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BO GIAO DUC VA DAO TAO Hodng Van Vdn (Tdng Chti bi6n), Phon Hd'(Ch0 bien) D6 Th; Ngec Hidn, Doo Nggc LQc, Truong Thi Ngq Minh, Nguy6n Qudc Tudn V6i su cOng t6c,c0o Ken Wilson TAP MOT (Sdch c6 kcm CO) I Tom ,,,.,,,, ,, ,,,,, ",,.,y Tidng Anh - Tqp Loi n6i ddu tidng Anh Mgt Nhi xudt bin Giiio duc Vi6t Nam td chrlc bi6n soan theo Chtrong tr)nh thf Cfidm Ti6ng Anh tidu hoc Bo GiSo duc vi Dio tqo ban hinh, vdi sr.I hop tdc chat ch6 vd chuyen m6n vir ki thuat c0a Nha xudt b6n Macmillan (MPC) SSch drroc bi6n soan theo cfudng huong giao ti6p, girip hoc sinh buoc ddu hinh thirnh vir phdt tridn ning luc aiao ti6p bing ti6ng Anh, th6ng qua b6n kT nang nghe, n6i, doc v) vi6t, rlu ti6n phdt tridn hai kI 5, Tgp ning nghe vir n6i Tidng Anh 5, Tqp Mgt xoay quanh hai chi cfidm giao ti6p gdn g0i voi hoc sinh: Me ond My Friends, Me and My School M6i ch0 cfi6m dugc chia thlnh ndm don vi bii hoc (Unit) tuong fng voi n5m ch0 dd c0a chr.long trlnh Sau nim cfon vi bdi hoc li mot bii 6n (Review) tQp trung vdo 6n tQp vd c0ng c6 c5c kT ndng giao ti6p (nghe, n6i, doc, vi6t) vi ki6n thrlc ng6n ngr.t co b6n (ngrr 6m, til v{ng, ngLI phdp) Tidng Anh 5,T6p MQt CfrIo c bi6n soan dua trdn nhrrng co sd lf lu6n v) thr"rc ti€n c0a viQc dqy vi hoc ti6ng Anh ti6u hoc dVi6t Nam, co tinh ddn t6m li ltla tudi vi giao lrru qu6c t5 Cac tac Ai6 rdt mong nhAn cfrroc nhrlng 1i kidn d6ng g6p cOa c6c nha gi5o, phu huynh hoc sinh vd Cf6ng d5o ban doc quan tdm Cfd sdch dtloc holn thi6n hon Ciic tiic ai6 Ldi noi ddu Competences , Sentence Patterns " Vocabulary address? o What's your address? It's address, lane, tower, like, quiet, o What's the like? It's crowded, pretty Asking and answering questions about what : o questions about someone's address Pronunciation Word stress 'city 'village 'mountains 'tower a village/town/city is like prg ,1.2., : H it'dri['a'r#u o Asking and answering questions about sorneone's daily routine r What you ? always/usua llyloften I How often ? I every daylonce/twice Asking and answering questions about a brush teeth, morning exercise, always, usually, Word stress 'always 'usually 'often 'sometimes often, sometimes, once, twice, partner, project week/a month Page 18 Asking and answering questions about past holidays Where did you go on holiday? Asking and answering questions about means of I I went to How did you get there? went by island, ancient Word stress town, imperial city, underground, motorbike, coach, get 'motorbike 'underground 'holiday 'family ;t": Asking and answerinS whether questions about someone did something o Did you ? did./No, I didn't What did you at the party? Yes, I ;'.'l:, : enjoy, join, funfair, chat, cartoon, post simple of irregular verbs: did, had, ate, went, sang t Asking and answering ii.i,ii:ilj'ii., tit,: r.tl:"ri,, questions about what lrr;.,ti',r i.n.:,;.i;ririi,.,,ii.i , o Asking and answering questions about where someone will be Where willyou be .? Ithink l'll be o What willyou ? Asking and answering questions about what someone will I I think l'll don't know I may will, think, may, F.aEE24 Word stress 'party 'sunday enJoyed in'vite Pagiso build sandcastles, Word stress 'seaside 'islands on, in, at, by 'countryside explore, cave, boat, Page 36 TiSng Anh - TQp ' ti Competences Ufiit6'.,How a l,l o o How you practise ? Asking and answering questions about how someone learns English I Asking and answering questions about the importance of learning Why you learn English? Because I want to speak, listen, 'How you 'practise write, read, email, short 'speaking? story, practise, I'speak'English'every'day foreign 'Why you 'learn 'English? Be'cause I 'want to'sing 'English 'songs English "Ufilt r I illl?il afeiyou'readi'ngpii '' , ': ii o What are you reading? l'm reading o What's like? Asking and answering questions about what story/book someone is reading o -r':r.:r.itir He's/She's Asking