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PIIONG THIAING MAI QUOC TE (ICC) INCOTERMS® 2010 CAC QUY TAC CUA ICC Vt SC1 DUNG CAC DIEU KIEN THUONG MAI QUOC TE VA NOI ICC RULES FOR THE USE OF DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL TRADE TERMS Co hie'u tut tif 01/01/2011 Entry into force: 01 January 2011 NHA XUAT BAN THONG TIN VA TRUYEN THONG HA NOI - 2010 TRUONG DAI HOC NGOAI THVOING NHUNG NGUOI DICH: - PGS, TS Nauy6n Van I itmg - PGS TS Ngu)6n I boing Anh - TS NguyL Van Thom - ThS Tran Thi Ilong Ngan - ThS Tran Thi Bich Ng9c - ThS Nguyn Thi Khanh ('hi - CN Nguyjni Thi Ilimg Van - CN NguyL Khanh Hang NGU.01 HIEU DINH: GS, TS Hoang Van Chau Pheng Thuang mai QuOc to va truang Dai hoc Ngoai thuong giur ban quyen cam sach Nghiem cam moi hanh vi in 14i, ,sao chep, photo, scan mot phan hay toan bO ma khong duoc phep bang van ban ant PhOng Thuang mai QuOc , va truang Dal hoc Ngoai thuang MUC LUC Ldi gidi thiau cua tru'dng Dai hoc Ngoai thu'dng Ldi not dau Ldi gidi thiau INCOTERMS® 2010 Cac drau kian dOng cho mot hoac nhi seu phu'dng thim van tai 13 EXW 15 FCA 23 CPT 31 CIP 39 DAT 51 DAP 59 DDP 67 Cac eau kian ap dung cho van tai bin va van tai they not FAS 77 FOB 85 CFR 93 CIF 103 LEI GIO"I THIEU Incoterms cua PhOng Thuong mai QuOc to (ICC) la sach gOi dau gitrang cua cac doanh nhan, doanh nghiep khap the giai 10 nam da qua ke Incoterms 2000 co hieu Ire, moi truOng kinh doanh toan call, tap quart thuong mai gate te, van tai, cong nghe thong tin, van de an ninh da co nhieu thay doi Nham dap img yeu cau cua thuong mai gate te va nOi dia cang tang, PhOng Thuong mai Quetc te, vai dOi ngu chuyen gia hang dau linh vt.tc luat phap va thuong mai da soan aid() va xuat ban Incoterms 2010 Duoc phep cua PhOng Thuang mai Quec te, truang Dai hoc Ngoai thuong dich va xuat ban Incoterms 2010 de phuc vo viec giang day va hoc tap tai Truang Ban dich cac 2,iang vien gian2 day cac mOn hoc Giao dich thuong mai quOc to va Thuong mai dien to thuc hien va GS, TS Hoang Van Chau, nguai da hieu dinh Incoterms 2000, hieu dinh Nhimg nguai dich va hieu dinh da co gan2, barn sat can chit' va chuyen sang tieng Viet bang cac thuat ngu de hieu va bin nhat Tuy vay, the:6 gian gap gap, cam sach khon2 the tranh khai sai sot *11 thuat, in an va xuat ban Nha truang mong mue'llt nhan duoc v kien &rig gap cua cac thay co, cac em sinh vien va ban doe de Ian xuat ban sau duoc tot hen Cac y kien dOng gop co the 2,11t•i ye Thu vien truant.; Dai hoc Ngoai thuang, 91 Ph6 Chita Lang Ha NOi, DT: 0438356800 hoac 0904212276, gap anh TrtrOng Dal hoc Ngokti thiro'ng I ncoterms® 2010 Phang Thuting mai Queic to (ICC) La, NOI DAU cua Ong Rajat Gupta, Chu tich ICC Nen kinh to toan cau da ma co hOi to lan ch•a t•ng thay de doanh nghiep tiep can tai cac thi twang khdp not tren the giai Hang hoa &roc ban o nhieu nuac vai so luong cang va chung loaf da clang hon Khi khoi luang va tinh phirc tap dm buOn ban quoc to tang len, va neu hop don mua ban hang hod khOng duot soan thao mot cach k9 lu'ang thi kha nang clan den sp hieu nham va tranh chap ton kern ding tang len Incoterms®, quy tae chinh thirc ciia ICC ye viec sir dung cac dieu kien thuong mai nuac , va quOc tao dieu kien cho thuang mai que)c to phat trien Vic dan chieu Incoterms® 2010 hop (long mua ban hang hod se phan dinh rO rang nghia vu Mang Ung cua cac ben va lam giam nguy co rac roi ve mat phap ly Ke to Incoterms® duoc ICC soan thao nam 1936, chuan m•c ve hop clOng mang tinh toan cau thuaTig xuyen duoc cap nhat de bat kip vai nhip phat trien cua thuong mai cluck te Incoterms® 2010 co tinh den su xuat hien cang nhieu khu vuc mien thu tuc hai quan, viec su dung thong., tin lien lac bang dien tir kinh doanh cang tang, mOi quan tam cao ve an ninh luu chuyen hang hod va ca nhang thay ctoi ve tap quan van tai Incotermsg 2010 cap nhat va gom nhurng dieu kien "giao hang tai not den", giam so dieu kien th•ong mai tir 13 xuong 11, trinh bay not dung mot cach don gian va rO rang hon Incoterms® 2010 cung la ban dieu kien thuong mai dau den de cap toi ca nguai mua va narai ban mot cach hoar' toan Binh clang Kien thirc uyen tham cua Uy ban Luat va Tap quan Thuang mai cua ICC ma vien den tir nhieu nu& tren the gioi va hoat dOng tat ca cac linh vine th•ong mai, dam bao Incoterms® 2010 se clap im g duoc nhu cau cua doanh nghiep