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Computational invariant theory springer verlag berlin heidelberg (2002)

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Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York Barcelona Hong Kong London Milan Paris Tokyo Harm Derksen Gregor Kemper Cotnputational Invariant Theory , Springer Harm Derksen University of Michigan Department of Mathematics East Hall 525 East University 48109-1109 Ann Arbor, MI USA e-mail: hderksen@umich.edu Gregor Kemper University of Heidelberg Institute for Scientific Computing 1m Neuenheimer Feld 368 69120 Heidelberg Germany e-mail: Gregor.Kemper@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de Founding editor of the Encyclopedia of Mathematical Sciences: R V Gamkrelidze Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): Primary: 13A50; secondary: 13HlO, 13PlO Photograph of Emmy Noether on the cover of the book with kind permission of Niedersachsische Staats- und Universitatsbibliothek Gottingen Photograph of David Hilbert with kind permission of Volker Strassen, Dresden ISSN 0938-0396 ISBN 3-540-43476-3 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York This work is subject to copyright All rights are reserved whether the whole or part of the material is concerned specifically the rights of translation reprinting reuse of illustrations recitation broadcasting reproduction on microfilm or in any other way and storage in data banks Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is permitted only under the provisions of the German Copyright Law of September 1965 in its current version and permission for use must always be obtained from Springer-Verlag Violations are liable for prosecution under the German Copyright Law Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York a member of BertelsmannSpringer Science+Business Media GmbH http://www.springer.de © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2002 Printed in Germany The use of general descriptive names registered names trademarks etc in this publication does not imply even in the absence of a specific statement that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use Typeset by the authors using a Springer TEX macro package Cover Design: E Kirchner Heidelberg Germany 43 Printed on acid-free paper SPIN: 10865151 46/3142 db 210 To Maureen, William, Claire To Elisabeth, Martin, Stefan Preface Invariant theory is a subject with a long tradition and an astounding ability to rejuvenate itself whenever it reappears on the mathematical stage Throughout the history of invariant theory, two features of it have always been at the center of attention: computation and applications This book is about the computational aspects of invariant theory We present algorithms for calculating the invariant ring of a group that is linearly reductive or finite, including the modular case These algorithms form the central pillars around which the book is built To prepare the ground for the algorithms, we present Grabner basis methods and some general theory of invariants Moreover, the algorithms and their behavior depend heavily on structural properties of the invariant ring to be computed Large parts of the book are devoted to studying such properties Finally, most of the applications of invariant theory depend on the ability to calculate invariant rings The last chapter of this book provides a sample of applications inside and outside of mathematics Acknowledgments Vladimir Popov and Bernd Sturmfels brought us together as a team of authors In early 1999 Vladimir Popov asked us to write a contribution on algorithmic invariant theory for Springer's Encyclopaedia series After we agreed to that, it was an invitation by Bernd Sturmfels to spend two weeks together in Berkeley that really got us started on this book project We thank Bernd for his strong encouragement and very helpful advice During the stay at Berkeley, we started outlining the book, making decisions about notation, etc After that, we worked separately and communicated bye-mail Most of the work was done at MIT, Queen's University at Kingston, Ontario, Canada, the University of Heidelberg, and the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor In early 2001 we spent another week together at Queen's University, where we finalized most of the book Our thanks go to Eddy Campbell, Ian Hughes, and David Wehlau for inviting us to Queen's The book benefited greatly from numerous comments, suggestions, and corrections we received from a number of people who read a pre-circulated version Among these people are Karin Gatermann, Steven Gilbert, Julia Hartmann, Gerhard HiB, Jiirgen Kliiners, Hanspeter Kraft, Martin Lorenz, Kay Magaard, Gunter Malle, B Heinrich Matzat, Vladimir Popov, Jim Shank, Bernd Sturmfels, Nicolas Thiery, David Wehlau, and Jerzy Weyman viii Preface We owe them many thanks for working through the manuscript and offering their expertise The first author likes to thank the National Science Foundation for partial support under the grant 0102193 Last but not least, we are grateful to the anonymous referees for further valuable comments and to Ms Ruth Allewelt and Dr Martin Peters at Springer-Verlag for the swift and efficient handling of the manuscript Ann Arbor and Heidelberg, March 2002 Harm Derksen Gregor Kemper Table of Contents Introduction 1 Constructive Ideal Theory 1.1 Ideals and Grabner Bases 1.2 Elimination Ideals 1.3 Syzygy Modules 1.4 Hilbert Series 1.5 The Radical Ideal 1.6 Normalization 13 18 22 27 32 Invariant Theory 2.1 Invariant Rings 2.2 Reductive Groups 2.3 Categorical Quotients 2.4 Homogeneous Systems of Parameters 2.5 The Cohen-Macaulay Property of Invariant Rings 2.6 Hilbert Series of Invariant Rings 39 39 44 51 59 62 69 Invariant Theory