Other Books in the Tall Buildings and Urban Environment Series Casf-in-Place Concrete in Tall Building Design and Constructio~t Cladding Building Design for Handicapped and Aged Person
Trang 3Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat
S p o n s o r i n g Soclellcr
Internntlonul Asrocintion for Bridge a n d S w c t u r a l Engineering (IABSE)
American Society of Civil E n g i n e e n (ASCE)
American Inrtitute o f Architects (AIA)
American Planning Asrocintion (APA)
I n e r n a l i o n a l Union of Architects (UIA)
American Society o f Inleriar Designers (ASID) z~ I:.,, ; .,, ~;
Jnpon S t r u c t u n l Consultono Arrociotlon (ISCA) :; :.~
Urban Lnnd Institute (ULI)
International Fedemlion of lnlerior D c s i g n e n ( I R )
The following identifier those firms m d o r g m i w t i o n r w h o provide fartheCouncil's financivl s u p p o h
P a t r o n s
A1 Rnyes Group Kuwait
Consolidnted C o n t m a o r r Internulional Co Athens
Dnr Al-Hnndnsah '.Shnir & Panncrr." A m m a n
D L F Univcrsnl Limited N c w Dclhi
Zuhair Fnyez & Arrociales Jeddvh
Juros B n i m & Bolles N e w York
Kuwait Foundmion for t h e Advonccmcnt of Sciences Kuwait
Shimizu C o r p o n d o n T o k y o
T h e T u r n e r Corpomtion N e w Y a r k
Europrofilc Tecom Luxembourg
Gcorge A Fuller Co N e w York
T.R H n m r a h & Yeung Sdn Bhd Sclangor
HL-Technik A.G Munich
Hong Kong Lnnd Group Lld H o n g Kong
Kone Elevators Helsinki
John A M n n i n & Aaroc Inc L o r Angelcr
Snmrung Engineering Br Conrtruction Co Lrd Seoul
Snud Consult, Riyadh
Schindlcr Elevntor Corp Morrislown
Siecor Corporntion Hickory
Tukenako Corporation, T o k y o
Tishmon Conslruction Corporarion of N c w York, N e w York
T i i h m a n Speyer Properties N c w York
W c i r k o p i & Pickwonh N e w York
W i n g T a i Conrtmction &Engineering H o n g Kong
W o n g & Ouynng (HK) Lld Hong Kong
D o n o r 5
American Bridge Co Pittsburgh O'Brien-Kreilrbcrg & A S T O C ~ ~ ~ ~ C I In=
American Iron and Slcel Institute Pennrlukcn
\Vushington, D.C R T K L Associates Inc Bnltimore
W.R Grncc & Comp;my Cambridge Skidmore Ou,ingr & hlerrill Chicogo
Hnscko Corporaion T o k y o Steen C o n ~ u l t u n t r Pty Ltd., Singspore
T h c Herrick Corp Pleasnnton S y i k o & Hcnnery lnc N e w Y o r k
Hollundsche Belon Mnnlschappij BV, nornton-TomorcuilEngineer5 N c w York
Rijswijk Werner Vosr & Ponncrr Braunrchwcig
Hong Kong Housing Autl~orily Hong K o n g W o n g Hobach Luu Consulting Engineers L a 5
lffland Kivvnvgh Waterbury P.C New Y o r k Angcles
C a n l r i b u l o n
Office o f Irwin G C w l o r P.C., N e w York L i m ConsulU~tts Inc Cambridge H.K C h e n g & P n r t n e n Ltd Hung Kong Meinhnrdt Auslrnlin Pty Ltd Melbourne Douglas Specinlist C o n u n c t o n Ltd Aldridgc Mclnhnrdl (HK) Ltd H o n g K o n g
H n n Conrulwnt Grnup Snntn M o n i c a M u c r e r Rutledge Consulting Engincen The G c o r g ~ Hymnn C o n s W c l i o n Co N e w Y o r k
Balhrsdn Oboynshi Corpomtion T o k y o Ingenicurburo Mullcr Mnrl GmbH Mnrl O T E P In~crnntional SA Mndrid Institute S u l w n lrknndnr J o h o r Charles Ponkow Builders Inc Alwdenn INTEMAC Madrid Projcst S A Emprecndimentos e Servicos
J H S C o n s w e n o e Plnncjnmento Ltd S n o Tecnlcos Rin d c J n n c i m Pnulo P S M Inlernnllonnl C h i c a g o Johnson Fain a n d P e r r i m Asroc L o s Angeler Skilling W a r d Megnurson B n r b h i r c Inc
T h e Kling-Lindquist P m c n h i p Inc Senltlc Philadclphio Tooley & Company L a s Angcles LeMessurier Conrultnntr Inc Cnmbridge Nobih Y o u r r e f a n d Arrocinlcr L o s Angelcs
C o n t r i b u t i n g P n r t l c l p o n l r
Advnnccd Slructuml Concrplr Danvcr Advicrburnu Voor Bouwwchnick BV Amhcm Amcrirnn lwti~ute of Slecl Con.uu~Lion Chicago Anglo Amcricnn Pmpcny Scrviccr (Ply1 Lld lohnn-
"&burg Archituaml Scrviccr Dcpl Hong Kong Alelici D'Architcctum, dc Genvnl, Genvnl
~uslnlinn lnstitulc olSlccl Conrwcdon, hlllronr Poinl B.C.V Pmnctti S.r.1 Miiono . ~ ~ ~ -
w.S Bcllowr conrtriction Corp Hourton Aificd Bcncrch & Co Chicngo Balro dc lrnovclr Err Sno Poulo S.A Sno Poulo Bomhont & W a d Pty Lld Spring Hill
~ ~ ~ n y c r Wind Tunnci Labornlory (U Wcrr- u ~ d ~
cm Ontnriol London Bovir ~ i m i l i London Bnndow & Johulon ArrociaLcr Lor Angclcr Bmokc Hillier Porker Hong Kong Buildings & Dan S.A Bwsrclr CBM Engincm Inc Houston Ccrmo* Pcerkn Pacnen Inc Fon Coilinr
CblA A r h i t u ~ & Enginecn Sari luon
Conrfnction Conwlung L b o n l o r ) Dallor Cmnr Fuhicu Door Cu Lnkc Bluff Cmnc & Arloriolcr Ply Lld Sydnr) Da(11 Lugdon & Evcnll London DeSimonc Ch~plin & Dohr)n Inc Kc York
D O ~ A rlrlnc ~ ~ g l n r r n ~ ~ ~ n r scatllc Fujilnva l o h n s ~ n o n 1 A s ~ o c i l r r Cnlcagn Cunrndgc l i n l t n s k D n r ) Ply Ltd Sldnc)
Holn.5 Lundhcrg U'nrhlcr Inlcmolion~l Nc* YvrA
1io)ok;i~x Ar$ocialcr Lo, Anerlcr
I l r ~ l l l ~ ) Buildtng$ lnlrrn:l8vnll In: F ~ i d r i
l l ~ l t m ~ ~ h O h m & Klsrlboum lnc S 81, F i a n r 8 ~ ~ o lnlrrnaliond lmn k Slrrl Imlilutc Brulrcl$
Irwin Iohnrlon nnd Ponncn Sydncy
Infoc~er S.A Rio delnoeim
I.A loner Conruuction Co., Charlotic Kcsting Mnnn Iemigan RoacL Lor Angclcr
KPFF Conrulting Engineen Scuulc Lcnd Lwre Dcrign Gmup Lld Sydncy
~ n n i n & Bmvo, inc Honolulu Monin.Middirhrook & Louic Snn Fmncirco Enriquc Mmincr-Romcm S.A Mexico Mitchell McForlane Brrnlnoli & Paonen Inll LId Honk Kong
Miuubirhi Erwlc Co Ltd Tokyo Moh nnd Arrociau inc Tnipci Morrc Diesel Inlcmorionrl Ncw York Mvlriplci ConrWclions (NSWI Pfy Lid Sydncy Nihoasckkci U.S.A., Ltd., Lor Angclcr NiWIcn Sckkci Ltd Tokyo
Norman Dirncy & Young Brirhonc Pacific Adnr Dcvclopmenl Corp Lor Angclcr PcddlcThorp Aururlin Ply Lld Brirhnnc PorkTowrr Gmup New Yo*
Ccror Pclii & Asrociolu Ncw York Pcrkinr & Will Chicngo Rnhulnn Zain Arrociacr Kuolo LumDur
RFB Consulting Arrhilcnr, lohunnuhurp
Rnrrnunrrrr G m r ~ m m Cons Engrr PC llru York
E m r n Rod, & - ~, Sons lnd lnc New Yoik Rovon Woll8~mr D l r t r l & lruin 1°C Gurlph
S c p l l o t S a i o rcmnding (Sdnl Bhd, K ~ o l o Lumpur scrrrn S m : m r Gimi5 dc E n c r n h o n ~ S A Rlo dc lnncim
Scvcmd Asrociacr Conr Engn New York SOBRENCO S.A Rio d r Inncim south Africnn lnrtiatc of Srccl Conslrucdon Johm- ncrbvrg
stccl Rcinlorrcmcnt lnrlilulc of Aurlrnlio Sydncy STS Conrultnnu Lrd Nonhbmok
Studio Find Nova E Coslcilnni Milnno Tnyior Thornson Whining Ply Lld St Lconordr
B.A Vrvnroulu & Asrociacr Athenr VlPAC Encinrcn & Sricndru Lid hlclhovmc Worgon Cbpmon Pmnrrr S)uncy
Wndl~nl.cr A?ro:irlrl Nrw Yorl wond~.,d.cl,dc Con~.lurn, ~ r r Yolk
Trang 4Other Books in the Tall Buildings and Urban Environment Series
Casf-in-Place Concrete in Tall Building Design and Constructio~t