khdp non ICC bay to long biet on clOi voi cac vien cua Uy ban Luat va Tap quan Thuong mai ngai Fabio Bortolotti (Italia) lam Chu tich, dOi v•i nhOm Soan thao bao gam ngai Charles Debattista (Dong Chu tich - Anh) va wadi Christoph Martin Radtke (DOng ChO tich Phap); va cac ngai Jens Bredow (Dirc), Johnny Herre (Thuy Dien), David Lowe (Anh), Lauri Railas (Phan Lan), Frank Reynolds (M9), va Miroslav Subert (Cang hoa Sec), Asko Raty (Phan Lan) vi da cung cap nhirng hinh anh minh hoa cho 11 dieu kien Incoterms® 2010 PhOng thu'ong mai Qui5c to (ICC) LtYI Glo'l THIEU Dieu kien Incoterms giai thich nhang lieu kien thuong mai duvc viet tat bang ba chit cai, the hien tap quan giao dich glint cac doanh nghiep cac hop gong mua ban hang h6a Dieu kien Incoterms chu yeti me to cac nghia vu, chi phi va rui ro qua trinh hang hea duec giao tix mural ban sang nguei mua Cach sii dung Incoterms ® 2010 DAn chie'u cac dieu kien Incoterms ® 2010 vao hap dOng mua ban hang tit:5a Neu ban men ap dung cac quy tac Incoterms 2010 vao hop deng mua ban hang hoa thi phai lam ro dieu trong, hop deine bang each dime cac ngir, nhu: "[Dieu kien aurae chcm, tC!,7 Incoterms ',1•( 20 10] - Lu'a chon dieu kien Incoterms phO hgp Dieu kien Incoterms duvc chon phai phO hop vai hang haa, phuani2 ti(sn van tai va quan hon ca la phai xem cac hen co dinh dat cho nguai mua hoac nguei ban cac nghia be sung, vi nhu nghia vu to chirc van tai va mua bao hiem Huang dan sir dung tiling dieu kien Incoterms cung cap nhimg thong tin dac biet hal ich cho viec Iva cher) cac dieu kien Do chon ()lieu kien Incoterms nao, cac ben van can biet rang viec giai thich hop &Ong chi phoi manh me hon tap quail rieng cua timg cang hoac tiling dig phuong CO lien quan Quy dinh nail ho4c cang cang chinh xac cang tot Dieu kien Incoterms duec lua chon chi phat buy hieu bre cac ben chi dinh met nai hoac met cang, va se la tai tru neu cac ben quv dinh chinh xac nai hoac cang Chang han can quy dinh nhu: "FCA 38 Cours Albert 1er, Paris, France Incoterms ® 2010" Theo cac dieu kien nhu: Giao tai xuang (EXW), , Giao cho nguei chuyen cha (FCA), Giao tai ben (DAT), Giao tai nai den (DAP), Giao hang da nap thue (DDP), Giao dec man tau (FAS), Giao len tau (FOB), thi not duec chi dinh la nai din viec giao hang va la nai riai ro chuyen tilt tiguai ban sang nguai mua Theo cac dieu kien: Cu& phi tra tai (CPT) Cuac phi va ,bao hiem tra (CIP), Tien hang va wet phi (CFR), -lien hang, bao him va cu & phi (CIF), thi dia diem duvc chi dint) khac vai Incoterms® 2010 Phong Thacng mai Qu6c to (ICC) nai giao hang Theo bOn dieu kien nay, noi , duoc chi dinh la mai den ma cudc phi duoc tra Viec ghi noi hoac dich den co the duoc ea the hda han bang each quy dinh mot dia diem ea the tai not hoac dich den d6 nharn tranh sir nghi ng6 hoac tranh chap Can nhev rang cac diet, kien Incoterms khong lam cho hoop dong day du Incoterms da chi CO ben nao hop dOng mua ban co nghia va thue phaung tien van tai hoac mua bao hiem, nao riguai ban giao hang cho nguOi mua va chi phi nao mai ben phai chiu Song, Incoterms khOng nOi gi tai mac gia , phai tra hay phuong thac toan DOng thdi, Incoterms hau ding khong de' cap tai sir chuyen giao quyen ,s6 him ve hang hda pham hop done Nhang van de thadng duoc quy dinh qua dm cac dieu khodn , khac cua hop dong hoac trong, luat dieu chinh hop Cac ben nen bit rang luat dia phuong throe ap ,dung co the lam mat hieu lac bat kS/ not dung nao cua hop dOng, ca dieu kien Incoterms da duoc chon Mot so d4c diem cua Incoterms ® 2010 Hai dieu kien mdi— DAT va DAP — thay the cac dieu kien DAF, DES, DEQ, DDU 2010 da giam to 13 xu6ng, 11 CO chive SO dieu kien Incoterms dieu la nhd viec thay the bon dieu kien cii trong, Incoterms 2000 (DAF, DES, DEQ, DDU) bang hai dieu kien mai CO the sa dung cho rnoi phuong thac van tai la DAT — Giao hang tai ben va DAP — Giao tai nal den Theo ca hai dieu kien mai nay, viec giao hang dien tai mot dich den duoc chi dinh: theo DAT, hang hOa duoc dat dadi str dinh doat cua rigadi mua, da khOi phuong tien van tai (giOng dieu kien DEQ truOc day); theo DAP, ding, nhu vay, hang hea (lave dat dadi sa dinh doat cua ngadi mua, nhung san sang de d O- khdi phuong tien van tai (giOng cac dieu kien DAF, DES, DDU trade day) Cac dieu kien m6i da lam cho hai dieu kien di DES va DEQ Incoterms 2000 tr6 nen thaa