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Date of preparation :……. Date of lecture:……… … Review period 1: grammar (english 11) A Aims: - To revise pupils’ old knowledge in English 11 . - Help pupils to talk about ; 1. Adjective comparison : - Comparative form . - The superlative form . - The comparison of equality . 2. Adverbs and comparison of adverbs . 3. Use of : someone , something , anything . 4. Ask the way to somewhere , give advise to somebody . B Method and aids: Text book Explaining; mainly communicative Ask and answer to get the old knowledge . C Procedure: I Organizing the class : 12A4: ;12A5:………………… … …………………… 12A7 .; 12B1: . ……………… …… ………… ……… II Old lesson : III New lesson: Time Teacher’s activities Pupils’ activities 33mn -T asks pupils to give the structure of comparative between 2 things or 2 people . -Pupils give some short adjectives. -Some of them give the comparative form. -Then give the model. Help pupils to make up the sentences by some given words. -Call P to give some long adjs. -Pupils add “more” before the long adj. -Give the use of irregular adj. 1. Comparative a . Short adj : cold - colder hot - hotter small - smaller big - bigger easy - easier Structure : S1 + be + adj +er + than + S 2 Ex : - She’s taller than I am - This house is bigger than that one b. Long adj : beautiful - more beautiful intelligent - more intelligent difficult - more difficult Structure :S1 + be + more + adj + than + S 2 c . Irregular : good - better bad - worse little - less much - more 2 . Superlative : a . Short adj : The adj + est long - longest big - biggest 1 5mn 5mn -What is the superlative form? -How to compare? -Add “est” after short adj. -Add “most” before adj. -Call pupils to give more examples -How to form an adv?. Used after verbs. -Guide P to give examples. Pupils give the using of irregular adv. - Ask Ps : How to use “something, anybody… ?” And give examples - Show pupils how to use these words. hot - hottest b . Long adj : The most + adj beautiful - the most beautiful good - the best bad - the worst Ex : She’s the most intelligent in our class . 3 . The comparison of equality : as + adj + as Ex : He’s as fat as his father II . Adverbs and comparison of adverbs : 1 . Adverbs of manner : adj +ly Ex : bad - badly beautiful - beautifully careful - carefully Ex : She dances beautifully How do you cook ? I cook very badly How does your father drive ? He drives carefully . Note : Special case good - well fast - fast hard - hard 2 . Comparison of adv : quickly - more quickly carelessly - more carelessly early - earlier hard - harder well - better badly - worse Ex: He does sums more quickly than last year . III . Use of something , anything , nothing , somebody , anybody , nobody . IV . Give advice and ask the way : You’d better + V(infinitive) You’d better not + V(infinitive) Ex : - You’d better get up early - You’d better not go to school late - Could you show me the way to the post office ? 2mnIV Consolidation Today we revise 4 parts . V Homework: Give more examples and remind all main grammatical structures . Comments: …………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… .…… ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 2 ……………………………………………………………………………………………. Date of preparation :……. Date of lecture:……… … Review period 2: grammar (english 11) A Aims: To get the old knowledge of : 1 . The present perfect tense : formation and use . 2 . Some language functions : + Show the way , ask the way . + Announce the thing that has done or not . + How to discuss about thing . 3. The future tense (intention) Have to do something . Make their doing exercise skill better . B Method and aids: Explaining; mainly communicative Helping to get the old knowledge C Procedure: I Organizing the class :12A4: ;12A5:………………… … …………………… 12A7 .; 12B1: . ……………… …… ………… ……… II Old lesson : in new lesson III New lesson: Time Teacher’s activities Pupils’ activities 10mn - Teacher ask pupils to give the forming of present perfect tense . - When is used ? - Ask Ps to give examples - Which adverbs do they always go with ? - Give examples - Ask to give position of each adverb. - Give some old structures - Who gives examples? I . The present perfect tense : - The present perfect tense expresses an action that was happened in the past with unspecific time . Ex : I’ve lost my key . - Expresses an action that happened in the past and may be continues to present or future ( use with since or for ) Ex : I’ve lived here for 5 years . - The present perfect tense is used with : just , already , yet , never , ever , for , since - S + have / has + P2+ 0 II . The simple past tense ; - It’s used to express an action that all happened in the past - Form : (+) S + V ed / V (past tense) (-) S + didn’t + V (infinitive) (?) Did + S + V (infinitive) Yes , S + did No , S + didn’t * Adv: : yesterday, last (night, week…) (two hours …)ago, in(2000,1986…) Ex: He came here last night. III. Some structures: - S1 +be +Superlative + N +S+have/has+ever 3 - Give some old structures - Ask Ps to give examples Ask to give the formation. + pp - S1+ have/ has + never + pp + Comparative+ N + than + S2. IV. Future in intention: To be + going to + V. Ex: I am going to buy a car. V. Have to. S + have/ has + to + V(infinitive) IV Consolidation Recall how to make sentences. V Homework: Revise the lesson you’ve learnt. Comments: …………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… .