BOO KS New York Lo nd on To ro nto Sy dney BEYONO~WOROS ~ U • LIS H I N G BEYOND ~ WORDS ATRIA ~ BOOKS 1230 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10020 c~ {~B)1¢"' : / U • LI S H I N G 20827 N.W Cornell Road , Su ite 500 Hill sboro, Oregon 97124·9808 503-531-8700 el 503-53 1-8773 fax www.beyond word com Copyright © 2(0) by 1'5 Prod uction Limited Liability Company TH E SECRET and The Secret logo are trademarks or registered tradema rks owned by or licensed to TS Production Limited Liability Company W\\ ' \V thesecret.tv All rights reserved No part of th is book may be reproduced, copied, stored, or transmitted in any form or by any means g raphic, electroni c, o r mechanical, includin g photocopying, recording, or information sto rage and retrieva l systemswithout the prio r written perm ission of Atria Books / Beyond Word s Publishing Inc., except w here perm iUed by law The information contained in this book is intended to be edu ca tional and not fo r d iagnosis, prescription, or treatment of any hea lth d isorder whatsoever This in formation should not replace consu ltation with a competent healthcare professional The content of the book is intended to be used as an adjunct to a rational and responsible healthcare program prescribed by a heal thcare practitioner The author and publi sher are in no way liable for any misuse of the material Library of Cong ress Control Number: 2006933243 ISB N-13: 978-1-58270-170-7 ISBN-l0: 1-58270-170-9 First Atria Books / Beyond Word s hardcover edition 10 ovember 2006 ATRIA BOOKS is a trademark of Simon & Schu ste r, Inc Beyond Words Publi shing is a divtsion of Si mon & Schus te r, Inc Manufactured in the United Still !YOt""America 800k Design: Cozer Media P/L (A I/s tmlia) lVlVw.gozer com.all For more information about special di scounts for bu lk please conta~l Simon & Schuster Special Sales of Beyon~ "? Publishing Inc.: II/ spire to J_"_te_&11 _"_"lY_ _ _~~~ ~~, jo ;: Dt~, jo ;: w:.~" · - TIle Emerald Table t, circa 3000 Be • ,",' Dedicated to You May The Secret bring YOll love a nd joy for your entire existence That is my intention fo r you, and for the world ! Foreword • IX •• • Acknowled g me nts Xlii The Secret Revealed The Secret Made Simple 27 How to Use The Secre t 45 Powerfu I Processes 71 The Secret to Money 95 The Secret to Relationships 113 The Secret to Hea lth 125 The Secret to the World 141 The Secret to You 155 The Secret to Life 177 Biographies 185 , JOHN ASSARAF A former street kid , John A"ssaraf is now an intern ational bestselling author, lecturer, and business ad visor, commjtted to helping entrepreneurs create greater wealth while li ving an extrao rd inary li fe Jo1m has dedica ted the last twenty-fi ve years to researching the human brain, quantum physics, and business strategies, as they re late to achieving success in business and life By applying what he learned, John has built four multi-rnilli on-doll ar companies from scratch, and he now shares his unique business-building and moneymaking ideas with entrepreneurs and small business owne rs world w ide To learn more, visit www.onecoach.com MICHAEL BERNARD BECKWITH In 1986 Dr Beckw ith, a nonalig ned, transreligious prog ressive, fo unded the Agape Intern ati onal Spiritual Center, w hose mem- bership numbers 10,000 locally and hundreds of thousands of fri ends and affili ates wo rld185 186 Biographies wide H e serves on international panels w ith spiritual luminari es such as His Holiness the Dalai Lama; Dr A T Ariyarahle, founder of Sarvodaya; and Arun Gandhi, grandson of Mohandas K Ga ndhi He is co-founder of the Association for Globa l New Thought, whose annual conference brings together scientists, econom ists, artists, and spiritual leaders at the cutting edge of guiding humanity to its highest potential Dr Beckwith teaches med itation and scientifi c prayer, condu cts retreats, and speaks at conferences and seminars He is the originator of the Life Visioning Process, and autho r of Inspirations of tlte Heart, 40 Day Mind Fast Soul Feast, and A Manifesto of Peace Please go to www.Agapelive.com for more infor matio n GENEVIEVE BEHREND (c 1881-c 1960) Genevieve Behrend studied with the great Judge Thomas Troward, one of the early teachers of spiritu al metaphysics, and author of Mental Science Thomas Troward chose Behrend as his only pupil, and she went on to teach, lecture, and practice "mental science" in North America for thirty-five years, as well as write her own popular books, Your In visible Power and Attainillg Your Heart's Desire Biographies 187 LEE BROWER Lee Brower is the founder and CEO of Empowered Wea lth, an international consulting firm that offers businesses, foundations, famili es, and indi viduals systems and solutions for empowering their Core, Experience, Contribution, and Financial Assets He is also the founder of The Quad rant Li ving Experience, LLC, a boutique firm that licenses and trains an international network of Quadrant Living Advisors Lee is co-author of Wealth Enhancement and Preservation and author of The Brower Quadrant His two websites are www.empowered wealth.com and www.q uad ntli ving.com JACK CANFlE-LD Jack Canfield, author of Tile Success Principles"" is the co-creator of the phenomenal number one New York Till1es bestselling Chicken Soup for the Soul® series, which cu rrently has more than 100 million copies in print He is America's leading expert in creating success breakthroughs for entrepreneurs, corporate leaders, managers, sales professionals, employees, and educators, and has helped hundreds of thousands of indi viduals achieve their dreams For more information on Jack Canfield, visit www.jackcanfield.com 188 Biographies ROBERT COLLI ER (1885- 1950) Robert Collier was a prolific and hugely successful American writer All of his books, which incl ude The Secret of tile Ages and R;ches w;t/,;/I Yo", Reach, were founded on Collier's own extensive research into metaphysics and on his personal belief that success, happiness, and ab undance are easily and rightfull y attainable by everyone The excerpts contained in this book were ta ken