Ben dude chi dinh dieu kien DAT CO the la mot cang Men, va dO dieu kien co the dang, de thay the dieu kien DEQ Incoterms 2000 Taang, ta, phuang, tien van tai dieu kien DAP c6 the la tau bin va noi den duoc chi dinh co the la mOt can Men; do dieu kien c6 the dung, de thay the dieu kien DES trong, Incoterms 2000 Cac dieu kien mai nay, giong nhu' cac dieu kien track day, deu la cac dieu kien "giao tai not den", theo d6 nga6i ban chiu moi chi phi (tra cac chi phi lien quan tai thu tac thong quan nhap kith, n6u co) va rai ro qua tranh dua hang t6i nai den duoc chi dinh incoterms® 2010 PhOng thu'ang mai Quoc to (ICC) Phan Ioai 11 di6u kien Incoterms ® 2010 11 dieu kien Incoten -ns ® 2010 duoc chia hai nhem rieng biet: CAC DIEU KIEN AP DUNG CHO MOI PHU'O'NG THCPC VAN TAI: EXW: Giao tai xtr•ng FCA: Giao cho ngtrei chuyen the CPT: Cu& phi tra tai CIP: Cu& phi va bao hiem tra toi DAT: Giao tai ben DAP: Giao tai nol den DDP: Giao hang da nep thue CAC DIEU KIEN AP DUNG CHO VAN TAI DlAYNG BIEN VA DUtYNG THUY NOI FAS: Giao doc man tau FOB: Giao len tau CFR: Tien hang va mac phi CIF: Tien hang, bao hiem va cu ac phi Nhem thir nhat gem bay dieu kien ce the sir dung ma khang phu thuec vao phuong thirc van tai lua chon va ding khong phy thuec vao viec sir citing met hay nhieu phtrang thirc van tai Nhem na n, gem cac dieu Lien EXW, FCA, CPT, CIP, DAT, DAP, DDP ChOng, co the duo c diing hoar' toan khong co van tai bien Tuy vay, nen nhe rang cac dieu kien dn., co the duoc six dung net phan chang &rem! dirge teen hanh bang tau Nen Trong nhem hai, dia diem giao hang va not hang hea dirge chin tm ngubi mua dear , la cang Nen, vi the chUng duoc xep vao nhem cac dieu kien "dtrang bin va du eng thiiy nei Nhem gem cac diet' kien FAS, FOB, CFR va CIF O ba dieu kien sau cimg, moi cach de cap tei Ian can tau nhu met diem giao hang da bi loci be Thy vao de, hang Ilea xem nhu da duoc giao eking da due c "xep len tau - Dieu phan anh sat hon thtrc tin thuong mai hien (Jai va :Oa di hinh anh da kha 16i thbi ve viec nil ro di chuyen qua met ranh (jai ttrang arang Incoterms® 2010 Phong Thuang mai Odic to (ICC) Cac dieu kien thing cho thu'o'ng mai quoc t6 va not dia Theo truyen th6ng, cac dieu kien Incoterms thuong duoc sir dung cac hop, dong mua ban cluck te, CO sir di chuyen cua hang h6a qua bien (jai quoc gia Tuy vay, tai nhieu noi tren the gidi, su phat trien cua cac khoi thuong mai, nhu Lien minh chau Au da khien cac thU tuc tai bien giOi giaa cac quOc gia khong quan nib Do d6, tieu de phu cua Incoterms ® 2010 da chinh thirc khang Binh chung co the duoc dung cho ca cac hop ciong mua ban quoc to va not dia Vi ly nay, cac dieu kien Incoterms ® 2010 da nei re)" tai nhieu noi rang nghia vt.,1 thOnt quan xuat khau/nhap khau chi ton tai co ap dung CO hai lv khien ICC tin tudng hiving, di la hop ly Thir nhat, cac thuong nhan thuong sir dung cac dieu kien Incoterms cac hop dOng mua ban not dia Thir hai, thuong mai not dia cac among nhan W.• thich dung_ cac ‘kien , Incoterms la cac dieu kien giao hang luat Thuong mai Thong., nhat (UCC) Hutong dan sir dung Truck m6i dieu kien Incoterms se co mot Iludng an su dung I-ludng din sir , dung giai thich nhang van de co ban , cua m6i dieu kien Incoterms, chang han nhu: nao thi nen dung diet] kien nay, nao rid ro duoc chuyen giao va chi phi duoc phan chic giaa ng,u6i mua va ngu6i ban nhu the nao Hung an sir dung khong phai la mot b6 phan cua cac (lieu kien Incoterms 2010 ma nham aidp su dung Iva chon m6t cach chinh xac va hieu qua dieu kien Incoterms thich hop cho ttrng giao dich cy the Trao doi thong tin bAng dien tiv Cac phien ban Incoterms truac da chi r6 nhang chtimg to co the diryc thay the bang thong diep da lieu dien td vay, aid day cac muc A /B1 cua Incoterms ® 2010 cho phep cac trao dOi thom2, tin bang dien to co hieu luc,tuang duang viec trao doi thOng tin bane giay, mien la duoc cac ben dOng y hoac theo tap quail Cach quy dinh se tao dieu kien cho su Oat trien cua cac giao dich dien to m6i suot th6i gian Incoterms 2010 co hieu Luc Bao hiem Incoterms O 2010 la phien ban dial kien thuung mai dau tien ke tur Ccic dieu kien bcio hiem hang hoc' duce sua dOi va da tinh den nhang su thay dOi cua cac dieu kien Incoterms ® 2010 dua nghia ykt ve thong ,tin quan tai bac) , hiem cac muc A3/B3, muc quy dinh ye hop dong van tai va