Building Design for Handicapped and Aged Persons
Semi-Rigid Connecrions in Steel Frames
Fire Sofery in TON Buildings
Cold-Formed Steel in Toll Buildings
Systems and Concepts
Structural Systems for
him B, Ki1,rzister Rpscard M I;o~~,aicz)k
Owerr bJanin Il'iliion! Afuibortnie Sciichi Ml,ra?lrofsll
AR,r~ad Rolrirnian Tltonras Scararrgeiio Roben Si,m Richard Ton!asefri
A )'atnohi
Editorial Group Ryszard M Kowalczyk, Chairman
R o b e r t Sinn, Vice-chairman
M a x B Kilmister, Editor
McGtaw-Hill, Inc New York San Francisco Washington D.C Auckland Bogoti Caracas Lisbon London Madrid MexicoClty Milan
Montreal New Delhi San Juan Singapore
This Monognph uar prepxed h j Commillcc 3 (Slmctuml Syrtcm5)of ihc Council onToll Buitdlngr
and Urban Hnbitnt nr p ~ n o f the Tali Building, and Urban Environment Series Thc edtlonll gmup
$ b a s R)szxd hf Kowatcz)k, chairman; Rohen Sinn, ricc-chnirmln; and hlox B Kiimister, editor
Special ncknowledgmentir due more individuals whore n k u w ~ i p l s formedthe mjorconvibution UI the
chapters in his volume These individuals and the chnpters or sections lo which they conhibuled ore:
Chapter 1: Editorial Group
Chapter 2: Editorinl Group
Section 3.1: Editorial Group
Scction 3.2: Brian Cnvill
Section 4.1: Eiji Fukuzawn
Section 4.1: Seiichi Murnmulsu
Section 4.1: Ahmod Rohiminn
Section 4.2: Owen Mnnin
Sccdon 4.3: T Okorhi
Project Dercriptionr were conuibuted by:
T h e Office of Irwin Cantor
CBM Engineers, Inc
Ellisor and Tanner Inc
Kajima Design, Inc
KingiGuinn Associates
LcMessuricr Consulrunls lnc
Leriie E Roberlson Arnocintes
Nihon Sekkei Inc
Ovc Amp & Pamcn
Section 4.3: Thomu Scmngello Section 4.3: Richard Tomasetti Section 4.3: A Yamoki Section 4.4: Editorial Group Section 4.5: Editorial Group Section 5.1: William Melbourne Secdon 5.2: 1 D Bennettr Secdon 5.2: P H Doynwnnrn Chapter 6: Joseph Bums
Paulus Sokolowski, and Snnor Inc
Pcrkins and Will Roben Rorenwarser Asrocioter Sevemd Associnter
Shimizu Corporation Skidmore Owings and Merrill Skiliing Ward Magnurron Barkshire Inc Thomton-Tomaretti Engineers Walter P Moore and Asrocioter
Hcrben F Adigun Mir M Ali Luis Guillermo Aycardi Prnbodh V Bnnavnlkur Bob A Bcckner
Charles L Bcckncr George E Brandow John F Bmtchie, Robcn J Bmngmber Yu D By-
chenkov Peter W Chen Ching-Chum Chcm Pave1 Cirek Andrew Dnvidr John DeBremoekcr,
Dirk Dickc Robcn 0 Disque Richard Dziewolnki Ehun Fang Alexander W Founleh James G
Forbes Roben I Hanren Roben D Hnnsen Toshihnm Hisatoku Arne Johnson Michael Kavyr-
chine Mnn B Kiimirler (editor) GcnF Konig Ryszwd M KowaIczyk (chairman) Juraj Korak
Monsieur G Lacombe Siegfried Liphardl Miguel A Mneiar-Rendon Owen Mnrrin Jaime Mn-
son N G Mutkov Gerardo G Mayor Leonard R Middleton Jaime Munoz-Duquc Jacques
Nasser Anthony F Nnrretta Fujio Nirhikown Alexis Ortapenko Z Powlowski M V Parokhin
Peter Y S Pun Wcmer Quoscbnnh Govidan Rahulan Anthony Fracis Roper Sntwant S Rihai
Leslie E Robenson Wolfgang Schurilcr Duiliu Sfintesco Robert Sinn (vice-chairman) Ramiro
A Sofronie A G Sokolov Euuro Suzuki Bungaie S Tnranalh A R Tonkley Kenneth W Wan
Morden S Yollcr Nobih F G Yourrcf Stefan Zucrek
The committee on Structural Systems is part of GroupSC of the Council, "Systems and Concepts."
The leaders are:
lamer G Forbes Chairman Joseph P Coluco, Vice-Chairman Henry J Cownn Editor
This volume is o n e of a series o f Monographs prepared under the aegis o f the Council
on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, a series that is aimed a t documenting the state of the art o f the planning, design, conslruction, and operation of tall buildings as well as their interaction with the urban environmenL
T h e present series is built upon an original set of five Monographs published by the American Society of Civil Engineers, as follows:
Volume PC: Plnrming nrzd En~rironn~enral Crirerio for Toll Beildings Volume SC: Tall Building Sysrems ond Cortceprs
Volunze CL: Tall Building Criteria nnd Loading Volume SB: Srrucrurol Design of Toll Sreel Btrildings Voltrme CB: Srmcrural Design of Tall Concrele and Mosorrry Buildings
Following the publication of a number of updates to these volumes, it was decided
by the Steering Group o f the Council lo develop a new series It would b e based on the original effort but would focus more strongly o n the individual topical committees rather than the groups This would d o two things It would free the Council committees from restraints as t o length Also it would permit material on a given topic to reach the public more quickly
T h e result was the Toll Buildings and Urban Enr,iron~nenf series, being published by McGraw-Hill Inc New York T h e present Monograph joins s i x o t h e r s , the first of which was reieased in 1992:
Cost-in-Place Concrere in Toll Building Design ond Consrrucrion Clodding
Building Design for Handicapped ond Aged Persons Fire Safely in Tall Buildings
Senxi-Rigid Connecrions in Steel Frornes Cold-Formed Sfeel in Tall Buildings
This parlicular Monograph was prepnrcd by the Council's Committee 3 Strucmral Systems Its earlier treatment was n part of Volume SC I t dealt with the many issues relating t o tall building structural systems when it was published in 1980 T h e com- mittee decided that a volume featuring cane studies of many of the most important buildings o f the lust two decades would provide professionals with some interesting comparisons of how and why structural systems were chosen T h e result of the com- mittee's cfforls is this Monograph It provides case studies of tall buildings from Japan the United States Malaysia Australia New Zealand Hong Kong Spain, and Singa- pore This unique international survey examines the myriad o f archirecturni engineer- ing, and construcdon issues that must b e taken into account in designing tall buildtag structural systems
Trang 7Preface
Although tall buildings are generally considered to be a product of the modem indusui- alized world inherent human desire to build skyward is nearly as old as human civi- lizntion The ancient ovramids of Giza in Eevot, the Mavan temdes in Tikal Guata-
this instincL Skyscrapers in thc modcrn sense began to appear over a century ago; how- ever, it was nnly after World War I1 that rapid urbani'ration and population growth cre- ated the need for the conswction of tall buildings
T h e dominant impact of Llll buildings on urban landscapes has tended to invite con-
acteristic and symbolic lrstaments to thc cities' wealth and their inhabitants' collecti!,e The ordinary observer recognizes the tall building primarily with respect to its exte- rior architectural enclosure This is nnly natural, as when we consider the great pyra-