…… ……………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………. __________________________________________ Date of preparation :……. Date of lecture:……… … Review Period 3 : Grammar ( English 11) A Aims: Continue to review the old knowledge. - Use “if and when.” - The past simple continuous tense. - Used to. - Passive voice. B Method and aids : Text book Explaining; mainly communicative C Process: I Organizing the class :12A4: ;12A5:………………… … …………………… 12A7 .; 12B1: . ……………… …… ………… ……… II Old lesson: Ask Ps to give some sentences using passive voice III New lesson: Time Teacher’s activities Pupils’ activities -Ask pupils : when do we use if or when? -How to form a sentence. with or without comer.? Ask to differ from using if or when. I .Use of if and when: Main clause if(when) clause (simple future) (simple present) Note: Main clause can be kept before or after if , when clause . If it comes after, it will have a comer. Ex: If it rains I will stay at home. *Differ from using if or when: - If is used when you are sure Smt is going to happen. 4 Ask Ps to repeat the form of the past continuous tense. When do we use “ the past continuous tense? -Give more examples. -When is used when Smt is going to happen. II. The past continuous tense. (+)S + was /were+ V-ing + O (-) S + was/were + not + V-ing +O (?) Was/ were + S + V-ing + O ? Yes, S + was/ were (No, S + was/were + not) Ex: - When we were having lunch, she came. * There are two forms in using the past continuous tense: - Express an action that was happened in the past. - Two actions that happened in the exact time in the past. -Two actions that happened at the same time ( or more actions). The action that happened ahead is used as the past continuous tense and the others are used as the past simple tense. IV Consolidation Recall what you have learnt. V Homework: Used to. Passive voice Comments: …………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… .…… ……………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………. Date of preparation :……. Date of lecture:……… … lesson 1: Job and career period 4: situations and practices (1) A Aims: - By giving the situations teacher helps pupils to get the information about using gerund in each sentence. - Understand paragraph and can make the questions by given words - Make their reading and speaking better. B Method and aids: - Two pictures of situations - Text book; Explaining; mainly communicative C Process: I I. Organizing the class : 12A4 ; 12A5 …………………… ………………… 12A7 . ; 12B1 . ……… …………… ………………… II Old lesson : in new lesson III New lesson: 5 Time Teacher’s activities Pupils’ activities * T asks some questions: -What’s he doing ? He’s studying. Does he like studying ? - Yes , he does. - Read all the text. - Listen and note. - Skim the main idea. - Give the questions . - Ps work in groups to ask and answer the questions. -Read the text. - Ask P to find new words and guide them to read all words. -Listen and understand the text. - Ask Ps to work in pairs : I Situation and practice 1: I must say that my great passion in like is studying . It has always been . I’d rather do this than any thing else .I don’t mind doing homework and I don’t really like getting up early but I have to because I have lectures at nine. New words: - great passion: niÒm say mª lín nhÊt - would rather + V( infinitive) - mind (v) - enjoy(v): Questions and answers: 1. What is his passion ? His passion is studying. 2. what doesn’t he mind ? He doesn’t mind doing homework. 3. what does he enjoy ? He enjoys listening the lectures 4. what doesn’t he like ? He doesn’t like getting up early. II. Grammar: Gerund 1. Form: Gerund is form by a verb add “ing”. Its function as a noun . 2. U se : 1 .As a subject : Ex: Smoking is harmful. 2. As a complement : Ex: My hobby is watching TV 3. After preposition: Ex: in ,on , by , of By learning heard she can pass the exam. 4. As an object: He likes playing football with his friends. IV Consolidation: Read the situations again V Homework: Prepare exercise 1+2. Comments: …………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… .