bao hiem Nhang dieu khoan duoc chuyen tir cac muc A 0/B10 Incoterms 2000 von duoc quy dinh cluing chung hon NaOn tur lien quan tdi bac, hiem cac muc A3/B3 ding da diroc hieu chinh nham lam r6 nghia vu cua cac ben ve van de Incoterms® 2010 PhOng thu'ong mai Quoc to (ICC) Thu tuc an ninh va cac thong tin can thio't d6 lam th6 tuc Hien nay, mOi quan tarn ve an ninh qua trinh van tai hang hOa cang gia tang, doi h6i phai co bang chung xac nhan hang, 116a khonggay nguy hiem cho ngt.r6i hoac tai salt vi bat cu' ly gi tilr ban chat to nhien cua hang, h6a Do do, Incoterms CR) 2010, cac nu ► c A2/B2 va A101,310 cua nhieu Chat kien dã phan , chia nghia giira ngtr6i mua va ngtrOi ban ve viec tip nhan su tro de lam 010 tuc an ninh, nhu la thOng tin ve quy trinh nom, bao quan hang hoa Phi x6p da tai bon bai (THC) Theo cac dieu kien CPT, CIP, CFR, CIF, DAT, DAP va DDP, ngtrOi ban phai to chk viec van chuyen hang h6a , t61 not den theo thoa thuan DO ngu'o'i ban tra cu.O c phi nhung than chatgu6i mua mOi la it.,1t.6i chiu cu & phi vi chi phi thtrOng da bao tong gia ban Chi phi van tai dOi bao gOm ca chi phi xep va di chuyen hang 116a cang hoac ben container va ngt.r6i chuyen ch6 hoac ngu6i dieu harsh ben bai co the buOc ngt.r6i mua tra chi phi nhan hang "Prong nhimg truOng hop nhu vay, ngu6i mua khOng muOn phai tra cOng mot khoan chi phi tai hai mot Ian tra cho nga6i ban duOi clang mot phan tong gia hang va mot Ian tra dOc lap cho ngu 6i chuyen chOhoac ngtr6i dieu hanh ben bai Incoterms Elk 2010 da CO gang khac phuc dieu bang each phan chia rO rang cac chi phi tai muc A6/136 cua cac dieu kien ke trClt Ban hang theo chu6i Hang nguyen lieu Sing nhat, khac vOi hang hOa the bien, thu6ng throe ban nhieu Ian qua trinh van chuyen theo mot "chu61' Khi dieu din ra, ngtr6i ban 6' giira chu6i khong phai la ngu'Oi - gui - (ship) hang vi chung da throe gdi b6i ngtrOi ban dau tien chu6i NgtrOi ban giira chu6i, do, thuc hien nghia vu ctia niinh dOi vOi ngtayi mua khOng phai bang viec giri hang ma bang viec "mua" hang Ilea du'oc Nham muc dick lam rO van de Incoterms ® 2010 dila them nghia vu "mua hang da g,tri" nhu mot phuong an thav the cho nghia vu giri hang cac quy tac Incoterms thich hop Cac bien the cua Incoterms Doi cac ben muon tha\ dai dieu kien Incoterms Incoterms (ii) 2010 khOng cam sir than doi nhu vay vi co the gap rui ro , lam viec De tranh nhagruikhOng ‘ro khOnmong mong doi cac ben can lam rO nhirng tha n dOi hop Mtg Vi du neu sir phan chia chi phi theo cac dieu kien Incoterms ® 2010 dirge st:ra doi hop dung, cac ben ding nen lam rO lieu ho co !Tilton that' doi diem chuyen giao rui ro tir nga6i ban sang ngtr6i mua hay kill:51-1g 10 Incoterms® 2010 International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) 218 Incoterms® 2010 International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) CIF COST INSURANCE AND FREIGHT CIF (insert named port of destination) Incoterms® 2010 IDFLIVERY L -.7:C=C721=7,T.L77=Z;a:: 11111111WOMMINIEIMEINE=C12== -=;1, GUIDANCE NOTE This rule is to be used only for sea or inland waterway transport "Cost, Insurance and Freight" means that the seller delivers the goods on board the vessel or procures the goods already so delivered The risk of loss of or damage to the goods passes when the goods are on board the vessel The seller must contract for and pay the costs and freight necessary to bring the goods to the named port of destination The seller also contracts for insurance cover against the buyer `s risk of loss of or damage to the goods during the carriage The buyer should note that under CIF the seller is required to obtain insurance only on minimum cover Should the buyer wish to have more insurance protection, it will need either to agree as much expressly with the seller or to make its own extra insurance arrangements When CPT, CIP, CFR, or CIF are used, the seller fulfils its obligation to deliver when it hands the goods over to the carrier in the manner specified in the chosen rule and not when the goods reach the place of destination This rule has two critical points, because risk passes and costs are transferred at different places While the contract will always specify a destination port, it might not specify the port of shipment, which is where risk passes to the buyer If the shipment port is of