~~~ -~ -, - -
that we have begun to realize the creativity and colossal effnn expended by these an- cient people to erect these swcmres in the desert at that time So it is with the modem skvscrao;r The overall soatial form as well as the intricate deWiline of the claddine svs-
the overall urban environment The aim of this Monograph, however, is to have a look under the outer covering of the building to reveal the stiuctural skeleton as well as to provide historical knowledge documenting the design and construction techniques used
to realize these monuments in today's world
This Monoeraoh is therefore dedicated to the structural systems for tall buildings:
to allow the tower to be realized safely andcfliciently As in the pas!, new nchievoments
paths toward more sophisticated and elcgant swcturnl syslems for wll buildings The rwctuml system organization chosen for a p d c u l a r project determines the fundamen- [at oropcnies of the aver;lll buiidinc the behavior under imposed loads, its safety, and
is lo demonstrate the chmcteristic features of many outstanding syslem form5 while documenting the faclors leading lo their selection for projects aclually realized
can be described as a completed whole Every month new buildings are being designed and created, new projects conceived, and new schemes applied Nevcnheless, we hope
Council to expand the chapters of the original Monograph into separate volumes The
building swctural systems conuibuted by leading engineers and design firms of the
Trang 8xiv Preface
profession was conceived during the committee workship in Hong Kong in 1990 It was
only after estnblishina the editorial lendershir, for the work that the volume began to
takc form, will1 tlte scope and content of the book finallred At this time a buildinf data
form wns prepared for collecting thc most essential inform3tion concerning the struc-
s ~ o n s e s c o m ~ i l e d bv Max filmister This material reoresen& the core of the comoleled
of the compilation in the summer of 1993 in order to finish the completed volume in
time for publication
the information included may b e presented lo a broad professional audience This ex-
change of information is one of the tenets of the Council and is in fact a condition for
progress in the design of tall buildings
J C K Cheung is gratefully acknowledged, as is the Australian Research Grants Com-
mission for its suppon of the fundamental research
As mentioned, we are aware that everyday Progress is made in the field of structurnl
writing the Council or ioining the commitke
book to him
Robert Sirm Vice-Cltoimmn
3.1 Composite Sleel Floor Systems
3.2 Presmssed and Porttcnrioned Concrete Floor Systems Project Dereriptionr
Melbourne Ccnuvl
Lulh Hcndqumers Building Riverside Centcr
Bourke Plncc Cenuvl P l m One
Casielden Ploce
Majestic Building Telecorn Corporate Building
Trade Centcr
Trang 9181 West Madiron Sueet
AT&T Corpamte Cenler
Two Union Squorc
F i s t Intersmte World Center
Hong Kong Bank Headqumers
4.6 Condensed ReierencesiBibliogmphy
5 Special Topics
5.1 Designing lo Reduce Perceptible Wind-Induced Motions
5 2 Fire Prolection of S w c t u n l Elements
5.3 Condensed RcfemnccdBibliognphy
6 Systems for the Future
6.1 A~hiEhilecedTendencies 6.2 Slructural Tendencies 6.3 Other Tendencies
Project Descriptions
Miglin-Beiller Tower Deurbom Ccnter Bnnkof thc SouthwertTowcr
Shimiru Super High Rise
6.4 Condensed RclerenceslBibliogmphy
Current Ouestions, Problems, and Research Needs
Glorrury Symbols Abbreviudonr Units
Building lndex
Name lndex
Subject lndex
Trang 10Structural Systems
Trang 11Introduction
Smctural s y s t e m for tall buildings have undergone a dramatic evolution throughout the orevious decade and into the 1990s Developments in structural system form and orgnnirntion h m e historically been realized as a rcsponse to as well as an impclus
toward emerging architectural uends in high-rise building design At thc time of pub-
international style and modernist high-rise designs, chanclerized by prismalic, repcti- live verticnl geometries and flat-topped roofs, were predominant (Council on Tnll Buildings Group SC 1980) The devclopmcnt of Lhc prototype tubular systems for lnll buildings was indeed predicated upon an ovcrall building form of constnnt or smoothly varying profile A representative office building project from the period is shown in R g 1.1 The rigid discipline of the cxterior rower form has since becn rcplaccd in many cases by the highly articulated vcnical modulations of rhc building envclopc characleristic of eclrclic postmodern deconslructivist, and nrohistorical high-risrexpressions (Rg 1.2) This general disconlinuily and erosion of thc cxterior facade has led to a new generation of tall building struclural systems that respond lo the more flexible and idiosyncratic requirements of an increasingly varied architec- tural aesthetic Innovntive s w c t u r a l systems involving megaframes, interior super- diagonally braced h m e s , hybrid steel and high-strength concrete core and outrigger systems, artificially damped structures, and spine structures nre among the composi- tions which represent a step in the development of structural systems for high-rise buildings This Monograph seeks to further the plncement of some of the most excit-
One of the fundamental goals of the Council has been to continualiy develop a tall buildings dambase The members of Committee SC-3, Structural Systems, decided
tural systems, the Monogmph would be organized with respect to such a database-type
tee thererore requested detailed informarion from engineers in Lhe profession, regard- ing the structural design of some: of the most innovative high-rise projecrq throughout
vided very spucific engineering informntion such as wind nnd seismic Iondingz dynamic propenics materials, and systems for a wide range of intcrnalional high-rise oroiecls, both comoleted and in o&oosal staee which i r e comoiled in this single
Trang 122 Introduction [Chap 1 I Chap 11 3 I
b e of interest and value to practicing engineers and architects as well as other tall
building enthusiasts
This Monograph is organized into six chapters A general introduction to the clas-
sification of tall building structural systems is found in Chapter 2 The section begins
to define the parameters and characteristics for which tall building systems are evalu-
ated Tall building floor systems arc discussed in Chapter 3, which includes recent
Fic 1.1 Ouolicr Onb Tuwcr Chicuco Illinois Comnleted 1984 I C c ~ ~ , n r s ~ ~ : .- Skirln,oru O w i n ~ r " &
Trang 134 Introduction [Chap 1 ,
: , , , 1 ' ;.!
