Melt temperature, injection pressure and speed, holding pressures and time, mold-ing temperature, and demoldmold-ing temperature contrib-ute to successful molding conditions.. The higher
Trang 1Process variables cause significant mold
shrink-age and warpshrink-age effects Melt temperature, injection
pressure and speed, holding pressures and time,
mold-ing temperature, and demoldmold-ing temperature
contrib-ute to successful molding conditions As is a recurrent
theme in this book, the effects of these process
vari-ables are interactive not only with each other but also
with materials, part design, and mold design variables
The processing of plastics takes place under specific
molding conditions set by the particular variables A
framework for understanding the molding conditions
and process variables that most affect shrinkage and
warpage are examined in depth in this chapter
Plastic materials have positive coefficients of
ther-mal expansion and are compressible in the molten state
As a result, the volume that a given mass of material
occupies will change with both temperature and
pres-sure Some general molding-condition considerations
are applicable to volume change:
1 The lowest possible plastic melt-temperature
that permits good molded parts will tend to
produce less shrinkage The smaller the
tem-perature range between the molten plastic as it
enters the mold and room temperature, the
smaller the amount of thermal contraction and
the less time available for crystallization
2 Because plastic is compressible, the amount
of holding pressure (after the cavity is filled)
affects the shrinkage of the plastic part Note
that the duration and effectiveness of packing
is dependent, to a great extent, on the size and
design of the gate and the runner system After
the gate or runner freezes, no further benefit
can be gained by continued application of
pack-ing pressure The higher the pressure in the
cavity when the gate freezes, the greater the
mass of plastic that is trapped in the mold and
the lower the total shrink of the molded part
Higher packing and holding pressures
gener-ally lead to a global reduction in mold
shrink-age, while lower pressures increase shrinkage
Unfortunately, pressures in the cavity vary
from a maximum at the gate to a minimum at
the end of the flow, due to melt compressibil-ity and viscoscompressibil-ity The pressure differential over the length of the cavity can be very signifi-cant, particularly for longer flow lengths or thinner-walled parts This pressure-history dif-ferential, which occurs over the course of the cycle, results in mold shrinkage values that tend
to be greater towards the end of the cavity com-pared to shrinkage closer to the gate area Dif-ferential mold-shrinkage due to cavity-pressure history differences can also lead to dimensional distortion or warpage of the molding
3 Longer holding times during the cooling por-tion of the cycle cause the plastic to stretch a little in the mold, thus reducing apparent shrinkage The core or other details of the mold restrain shrinkage as long as the part is trapped
in the mold This causes the plastic part to stretch and yield somewhat when the molding cycles are long The mold itself acts as a cool-ing fixture
4 Hot molds increase mold shrinkage but reduce post-mold shrinkage Cold molds have the op-posite effect Cold molds (cooling the plastic
as rapidly as possible) reduce shrinkage, es-pecially when molding crystalline materials However, they do freeze-in some stresses that may be relieved later with time and exposure
to elevated temperature Within some limits, a semicrystalline plastic will try to crystallize further, especially if it is exposed to elevated temperatures
5 Semicrystalline thermoplastics are particularly influenced by the cooling rate The polymer chains in the melt are in a disorganized state (from a crystallization standpoint), and
in solidification they form a dense structure With increasing crystallinity, the density and the shrinkage of the structure increases
6 Extra cooling is required on core pins and in-side corners of plastic parts to encourage the plastic to cool evenly Core pins and external corners of mold cores have more surface area exposed to heat per unit volume than other areas of the mold This causes greater heat loads on core pins and external corners of mold cores
Trang 27 Where accurate parts are necessary, a
mold-ing machine in top-notch shape with
well-cali-brated temperature and pressure controls will
give the most consistent parts
The effects of various changes in molding condi-tions on molded parts are organized into a series of
graphs labelled (a) through (o) in Fig 6.1.[31]
Figure 6.1 Injection-molding machine settings can affect properties of thermoplastics.[31] (Reprinted by permission of Hanser-Gardner.)