particular interest to the buyer, the parties are well advised to identify it as precisely as possible in the contract The parties are well advised to identify as precisely as possible the point at the agreed port of destination, as the costs to that point are for the account of the seller The seller is advised to procure contracts of carriage that match this choice precisely If the seller incurs costs under its contract of carriage related to unloading at the specified point at the port of destination, the seller is not entitled to recover such costs from the buyer unless otherwise agreed between the parties Incoterms® 2010 219 International Chamber of Commerce (ICC; The seller is required either to deliver the goods on board the vessel or to procure goods already so delivered for shipment to the destination In addition the seller is required either to make a contract of carriage or to procure such a contract The reference to - procure ' here caters for multiple sales down a chain („'strin ,,, sales') particularly common in the commodity trades CIF may not be appropriate where goods are handed over to the carrier before they are on board the vessel, for example goods in containers, which are typically delivered at a terminal In such circumstances, the CIP rule should be used CIF requires the seller to clear the goods for export, where applicable However, the seller has no obligation to clear the goods for import„ pay any import duty or carry out any import customs formalities 220 I ncoterms® 2010 International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) incoterms® 2010 221 International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) A THE SELLER'S OBLIGATIONS Al General obligations of the seller The seller must provide the goods and the commercial invoice in conformity with the contract of sale and any other evidence of conformity that may be required by the contract Any document referred to in A 1-A10 may be an equivalent electronic record or procedure if agreed between the parties or customary A2 Licences, authorizations, security clearances and other formalities Where applicable the seller must obtain, at its own risk and expense, any export licence or other official authorization and carry out all customs formalities necessary for the export of the goods 222 Incoterms® 2010 International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) B THE BUYER'S OBLIGATIONS B1 General obligations of the buyer The buyer must pay the price of the goods as provided in the contract of sale Any document referred to in B 1-B10 may be an equivalent electronic record or procedure if agreed between the parties or customary B2 Licences, authorizations, security clearances and formalities Where applicable, it is up to the buyer to obtain, at its own risk and expense, any import licence or other official authorization and carry out all customs formalities for the import of the goods and for their transport through any country Incoterms® 2010 223 International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) A3 Contracts of carriage and insurance a) Contract of carriage The seller must contract or procure a contract for the carriage of the goods from the agreed point of delivers if an n., at the place of delivery to the named port of destination or if agreed any point at that port ftc contract Of carriage must be made on usual terms at the seller's expense and provide for carriage 1)‘) the usual r(tute in a vessel of the type normally used for the transport of the type of goods sold b) Contract of insurance seller must obtain, at its own expense, cargo insurance compi n: Mg at least with the minimum cover provided by Clauses (C) of the Institute Cargo Clauses (1.N1A d UA ) or any similar clauses I he IIISUrailCC shu I he COritraCtCd with underwriters or an insurance coin pars of good repute and entitle the buyer, or any other person having an insurable intei eat a the goods, to claim direct! \ from the to ',irrer When required H ihc our %'r the seller shall sublect to the bus er nros idirng any ri.xess.dn, information requested t -rn the seller, pro\ade at the bri n., et' s cx pence ntis additional cover, if procurable such as covet as provided b\ Clauses ; A) or (13) of the in,Jitute Clauses t1MAJLA si dis similar clauses and or cover coinpls ing ss ith the Institute War (1 auses and , or Institute trkcs Clauses (.