developments in posttensioned concrete floor systems for high-rise construction in
Australia Structunl systems for tall buildings have historically been grouped with
Load Resisting Systems." forms the core of the work, with system descriptions for
nver 50 - - oroiects The oroiects are arraneed within five basic subclassifications for lat- r~ - -
ceded by a general introduction outlining the system forms limimtions, advantages,
and applications Chapter 5 discusses special topics in high-rise building structural
systems It presents infor!nation concerning the developing topics of wind-induced
motions and fire protection of structural members in tall buildings The concluding
Chapter 6, in dealing with systems for the future, presents examples of projccts on the
drawing board and proposals which represent innovative state-of-the-art structural
designs for tall buildings
Classification of
Structural Systems
Council on Tall Buildings Group SC 1980 Toll Btrilding Syrlerm ond Conceplr
The Council definition of a tall building defines the unique nature of the high-rise proj- ect: "A building whose height creates different conditions in the desieo, construction
the practicing structural engineer, the cataloging of suuctuial systems for tall buildings has historically recognized the primary importance of the system to resist lateral loads
any suuctunl systems methodology
In 1965 Fazlur Khan (1966) recognized that this hierarchy of system forms could
be roughly categorized with respect lo relative effectiveness in resisting lateral loads
cient for buildings in the range of 20 to 30 stories; at the other end is the generation 01 tubular systems with high cantilever efficiency With the endpoints defined, other sys- tems were placed with the idea that the application of any panicular form is economi- cal only over a limited range of building heights The system charts were updated periodically as new systems were developed and improvemcnts in materials and analysis techniques evolved
Alternatively, the classification process could be based on cenain engineering and systems criteria which define both the physical as well as the design aspects of the building:
Material Steel Concrcte Composite Gravity load resisting systems Floor framing (beams, slabs) Columns
Trang 14loging of tall buildings with respect to their structural systems (Falconer nnd Beedle
1984) The classification scheme involves four distinct levels of framing-oriented
division: primary Framing system, bracing subsystem floor framing, and configuration
and load transfer These levels are further broken down into subgroups and discrete systems (Fig 2.2) This format allows for the consistent and specific identification and documentation of tall buildings and their systems the overriding goal being to
hieh-rise environment
~~~ =~~ ~ ~ - - ~ While any cataloging scheme must address the preeminent focus on lateral load resislance, the load-carrying function of the tall building subsystems is rarely indepen- dent The most efficient high-rise systems fully engage vertical gravity load resisting elements in the lateral load subsystem in order lo reduce the overall structural pre- mium for resisting lateral loads Some degree of independence is generally recognized
Framing systems
framing subsystems
Building configuration and load transfer
(XX YY 2)
Fig 2.2 Clvrrilicoliun of rlrurlurul syrlernr (Folnl,ler rrnd Beedlr 1984.1
Trang 158 Classification of Structural Systems [Chap 2
3 Falconer and Beedlc 1984 Clarrlficnr!on of Toll Bulldlng S),srem
Tall Building
Composite floor systems typically involve simply supported structural steel beams joists, girders, or trusses linked via shear connectors with a concrete floor slab to form
&I effective T-beam flexural member resisting primarily gravity loads The versatility
of the system results from the inherent strength of the concrete floor component in compression and the tensile seeneth and spannabiliw of the steel member ~ o m o o s i t e flw; system are advantageous because ofreduced material costs, reduced labor i u e to prefabrication, faster couslruction times, simple and repetitive connection details
reduced building mass in zones of henvy scismic activity The composite floor system slab element can be formed by a flat-soffit reinforced concrete slab, precast concrete planks or floor panels with or without a cast-in-place t o ~ ~ i n e - slab o r a metal steel
membcr is combined with a composite metal deck and a concrete floor slab, an
men1 is due to shear studs welded directly through the metal deck, whereas the compos- ite action of the metal deck results fmm side embossments incorporated into the steel sheet profile The slab and beam arrangement typical in composite floor systems pr* duces a rigid horizontal diaphragm, providing stability to the overall building system while distributing wind and seismic s h e m to the lateral load resisting system elements
1 Composite Beams and Girders
Steel and concrete c o m ~ o s i t e beams mav be formed either bv com~letelv encasine a ~~ steel member in concrete, with the composite action depending on the natural bond caused by the chemical adhesion and mechanical friction between steel and concrete
or by connecting the concrete floor to the top flanee of the steel frnmine member throueh shear c&nectors (Fie 3.1) The concrete-encased comoosite steelienm was - - ~~ - ~~~ ~
Trang 1610 Tall Building Floor Systems [Chap 3
floor systems is a rolled or built-up steel beam connected to a formed steel deck and
concrete slab The metal deck tvnicallv roans unshored between steel members while - - ~~ ~ -
also providing a uorking platlonn for steel erection The met31 deck slab may be ori-
enled parallel or perpendicular lo the compo>ite beam span and may ilself be either
floor that is framed in composite steel beams
In composite beam design h e stress distribution at working loads across the com-
normally quite near h e neutral axis and consequently lightly stressed, a number of built-
up or hybrid composite beam schemes have been formulated in an attempt to use the structural steel material more efficiently (Fig 3.4) Hybrid beams fabricated from ASTM A36 grade top flange steel and 345-MPn (50-hi)-yield bonom flange steel have
In all of these cases however the increased fabrication costs must be evaluated which
gauge top flange must be provided for proprr and rffr.cli$,e shex slud isslallalion
types of composite floor framing types ( I ) The mcmbcr !nus1 bc designed for the maximum bending momenl near midspan and thus is oRcn undcrs!rrs,ud near h e sup-
Fig 3 2 Three First Nntionol Plnm, Chicago, Illiooir, lyplcnl noor
Fig 3.3 Composite beam stress dirlribution
Trang 17I :>,i;~
ancles leadinc to hirher fabricatton costs) to allow access for this c s u i ~ m e n t For this - u -
reason, a number of composite girder forms allowing the free passage af mechanical,
ducts and related services through the depth of the girder have been developed They'
include tapered and dapped girders, castellated beams, and stub girder systems (Fig
3.5) As the tapered girders are completely fabricated from plate elemenls or cut from
rolled shapes, these composite members are frequently hybrid, with the top flange
designed in lower-strength steel Applications of tapered composite girders to office
building construction are limited since the main mechanical duct loop normally runs
through the center of the lease span rather than at each end The castellated composite
beam is formed from a single rolled wide-flange steel beam cut and then reassembled
by welding with the resulting increased depth and hexagonal openings These mem-
bers are available in standard shapes by serial size and are quite common in the United
Kingdom and the rest of Europe Use in the United Stales is limited due to the
increased fabrication cost and the fact that the standard castellated openings are not
large enough to accommodate the large mechanical ductwork common in modern
high-rise, large floor plate building construction common in the United States The
stub girder system involves the use of short sections of beam welded to the top flange
of a continuous, heavier bottom girder member Continuous transverse secondary
beams and ducts pass through the openings formed by the beam stubs This system has
been used in many building projects, but generally requires a shored design with con-
sequent construction cost premiums
Succc$si~ll cnmpnwte hc:m ile.;ign T'LII.IIL.\ the c ~ n s i d e r i ~ t i o ~ t n i \.ilriol~< <cr\ic~.- ability ~*.os; >o;b ;IS I~rnn-tsr~tt (clsupl denc:ti~rns ;lnJ nuor vihr;dinns 0 1 p3rticul;tr cunccrn is lltc iw.c oi pcrc~ptihility of n:cupaot-indursd tl~tnr r ~ h r ~ l ~ o n s The rsln- lively l!i;lt II~.rur;ll ~ l i l l n c r ~ oi a1o.l nltnporilc noor fr;lming a)slr.m> rerulls ill rela-
t i t c h lot !ihralion :~!#,t>litndrc irnm 1r.losilory hcel-dlop d ~ ~ i l : l t ~ o n s and thcr:lore is effective in reducing perccptihility Recent studies have shown that short 17.6 m (25 fi) and lcss] and rery lollg clcar-sp;ln 113.7 nl (45 St) and longer] cunlposile floor framine svstcnls ncriornl suite well and - :!re rarely found to transmit annoying vibra-
tions to the occup8tnts Particular care is requircd for span conditions in thc (9.1- to 10.7-m) 130- to 35-ftl rangc Anticip.atcd danlping provided by partitions which extend
to the sl:lb cthovc serviucs ceiling constructiot~,and the structure itself are used in conjunctiott with htate-of-thc-;lrt prediction tllodels to evalue~e thc potential for pcr- ceptible noor i~ibrations
2 C o m p o s i t e J o i s t s and T r u s s e s Preeneinccred nronrictnrv oncn-web lloor ioists ioisl rirders and fabricated noor = -
trusses are viable composite memhcrs when combined with a concrete noor slab The
stiffnus;due to 1he.decocr s~ructural ~ ~ den& =ncl case in nccomrnodatine electrical con- -
duit plumbing pipes and heating and air-condilioninp ductwork Open web systems
Trang 1814 Tall Building Floor Systems [Chap 3
the member Open-web steel joists have been used in composite action with flat-soffit
concrete slabs and metal deck slabs supporting concrete fill with and without sheer
conhectors The desien for these svstems i s orimarilv based on manufacturers' test
d313 , I s ~ ~ p ' n - ~ v e b steel jotbtb and joist girders nornlally are \paced relatively clusaly
rile full polenrial lor composite elilc~cncy is not rcalircd as conlpared to o1hr.r cunlpor-
ite floo; systems Composite design does provide quantifiableadvantages over "on-
lively long-span 3pplicntions svtlh rn;lxinlom f l e a ~ h ~ l i t y fnr iscorporaung huildinz-ser-
\,ic<r dusluork and oioina into tilu cellinr! caritv The urufill: of the truss lorm alluhi, - -
for large mechanical air ducts as well as other piping and electrical lines to pass
through the openings formcd by the lriangularization of the web mcmbcrs T h e
increased depth of the comuosite truss svslcm over a standard rolled-shaoe comnosite
results in maximum material eificicncy and high flexural stilfness Generally, com-
posite floor trusses are considcrcd economically viable lor floor spans in excess of
about 9 m (30 it) A iurtltcr requirement Tor noor truss systems is that the Framing Iny-
out be uniform resuldng in relatively few truss types, which can be readily built in the
floor truss assemblage Lends to ofissct the relative material eliicicncy For this reason,
composite floor truss systems are particularly nttractive in high-rise uiiice building
applications where large open lcnsc spans are required and noor configurations arc
generally repetitive over the ltcight of the building Figure 3.6 shows an example of a
project utilizing composite noor trusses as part of an o\,erall mixed steel and concrete
building irante
cated noor truss: however the Warren w s s , with or without web verticals, is the one
open-web area to acco&modate ducta,ork and piping Vertical wdb membcrs added to
the Warren truss or a Pratt truss geometry may be utilized when the unbraccd length
the main air-handling mechanical buct loop in office building applications The spac-
unbraced lensth On the other hand the nnlle =~~ of ~~ the web diaeonalr should L~~~ ~ be made