Trang 3Graph (a) illustrates the effect on molecular
orien-tation in response to changes in several other variables
As mold temperature or cavity thickness increases,
more time is available for stretched and oriented
mol-ecules to relax and reorient before the melt solidifies
and freezes the molecular orientation As injection
pres-sure and packing time increase, more stress and
stretch-ing of the molecules occur and are maintained closer
to the freezing time This increases orientation in two
ways The higher stress causes higher orientation in
the first place The longer packing time maintains a
low level of flow into the mold for a longer time, which
maintains more orientation Initially, as melt
tempera-ture increases, the individual molecules have more
free-dom to align themselves with the flow of the material
However, as the melt temperature rises further, the time
the part remains molten increases after the part is filled
out This allows more time for stress relief and
mo-lecular disorganization
Graph (b) shows how pressure loss through the
gate decreases as melt temperature increases because
the plastic becomes less viscous as it is heated and is
easier to push into the mold At low temperatures, it is
hard to supply enough pressure to fill the cavity As
stated elsewhere in this book, low shrinkage is
associ-ated with low injection temperatures As temperatures
increase, so does shrinkage; so while the cavity is easier
to fill at higher temperatures and filling and packing
pressures are more effective at higher temperatures,
eventually, the higher shrinkage associated with high
melt-temperatures tends to overcome the filling and
packing pressures, leading to higher shrink
In graph (c), the falling weight (f.w.) impact
strength of a part is increased as melt temperature
in-creases The higher temperature allows for filling with
lower stress and longer time for stress relief, both of
which yield lower molded-in stresses and higher
im-pact strength
In graph (d), the effect of mold temperature on flow
and cross-flow shrinkage is shown Higher
tempera-tures allow more time for disorganization of the
mol-ecules and thus more stress relief In semicrystalline
materials, higher mold temperature allows more time
for crystallization and more shrinkage
Graph (e) shows that part-weight increases with
increasing packing or holding time, up to the point
where the gate freezes After that time, more holding
or packing time does not affect the part weight
Higher melt and mold temperatures, as shown in
graph (f ), allow more time for the material to conform
perfectly to the mold surface, and to achieve a higher
level of gloss
Higher melt temperature, graph (g), can affect the
IZOD impact-strength in two ways First, longer ex-posure to higher melt-temperatures increases the heat history of the plastic and typically causes material deg-radation and a reduction of property values Under cer-tain circumstances, higher melt-temperature causes in-creased molecular orientation (and molded-in stress) This means there is less give in the molecular structure before the molecules reach their breaking point There-fore the part is more brittle
High IZOD impact-strength in polypropylene cor-relates well with successful application of the living hinge If a part has a low IZOD impact-strength, that implies low elongation before rupture It should be ob-vious that a great deal of elongation is necessary for a living or integral hinge application to be successful
As the cavity thickness increases, graph (h), there
is more time for the plastic to relax internal stresses A greater percentage of the thickness of the part will be
in tension More time is available for crystallization of semicrystalline materials Thus there is more shrink
Graph (i) shows that increasing packing time and
pressure increases cooling time More material is forced into the cavity by increasing the packing time and pres-sure Since there is more material in the cavity, there is
a slight increase in cooling time due to the increased mass of material to be cooled
As mold temperature increases, graph (j), there
is more time for crystallization to take place That means that, all other things being equal, the plastic will be denser because of the greater degree of crys-tallization
Higher melt temperature, graph (k), reduces the
stress on the material as it flows into the mold be-cause the viscosity of the material is lower Also, the higher melt-temperature allows more time for any stresses to relax as the material cools Lower
molded-in stress levels mean the material can withstand higher temperatures before it distorts In other words, higher melt-temperature equates to higher heat-distor-tion temperature
The more material that is packed into the cavity before the gate freezes, the less the shrinkage will be
Graph (l ) shows that as long as the gate is fluid,
in-creasing packing time reduces shrink Once the gate freezes, more packing time is of no value The graph shows these effects for a restricted gate and for an open gate It also shows the effects of small (restricted) gates versus larger (open) gates The larger the gate, the easier
it is for more material to flow into the cavity Thus, larger gates lead to less shrinkage even with very short packing time In addition, the larger gates will stay fluid
