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DAP AN DE ANH 1 (mrnsapro)

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Đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia môn tiếng Anh (Đề minh họa số 1) | mrnsapro@gmail.com (Biên soạn) BỘ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO ĐỀ THI THỬ THPT QUỐC GIA NĂM 2016 ĐỀ MINH HỌA SỐ Môn: TIẾNG ANH; Khối A1 Khối D1 (Đề thi gồm có trang) Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề Mã đề thi 169 Họ, tên thí sinh: Số báo danh: I PHẦN TRẮC NGHIỆM: TỪ QUESTION ĐẾN QUESTION 64 (8 điểm) Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions Question 1: A annual B vegetation C eliminate D survey Question 2: A think B that C three D thank Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet of the following questions Question 3: A accurate B customer Question 4: A inherit B harmony Question 5: A environment B satisfaction to indicate the correct answer to each C computer C nomiante C cultivation D exercise D primitive D distribution Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions Question 6: Pierre often helped her, and they devoted all their time to working in their laboratory A dedicated B sent C gave D offered Question 7: If no specific measures are taken, what is occurring to the Earth will cause all species including human race to vanish A disappear B prosper C attacked D devastate Question 8: The newspaper reporters bear out what the Minister told yesterday A define B confirm C support D complain Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions Question 9: All of the students are obliged to pass the entrance examination in order to attend the university A forced B impelled C required D optional Question 10: There were more than 3,000 participants in the marathon race A under B below C underneath D less than Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions Question 11: In 1977, Amnesty was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for “defending human worth against degrading treatment, violent and torture” Question 12: The localize residents filled the new auditorium as they waited to hear the developer recount the history of the archaeological site Question 13: Calcium, the most abundantly mineral in the body, works with phosphorus in maintaining bones and teeth Question 14: It was at this shop where I bought a T-shirt three days ago Question 15: I remember that I danced not goods the first time I did the tango Trang 1/6 – Mã đề thi 169 Đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia môn tiếng Anh (Đề minh họa số 1) | mrnsapro@gmail.com (Biên soạn) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks Question 16: Martha Graham, _ of the pioneers of modern dance, didn’t begin dancing until she was 21 A one B she was C who, as one D was one Question 17: She asked me how long _ in my present job A I had been working B I have been working C had I been working D have I worked Question 18: In his official visit to Vietnam a few weeks ago, President Obama had the opportunity to try Bún Chả, a traditional _ hailing from Hanoi A meal B cuisine C dish D course Question 19: That can’t be a true story He _ it up A can have made B must have made C would have made D should have made Question 20: If you had caught the bus, you _ late for work A wouldn't have been B would have been C wouldn’t be D would be Question 21: The program “I love Vietnam” is a project that uses short films to teach lessons in traffic safety and _ A protecting B protector C protective D protection Question 22: Not only _ to determine the depth of the ocean floor, but it is also used to locate oil A to use seismology B is seismology used C seismology is used D using seismology Question 23: Girl: “That’s more convenient Thanks for your help!” - Boy: “ _” A No, I don’t care B Hey, that’s what friends are for C Hmm, I don’t think it will work D Sorry, I’m afraid I can’t Question 24: _ most student in this class, Terry never does homework before going to school A Unlike B Like C Similar D Different Question 25: The effect of the painkiller is _ and I begin to feel the soreness again A turning out B doing without C fading away D wearing off Question 26: The price of fruit has increased recently, _ the price of vegetables has gone down A whereas B whether C otherwise D when Question 27: We are pleased _ the result of our work A to B with C about D at Question 28: I wonder if you could _ me a small favour, Tom? A bring B make C give D Question 29: Having been found guilty of theft, _ to find work in his chosen field as an accountant A was difficult for David B David found it difficult C found David difficult D it was found by David difficult Question 30: Can you take _ of the shop while Mr Bentall is away? A management B running C charge D operation Trang 2/6 – Mã đề thi 169 Đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia môn tiếng Anh (Đề minh họa số 1) | mrnsapro@gmail.com (Biên soạn) Question 31: It was not until he took up fishing _ he began to know more about fish species A that B what C while D which Question 32: The harder we tried to solve the riddle, _ A the more confused we got B we got so confused C the most confused we got D we got more confused Question 33: John: “I’ve passed my final exam.” - Tom: “ ” A That’s a good idea B Good luck C It’s nice of you to say so D Congratulations! Question 34: - Bob: "What you think of football?" – Bill: " _" A Well, it's beyond my expectation B Of course, football players are excellent C It's none of my business D I am crazy about it Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions Even before the turn of the century, movies began to develop in two major directions: the realistic and the formalistic Realism and formalism are merely general, rather than absolute, terms When used to suggest a tendency toward either polarity, such labels can be helpful, but in the end they are still just labels Few films are exclusively formalist in style, and fewer yet are completely realist There is also an important difference between realism and reality, although this distinction is often forgotten Realism is a particular style, whereas physical reality is the source of all the raw materials of film, both realistic and formalistic Virtually all movie directors go to the photographable world for their subject matter, but what they with this material - how they shape and manipulate it - determines their stylistic emphasis Generally speaking, realistic films attempt to reproduce the surface of concrete reality with a minimum of distortion In photographing