lengths and higher member axial forces, often requiring connection gusset plates
thereby increasing iabrication costs and decreasing the clear area for ductwork and
piping A panel spacing of roughly two to three limes the truss depth is a good rule of
thumb for orienting web diagonals The floor truss configuration should be detailed
member may be introduced into the truss girder geometry Lo transfer these imposed
shear loads into the truss svstcm
gle-angle sections to allow easy, direct connection of web mcmbers without gusset
althouih tube sections lhive been used The composiie floor truss system is &mpleted
through the direct connection of the top chord flange to the concrete floor sl-b by
shear connectors The most common floor system in building construction is a com- oosite metal deck and concrete slab chosen based on fire seoaration and acoustical requiremenu spanning between composite floor trusses The floor trusses are normally spaced such that the metal deck slab sonns as the concrete form between the trusses without requiring any additional shoring
low-rise SlNCtUreS such as parking garages and shopping centers Precast pretensioned floor units have remained popular since the 1960s and cast-in-place posttensioned
Poslrensioncd floors have been widely uscd for high-rise office buildings in Aus- tralia since the cnrly 1980s and there are examples in the United States, the most
ing in the world when completed
Trang 1916 Tall Building Floor Systems [Chap 3
7 General Considerations
High-rise oftice buildings usually have long-span floors to achieve the desirable col-
umn-free space, and the spans are usually noncontinuous between the core and the
facade To achieve long spans and still maintain acceptable deflections requires a deep
floor system in steel or reinforced concrete However, by adopting prestressed post-
m u m m
CHOilOB h u b l ~ l n g l e m R e e ? T U k R L U b
Fig.3.8 Composite trurr romponcnleections
I '
free s b c e is not a selling point;the tenant or buyer ices the spice already subdivided
b y walls, which effectively hide the columns Hence continuous spans can b e achieved Unlike office buildings, residential buildings do not as a rule have sus-
fit or a plasterboard ceilina on battens fixed to tbe slab soffit Flat-plate floors are
mizing the slab thickness while at the same time controlling deflections
buildings, precast pretensioned concrete can be used and has been employed in some buildines described in this M o n o m p h (Luth Building: Mnrriott Hotel, New York; Tai
slabs is the cranage required to lift the heavy uniu along with the field-welded connec-
are usually tied together by and made composite with a thin cast-in-place topping slab Floor posttensioned systems use either 12.7- or 15.2-mm (0.5- or 0.6-in.) high-
where individual strands are greased and sheathed in plastic, or "bonded," where groups of four or five strands are placed inside flat metal ducts that are filled with Eement eroul after strcssina On a worldwide basis, bonded systems are preferred in high-rise buildings becausithey have demonstrated better long-term du&bility than unbonded systems Although unbonded systems used today have improved corrosion resistance compared to earlier systems, there is still a large number of older buildings that exhibit corrosion problems in their unbonded tendons Another reason that bonded posttensioned systems nre preferred is that cutting tendons for renovations or demolition is both simpler and safer when the tendons are bonded to the concrete Nevenheless, care musibe exercised as it is by no means unknown for tendons speci- fied to be grouted to have had this vital operation omitted In this aspect good quality control is essential Figure 3.9 illustrates a typical posttensioned floor using unbonded tendons, whereas Figs 3.10 and 3.11 illustrate the construction of a typical postten- sioned floor using bonded tendons
Posttensioned flat slabs and flat plates (Fig 3.12) Posttensioned beams supporting posttensioned slabs (Fig 3.13) Posttensioncd benms supporting reinforced concrete slabs (Fig 3.14) Currently with computer programs readily available to carry out cracked section analysis of prestressed concrete, it is normal to design for partial prestress where the
comprises a significant portion of the total reinforcement The partial prestress ratio (PPR) gives the degree of prestress
+ A,&,
ride culficicnt prestress lo lh313ncc oboul 1 5 % of the self-weight of the nnor blrUclllrLI
Trang 20in a PPR of about 0.6.) Deflections and shear capacity must also be checked:
I /
internal span and 40 for an end span
In high-rise buildings it is preferable to avoid running floor beams into heavily reinforced perimeter columns for two reasons:
space with the column reinforcement
2 Frame action developed between the beams and columns causes the design bending
the number of identical floors that can be designed, delailed and conswcted
Instead of being directly supponed by columns, the floor beams should be supported
by the spandrel beams
Prestressing anchorages can be on the outside of the building (requiring external access) at a step in the soffit of the beams [see Riverside Centre and Bourke Place
ets have the disadvantage that they usually cause local vnrialions in the flatness o i the floor and rough patches, which may need to be ground flush
Bccause posttensioning causes axial shortening of the prestressed member, it is necessary to consider the effects of axial reslraint, that is, the effects of stiff columns
Trang 2120 Tall Building Floor Systems [Chap 3
and walls Such restraint has two potential effects: it can overstress the co!umns or
walls in bending and shear, and it can reduce the amount of prestress in the floor
axial shortening of the floor can be generally in a direction toward the core This
means that the perimeter columns move inward, but because they move by the same
the first story abuus a nonprestressed,floor, which is often the ground floor As this*:'
,lev is usually higher than a typical ,tory the flexibility of rhc columns is greater and
1111: induced bdndinp mo~nents [nay be easily accommodated Horvevsr the loss of prc-
2 Economics of Posttensioning
Posttensioned concrete floors will usually result in economics in the total construction
cost because of the following:
The last item can be very significant as any height reduction translates directly into savings in all vertical structural, architectural, and building-services elements The construction will proceed wilh the same speed as a normal reinforced concrete floor, with four-day floor-to-floor construction cycles being achieved regularly on high-rise office buildings with posttensioned floors (Fig 3.18) Three-day cycles can easily, be achieved using an additional set of forms and higher strength concretes to shorteb posttensioning time
A major cost variable in posuensioned floors is the leneth of the tendons ~ Short
trend for tendons ranging front 10 to 60 m (33 to 200 it) Tlte relntively high cost of short tendons rssults from fixcd-cost components such as setup costs, asohorapcj, and
"retli~tg losses" is also greater with ruv shun strands, thus incrc3sing the area of ten- don required Nevertheless, even though most tendons in a high-rise building floor will be only around 10 to 15 m (33 to 5 0 it), the system is economical because of sav- ings in floor depth, and it is desirable because of control of deflections and the lack of need for precambering For grouted tendons the optimum economical size has been
,, ~ round to b e the four- or five-strand tendon in a flat duct because the anchorages are compact and readily accommodated within normal building members and because
Trang 222 2 Tall Building Floor Systems [Chap 3
Comparing the cost of bonded and unbonded tendons will generally show the
unbonded system as being slightly cheaper This is because unbonded posttensioning
usually requires less strand due to lower friction and greater available drape Unbonded
strand also does not need grouting with its costs of time and labor As a floor using
ultimate flexural strength and code requiremcnls, the combined cost of the strand and
untensioned reinforcement will be almost the same as that for bonded systems
try and irregularities For example:
The higher the perimeter-to-area ratio, the higher the normal reinforcement content
since reinforcement in the perimeter can be a significant percentage of the lolal
more difficult lo form
Inlernal stressing from the floor surface increases costs due to the provision of the
wedge-shaped stressing pockes and increased amounts of reinforcement
Slab steps and penetrations will increase posttensioning costs if they decrease the
length of tendons
1 , Ssct 3.21 Prestressed and Posttensioned Concrete Floor Systems 23
Trang 23Tall Building Floor Systems [Chap 3 S e c t 3.21
stressed strands and tendons during structure modifications or demolition Although
Finding the tendons in a floor to permil the localbn of penetrations without damaging
any tendons is a very simple procedure that is carried out with the aid of an electronic
tendon locater Tendons are accurately located using this system withon1 any need to
remove floor coverings or ceilings
Concrete Reinf + P.T
Bl3.C R P.T
Floor being poured7
Full access for Finishing Trades
Average tendon length, rn
Fig 3.19 Portlenrianing corb
Trang 2426 Tall Building Floor Systems [Chap 3
In a typical posttensioned floor it is possible.to locate penetrations of up to 1000 by
tion to the floor Penetrations that require cutting of the posttensioned tendons will
need lo be checked and designed as would any large penetration in any floor system
1 Design the modified floor s m c t u r e in the vicinity of the penetration, assuming
that any cut posttensioned tendons are dead-ended at the penetration
2 Install any strengthening required
4 If there is no doubt as to the quality of the grouting, proceed lo step 5 Other-
wise strip off ducting, clean out grout, nnd epoxy grout the strands over a length
of 500 mm (20 in.) immediately adjacent to the penetration
5 Install props
6 Core drill the corners of the penetration to eliminate the nced for overcutling
and then cut the perimeter using a diamond saw
If a large penetration through a floor cannot be located within the slab area but
must intersect a primary support beam, then substantial strengthening of adjacent
beams will usually be necessary
Whcn culling openings into floors built using unbondcd postlensioned tendons the
procedures used for bonded posttensioned tendons cannot bc applied The preferred
procedure that has been developed to permit controlled cuttinf of unbondcd strands is
i to use a special detensioning jack The jack grips the strand and the strand is then cut with the force in the strands being released slowly New anchorages are then installed
at each side of the new opening and the strands restressed
Extensive experience has been gained in demolition procedures for posllensioncd
for demolition are the same as for reinforced concrete The individual strands will not
lition The individual cut strands will dislodge at stressing anchorages, but will move
generally less than 450 mm (18 in.) However, precautions should al!i~ays be taken in
case the strands move more than this
Number of stories Number of levels below ground Bullding use
Frame m a a n a l Typical floor live load Basic wind velocity Maximum lateral deflcction Design fundamental p e r ~ o d Design accelcrat~on
Earthquake loading Type of structure Foundation conditions Footing type Typical floor Story height Beam span Beam depth Beam spacing Slab Columns Size at ground floor Spacing
Concrete strength Core
Shear walls Thickness at ground flool
McCutcheon Connell Wagner
21 1 m (692 ft)
5 4
3 Office
3-kPa ( 6 0 - p s 0 beams, 4-kPa (80-psf) slabs
5 0 m/s (112 mph) ullimate 100-yr return
100 mm (4 in.), 50-yr rctum 4.2 scc
2.9 mg rms 5-yr return 1% serviceability, 5% ultimate Not applicable
Concrete core, concrete perimeter tube
in lube Mudstone, 2000-kPa (20-tonlfl') capacity Pads to columns, raft to core
3.85 m (12 ft 7 in.) 11.5 m (37 ft 9 in.)