Trang 4longer, allowing more material to be packed into the
mold before the gate freezes, which also reduces
Graph (m) shows that thick parts or short
flow-paths fill easier and at lower pressure than thin parts
or long flow-paths The lower the pressure required to
fill the cavity, the less the clamp pressure required to
hold the mold shut Conversely, long flow-paths or thin
parts, requiring high injection-pressures, demand higher
clamping pressure to prevent flashing at the parting
Graph (n) shows that as the distance from the gate
increases, the density of the plastic decreases This is
caused by two phenomena First, the plastic furthest
from the gate is cooler than that at the gate; therefore it
does not have as much time to crystallize Secondly,
the pressure is higher at the gate than it is anywhere
else Lower pressure away from the gate leads to lower
density also
Weld tensile strength increases with increasing
in-jection pressure, as shown in graph (o), because the
strength of the weld line is proportional to the force
with which the two flow fronts are forced together Also,
higher injection-pressure implies more shear at the gate
and a higher melt-temperature when the flow fronts
meet, allowing more time and better (higher
tempera-ture) conditions for some molecular migration across
the front
There are upper and lower limits for mold tem-perature, melt temtem-perature, and injection pressure that can produce a fully filled part with no flash Figure 6.2 represents a typical upper and lower limit of injec-tion pressure and mold temperature for a given melt temperature.[31] The area inside the curve is called the
molding window Higher temperatures or pressures
cause flash around the part Lower temperatures or
pressures result in a short shot, that is, an incomplete
A more accurate representation of the molding win-dow is a three-dimensional graph of conditions that permit the mold to fill without flashing Figure 6.3 shows such a three-dimensional window.[31] The size and shape of the window will vary with the design of the part, the mold, and the plastic being molded The rate at which the cavity is filled has some influence on the size and shape of this window, however the influ-ence is relatively small It behooves the mold designer and the part designer to maximize the size of the mold-ing window The larger the moldmold-ing window, the more flexibility the molder has to take action to control shrinkage and warpage
Figure 6.2 A molding “window” at a given melt
temperature [31] (Reprinted by permission of
Figure 6.3 A three-dimensional representation of the
“molding window.” [31] (Reprinted by permission of Hanser-Gardner.)
Trang 56.2 Injection Melt Temperature
The U-shaped curve in Fig 6.4 shows that
shrink-age is higher at both high and low melt temperatures
At low melt temperatures, the plastic barely fills the
cavity before the gate freezes The pressure gradient
from gate to end of flow is high and there is no
signifi-cant time to pack-out the cavity The pressure at the
end of flow is low, so the shrinkage is high
At high melt temperatures, a lot of shrinkage is
inherent as a result of temperature change The melt
core is hotter when the gate freezes than it is at lower
melt temperatures (unless the gate is the same
thick-ness as the part) At very high melt temperatures, the
holding time may end before the gate freezes This can
happen when melt temperature is raised without
in-creasing the holding-pressure time Both the high
melt-core temperatures and the likelihood that the gate stays
open past the holding time cause increased shrinkage
At some midpoint, the melt viscosity is such that a good
balance of pressure exists across the cavity with good
cavity-packing when the gate freezes At this point,
the shrinkage due to melt temperature is at a minimum
Melt temperatures range from a low of about 350°F
up to 700°F or more, depending on the plastic being
The injection rate and the injection pressure are
interrelated in the injection-molding process On older
molding machines, a flow-control valve controlled the
maximum rate of injection, but the minimum rate was
determined by the injection-pressure setting The
in-jection rate has a twofold effect:
First, a slow rate of fill allows a thicker wall to build up as the material flows into the mold, thereby raising the pressure requirements to fill the mold A slow fill-rate results in cooler material at the end of the fill cycle A thicker, cooled wall causes a smaller flow-channel in which makeup resin flows, and a greater pressure-drop across the part during the holding phase
of the molding cycle Cooler plastic can cause prema-ture freezing at the gate, less effective packing, greater orientation, and more shrinkage
Secondly, there is a certain amount of friction heat-ing that occurs at the gate caused by the pressure drop across the gate Higher fill-rates raise the melt tem-perature in the cavity Higher melt temtem-perature allows the injection pressure to be more effective in filling the cavity and all fine details within it Excessively high fill rates can cause plastic degradation and flash The density of crystalline polymers is inversely pro-portional to the distance from the gate, because pres-sures and temperatures near the gate are higher than they are at locations remote from the gate Higher pres-sure and temperature near the gate allow more time for crystallization and more packing time