[MA ILA.) or aifl suarclauses, The insurance shad covcr at as minimum, the price provided in the contract plus I (°', ci Wrii) and shall be in the currency or the c nit rate iihe insurance shall cover the goods from the point of delivery set out in At) and Af'i to riL least the named port of (lest Mahon, i'he seller must provide the buyer with the insurance polics or other evidence of insurance cover Moreover, the seller insist provide the buyer, at the bu n er's request, risk, and expense (if atrn,), with information that the fiti).er needs to procure any additional insurance A4 Delivery The seller must deliver the goods either by placing them on board the vessel or by procuring the goods so delivered In either case, the seller must deliver the goods on the agreed date or within the agreed period and in the manner customary at the port 224 Incoterms® 2010 International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) B3 Contracts of carriage and insurance a) Contract of carriage The buyer has no obligation to the seller to make a contract of carriage b) Contract of insurance The buyer has no obligation to the seller to make a contract of insurance However, the buyer must provide the seller, upon request, with any information necessary for the seller to procure any additional insurance requested by the buyer as envisaged in A3 b ) B4 Taking delivery The buyer must take delivery of the goods when they have been delivered as envisaged in A4 and receive them from the carrier at the named port of destination Incoterms® 2010 225 International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) A5 Transfer of risks The seller bears all risks of loss of or damage to the goods until they have been delivered in accordance with A4, with the exception of loss or damage in the circumstances described in B5 A6 Allocation of costs The seller must pay a) all costs relating to the goods until they have been delivered in accordance with A4 other than those payable by the buyer as envisaged in B6: b) the freight and all other costs resulting from A3 a), including the costs of loading the goods on board and any charges for unloading at the agreed port of discharge that were for the seller's account under the contract of carriage; c) the costs of insurance resulting from A3 b); and d) where applicable, the costs of customs formalities necessar), for export, as well as all duties, taxes and other charges payable upon export, and the costs for their transport through any country that were for the seller's account under the contract of carriage 226 Incoterms® 2010 International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) B5 Transfer of risks The buyer bears all risks of loss of or damage to the goods from the time they have been delivered as envisaged in A4 If the buyer fails to give notice in accordance with B7, then it bears all risks of loss of or damage to the goods from the agreed date or the expiry date of the agreed period for shipment, provided that the goods have been clearly identified as the contract goods B6 Allocation of costs The buyer must, subject to the provisions of A3 a), pay a) all costs relating to the goods from the time they have been delivered as envisaged in A4, except, where applicable, the costs of customs formalities necessary for export, as well as all duties, taxes and other charges payable upon export as referred to in A6 d); b) all costs and charges relating to the goods while in transit until their arrival at the port of destination, unless such costs and charges were for the seller's account under the contract of carriage; c) unloading costs including lighterage and wharfage charges, unless such costs and charges were for the seller's account under the contract of carriage; d) any additional costs incurred if it fails to give notice in accordance with B7, from the agreed date or the expiry date of the agreed period for shipment, provided that the goods have been clearly identified as the contract goods; e) where applicable, all duties, taxes and other charges, as well as the costs of carrying out customs formalities payable upon import of the goods and the costs for their transport through any country, unless