530 mm (21 in.)
3 m ( l 0 it)
120 mm (4.75 in.) on metal deck
65 MPa (10,000 psi) maximum
600 and 200 mm (24 and 8 in.)
rentable) and a large retail development of a funher 60.000 m' (Fig 3.20) The overall dimensions of !he tower are 43.72 by 43.72 m (143 by 143 ft) The tower is 21 1 m (692 ft) above street level and 225 m (738 ft) above the core raR The facade is a glass and aluminum curtain wall
Trang 2528 Tall Building Floor Systems [Chap 3 ,, Project Descriptions 29
The lower floors consist of steel b u m s spanning from the core to the facade wi
composite concrete slab supported on stoctural steel decking, spanning brtwecn
thick, unpropped
The column spacing at the facade is 6 m (20 ft) A perimeter beam is required to carry the intermediate floor beams This is a 900-mrn-deep by 300-mm-wide (36- by 12-in.), prccasl concrete beam Although this is precast concrete, it is erected in the same way as a sleel beam and as part of the steel frame The use of precast concrete simplifies the fire rating of the slructure at the perimeter where access is difficult It
building regulations The fixings for the curtain wall are cast into lhis beam, resulting
in reliable and accurate positioning
The floor-to-floor height is 3875 mm (12 ft 8.5 in.) for the typical floors The
of 200 mm (8 in.) in height, to be installed by a tenant, providing a minimum 7700-
mm 18-it 10-in.) occuoied soace
~ i v wind resistance stricture for this buildine consists of the core cantileverine ~- "
mately 10% of the wind load on the building, and, more importantly, it convibutes
gig 3.11 LOW-rirc floor LE-L14 hl~lbourne Ccnlml
Trang 2630 Tall Building Floor Systems [Chap 3
significantly to the sway serviceability perromance The remainder of the wind load
is carried by the core element
The central-services core to the building is reinforced concrete from the footings to
unchanged over the full height of the building The 200-mm (8-in.) internal wall thick-
ness is h e optimum to achieve load-carrying capacity, minimal slenderness effects, and
the bottom of the buildine to 250 mm ( 1 0 in.) thick at the buildine too Concrete
encased within the reinforccd concrete column and oermit erection - ~ n i ~ -~ the sirel ~ - - ~ - - frame ~ ~
~ h c rtci'l noor b u ~ n ~ s and rlructural aleel d:cking pcrmils bun-fit in^ from 111c ~ d v a ~ l -
lively cxpun<ive material t l ~ a t is sleel This is iund3menlal lo 3 coniporile steel i n d
The footings to the tower are foundcd in moderately weathered mudstone having a
bearing capacity of 2000 Wa (20 tonlit') The depth of the excavation and the base-
this material The footing lo the core is a 3.2-m (10-it 6-in.)-thick reinforced concrete
raft This extends approximately 2 m (6 ft 6 in.) past the outside face of the core wall
Project Descriptions
r ~ ~ ~ n i nrrm firm
f R ) l , i l O l l P ~ E F ~ O ~ I C A T E O CSE LIR am
O U ~ L D E ~ MI." ELECT m wut~eci
T l t i ~ CAGE m nllil STEEL CDLUNII
Trang 2732 Tall Building Floor Systems [Chap 3
Luth Headquarters Building
Kuala Lurnpur, Malaysia
Typical floor live load
Basic wind velocity
Maximum lateral deflection
Design fundamental period
2.5 kPa (50 psfl
30 m/s (67 mph) Not available Not eswblished Not established Not established Not applicable Tube in tube Stiff silly clay 1500-mm (5-ft)-diameter bored piles
20 m (60 ft) deep
3.66 m (12 ft)
Typically 640 mm (25 in.) 9degrees radially Precast prelensioned concrete
100 mm (4-in.) precast planks, 50-mm (2-in.) topping
5 by i.2 m (16.4 by 4 ft)
38 m (125 ft) around circumference
32 MPa (5000 psi)
The Luth Headquarters Building is a 38-level office building in Kuala Lumpur (Fig
3.23) Of the 38 levels 37 are at or above ground and comprise 7 levels of parking
garage, 2 mechanical-plant levels, and 28 levels of office space
All floors are circular and contain a circular central core However, in elevation the
building is most unusual in that the facade is not vertical but formed from several
solids of revolution The facade of the lowest 22 levels is described by one circular
Project Descriptions
Fig 3.23 Lulh Hcodqunrl~rr Building, Kunin Lurnpur, Mnioysin
Trang 2936 Tall Building Floor Systems [Chap 3
Trang 30Tall Building Floor Systems
Fig 3 1 8 Scclion of Lutb Hcndquorters Building
, Riverside Center
3'1 , Brisbane, Australia
Architect Struclunl engineer
Year of completion Height from street to roof Number of stories Number of fevels below ground Building use
Frame mnterial Typical floor live load Basic wind velocity Maximum lateral deflection Design fundamental period Design damping
Earthquake loading Type ofslructure Foundation conditions Footing type
Typical floor Story height Beam span Beam depth Beam spncing Material Slab Columns Size at ground floor Spacing
Tube in tube Rock, 5-MPa (56-todft') capacity Pads to columns, mat to core 3.475 m (1 l f t 5 in.)
12 m (39 ft 4 in.)