…… ……………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 6 Date of preparation :……. Date of lecture:……… … lesson 1: Job and career period 5: situations and practices (2) A Aims: - Introduce the using of gerund - Apply these structures in doing exercises. - Make their grammar richer. - Develop skills: speaking and writing. B Method and aids: - Two pictures of situations - Text book; Explaining; mainly communicative C Process: I I. Organizing the class 12A4 ; 12A5 …………………… ………………… 12A7 . ; 12B1 . ……… …………… ………………… II Old lesson : - Ask Ps to read the situation 1 and answer the questions - Use of gerund, give examples III New lesson : Time Teacher’s activities Pupils’ activities - Give introduction to pupils “What is the gerund ? “ and “How to use it ? ” Guide them to give some adjective – phrases with preposition. After PP we use “ ing – verb” - Give some examples. Ask Ps to make questions and answer them Ask ps to work in pairs I. Situations and practice ( part 2): Mrs Kent is out of work but she’s fed up with doing the same thing everyday. She’s interested in going out now and then. She doesn’t enjoy staying at home, looking after the children. She doesn’t mind cooking dinner but she’s bored with washing the dishes. 1.Vocabulary. - be out of work = jobless.(adj) - be fed up with(adj) - be interested in (adj) - be bored with(adj) - housework (n) - do the washing 2.Practice. 1. Who is out of work ? Mrs Kent is out of work 2. What is she fed up with ? She is fed up with doing the same thing. 3. What is she interested in ? She is interested in going out now and then 4. What doesn’t she enjoy ? 7 Ask ps to give examples She doesn’t enjoy staying at home looking after the children. II. Use of gerund ( continue) • After some adj : - To be interested in - To be bored with - To be fed up with - To be fond of - To be afraid of To be excited about, to be good at, to be keen on, to be surprised at, to be proud of, to be pleased at… -Ex : She is afraid of going out in the dark alone. 3 After some certain verbs. a).-love,like, enjoy, dislike, hate,… b). start, begin, stop, end, finish, continue, postpone, c). mind, suggest, practise, prefer, delay, can’t stand, can’t help , keep,recall… -Ex: She keeps reading her speech until 12 o’clock. 4. After some verbs + pre. Apologize for, depend on, give up, … IV Consolidation Today we learn some way of using gerund - Adj + pre : far from, worried about,delighted at, look forward to - Verb + pre : care for, succed in, … V Homework: Make 8 sentences using gerund Comments: …………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… .…… ……………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………. Date of preparation :……. Date of lecture:……… … lesson 1 period 6: exercise 1+2 A Aims: - By reading again situations and practice ,pupils will find out the sentences with “ing-verb” - Help pupils to make sentences by themselves - Help pupils to make their writing skill better. 8 B Method and aids: Text book, workbook. Explaining; mainly communicative. C Process: I Organizing the class 12A4 ; 12A5 .…………………… …………………… 12A . .; 12B1………………… … ……………………… II Old lesson : Ask Ps to write 8 sentences using “Gerund” III New lesson : Time Teacher’s activities Pupils’ activities -Ask pupils to read the situations again. - One by one to find the sentence - Ask Ps to write on the board. Read again. Explaining what are they doing ? - Guide them to make sentences by using the words. - Correct if have any mistakes. - Write on the board. Exercise 1: Look through the situation again and find sentences with an ing-verb: 1.My great passion in like is studying 2.I don’t mind doing homework 3 . I don’t really like getting up early. 4. she’s fed up with doing the same thing everyday. 5. She’s interested in going out now and then. 6. She doesn’t enjoy staying at home, looking after the children. 7. She doesn’t mind cooking dinner but she’s bored with washing the dishes. Exercise 2: Look at these pictures and write sentences with hate , like , don’t mind bored with. 1. Nam is interested in playing football. 2. They enjoy cleaning the class. 3. They hate getting up early. 4. They’re bored with watching the same program everyday. 5. They are interested in listening to music. IV Consolidation Today we learn some ways of using gerund. V Homework: Comments: …………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… .…… ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 9 ……………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………. Date of preparation :……. Date of lecture:……… … lesson 1 period 7: exercise 3+4 A Aims: - Helps pupils to do exercise 3, 4 in the text book . -With the given words pupils can make sentences by themselves. -Pupils have to know how to differ from using “ing” or “ed”. -Make their doing exercise skill better. B Method and aids : Text book, Explaining. mainly communicative. C Process: I Organizing the class : 12A4 ; 12A5 .…………………… …………………… 12A . .; 12B1………………… … ……………………… II Old lesson: Write 5 sentences using Gerund III New lesson: Time Teacher’s activities Pupils’ activities - Make a model and pupils do - Pupils write down on the board. -Write a new sentence with given words. - Explain how to do. - Differ from using adj with “ing” form and adj with “ed” form. Who gives examples? Ask pupils to exercise 4. Exercise 3: 1. She hates cleaning the house. 