of Finite Groups 3.1 Homogeneous Components 3.2 Molien's Formula 3.3 Primary Invariants 3.4 Cohen-Macaulayness 3.5 Secondary Invariants 3.6 Minimal Algebra Generators and Syzygies 3.7 Properties of Invariant Rings 3.8 Noether's Degree Bound 3.9 Degree Bounds in the Modular Case 3.10 Permutation Groups 3.11 Ad Hoc Methods 73 75 76 80 86 89 95 97 108 112 122 130 Invariant Theory of Reductive Groups 4.1 Computing Invariants of Linearly Reductive Groups 4.2 Improvements and Generalizations 4.3 Invariants of Tori 139 139 150 159 x Table of Contents 4.4 Invariants of SLn and GL n 4.5 The Reynolds Operator 4.6 Computing Hilbert Series 4.7 Degree Bounds for Invariants 4.8 Properties of Invariant Rings 162 166 180 196 205 Applications of Invariant Theory 5.1 Cohomology of Finite Groups 5.2 Galois Group Computation 5.3 Noether's Problem and Generic Polynomials 5.4 Systems of Algebraic Equations with Symmetries 5.5 Graph Theory 5.6 Combinatorics 5.7 Coding Theory 5.8 Equivariant Dynamical Systems 5.9 Material Science 5.10 Computer Vision 209 209 210 215 218 220 222 224 226 228 231 A Linear Algebraic Groups A.1 Linear Algebraic Groups A.2 The Lie Algebra of a Linear Algebraic Group A.3 Reductive and Semi-simple Groups A.4 Roots A.5 Representation Theory 237 237 239 243 244 245 References 247 Notation 261 Index 263 254 References [133) Gregor Kemper, Lower degree bounds for modular invariants and a question of I Hughes, Transformation Groups 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Math Monogr 40, American Mathematical Society, Providence 1973 [181] Notation ad([...]... modular invariant theory An important role in boosting interest in computational invariant theory was also played by Sturmfels's book "Algorithms in Invariant Theory" [239] Two other books (Benson [18] and Smith [225]) and numerous research articles on invariant theory have appeared recently, all evidence of a field in ferment Aims of this book This book focuses on algorithmic methods in invariant theory. .. 2.3.2 is devoted to separating invariants, a subject rarely or never mentioned in books on invariant theory Here we go back to one of the original purposes for which invariant theory was invented and ask whether a subset of the invariant ring might have the same properties of separating group orbits as the full invariant ring, even if the subset may not generate the invariant ring As it turns out,... the applications side, since invariant theory, as much as it is a discipline of its own, has always been driven by what it was used for Moreover, it is specifically the computational aspect of invariant theory that lends itself to applications particularly well Other books Several books on invariant theory have appeared in the past twenty-five years, such as Springer [231]' Kraft [152]' Kraft et al... all phases of its existence, invariant theory has had a significant computational component Indeed, the period of "Classical Invariant Theory" , in the late 1800s, was championed by true masters of computation like Aronhold, Clebsch, Gordan, Cayley, Sylvester, and Cremona This classical period culminated with two landmark papers by Hilbert In the first [107)' he showed that invariant rings of the classical... other mathematical disciplines We address applications to graph theory, combinatorics, coding theory, and dynamical systems Finally, we look at examples from computer vision and material science in which invariant theory can be a useful tool This chapter is incomplete in (at least) three ways First, the scope of fields where invariant theory is applied is much bigger than the selection that we present... this book includes postgraduate students as well as researchers in geometry, computer algebra, and, of course, invariant theory The methods used in this book come from different areas of algebra, such as algebraic geometry, (computational) commutative algebra, group and representation theory, Lie theory, and homological algebra This diversity entails some unevenness in the knowledge that we assume on the... of invariants and examine, for example, the question of separating orbits by invariants In addition, this book has a chapter on applications of invariant theory to several mathematical and non-mathematical fields Although we are non-experts in most of the fields of application, we feel that it is important and hope it is worthwhile to include as much as we can from the applications side, since invariant. .. giving constructive methods for finding all invariants under the special and general linear group Hilbert's papers closed the chapter of Classical Invariant Theory and sent this line of research into a nearly dormant state for some decades, but they also sparked the development of commutative algebra and algebraic geometry Indeed, Hilbert's papers on invariant theory [107, 108] contain such fundamental... invariant rings of linearly reductive groups and new results on degree bounds Moreover, the modular case of invariant theory receives a fair amount of our attention in this book Of the other books mentioned, only Benson [18], Smith [225], and Introduction 3 Neusel and Smith [181] have given this case a systematic treatment On the other hand, Sturmfels's book [239] covers many aspects of Classical Invariant. .. to occur The scope of this book is not limited to the discussion of algorithms A recurrent theme in invariant theory is the investigation of structural properties of invariant rings and their links with properties of the corresponding linear groups In this book, we consider primarily the properties of invariant rings that are susceptible to algorithmic computation (such as the depth) or are of high

Ngày đăng: 24/09/2016, 07:08

Xem thêm: Computational invariant theory springer verlag berlin heidelberg (2002)