included within the cost of the contract of carriage; and f) the costs of any additional insurance procured at the buyer's request under A3 b) and B3 b) Incoterms® 2010 227 International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) A7 Notices to the buyer The seller must give the buyer any notice needed in order to allow the buyer to take measures that are normally necessary to enable the buyer to take the goods A8 Delivery document The seller must, at its own expense provide the buyer without delay with the usual transport document for the agreed port of destination This transport document must cover the contract goods, be dated within the period agreed for shipment, enable the buyer to claim the goods from the carrier at the port of destination and, unless otherwise agreed, enable the buyer to sell the goods in transit by the transfer of the document to a subsequent buyer or by notification to the carrier When such a transport document is issued in negotiable form and in several originals, a ftill set of originals must be presented to the buyer A9 Checking - packaging - marking The seller must pay the costs of those checking operations (such as checking quality, measuring, weighing, counting) that are necessary for the purpose of delivering the goods in accordance with A4, as well as the costs of any pre-shipment inspection mandated by the authority of the country of export The seller must, at its own expense, package the goods, unless it is usual for the particular trade to transport the type of goods sold unpackaged The seller may package the goods in the manner appropriate for their transport, unless the buyer has notified the seller of specific packaging requirements before the contract of sale is concluded Packaging is to be marked appropriately 228 Incoterms® 2010 International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) B7 Notices to the seller The buyer must, whenever it is entitled to determine the time for shipping the goods and/or the point of receiving the goods within the named port of destination, give the seller sufficient notice thereof B8 Proof of delivery The buyer must accept the transport document provided as envisaged in A8 if it is in conformity with the contract B9 Inspection of goods The buyer must pay the costs of any mandatory pre-shipment inspection, except when such inspection is mandated by the authorities of the country of export Incoterms® 2010 229 International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) A10 Assistance with information and related costs The seller must, where applicable, in a timely manner, provide to or render assistance in obtaining for the buyer at the buyer's request risk and expense, any documents and information, including security-related information, that the buyer needs for the import of the goods and/or for their transport to the final destination The seller must reimburse the buyer for all costs and charges incurred by the buyer in providing or rendering assistance in obtaining documents and information as envisaged in B10 230 Incoterms® 2010 International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) B10 Assistance with information and related costs The buyer must, in a timely manner, advise the seller of any security information requirements so that the seller may comply with A 10 The buyer must reimburse the seller for all costs and charges incurred by the seller in providing or rendering assistance in obtaining documents and information as envisaged in A 10 The buyer must, where applicable, in a timely manner, provide to or render assistance in obtaining for the seller, at the seller's request risk and expense, any documents and information, including security-related information, that the seller needs for the transport and export of the goods and for their transport through any country Incoterms® 2010 231 INCOTERMS ® 2010 QUY TAC CUA ICC vt stif DUNG CAC DIEU KIEN THCONG MAI QUOC TE VA NOI DIA ICC RULES FOR THE USE OF DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL TRADE TERMS Chiu trach nhiern xuat ban NGUYEN THI THU HA Chiu trach nhiem not dung TRUONG DAI HOC NGOAI THUONG Bien tap va si:ra ban in: PHAM VAN GIAP NGUYEN MANH HOANG Trinh bay: IRAN HONG MINI I Trinh bay bia: NHA XUAT BAN THONG TIN VA TRUYEN THONG 11110.000 cu6n, kh613,5x24cm,tai Cang, tyTNI-11 - 113ao hi In Hai Nam S6 clang ky kc hoach xual ban s(: 1030 2010/CX13/1 7781ITIT S6 quy't Binh xita-1 ban s6: 306/QD-NX13 Ti & Ti 09/11/2010 In xong vii nOp Inn chiC:s.0 thing I I 11 a Ill 2010 [...]