600 mm (24 in.) 3.35 m (1 l ft) Posttensioned concrete
125 mm (5 in.) reinforced concrete
1100 by 700 mm (43 by 27 in.) 6.7 m (22 A)
5 0 to 32 MPa (7200 to 4500 psi)
This 39-story 42-level building is a totally reinforced concrete slructure designed as a
"tube in tube" (Fig 3.29) However, because the triangular shape leads to unusually long exterior core wnlls the core has a greater than normal stiffness, and the exterior spandrel beams and columns play only n minor role in the resistance to wind load
Apart from the office building the development includes a two-level basement garage, which covers the site and extends into the Brisbane River The lowest floor is below normal high-tide levels, and the whole basement is designed to continue to function normally during a flood of a height resulting in a head of 6 m (20 11) of water
at the lowest floor The garage is topped by a ground-level plaza, low-rise commercial and retail buildings, and a restaurant which cantilevers 14 m (46 ft) o\,er the river
Trang 31Tall Building Floor Systems [Chap 3 Project Descriptions
125 SLAB
Fig 3 3 0 Floor plnn; Riverride Cenler
Trang 3242 Tall Building Floor Systems [Chap 3
The ground conditions comprise hard phyllite a metamorphosed mudstone, which
allowed the use of design bearing pressures of 5000 kPa (50 tunlft') Footings for the
tower are reinforced concrete pads to columns and a raft slab to the core The sur-
rounding basement columns are supported on either pads or piers, depending on the
rock level, which sloped away into the river
p s 0 zone around the perimeter of thc core The use of 4 kPa (80 psi) rather than the
statutory 3 %Pa (60 psf) provides for the more ready accommodation of safes, isolated
slabs span 3.3 m (10.8 ft) and are reinforced with fabric
Floor beams are 600 mm (24 in.) deep nnd 350 mm (14 in.) wide at the soffit
nnchongus The s l h nochornpc> are the m o t econo,nicel and lend tbsmsulrss tu ibt
uss of rm:lll linht incks Tlte circular ducts rdrult in o a r r a ~ e r b d i ~ n s cu~nparcd nlth
the width required ior two flat slab ducts side by side
The partially prcstresscd design provides for a load-balanced condition for about
80% of the weight of the bare concrete This resulted in a flat floor Ultimate load
canacitv was orovided bv additional unlensioned steel Untensioned steel stresses ~ ~ ~,
ucrc limilcd to 130 hlP:, (?1.100 psi) Bcams were designed for lhe same li\c lu:lds 3s
,\I tach end ofth.: btnm t ~ h ~ r l : i t b ~ c o m c s a \\id< 300-mm (I?-i,l ).deep slnb, cnnsid-
suooonine s ~ a n d r e l - beam: the other tendon terminates in a stressing anchorage at the end
uf the 6UO-mm (2-i-in.).dcep rection of the bdnnl This a r n ~ l g e m t ~ ~ o i tendons pr0vtdi.J
Strcssinn was carried out in two stares: 50-c 3 d a \ s niter puurinc ths slnb and
100% after? days These requirements dictated the concrete strength &her than the
minimum design strength specified [The concrete yielded a strength of about 35 MPa
(5000 psi) at 28 days with 25 MPa (3500 psi) having been specified.] A prop load
analysis was curried out, tnking into account the load-relieving effect of the prestress
Plant-room beams support a much heavier load than office floor beams, but the
beam depth and by sloping the floor surface upward from the midspan of the beams
(The slab had to be thicker for ocoustic reasons anyway, and a fall for drainage was
always required, so the structural requirements matched the other requirements.)
The service - ~-~ ~ - ~-~~ care has concrete walls eenerallv 200 mm (8 in.) thick exceot far the
tension in the lowcr rtonc5 occurs under dcsien wind Inads, but in ccncrnl loids ars
comprcssion Concrete was pumped for the full 150-m (492-11) height, with strengths
varying from 40 to 25 MPa (5700 to 3500 psi)
MPa (7100-psi) concrete and 4% reinforccmcnt at the lower levels Some carly prob-
lems were encountered with misplaced bars, which made the placing of spandrel beam
locate the bars the problems disappeared Where bundled bars were used, all column
bars were specified io have splicing sleeves
Melbourne, Australia
Architect Structural engineer Year of completion Height from street to roof Number of stories Number of levels below ground Building use
Frame material
Basic wind velocity Maximum lateral deflcction Design fundamental period Design acceleration Design damping Earthquake loading Type of structure Foundation condttions
F o ~ t i n g type Typical floor Story height Beam span Beam depth Beam spacing Material Slabs Columns Size at ground floor Spacing
Concrete strength Core
Thlchness at ground floor Concrete svength
Reinforced concrete core and perimeter frame tube-in-tube
Highly weathcrcd siltstone Pads to columns, raft to core
3.7 m (12 it 2 in.) 10.8 m (35 f t 5 in.)
400 mm (16 in.) 4.6 m (15 ft) Posuensioned concrete 125-mm (5-in.) reinforced concrete
1 I00 mm (43 in.) square 8.1 m (26 ft 6 in.)
60 MPn (8500 psi) maximum Slip-formed shear walls
400 and 200 mm (16 and a n )
60 MPa (8500 psi) maximum The Bourke Place project includes a lower structure with 5 4 floors above Bourke Street in the city of Melbourne (Fig 3.31) On top of the concrete tower is a steel-
tower rising to approximately 255 m (837 ft) above the street Alongside the tower there are an 8-storv narkine raraee (four of which are below eround) and olazas with , - - b ,
rood and retail areas The total leasable floor space in the office tower i s approxi- mately 60,500 m' (651.200 ft')
The tower structure consists of a slip-formed reinforced concrete core, postten-
Trang 3344 Tall Building Floor Systems [Chap 3 Project Descriptions 45
and 3.33) The core structure is approximately 20 m (66 ft) square at the base Most
internal walls are 200 mm (8 in.) thick with some 150 mm (6 in.) and remain con-
stant for the full height of the structure The external wails vary from primarily 400
mm (16 in.) thick at the base using 60-MPa (8500-psi) concrete to 200 mm (8 in.) lor
the top 15 slories, requiring only 25-MPa (3500-psi) concrete [40 MPa (5500 psi) was
used for pumpability.]
(Plioro by Srjl~irc Plio!ogropi!ic.r.)
Fig 3.32 Typical tower floor plon; Bourke Place
? O R ivn,oxn ,m
"liiiill ilC DiiYI*i
Fig 3 3 3 Typicill n o o r profile, ~ o u r k e ~ i u c c
Trang 3446 Tall Building Floor Systems [Chap 3
MPa (5500-psi) concrete was used, represented an effective extra ovcmll capitalized
cost to the client of approximately $;100,000 (Australian) per floor
Two substantial core shape changes occur up in the tower as elevator shafts that
the changes in wall thickness were positioned sufficiently high up in the tower to
ensure that the cote aould be off the construction crilical path in order to avoid any
time delays The design of the slip form incorporated the facility to reduce the wall
thickness and to "drop off' these portions Cost comparisons during the design dcvel-
opment phase indicated that slip forming was the most cost-efiicient method of con-
A t the tilne of dcs~gn, building rcgulations lor fire prolcc~inn required 1h3t spandrel
t2nce lo brnd In3d5 on lhc slnlcturc Tnr h e ~ m s ucr? designed for l l ~ c dead and livc
load requircmcnts: then their capacity to resist additional wind load was assessed This
amounkd to approximately 7.5% ofthe total wind load on the structure, meaning that
the core need only be designed for 92.5% rather than the full wind load The "core and
partial-frame" approach represented significanl cost savings to the client
A 125-mm (5-in.) normally reinforced concrete slab spans between 10.8-m (35.4-
it)-long band beams at typically 4.6-rn (15-it) centers The band beams radiate out
from the core and are typically 400 mm (16 in.) deep, but are notchcd at each end to
ducts, and they enable the total floor-lo-floor height to be minimized This represents
savings to the client as the overall height of the building can be reduced without
aflectine, the number of Floors
The band beams are posttensioned from underneath, utilizing the vertical face of
the notches This separates the posttensioning contractors from the "work hce."
poured floor nnd it r l i m i ~ ~ a ~ e s ihc n<<d Tor reccsssd pockets in the flour surlace
T11c b ~ i l d c r used three seu oll;!ble fonns which "lclpfrog~ud" up tllc structure and
riun or pouring one q u l i d r ~ n ~ wcry dzy To sssist in mli~ntninlng his &day cycle, col-
Tllc floor! ~ V C T ~ c11~~kcd 10 CnsUrL: 111.11 ~lnder llle l l l ~ s l f a v ~ r ~ b l ~ c~r~umsliinces 110
working dnys were acllieved
Project Descriptions
Central Plaza One Brisbane, Australia
Architect Suuctural engineer Year of completion Height from sveet to roof Number of stories Number of levels below ground Building use
Frame material Typical floor live load Basic wind velocity Maximum lateral deflection Design fundamental period Design acceleration Earthquake loading Type of structure Foundation conditions Footing type
Typical floor Story height Slab Columns Size at ground floor Spacing
Spread footings, anchored perimeter wall
3.66 m (12 ft) 10-m (33-ft)-span posttensioned 275 mm (10.8 in.) thick
1200 by 1000 mm (47 by 39 in.)