from the seven-volume set The Secret of the Ages, with the generous consent of Robert Collier Publications DR JOH N F DEMART I NJ D.C , B.Se Once told he was learning disabled, John Demartin i is now a doctor, philosophe r, author, and international speaker For many years he had a successful chi ropractic cli nic, and was once named Chiropractor of tile Year Dr Demartin i is now a consultant to hea lth professionals, and speaks and w rites on the subjects of healing an d philosophy His personal tran sformation methodologies have helped thousan ds of people find a greater order and hap piness in their lives His website is www.drd e martini.com , MARJE DIAMOND 0, Marie is an in te rnatio nally know n Feng Shui master who has been practicing fo r more than twenty yea rs, refinin g the knowledge given to her at an ea rl y age She has ad vised Biographies 189 numerous Hollywood celebrities, major film directors and producers, mllsic giants, and famou s authors She has he lped many well-known public fi gures crea te more success in all areas of their li ves Ma rie created Diamond Feng Shui, Diamond Dowsing, and Inner Diamond Feng Shui to brid ge the law of attraction in an individual' s environment He r website is www.mariediamond com MIKE DOOLE Mike is not a "career" teacher or speaker; instead, as a "life adventurer" he has successfully navigated both the corporate and entreprene urial arenas After li ving and workjng around the world for Price Waterhouse, in 1989 he co-founded Totally Unique Thoughts (TUT) to retai l and wholesale its own line o f inspirational gifts Fro m the gro und up, TUT grew into a regional chain of stores, was carried by every majo r U.S department store, and reached consumers around the globe through distribution centers in Japan, Saudi Arabia, and Switzerl and, selling over one million Totally Unique T-shirts® In 2000 he transformed TUT into a web-based inspirati onal and philosophical Adventurers Club, which now has over 60,000 me mbers from more than 169 countries He is the author of a number of books, including three volumes of No tes from the Universe and the internatio nall y acclaimed audi o program, Infinite Possibilities: Tile Art of Living YOllr Dreams You can learn more about Mike and TUT at www.tut.com 190 Biographies BOB DOYLE Bob Doyle is the facilitator of the Wealth Beyond a powerful multi-medi a curri culum o n the law of attraction and its practical application Bob focuses on the science of the law of attraction to help you more purposefully activate the law in yo ur life, and to attract wealth, success, awesome relationshi ps, and anything else you desire For mo re information, visit www.wealthbeyondreason.com or Sedona MetllOd, ale Dwoskin ded icates himself to freeing people of limiting beliefs in order to help them achieve whatever their hearts desire The Sedona Method is a unique and powerful technique that shows you how to release limiting and painful feelings, beliefs, and attitudes Hale has taught these principles to corpo rations and indi viduals worldwide for the past thirty years His website is www.sedona.com \~ORRlS GOODMAN Du bed "The Miracle Man," Morris Goodman made head lines in 1981 when he recovered from horri fic inju ries after crashing his airplane He was told he would never walk, speak, o r function normall y again, but today Morris tra vels the world inspiring and uplifting thousands of peo- Biograph ies 191 pIe with hi s astound ing story Morris's w ife, Cath y Goodman, is also fea tured in The Secret, telling her own inspiring account of selfhealing To learn more, vis it www.themiracleman.org JOHN GRAY, PH.D t John Gray is the authoVof Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, the nun;>ber one bestselling relationship book of the last decade, selling over thirty million copies He has authored fourteen other bestsellers, and conducts seminars for thousands of parti cipants His focus is to help men and women unde rstand, respect, and appreciate their differences, in both personal and professional relationships His new book is The Mars and Ven us Diet and Exercise SoluHon To learn more, visit www marsvenuS.com CHARLES HAANEL (1866-1949) Charles Haanel was a successful American businessman and the author of several books, all of which contained Haanel's own ideas and methods that he used to achieve g reatness in his own life His most fam ous work is The Master Key System, whi ch gives twenty-fo ur weekly lessons to greatness, and is as popular today as it was when it was fi rst published in 1912 192 Bi ograph ies JOHN HAGE N, PI;l.D Dr John agelin is a world-renowned quantum physicist, edu cator, and public policy expert H is book, Mal l/lal for a Pelfect Govel'llmell t, explai ns how to solve major soci etal and environmental problems and crea te world peace through poli cies in harmony with the laws of nature John Hagelin was awa rded the prestigious Kilby Awa rd, which recognizes scientists who have made majo r contributio ns to society He was also the Natural Law Party presidential ca ndidate in 2000 John is regarded by many as one of the greatest scientists on the planet tod ay His website is ww w.hagelin.org BILL HARRIS Bill Harris is a professional s peaker, teacher, and business owner After stud ying ancient and modern research about the nature of the m ind and transform ati onal techniques, Bill crea ted Holosync, an audi o technology that results in the bene fits of deep meditatio n His company, Centerpoin te Research lnstitute, has enabled thousands of people world w ide to lead happie r, stress-free lives To find out mo re, visit ww w.centerpointe.com DR BEN JOHNSON M D., N M D , D.O Originally trained in Western med icine, Dr Johnson became interested in energy healing after overcoming a life-threa tening illness Biog raphies 193 using uncon ven tional method s He is chiefl y inte rested in The Healing Codes, a form of healing d iscovered by Dr Alex Lloyd Today Dr Johnson a nd Alex Lloyd run The Healing Cod es Company, wh ich distributes the teachings Visit www hea lingcod es.com to lea rn more LORAL lANGEME Lo ral Langemeie r tHe 7.n