and answering questions about what the character in a story is like names of book/ r r animals Asking and answering questions about what animals did in the zoo 'What are you 'reading? l'm 'reading The'Fox and the'Crow 'What's 'Snow 'White 'like? hard-working, clever, gentle, generous, funny, fairy tale aidiy.a,u 'ati.tfiffid Asking and answering questions about rn a zoo Sentence stress sroriet kind, She's'kind i What did you see at the :python, Sentence stress zoo? peacock, gorilla, roar, ' 'When did you 'go to the 'zoo? | 'went there 'yesterday I saw o What did the when you were there? They move, panda, quietly, loudly, slowly, 'What did the'tigers'do when you were'there? They'roared 'loudly beautifully uni-t-t tffheh will,sports Day,,bc,?.i iili Asking and answering questions about school events Asking and answering questions about what someone is going to do/ play on Sports Day l When will be? It',ll be on What are you going to on Sports Day? l'm going to singing contest, lndepe.ndence Day, table tennrs 'When will'Sports'Day'be? lt,ll be on 'Saturday ' 'What are you 'going to 'do on 'Sports''Day-? ,going to'play'football l,m Book Mop mffi 'Wl S -'t'iflllt'i"iffi Unit t.i i.l.ii'l ftffi*Ew# O t Look, listen and repeat Hi, Nom! Nice to see gou ogoin @@W Hello, Trung Nice to meet gou Hi, Mqi Nice to see gou, too Moi, this is Trung He's o new pupil in our closs It's Tron Hung Doo Street Where gou live? iw qffi I'm from Do Nong But now I live yt!1t! _grondpqrents @ Point and say in Ho Noi W !'w t,# 81, ffi ffi I live in Flot 18 on the second floor of Ho Noi Tower g ^t Whot's gour oddress? \ ,/,,2 T+r^ It's I 105, Hoa Lane i Binh 97, Village Road Street *6 'fu, Ti6ng Anh 75, Hai BaTrung - TQp I Flat 8, second floor, City Tower -,:t:l O Ler s r?rK rg Ask and answer questions about addresses Where or€ Uou from? I'm from Whot's gour oddress? It's Where gou live? @ Listen and complete @ -W Linda: 2.Tony: *_ , High Street "-*"*-_- _*, Green Lane Peter: 765, of City Tower Tom: O Read and complete ffi -W street address lives from @ Let's sing -r# W% W o Trung is a new pupil in Class 58 He is (1) Da Nang Now he (2) with his grandparents in Ha Noi His (3) - _ **,-:_ is 81, Tran Hung Dao (4) Hoan Kiem District $* h d' -*:, The wheals on the bus *The whaels go on the bus round and round, Round and round round and round The wheels on ths bus go round and round all day long .A r Tha bails on the bus go ding, ding, ding, Drng, ding, ding, ding, ding,ding The bells on tha bus go ding, ding,ding all day long The vtheels on the bus go round and round, Round and round, round and round Thre wheels on the bus go round and round All day long, all day long, all day long # i,), Unit I oU, Whot's your oddress? *7 A a - *ffi#wffi& O Look, listen and repeat @@W Whot's gour hometown,frung? Oh,I lihe Do Nong Did gou live in the citg? No, I didn't I lived in o villoge in the mountoins O Point and say W Whot's the Yes, g like? I thinh so - - village/far and quiet city'big and busy town/large island/small and Pretty and crowded o Let's talk % Ask and answer questions about where you live Where gou live? Whqt's it lihe? Who gou live with? Wa, Ti6ng Anh - Tqp I live It',s @ Listen and circle a or b @g a pretty and quiet village Tom lives in a b pretty and busy town Tony's city a crowded and busy is b large and busy Peter's town a big and crowded is b small and busy a big and busy city Linda lives in a b small and busy ciry () write ffi rffi ffi: {rffi sffi about you W What's your address? What's your hometown like? rye Who you live with? ,E*" t @(* *+* tr, Do you like living there? Why?lWhy not? # i O Let's play.Xk Spot WW ww ',ww the differenee {t,it ,il-cnr , leni tttir -., ,i i# Unit l Whot's your oddress? ffi& O Listen and repeat I i. r -clty I i i -lyiths-"-rl i rl I @ W Linda lives in a'city My best friend lives in a 'village - I live in the 'mountains mountarns He lives in a