Task: Viewing the Data 3. Open stopes1.dtm. This file represents two parallel ore zones. 4. Open ugdes_final1.dtm You will be creating a part of the file ugdes_final1.dtm in this tutorial. It consists of a series of three-dimensional solid objects representing an underground mine design.
Underground Ring Design in Surpac 6.0 July 2007 www.gemcomsoftware.com Copyright © 2007 Gemcom Software International Inc (Gemcom) This software and documentation is proprietary to Gemcom and, except where expressly provided otherwise, does not form part of any contract Changes may be made in products or services at any time without notice Gemcom publishes this documentation for the sole use of Gemcom licensees Without written permission you may not sell, reproduce, store in a retrieval system, or transmit any part of the documentation For such permission, or to obtain extra copies please contact your local Gemcom office or visit www.gemcomsoftware.com While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual, we assume no responsibility for errors or omissions Neither is any liability assumed for damage resulting from the use of the information contained herein Gemcom Software International Inc Gemcom, the Gemcom logo, combinations thereof, and Whittle, Surpac, GEMS, Minex, Gemcom InSite and PCBC are trademarks of Gemcom Software International Inc or its wholly-owned subsidiaries Contributors Rowdy Bristol Phil Jackson Kiran Kumar Product Gemcom Surpac 6.0 Table of Contents Introduction Workflow Ring Design Concepts Setting the Work Directory Creating a Centreline Slicing Objects 13 Setup 19 Moving the Mast 26 Creating and Reporting Holes 32 Plotting 44 Introduction Ring design is the term given to drilling a fan of holes from an underground drive for the purposes of blasting ore Although there are numerous requirements for each design, Surpac can assist you to create and report practically any type of underground ring design Requirements Prior to proceeding with this tutorial, you will need: • • • Surpac 6.0 installed The data set accompanying this tutorial A basic knowledge of Surpac string files and editing tools as covered in the Introduction to Surpac manual Objectives The objective of this tutorial is to allow you to understand the process of creating, editing, saving, reporting and plotting underground ring designs Page of 49 Workflow The process of performing underground ring design with Surpac in this tutorial is typical, although there are many variations in the design of any one ring, or “fan” of holes Page of 49 Ring Design Concepts Overview This section will cover some terms used in this manual, some basic concepts of ring design and the files you will use during ring design Requirements Prior to performing the exercises in this tutorial, some experience in ring design is helpful but is not required Terminology • Centreline – a single string segment used in the function Centre line slice to create slices from solid models • Real World Coordinates – a concept where the information in a string file is stored with the coordinates representing a plan view of the data In other words, the coordinates represent the mine grid northing, easting, and elevation Slices of solid objects to be used for ring design must be saved in real world coordinates • Section Coordinates – a concept where the information in a string file does not represent a plan view Data created using the ring design function Save for plot are saved in section coordinates • Underground Drive – a tunnel, or opening in rock where the drill rig will be positioned • Stope – a 3-dimensional area (usually ore) which is to be mined out by blasting a series of long holes or ring design holes Ring Design Concepts and Files In the most common cases, you will need three things to perform ring design: • 3D solid models of surveyed underground drives • 3D solid models of designed stopes • A string segment to be used as a centreline for slicing solid objects For stopeless design, such as for cable bolt holes and "sludge" (or sample) holes, you will need only a 3D model of the drives and the centreline string If you have a Surpac block model, you may also slice it at the same time you slice the 3D solid models of drives and stopes You may also append DTMs representing other features, such as fault surfaces to the drives and stope designs prior to slicing After slicing, and prior to enabling ring design, you may append any other string files (in real world coordinates) to the string files created from slicing The purpose of this tutorial is to expose you to one way of using most of the tools within Surpac to create a ring design Page of 49 Setting the Work Directory A work directory is the default directory for saving Surpac files Files used in this tutorial are stored in the folder: \demo_data\tutorials\underground_ring_design where is the directory in which Surpac was installed Task: Setting the Work Directory In the Surpac Navigator, right-click the underground_ring_design folder From the popup menu, select Set as work directory The name of the work