High injection-pressure forces the two advancing plastic flow-fronts, downstream of a core where the flow
is divided around the core, into more intimate contact, which helps create a better bond at the weld line Inadequate cavity pressure can fail to hold the plas-tic against the walls of the cavity tightly enough to form a smooth skin Surface wrinkles are more com-monly associated with low injection-pressure and low injection-rate The low rates allow a thin skin to form along the cavity walls This thin skin sometimes moves slightly with the flowing plastic causing a wrinkle The lower the cavity pressure and injection speed, the more pronounced the appearance of the wrinkle
Injection rate, or speed, influences secondary heat-ing of the plastic as it moves through the gate and into the mold Frictional heat is generated at the gate re-striction, and between the flowing material in the cen-ter of the part and the macen-terial against the walls of the part that have already solidified There can be a sig-nificant temperature rise, primarily at the gate, depend-ing on pressure and injection speed One study shows
a peak temperature at the interface between the frozen plastic against the mold wall and the moving molten plastic in the center of the thickness of a plastic part.[4]
Figure 6.4 The relationship between melt temperature and
Trang 6An injection rate versus shrinkage curve is as
shown in Fig 6.5
Figure 6.6 illustrates that if the fill rate is too slow,
the material begins to cool before the cavity is filled
and the pressure required to fill the cavity goes up
Too low an injection rate inhibits the packing of the
cavity because the material cools during the filling
phase and the gate will freeze very quickly after the
mold is filled This leads to higher shrinkage
At the other extreme, if the cavity is filled too
quickly, the pressure drop at the gate becomes
exces-sive and the pressure required to fill the part goes up
Shrinkage can increase because the temperature of the
plastic in the cavity is likely to be significantly higher
than the temperature at optimum fill rate The
opti-mum fill rate is found near the miniopti-mum filling
pres-sure The optimum fill rate for a part depends on its
geometry, the size and location of the gate, the mold
temperature, and the melt temperature Rapid fill rates
often create a better surface finish; although rapid fill
also can cause jetting and/or gate smear Warpage can
sometimes be improved or eliminated by careful
ad-justment of injection speed and mold temperature When
molding parts with thick sections and a relatively small
gate, it is sometimes helpful to raise mold
tempera-tures and reduce injection rates to delay gate freeze
These changes usually sacrifice some surface gloss or
finish, but yield an improvement in molded part
Injection pressures must be high enough to fill the
cavity, forcing material into the furthest reaches
In-jection pressures commonly range between 70 and 112
MPa (10–16 kpsi) Higher pressures tend to minimize
average mold shrink The maximum injection pressure
may be limited by the clamping capacity of the mold-ing machine because the effective cavity pressure (less than the nozzle pressure) times the projected area of the part must not exceed the clamping pressure Ex-cessive pressure can cause the mold to open and allow parting-line flash or even damage a structurally un-sound mold
There usually is some variation in cavity pressure with the highest pressure near the gate and the lowest
at the last point to fill The variation in pressure de-creases with the increase in material thickness, the in-crease in injection or holding pressure, the dein-crease in material viscosity, and the increase of injection speed (possibly due to the lower viscosity caused by higher frictional heating at the gate at high injection-speeds) Usually the material furthest from the gate solidifies first The frictional heat generated at the gate usually keeps the material closest to the gate somewhat warmer, causing that area to solidify last A warmer gate area often results in less shrinkage near the gate, which is caused by longer sustained pressure near the gate Dif-ferential shrinkage (warpage) is partly the effect of dif-ferential cavity pressure
Note that molds have been bent by excessive in-jection pressure and area, combined with inadequate
or concave platens on molding machines Molding ma-chines can be damaged by improper setup of small molds on large platens For example, if the platens are deflected into a concave shape by excessive clamping pressure on small molds, the bending stress may be beyond the yield strength of the platens and they can
be permanently bent If a large mold is then mounted
on these bent platens, the mold can be forced open in
Figure 6.5 Relationship of injection rate to shrinkage Figure 6.6 The relationship between the wall thickness, the
injection pressure required for filling the part, and the fill
time for the part, where t = wall thickness.