tall and quiet 'tower tower @ Listen and circle a or b Then say the sentences aloud @ g @ '''* Linda lives in a big 'lr; a countF/ l-ffi ;'ffi a countryside They live in the b city b mountains We live in Binh Minh b Town O Let's chant h\ to"a Vhere you live? \r/hera you live? I liva in Quang Trung Straet Where you live? I live in Green Avenua Vhsra you live? I liva in Grean Tower \ry'hat's Green Towar like? It's tall and quiat Vhat's your flat like? It's big and pretty i, ti& 410 Tidng Anh - Tsp Unit 10 ffiC Whot's he doing there? I'm looking for Phong, Where is he? I thinle he's proctising for Sports Dog Will gou tolte port in Sports Dog? When will Sports Dog be? O Point and say W g Sports Day/ Teachers' Day/ Saturday Sunday lndependence Dayl Thursday ,^ Let's talk Pg /aa\ Ask and answer questions about school events '.W nffil i Tidng Anh - Tqp tt.:i,tii.iit,:lli et It'll be on Children's @ Listen and match @ W 1.,'';;- i f'.sf.i ]- ff\k\ -i O Read and match ffi @ i Where's Tony now? iat,.ffnty;,ti swint What's Linda doing in the gym? When l til1t6rs.,$h ,the,gym will Sports Day be? table,,tdnnis; What will Phong and Nam on orl' ' ' .d;,re" 'too*_r Will you take part in the singing contest? ur!il.,: e lt'll be next month @ Let's sing $€ \ilhen will Sports Day be? Vhan will Sports Day be? ItT ba in Saptember, on Saturday \r/hen will the singing contast be? ItT be in November, on Teachars'Day \r/han will tfie music festival ba? It1l ba in June, On Children's Day TIENG ANH 5/1 SHS Unit l0 When will Sports Doy be? *ffiffi**M& O Look, listen and repeat It's onlg two weelcs until Sports Doy! Yes! tffi @ W In the sports ground neor our school It'll be greot! What obout gou, Tony? Whqt ore gou going to on Sports Doy? Whot ore Uou going to on Sports Dog, Moi? I'm going to plog toble tennis Phong ond I ore going to plog footboll Our closs will plog ogoinst Closs 5E I'm going to play O basketball play football play table tennis play badminton Ler's talk ^-e Ask and answer questions about what you will on Sports Day in your school It'llbe on I'm going to Tidng Anh - Tqp - @ Listen and number @ ffir?; # lr* g ft I a b c i-r j*l A d i-l @ Write about you () Let's play.ffi Pass the secret! We ore going to plog tqble tennis on Sports Unit ,or,l lO When wlllsports Doy be? WW fi,i'##wffi$ws' O Listen and repeat @& 'Whatare yo* 'gOing tol'dO on"Sports @ 'Day? Itm"going tO:'play 'football t-lrten and underline the stressed words Then say the sentences aloud @ P g A: When will Sports Day be? B: lt'll be on Sunday ll,ll':i, i Let's hrnt A: What are you going to on Sports B: I'm going to play table tennis s Vhat ars they going to -.s Ti6ng Anh - do? Spo.ts Day will be this weekend Itll be this weekend Vhat are thay going to do? They'ra going to play vollayball *, They're gomg to play tabla tennis They ara practising hard For Sports Day "1ti\' triiha Day? TQp ffi h{r mq Hffi ,,.1,,,,,,i,i1; lit rl lrlilit iilii i ir: ij.lil i,i!,iit:i,lili' :i;'it:i.::::i itt': ;iiii,trr lril ri]i:rirrl,+ ,i ffi @ Read and tick m { - r"' /fr' Our school Sporcs Day will q& ft t be next Saturday Everyone in my class is going to take part in it Mai and Linda are going to play table tennis Tony's going to play basketball and Peter's going to play badminton Phong and Nam are going to play in a football match Tom's going to swim My classmates are practising hard for the events We hope that we will win the competitions ffi tinau ;.aJ;1 ffiiffi v ti -$3:{l:ili!ii,;i:iii!:iii @ write about Sports Day W Sports Day is going to be Some of the boys are going to Some of the girls are going to I am going to w will I hope hooe that we O Pro;ecr {, Draw three sports and talk about them O c"rour rne srars .i Now I can ask and answer questions about school events and future activities Iisten to and understand texts about school events and *** future activities read and understand texts about school events