directory is displayed in the title bar of the Surpac window Page of 49 Creating a Centreline Task: Setting the Profile and Viewing the Data Creating a Centreline Overview The function Centre line slice will be used to create slices through one or more solids A centreline string is required to slice the solids In this chapter you will prepare a string file to act as a centreline, maintaining a pivot point a given distance above the surveyed floor Task: Setting the Profile and Viewing the Data Right-click in the empty space at the top of the Surpac interface Select Profiles, and then ringdesign as shown The top of the Surpac window appears similar to the following image The interface now contains a new set of menus and toolbars that cover the functionality for processing data from a ring design Page of 49 Creating a Centreline Task: Setting the Profile and Viewing the Data Open cl1.str Open floor1055.str Choose Display > Point > Markers to display markers Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply You will now look at the data in section view, which is defined in Surpac as looking north at the XZ plane Click the icon The floor and centreline strings are displayed as shown You will create a set of sections perpendicular to the centreline through several solids The origin (0N, 0E) of each section is set at the pivot point of the drill rig, at a height of meters above the floor To this you will need a centreline for slicing which is meters above the floor for the entire length of the centreline Page of 49 Creating a Centreline Task: Creating a DTM of a Floor String Task: Creating a DTM of a Floor String Click the Reset graphics icon Open floor1055.str Choose Surfaces > Create DTM from layer Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply Choose File > Save > string/DTM Enter the information as shown below, and then click Apply Click Yes on the following form Page 10 of 49 Creating and Reporting Holes Task: Creating and Editing Holes Hole number will be created to the left of hole number 2, using the AECI algorithm, and a toe spacing distance of 1.5 Note: See the online help for more information on toe spacing algorithms Next, you will drill another hole along the footwall contact, and then a fan of holes between these last two holes 15 16 Choose Create holes > At selected location Click a location on the left stope wall to create a hole similar to that shown You will now rotate this hole to the lower stope limit, or footwall Page 35 of 49 Creating and Reporting Holes 17 18 19 Task: Creating and Editing Holes From the Ring design menu choose Edit > Rotate hole Click hole number 4, then release to select hole number Click hole number again and drag it to the lower stope limit, or footwall as shown It is not necessary that the holes fall entirely within the stope design The decision to drill this hole slightly outside of the stope is purely a judgement call In this case the hole extends beyond the stope, and you will now adjust the length of the hole 20 21 From the Ring design menu choose Edit > Edit hole length graphically At the prompt, click and drag the toe, or end of the hole to the new position When you release the mouse, the length of the hole will be reset to that position This function is not an exact means of setting a hole length Page 36 of 49 Creating and Reporting Holes Task: Creating and Editing Holes Following is an exact method of setting a hole length 22 23 24 From the Ring design menu choose Edit > Set length of one hole, Click hole number Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply 25 Press ESC to terminate the function You will now drill a fan of holes between holes and 26 27 Choose Create holes > Between two holes Click hole 3, and then hole Remember that you previously set the direction of the holes to be created as anti-clockwise As a result, you must select hole first, and then hole If we selected hole first and then hole 3, Surpac would attempt to create holes anti-clockwise from hole to hole As described previously in Setup, the value entered for tolerance on the Drilling Parameters form is used with the function Create holes When fitting holes with this function, you are asked to select two holes which have been drilled from the same pivot point, with the assumption that additional holes will fit between the two selected holes When Surpac attempts to fit additional holes with a given toe spacing, invariably the last hole to be fitted will be too close to the second hole chosen The tolerance is used to allow the toe spacing of holes fitted between the two holes to move by up to this amount Surpac iterates a given number of times, with slightly varying toe spacings, given that the toe spacing does not vary by more than the tolerance given here, until an acceptable toe spacing is found When the tolerance is used to fit holes between two holes, it attempts to keep the toe spacing as close as possible to the original To this, it must make several attempts with different toe spacing distances Page 37 of 49 Creating and Reporting Holes Task: Creating and Editing