Trang 7the center under injection pressure The mold plates
then conform to the shape of the platens, bending the
mold plates and causing flash in the center of the mold
The molder, thinking that he needs more clamping
pres-sure to hold the mold shut, may increase the clamping
pressure This does not hold the mold shut because the
platens are bent The molder may increase the
clamp-ing pressure to the point that the corners of the mold
are compressed beyond the yield strength of the mold,
hobbing (distorting) the corners of the mold This kind
of damage causes the molder and mold builder a great
deal of expense and grief
One way to monitor the cavity pressure is to place
a flow tab in the mold A flow tab is sort of a heavy
vent off a runner (or even a part) See Fig 6.7.[26] The
flow length that is expected from the material being
molded determines the depth of the flow tab Typically
the flow tab is about 0.5 mm (0.020 inch) thick at any
convenient width and is marked at regular intervals It
is cut from the runner to the edge of the mold (to the
atmosphere) A flow tab is an excellent runner vent
The flow tab must be thick enough to easily see a
varia-tion in flow length for any significant variavaria-tion in
nor-mal molding conditions The length of the tab should
be such that the plastic will normally flow about half
the length of the tab Variations in injection pressure
or speed, mold temperature, or melt temperature will affect the length of the plastic flow into the flow tab A flow tab will not give any indication of holding pres-sure or holding time because it is likely that the flow tab will have frozen before the cavities fill Consistent part-weight is a better indication of holding pressure and time
Cavity pressure at the moment the gate freezes is roughly inversely proportional to shrinkage Because plastic is compressible, the greater the cavity pressure, the less the shrinkage As a general rule, the higher the holding pressure, the less the shrink However, if ex-cessively high holding pressures are held long enough (generally this requires a rather large gate), some ma-terials will seem to grow If there is a sufficiently high pressure compressing the plastic in the cavity at the moment of gate freeze, the compression can exceed the shrink When molding conditions reach this point, it is usually difficult to remove the part from the mold be-cause the part is larger than the cavity
One study determined that holding pressure has a greater effect on shrinkage than any one other vari-able, when molding polypropylene homopolymers (EXON Escorene® PP 1105) Figure 6.8 illustrates this relationship
Figure 6.7 An example of a flow tab.[26] (Courtesy of
Figure 6.8 The relationship between cavity pressure
(holding pressure) and shrinkage.
Trang 8According to this study, increasing packing
pres-sure decreases shrinkage The effect of injection rate is
small compared to packing pressure Increases in
pack-ing time decreased the amount of shrinkage whereas
increases in mold temperature did not have any
appre-ciable effect on shrinkage
Shrinkage after 168 hours was greater than in-mold
shrinkage The shrinkage variation in direction of flow
immediately after molding was approximately 1%, and
after 168 hours it was approximately 1.3% As seen
from Fig 6.9,[32] lower injection velocities (rate)
pro-duced less shrinkage immediately after molding, but
more shrinkage 168 hours later Shrinkage in the
di-rection of flow was significantly greater than in the
transverse direction
For Delrin® and other semicrystalline materials,
unlike polypropylene, both the packing time and
pres-sure have a great effect on the degree of
crystalliza-tion, along with other factors The larger the gate and
the hotter the mold, the longer the packing pressure
can be applied Higher mold temperatures allow more
time for crystallization, which causes more in-mold
shrink However, high mold temperatures increase
long-term stability because there is less post-mold shrink in
a part molded in a warmer mold The longer the
hold-ing time and the higher the holdhold-ing pressure, the less
apparent the shrink The holding phase is very
impor-tant for dimensional stability since it helps maintain a
uniform and gradual crystallization Figure 6.10 shows
the effect on shrinkage of holding pressure at three mold
temperatures.[33] There is further discussion of the
ef-fect of mold temperature in Sec 6.4
Figure 6.9 Mold shrinkage in the direction of flow
immediately after molding and after 168 hours, vs packing
(or holding) pressure for two injection rates [32] (Courtesy
of SPE.)