and future activities write about Sports Day t** Unit l0 *** *** When will Sports Daybe? REVITUU O Listen and tick @ {f b T @ Listen and number @ TiSng Anh - Tqp c tr -l t O Listen and tick Yes (Y) or No (N) ,@ y Tom saw some gorillas at the zoo yesterday Nam's going to play football on Sports Day @ n"rd and write ffi ffi ffi W My name is Nam I go to school from Monday to Friday I have Maths and Vietnamese every schoolday I have English four times a week English is my favourite subject I practise reading by reading English comic books and storybooks Now I can read Aladdin and the Magic Lamp in English I practise speaking by talking to my foreign friends Every day,l practise writing English by sending emails to my friend Hakim in Malaysia I learn English because I want to watch English cartoons on TV How often does Nam have English? 2.Y{hat storybook can he read in English? How does he practise speaking? How does he practise writing? Why does he learn English? @ Write about you Then tell the class about it W @ How often you have English? How you learn English? '3 What is your favourite book? Who's the main character in your favourite book? What's he/she like? What did you see at the zoo last time? What are you going to on Sports Day? Review O Read and listen to the srory * @ Hello, Chit Whot ore you doing? -.- -\_ \,/ We're proctising for Mouse Sports Doy Whot ore you going to do? Mimi is goingto ploy bodminton ( ( lfffi"' ,f it ,:l '; , ruini is goirig to ploy toble tennis @ Rnrwer the que51;en5 @ O What are the mice doing? What is Chit going to at Mouse Sports Day? What is Mimi going to at Mouse Sports Day? What is Nini going to at Mouse Sports Day? ls Jack going to take part in Mouse Sports Day? Umscramble these words from the sto ry.&ig a dunrehd b, Stayruad c thacw d dbatonmin @ Read and compt"t" ffi g A: Will there be Sports Day at your school? there (1) A: Are you (2) B: Yes, B: to take paft? Yes, I (3) A: What are you going to do? A: to (4) Are you going to win? B: No, I'm (5) _! B: I'm going @ W"rk G) a hundred metres in pairs Talk about your school Sports Ory Read and match m@ | What are you going on Saturday? to a Yes, I l_! where are with my friend b On Wednesday youggl€e_d9_tlg a nre you going to practise I rr-:x3 f % with c No, I'm going to play basketball iI I j - to run? [1,-wl.::::P9r:D-"v?i5 Are you going J ) d ln the park e I'm going to practise for Sports Day Shori story ? F f, { l' if',i.ii:,ri'ji,,r,::, i, ir Tidng Anh - r:, TQp r,, f-: F'+, : t] ,-lij r,,.1r ]i rli,r.1 1,::,:,t ;r :i.li.i, ::r',.rl."1 ,i:l rij,j ti.: i j rr:rr:r'ir,,i,j ,r.li,:r'i r : , l; ,.r,!:,rii:r:, : i ]j, jr it:il, j' ]jf r : :J,,r:,rri:l::,irtril il:rititiir:,:?.!r l :ll,r'1,:,r1,'.1 ,rlrir" I:,I::,irll I, ij-liii ',"iti+;'1 '.r# ,iff,Iir.1r,li."ilrri morning exercise motorbike "rir:iul.ir i' iliuouiaa " olrri.tl*ri*liis thd dqc budisdng r1.' , ",,i.ir#'Hffi 1i,,,.r";il i,,-i,, rr.,,ri., riff U2 xe mdy Glossory r- EF :* :.,' khilng bao gid ' l :,1: ,47 , , ] 'l ' ,:i ', ,,; , quydn vd ghi -'r,', "''tJ[-:.:: ,l ,:, 'fltl/d{?fxaydn-.' , 1116,9ffi, , ,r'it,i 1,,.,.,-1L1 '., ','" '' " : , 6iffi1 11,,,'.,,,,,l' ,,,, ' : " ,' ,r ,'"-, , "U2,, , ,,,,.,., ', '.,,,,, ,, ,, ,'U,2,:, ',' ,, ''117', 1.,, ,,, l ',: ' -,, ,,i,.,,, ', :, , l nhonh nhgn y€n tinh,lQng y&n,w; lsng,lg,., ,, : U9,, t , ,, 1,.,,t',,,': r., lE , 1,,.t' ir-, , : : ,,,, ,t,,,,'m$t,idth i' I ':,,,, trdn , (i! : :1,',1,,1.;,, ,r, dudn :: , ,,[J$ " ,11.tult' ',: , ,,1;' ,'{JS-, ',1: dudng sdt ,, I ,1 I i:rr';,'.'i .:.',U3, ' ,: , Ug :,,.,, :l : 1,,,,U5,: , ,'l , ,, ,:-' ',.,U3,1 ' l.,l "lUBr:.' ,, I , ,',1 1',.'.1','l t': lt,;,, ,:, t::,t1,, Ti6ng Anh - TQp F -fd,rrff.f/?'rlgdm tfi,i '.t us_U*W Yf-i':.'1,, ':,,1r6 b$,lry:,,,' 1,,:,,',:t,,:-,Phon$,,e&ih'' f# ,ti3i' t, tt ,, ,:r , What's like? 'nlt*tltd;n:d:o',' ,,,,[Jfi':' ' : , ::' "- , Glossory WW F Glossory I

Ngày đăng: 22/09/2016, 20:28