Holes The number of attempts or iterations it makes to fit the holes is set on the next form For most cases, iterations are acceptable The greater the number of iterations, the longer it may take to fit holes between the two selected holes 28 Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply The holes will be created between holes and Notice that several holes which came near, or would have intersected the upper drive, were shortened When holes would normally terminate at a surveyed opening, they are shortened by the break-through tolerance value In our case, this was set to 0.75m on the Drilling Parameters form The hole numbers reflect the order in which they were created However, we assume that all holes need to be numbered in a clockwise manner, starting on the footwall 29 30 From the Ring design menu choose Edit > Renumber holes Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply 31 Click hole number Page 38 of 49 Creating and Reporting Holes Task: Saving Holes The holes are renumbered clockwise from upwards, starting at the footwall Task: Saving Holes You have now completed the ring design, and will save the holes If you were attached to a ring design database, the holes would be stored in the database However, for this example you will store the holes in a string file Choose Ring design > Save holes Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply Page 39 of 49 Creating and Reporting Holes Task: Saving Holes Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply The string file 1055_4nw_holes9.str will be created in the work directory Page 40 of 49 Creating and Reporting Holes Task: Reporting Holes Task: Reporting Holes Choose Reports > Drilling report Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply Note: To add rows to the table, right click in the blank area beneath the table, and select Add The fields can then be selected from a drop down list Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply Page 41 of 49 Creating and Reporting Holes Task: Reporting Holes The drilling report will be written to the file 1055_4nw9.not, which may then be displayed in a text editor Page 42 of 49 Creating and Reporting Holes Task: Saving Default Values Task: Saving Default Values You have now set several values which need to be stored in the ring design defaults file Before continuing further, you will save these default values Choose Ring design > Save ring design settings Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply Note: In practice, you would normally want to use the default file of ssi_etc:rings.ssi You are saving rings.ssi in the local directory for training purposes only It is strongly recommended that you NOT modify this file with a text editor, as a simple modification to the format of the file could result in the loss of default parameter data If you want to see all of the steps performed in this chapter, run 05a_create_holes.tcl 05b_report_holes.tcl Note: You will need to click Apply on any forms presented Page 43 of 49 Plotting Overview Holes may be created, moved and rotated inside a stope, or without a stope In this example, we will create and edit holes inside a stope In this section you will learn how to save holes for plotting, and how to generate a plot of holes Task: Saving Holes for Plotting The diagram below shows holes created after completing the chapter Creating and Reporting Holes Ensure that the holes have been created as shown below Choose Ring design > Save holes and sections for plotting Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply Page 44 of 49 Plotting Task: Saving Holes for Plotting The file 1055_4nw9.str is saved to the work directory String files saved with Save holes and sections for plotting will contain: Data String Numbers Drill Holes 1,999 Drives Drive string number + 1000 Stopes Stope string number + 2000 Rig Pivot Points 32000 The following string numbers will be used in plotting In this example, 1055_4nw9.str will contain: Data String Numbers Drill Holes 1,17 Drives 1001, 1002 Stopes 2003 Rig Pivot Points 32000 Page 45 of 49 Plotting Task: Creating a Plot Task: Creating a Plot See the Plotting section of the Introduction to Surpac manual or the Plotting in Surpac tutorial for a more detailed explanation of plotting concepts Some map and entity definitions have been set up and saved in the files map.txt and entity.txt, which you will import Choose Plotting > Entity > Import Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply The results of the function will be written to the file map_entity_load.log You should see the following: Entity load log =============== Loaded _RIG PIVOT Loaded _RING BLAST HOLE Loaded _RING HOLE Loaded _RING NOTE Close the log file Choose Plotting > Map > Import Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply The results of the function will again be written to the file map_entity_load.log You should see the following: Map load log =============== Loaded RING BLAST EX1 Loaded RING EX1 Close the log file Choose Plotting > Map > Edit Page 46 of 49 Plotting Task: Creating a