7 m (23 fl)
5 0 MPa (7100 psi)
Central Plaza One is currently Brisbane's tallest building with a total o f 4 8 levels and has a total height of approximately 174 m (571 ft) above sveet level (Flg 3.34) The building features a four-story avium with an internal running stream and land- scaping at the ground-floor level and a four-level basement garage A distinctive roof
(8 ft) of the roof structure makes the building unique among modem high-rise build- ings in Australia The tower houses three plant rooms at levels 4.26 and 41
A six-story office block adjacent to the main tower has banking facilities at the ground-floor level and shares the common basement structure with the tower ThlS
"hank annex" incorporntes an additional plant room nt level 5
Trang 35Tall Building Floor Systems The tower structure comprises a reinforced concrete core and frame with postten-
Design requirements were as follows:
beams to central core
Floors to be designed to allow for maximum flexibility in locating penetrations for
within acceptable human response lirnitotions
Project Descriptions
allow for joint design at critical locations in the curtain-wall system
that the tower would be wind-sensitive and accelerations could b e excessive The sim- plified model comprised the central core as a cantilever linked to the outer frames, with axially stiff linkages representing the floors the entire assemblage being consid- ered as a plane frame Having gained considerable insight into the behavior of the structure from the preliminary analysis, the tube-in-tube structural system was chosen for resistance to lateral wind loads
During the preliminary design stage a l:400 aeroelastic model was being devel- oped and tested in a wind tunnel to d e t e d n e and minimize wind pressures by varying the dvnamic earnmeters Considerable analytical work was carried out to tune the
I ,- .- -~
ations under \vind 1o;ading were brlou acceptable Ie\,cls In lhc analysis for core-frame
diaphragm action of the floor slabs Propping of the structure'at the ground floor a i d basements avoided the problem of having Lo deal with large momens at the core fool-
The cenval core occupies a space approximately 16 m (52.5 ft) square in the center
of the building and is, in reality, two cores with an elevator foyer space between The two cores are linked together via floor slabs and beams, and in addition, by large diaphragms in the atrium and plant rooms The atrium diaphragms were found to be particularly effective in reducing deflections by giving the building an exceptionally
The central core is a multiccll reinforced concrete structure with wall thicknesses
in the lower parts of the building to 0.5% at the top The core was designed globally for biaxial bending and axial load using the program FAILSAFE In this program a particular section of the core is defined as an assembly of square elements within a system of coordinates, and the quantity and location of steel is also defined within the coordinate system The program outputs a failure surface for axial load versus moment
concrete theory, as appropriate for the element under consideration
except that two special effects required particular attention in the design and detailing
joints, both on lhc dm\r!ng board :!nd on rltc during cnnstruction
Trang 3650 Tall Building Floor Systems [Chap 3
The ground-floor slab was designed in reinforced concrete, incorpomting an exten-
sive beam system At this level the wind-propping loads were considerably higher
than in the basement slabs, and in addition the slab was designed to support a 10-Wa
room slab over the ~ ~ atn'ltrn
The ground-floor slab is a multilevel slab with sloping and stepped purtions, and in
the nonheast comer it contained large openings Special bands of heavy reinforcing
diagonal band of heavy steel from the core to the northwest corner of the site was
required lo ensure a load path to compensate for the large penetrations o f t h e nonheast
Tower floors were designed as posuensioned flat plates spanning approximately 10
m (33 ft) from the spandrel beams to the cenval core Typical floor slabs are 275 mm
five 12.7-mm (0.5-in.)-diameter supergrade strands in 90-mm (3.5-in.)-wide ducts
The banded tendon arrangement provides maximum flexibility of floor layout for the
positioning of penebations for services and internal stairs in the tenancy design stage
The flat-plate soffit was important in allowing the builder to speed up the form-
work placing and in achieving the specified cycle times Posttensioning also meant
minlmum passive reinforcement, another feature to assist thc builder
Finite-elemcnt analysis of the floor slab indicated the existence of high shear
slresses near the comers of the core This was dealt with by installing some shcar stccl
which were posttensioned to minimize deflections
Kilmirrer 1983 Design and ConnnlcIia,r offl~e Lull? Heodqaunrrs Buiidirtg, K ~ o i o Lu,npur
Monin 1989, lVirzd Design ofFourBuiidirtgr up to 306 ,n TO!!
Lateral Load Resisting Systems
Two fundamental loteral force resisting systcms are the braced frame (also kno\\'n as
frame) Thesc systems evolved during the beginning of high-rise construction in the
twentieth century Braced framcs and momcnl resisting frames are normally orga-
frame system Thc two systems may be used together as an overall interactive SySlem
commonly used today as effective means of resisting lateral forces in high-rise con- struction ior buildings of up to 40 or 5 0 stories
1 !.,
Braced framcs arc cantilevered vertical trusses resisting lateral loads primarily through
I ' ? the mial stiffness of the frame members Axial shortening and elongallon of the column
tion lor slender truss systcms The effecriveness of the system, as characterized by a
low- to midhcight range
axcs of all mcmbcrs intersect at a point such that the member forces are axial CBFs
shcar into the frame, which lowers the stiffness-to-weight ratio but increases ducttl~ty
Trang 3752 Lateral Load Resisting Systems [Chap 4
lransfer path as they absorb a ponion of the column load in proportion to their stiffness
This creates additional forccs in both diagonal and horizontal members of X-bracing
T o accommodate door and other openings, EBFs are commonly used, a s shown in
ductility Higher ductility through inelastic shear or bending action of the link beam
make it a desirable lateral system in areas of high seismic activity Ductility is measured
by a well-behaved hysteresis loop and achieved through proper connection and member
design such that all modes of instabilities and brittle failures are eliminated
Braced frames are most often made from structural steel because of ease of con-
struction Depending on the diagonal force, length, required stiffness, and clearances
the diagonal member in structural steel can be made of double angles, channels, tees
tubes, o r wide-flange shapes Besides performance the shape of the diagonal is often
based on connection considerations Examples of typical braced frame connections are
buildings, where frame diagonals may be enclosed within permanent walls Braced
frames can be joined to form closed section cells, which logetherare effective in resist-
ing torsional forces These cells may be bundled to take advantage of additional stiff-
Fig 4.1 Concentric br;lrcd
thus sensitive lo the lootprtnt of ihe core area and the arrangement 01 the clcvators When ihe slenderness ratio of a core truss (the ratio of truss height lo le2rt u,idth) In-
and uolifr forces of chord columns While truss chord members may rr3dily be drsigned
forces, net foundation uplift forces are generally &desirable A design
be lo spread Lhe chords as far apart as possible while diverting gravity load to these chords to Drevent or reduce the net tensile force
As slenderness increases the a i a l drformalions of lllc chord columns o f a truss sys- tem become more critical in controlling the sway of the slructurc Increasing the r l ~ l f - nrss and strsnath of lhe chord members in proponion lo the work done by those mem- bers will prov%e an effective way to minimiz; sway The bracing system between the
eliminated or minimized in size and the efficiency of the boundary chords maximized
T o further reduce the steel tonnage and cost of the structure, composite steel and con- crete chord columns may be utilized Using concrete in chord columns will most likely provide a lower unit price for strength and axial stiffness
nected together in a planar grid form which resists lateral loads primarily through the flexural stiffness of the members Typical deformations of tha moment resisting frame system under lateral load are indicated in Fig 4.4 A point of contraflcxure is normally located near the midheight of the columns and midspan of the besms The lateral defor- mation of the frame is due partly to the frame racking, which might be called shear sway, and partly to column shortening The shear-sway camponen1 constitutes approx-
tion of deformation is due to column shortening (cantilever component or so-called chord drift)
5traint ~~~ ~~ on the olannine module ~ h ; u frame mav be architecturallv exposed to express the
c ~ n match !hat required fur grnvity lraming In lac1 ths stecl u e ~ g h t - ~ prenlium for iatual frame resistance decreases with increasing gravity londs on the frame
Trang 385 4 Lateral Load Resisting Systems [Chap
Fig 4.3 Typicul corlncrlion debiir lo) CUF (b) EUF
sect 4.11 Braced Frame and Moment Resisting Frame Systems
Trang 4058 Lateral Load Resisting Systems [Chap 4
volves a transfer of shear forces from the top to the bottom of the building Figure 4.7
shows the truss and frame deflections if each resisted the full wind shear The distrihu-
tion of wind shear between lruss and frame can also be noted Frame-truss interacting
appropriately manipulated Optimum efficiency is obtained when gravity-designed
then combined with gravity-designed exterior columns and spandrel beams with rigid
I J sect 4.7, Braced Frame an Moment Resisting Frame *terns 59
connections If the lateral stiffness of the system is adequate, this then would ~ r o d u c e
nents The frame beam spans, story heighls, and core uuss depth are key parametcrs Tension or uplift conditions may limit the possibility of increasing chord columns