2. My brother enjoy reading in bed. 3. He likes making new friends. 4. I am tired of going to the long way. 5. I am fed up with asking my mother for money. Exercise 4: Grammar: There are two kinds of participles: present participle and past participle - Participles can be used as adjectives ( before nouns, after to be, and link verbs) + Present participle means active. + Past participle means passive Ex: - This is a tiring work ( active) - He is tired of this work Answers: 1. The film is boring  She’s bored with the film. 2. The long walk is tiring  We are tired of the long walk. 10 [...]... Read the situation 2 and Answer questions - Make up sentences with the comparative Process: Organizing the class: 12A4 ;12A5 12A ..; 12B1. Old lesson: New lesson: Teachers activities Pupils activities I Use of language; - Look through the situations Exercise 1 again and find sentences with * Comparative of adv and adj: comparative of adv and adj : 1 The North can be characterized as more 2 The South... Comments: _ Date of preparation : Date of lecture: Aims: A LESSON TWO: Free time $ 12 SITUATION 2 + PRACTICE - Enrich Ps new words - Introduce situation 2 : describe the stadium - Practise with Gerund - Develop speaking and reading skill B Method and aids: C I Process: Organizing the class: 12A4 ;12A5 12A ..; 12B1 Old lesson: Fill in the gaps : a Hes fond of b Do you like .in... lesson Date of preparation: Date of lecture: A Aims: B Method and aids: C I Process: Organizing the class: 12A4 ;12A5 12A7 ..; 12B1. Old lesson: New lesson: Teachers activities Pupils activities II III Time Consolidation IV Homework: V Comments: lesson 3 Period 22 Date of preparation : Date of lecture A B C Process: 35 I II III Time Organizing the class : How many pupils are... IV Consolidation V Homework: - Read the passage again and answer Ts questions - Do exercise 7,8 Comments: Date of preparation : Date of lecture: A B C I II III Period 18: the 45 minute - test Aims: - Check pupils skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing - Do the objective test Method and aids: Process: Organizing the class: 12A4 ;12A5 12A ..; 12B1. Old lesson: New lesson: Đề bài phô tô phát... _ Date of preparation : Date of lecture: Aims: A LESSON TWO: Free time $ 15 READING PRACTICE 22 - Enrich Ps s new words -Help P to read the text fluently and skim the main ideas -Apply the text to do exercises -Make Ps reading skill better B Method and aids - Explanation and Practice - Textbook and workbook C I Process: Organizing the class: 12A4 ;12A5 12A ..; 12B1 Old lesson: Translate... Date of preparation : Date of lecture: LESSON TWO: Free time $ 16 UNDERSTANDING IDEAS ( Exercise 5,6) A Aims: - Use the given words to make questions about Joan and David - Give more information about the statement that is given - Develop skills: speaking and writing B Method and aids: - Explanation and Practice - Textbook and workbook C I Process: Organizing the class: 12A4 ;12A5 12A ..; 12B1 Old... at home D he /she is busy Do exercise 7,8 Comments: Date of preparation : LESSON TWO: Free time 25 Date of lecture: $ 17 APPLYING IDEAS (Exercise 7,8 ) A Aims: B Method and aids: - Explanation and Practice - Textbook and workbook Process: Organizing the class: 12A4 ;12A5 12A ..; 12B1 Old lesson: In new lesson New lesson: Teachers activities Pupils activities Exercise 7:... information about the given sentences - Make their doing homework skill better B C I II III Time Method and aids: Text book, Explaining mainly communicative Process: Organizing the class : 12A4 ;12A5 12A ..; 12B1 Old lesson: Call P to read the text again New lesson: Teachers activities Pupils activities Exercise 5 - Use suggestions to ask your friends about Tracey Chapman 1 When did her father start working?... doing Date of preparation : Lesson 3 : England Date of lecture: Period 19: situation 1 + practice Aims: A - To read and use the words and phrases in the lesson - Skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing Method and aids: B - Materials: textbooks, chalk, chalkboard, upper books C Process: Organizing the class: 12A4 ;12A5 I 12A ..; 12B1. Old lesson: II Warm- up: ask about... d sky V Homework: - Learn new words and prepare UP ,ex 1 ,2 18 Comments: Date of preparation : Date of lecture: LESSON TWO: Free time $ 13 USE OF LANGUAGE ( Exercise 1, 2.) A Aims: B Method and aids: - Explanation and Practice - Textbook and workbook C I Process: Organizing the class: 12A4 ;12A5 12A ..; 12B1 Old lesson: 1 Read ,translate the text and answer teachers questions 2 Use the suggested . Process: I Organizing the class : 12A4 ;12A5 .………………… ……… …………… 12A . .; 12B1……………… … ……………………… II Old lesson: Call P to read the text again III New. tape C Process: I Organizing the class : 12A4 ;12A5 .………………… ……… …………… 12A . .; 12B1……………… … ……………………… II Old lesson: Fill in the gaps : a. He’s fond

Ngày đăng: 13/06/2013, 01:25