Plot Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply View the contents of the map we will be processing (ring ex1), and then click Apply Choose Plotting > Entity > Edit View the contents of the entities _rig pivot, _ring blast hole, _ring hole and _ring note 10 11 Choose Plotting > Process > Map Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply Page 47 of 49 Plotting Task: Creating a Plot 12 Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply 13 Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply Page 48 of 49 Plotting 14 Task: Creating a Plot Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply The Plot Preview window opens, and the plot is displayed This is only one manner of presenting ring design holes You can also edit the entity and map definitions provided, or create your own to customise your plots If you want to see all of the steps performed in this chapter, run 06_plotting.tcl Note: You will need to click Apply on any forms presented Page 49 of 49 [...]... help 8 9 Choose Ring design > Save ring design settings Enter the information as shown below, and then click Apply In practice, you would normally use the default file of ssi_etc:rings.ssi You are saving rings.ssi in the local directory for training purposes only You have now completed setting up a drill rig and its drilling parameters, as well as storing the information in the ring design defaults... drilling parameters that are used each time you use ring design These are stored in the text file SSI_ETC:rings.ssi Task: Performing Rig Setup You will first set up parameters for a new drilling rig 1 2 3 Click the Reset graphics icon Choose Ring design > Start ring design Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply Note: The default value of ssi_etc:rings.ssi would read values from a file in the... because the string numbers created in the resultant slices will be equal to the object numbers in the DTM file Also, when starting ring design, you must supply the string numbers representing the drives and the stope Page 15 of 49 Slicing Objects Task: Slicing the Solid Task: Slicing the Solid 1 2 3 4 Click the Reset graphics icon Open ringex1.dtm Open cl1.str Use the layer chooser to select ringex1.dtm... Centreline Task: Draping a Centreline String over the DTM of the Floor Task: Draping a Centreline String over the DTM of the Floor In this example, the input centreline string is a straight line and has only two points To set these two points to the elevation of the DTM, and to have the string follow the contour of the floor, you will drape the centreline string over the DTM of the floor 1 2 3 Click... drive segment, but only near the segment Also, when you are selecting a drive, only those strings which you have nominated as survey opening strings above are selectable The string numbers which you have nominated as stope outlines are not selectable When you are selecting a stope string, the survey opening strings are not selectable In this case, when you select the new rig position, you could double-click... direction of the ring is used when drilling normal holes For example, if the direction of the ring is set to clockwise, and you create two normal holes from a vertical hole, they will be rotated clockwise from the vertical hole The view-only hole colour is assigned to holes drilled from other rings It is sometimes convenient to view the holes from a previous ring so that holes in the current ring can be... 1055sec50.str (slice 98m from first point selected) The string files created can be in either section or real world coordinates Sections used for ring design must be created in real world coordinates Page 17 of 49 Slicing Objects Task: Slicing the Solid The sections will be created as individual string files in the work directory Sections will also appear in the ring slices layer 12 Select the icon to change... Centreline Task: Raising the Centreline String Above the Floor Task: Raising the Centreline String Above the Floor In this example, it is assumed that the pivot point of the rig will remain a constant two meters above the floor You will use string maths to set the centreline to this elevation 1 2 3 4 Click the Reset graphics icon Open cl1.str Choose Edit > String > Maths Enter the information as shown... number that is less than the feed-pivot distance, you are inferring that the bottom of the mast can be below the floor Choose Setup > Select rig Note: 6 Page 20 of 49 Setup 7 Task: Performing Rig Setup Click the tutorial rig radio button and then click the Default button The tutorial rig is set as the default rig the next time you invoke ring design 8 Click Apply The rig name tutorial is displayed in the... string over DTM Follow the prompt at the bottom of the screen and click the centreline string Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply Note: The option to Interpolate New points must be ticked in order to create new points on the centreline wherever it crosses a triangle edge If Interpolate New points was not ticked, we would get an output file with only two points You will see the string