Figure 6.10 The effect of holding pressure on mold
shrinkage at three different mold temperatures, for Delrin ®
500 HPT: holding-pressure time [33] (Courtesy of DuPont.)
Note that, as discussed in Ch 5, the minimum gate dimension must be at least one-half of the part thick-ness Thin parts may require gates that are thicker in proportion to the wall thickness An inadequate gate size will cause higher mold shrinkage The holding-pressure time (HPT) effects are shown in Fig 6.13 in Sec 6.4.2,[33] and must be sufficient to hold pressure
on the cavity until the gate has frozen
The shape of the molded part determines the amount
of resistance to shrinkage that the part will experience The greater the restraint, the less the apparent shrink-age Post-mold exposure to time and higher tempera-tures will encourage post-mold shrinkage Table 6.1 shows shrinkage for some Delrin® grades.[14]
Flow patterns and distance from the gate also af-fect shrinkage Shrinkage far from the gate is typically 0.1% to 0.3% higher than the shrink near the gate Shrinkage in the flow direction is typically about 0.1% higher than the cross-flow shrinkage for Delrin® Hold-ing pressure can be used for small adjustments of part dimensions It has very little effect on post-molding shrinkage
Flow patterns during the holding phase can be un-even There is a tendency toward a “river delta” effect: Any area that is slightly warmer than an adjacent area has less resistance to flow; therefore, it is more likely
to move and remain warmer than cooler areas nearby The warmer areas (the tributaries) will try to shrink more than the cooler areas This is one cause of high stress in the gate area
Trang 96.4.2 Holding-Pressure Time
Inadequate holding-pressure time (HPT) will
al-low material to expand out of the cavity into the
run-ner system, if the holding pressure is removed before
the gate has frozen Once the gate is solid, plastic can
no longer flow into or out of the cavity Additional
holding-pressure time after the gate freezes is
nonpro-ductive All it does is use energy, add wear-and-tear to
the molding machine, and add to the machine
oil-cool-ing load
Figure 6.11 shows the time required for a
semi-crystalline (nylon) material to crystallize from a
par-ticular melt temperature.[9] Note that the addition of
nucleation agents, reinforcement, or pigments decrease
the time required for crystallization Other
semicrys-talline materials have different crystallization times
The HPT must exceed the crystallization time to
mini-mize shrinkage If the gate crystallizes before the part
does, the effective HPT is reduced by virtue of the
fro-zen gate
Figure 6.12 shows that as holding-pressure time increases, there is an initial drastic reduction in the shrink rate As holding-pressure time increases further, the rate of reduction in shrinkage decreases until there
is no further reduction in shrink
Figure 6.13 shows the influence of holding pres-sure on Hytrel® 55 to 80 shore D materials.[34] These are softer, more rubbery materials than Delrin®, but
the influence of HPT (also called screw-forward time)
is readily apparent As usual, longer holding time re-sults in less shrinkage
Average Mold Shrinkage Delrin ® grade
In-flow (% ± 0.2%)
Transverse (% ± 0.2%)
511 P, 911 P 1.9 1.8
Colors* 1.8–2.1 1.7–2.0
*Depends on the pigments
Table 6.1 Average Mold Shrinkage for Various
Grades of Delrin ®
Figure 6.11 Crystallization time for several nylon grades.
The parts are 2 mm in thickness, molded at typical mold temperature with a hold pressure of 85 MPa The melt temperature is 290°C [9] (Courtesy of DuPont.)
Figure 6.12 The approximate relationship between
holding-pressure time (HPT) and shrinkage.
Trang 10Figure 6.14 shows the HPT for three different wall
thicknesses of Delrin® 500 P.[33] The drastic
reduc-tion in shrinkage as the holding time increases is readily
apparent For any given part, and considering only the
change in holding pressure time, the minimum
shrink-age occurs when the HPT lasts until the gate freezes
Another conclusion that can be drawn from this figure
is that thicker walls cause slower cooling, which
in-creases crystallization Finally, the thicker walls
re-main melted longer than thin walls, allowing more time
for thorough packing of the cavity, provided the gate is
large enough, which results in less shrinkage Too short
a packing time can also cause porosity, voids, warpage,
sink marks, lower mechanical properties, and surface
pits or blemishes
Mold temperature affects the cooling rate The
faster the plastic part cools, the less time the individual
molecules have to order themselves and the less the
molded part shrinks Crystalline plastics require some
time to rearrange their molecules into the crystalline
Figure 6.14 The effect of holding-pressure time (HPT) on
mold shrinkage of Delrin ® 500 P for three different wall thicknesses [33] (Courtesy of DuPont.)
Figure 6.13 The influence of HPT (screw-forward time) on
the shrinkage of Hytrel ® 55 to 80 shore D materials for
3.2-mm ( 1 /8-inch) thick samples [34] (Courtesy of DuPont.)
structure The more time available, the larger and more numerous the structures and the more the material shrinks Likewise, amorphous plastics relax internal molecular stresses when cooled slowly, and the in-creased order and relaxed stresses result in greater material density and shrinkage Therefore, rapid cool-ing reduces shrinkage However, rapidly cooled parts are more prone to post-mold shrinkage and warpage with the passage of time and exposure to heat When parts are exposed to higher temperatures in their service life than the mold temperature at which they were manufactured, they may exhibit unusually high and possibly unacceptable post-mold shrink Higher mold temperatures increase cycle times and the time available for molecular stress relaxation in amorphous materials In semicrystalline materials, the longer cycle times also allow more time for crystalli-zation to occur In both cases, with rare exceptions (see the Zenite® LCP aromatic polyester resins), short-term shrinkage increases Post-mold shrinkage, however, decreases Within limits, higher mold temperatures improve long-term stability and minimize post mold shrink and creep