... chuyen Incoterms0 2010 Phong thu'o'ng mai Qu6c t6 (ICC) 3 Viec sap xep hang he a có bao bi trong container hoc trong cac phtrang tien van tai khac Trong Incoterms ® 2010, dOng, gOi mang ca hai y nghia thir nhat va thir hai not tren Cac (lieu kien Incoterms ® 2010 khang de cap ufri nghia vu dOna itOi hang hOa trong container va vi the, khi can cac ben nen qu' dinh dial nay trong hop (long mua ban 12 Incoterms ... can cac ben nen qu' dinh dial nay trong hop (long mua ban 12 Incoterms 2010 PhOng Thuong mai Quoc to (ICC) CAC DIEU KIEN DUNG CHO MOT HOAC NHIEU PHUO'NG THO'C VAN TAI Incoterms0 2010 13 Phong thu'ang mai Quac 16 (ICC) 14 I ncoterms0 2010 Phong Thu'cing mai Qu6c to (ICC) EXW GIAO TAI XlfONG EXW "en cha diem giao hang) Incoterms ® 2010 DELIVERY HilfONG DAN SC DUNG Dieu kien nay co the sir dung cho moi... cho nguai ban tat ca chi phi va le; phi ma nguiyi ban da chi de lay duvc nhang chdng to va thOng tin theo muc A10 Incoterms 2010 21 Phong thu'cing mai Quoc to (ICC) 22 incoterms 2010 Ph6ng Thu'Ong mai Qu6c to (ICC) FCA GAO CHO NGU'O'l CHUYEN CHO' FCA (ten dia diem giao hang) Incoterms i® 2010 DELIVERY 4 FRIONG DAN SID DUNG dung cho moi phuong thdc van tai va co the sir Dieu kien nay co the dung khi... chtrng tir va thong tin ke ca thong tin an ninh ma nguai ban can de van tai, xuat khau hang haa va qua canh qua nu& khac Incoterms 2010 29 PhOng thu'ong mai Quoc to (ICC) 30 Incoterms0 2010 Phong Thu'ong mai Queic to (ICC) CPT cubc PHI TRA TO'l CPT (nal den quy dinh) Incoterms 2010 al :- 1 1 VERY HU'ONG DAN St) DUNG Dieu kien nay c6 the su dung cho moi phuong thirc van tai va co the sit dung khi... (ICC) Dia vi phap ly cua phan gi6•1 thiu Phan gi6i thieu nay dua ra cac thong tin chung ve viec stir dung va giai thich cac dieu kien Incoterms ® 2010 nhung khong phai la mot phan cua cac diet' kien nay Giai thich thuat ngc• trong lncoterms ® 2010 Cling gi6ng nhu trong Incoterms 2000, cac nghia vu cua ngubi mua va ngu6i ban duoc trinh bay theo phuung phap doi chieu Nghia vu cua nar•i ban duoc the hien... nguoi ban hay ngu•i mua chi dinh vi mot muc dich cu the Lei van dung, trong Incoterms ® 2010 ban than no da co the to the hien duoc Tuy \Jay, de ho tro ngu 6i sn dung, phan giai thich sau day se dua ra chi dan ye y nghia cua cac thuat ng,Cr duoc stir dung xuyen snot trong tai lieu nay: chuyen ch•: Nham muc dich cua lncoterms ® 2010, ng,n•i chuyen ch6 la mot ben ma v6i ngt.r•i dO viec van chuyen duoc... thuang mai nhung, trong lncoterms ® 2010, no duoc su dting de chi dia diem tai dO rui ro ye viec hang h6a bi mat mat hoac hu hOng, duoc chuyen giao to ngu'Oi ban sang ngtrO• mua Chti ng ti• giao hang: Cum tir nay hien nay duoc su dung lam tiou de cho muc A8 NO co nghia la not ch•ng to duoc stir dung de chung minh cho viec giao hang Theo nhieu dieu kien cua Incoterms ER) 2010, cl uing till • tit van tai... hop donor_ van tai b) Hop d6ng bao hiem Ngu•i muakhong co nghia vu dOi vcri nv u•i ban ve ky ket hop done, bao hiem B4 NhOn hang Ngirei mua phai nhan hang khi hang da &roc giao theo muc A4 va A7 Incoterms 2010 17 Phong thu'ong rnai Quac to (ICC) A5 Chuy6n rui ro mat mat hoac hu hOng cilia hang ro Ngubi ban phai chiu tat ca hOa cho den khi hang hOa clucyc giao theo dieu A4 trilr trueng hop mat mat... nhan hang tai dia diem da thOa thu5n, thong bao kip th6i cho ngu.O.i ban ve viec do B8 BAng chipng cua viec giao hang Ngued mua phai cung cap cho ngu6i ban bang chimg thich hop ve viec d5 nh5n hang Incoterms 2010 19 Ph6ng thong mai A9 Qu6c t6 (ICC) Ki6m tra — flung goi, bao bi — K9 ma hieu Ngu.O.i ban phai tra cac chi phi ve viec kiem tra (nhu• kiem tra chat h•ong, can, do, d6m) can thi6t de giao hang... mua chiu ro va phi ton, phai giitp mua de lAy chirng ti) va thong tin ke ca thong tin an ninh ma nguOi • mua ,can can xuat khau valhoac nhap khau hang h6a va/hoac van tai den dia diem cu6i ding 20 Incoterms 2010 Ph6ng Thu'ong mai Qu6c to (ICC) B9 Kim tra hang hoa Nguiyi mua phai tra cac phi ton cho bat ky vie‘c kiem tra bat buOc nao truOt khi gUi hang, ke ca vie‘c kiem tra theo yeu cau ata cac quan