objects and events, the filmmaker tries to suggest the copiousness of life itself Both realist and formalist film directors must select (and hence emphasize) certain details from the chaotic sprawl of reality But the element of selectivity in realistic films is less obvious Realists, in short, try to preserve the illusion that their film world is unmanipulated, an objective mirror of the actual world Formalists, on the other hand, make no such pretense They deliberately stylize and distort their raw materials so that only the very naive would mistake a manipulated image of an object or event for the real thing We rarely notice the style in a realistic movie; the artist tends to be self-effacing Some filmmakers are more concerned with what is being shown than how it is manipulated The camera is used conservatively It is essentially a recording mechanism that reproduces the surface of tangible objects with as little commentary as possible A high premium is placed on simplicity, spontaneity, and directness This is not to suggest that these movies lack artistry, however, for at its best the realistic cinema specializes in art that conceals art Question 35 What does the passage mainly discuss? A Acting styles B Film plots C Styles of filmmaking D Filmmaking 100 years ago Question 36 With which of the following statements would the author be most likely to agree? A Realism and formalism are outdated terms B Most films are neither exclusively realistic nor formalistic C Realistic films are more popular than formalistic ones D Formalistic films are less artistic than realistic ones Trang 3/6 – Mã đề thi 169 Đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia môn tiếng Anh (Đề minh họa số 1) | mrnsapro@gmail.com (Biên soạn) Question 37 Whom does the author say is primarily responsible for the style of a film? A The director B The actors C The producer D The camera operator Question 38 The word “shape” is closest in meaning to _ A specify B form C understand D achieve Question 39 The word “preserve” is closest in meaning to A encourage B maintain C reflect D attain Question 40 The word “They” refers to _ A films B realists C formalists D raw materials Question 41 How can one recognize the formalist style? A It uses familiar images B It is very impersonal C It obviously manipulates images D It mirrors the actual world Question 42 The word “tangible” is closest in meaning to A concrete B complex C various D comprehensible Question 43 Which of the following terms is NOT used to describe realism in filmmaking? A Simple B Spontaneous C Self-effacing D Exaggerated Question 44 Which of the following films would most likely use a realist style? A A travel documentary B A science fiction film C A musical drama D An animated cartoon Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to choose the word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 45 to 54 In most of the earliest books for children, illustrations were an afterthought But in the Caldecott “toy books” which first (45) _ in 1878, they were almost (46) _ important as the lines of text, and occupied far more space in the book One can almost read the story from the dramatic action in the pictures (47) _ then, thousands of successful picture books have been published in the United States and around the world In the best, the words and illustrations seem to complement each other perfectly Often a single person is responsible (48) _ both writing and illustrating the book One of (49) _, and certainly one of the most successful, illustratorauthors was Dr Seuss, (50) _ real name was Theodor Geisel His first children’s book, And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street, hit the market in 1937, and the world of children’s literature was changed forever Seuss’s playful drawings were a perfect complement to his engaging stories and (51) _ characters In 1957, Seuss’s The Cat in the Hat (52) _ the first book in Random House’s best-selling series, Beginner Books, written by Seuss and several (53) _ authors These combine outrageous illustrations of people, creatures, and plants, and playful stories written (54) _ very simple language Question 45: A happened B emerged C appeared D showed Question 46: A as B most C more D less Question 47: A Before B Till C By D Since Question 48: A with B for C at D to Question 49: A the greatest B the greatness C the great D the greater Question 50: A who B whose C whom D who’s Question 51: A forgetting B forgetful C forgotten D unforgettable Question 52: A would become B has become C had become D became Question 53: A another B other C one another D each other Question 54: A about B from C in D at Trang 4/6 – Mã đề thi 169 Đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia môn tiếng Anh (Đề minh họa số 1) | mrnsapro@gmail.com (Biên soạn) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions You can usually tell when your friends are happy or angry by the looks on their faces or by their actions This is useful because reading their emotional expressions helps you to know how to respond to them Emotions have evolved to help us respond to important situations and to convey our intentions to others But does raising the eyebrows and rounding the mouth say the same thing in Minneapolis as it does in Madagascar? Much research on emotional expressions has centered on such questions According to Paul Ekman, the leading researcher in this area, people speak and understand substantially the same "facial language" Studies by Ekman's group have demonstrated that humans share a set of universal emotional expressions that testify to the common biological heritage of the human species Smiles, for example, signal happiness and frowns indicate sadness on the faces of people in such far- flung places as Argentina, Japan, Spain, Hungary, Poland , Sumatra ,the United States, Vietnam, the jungles of New Guinea , and the Eskimo villages north of Artic Circle Ekman and his colleagues claim that people everywhere can recognize at least seven basic emotions: sadness, fear, anger, disgust, contempt, happiness, and surprise There are, however, huge differences across cultures in both the context and intensity of emotional displays - the so called display rules In many Asian cultures, for example, children are taught to control emotional responses - especially negative ones- while many American children are encouraged to express their feelings more openly Regardless of culture, however, emotions usually show themselves, to some degree, in people's behavior From their first days of life, babies produce facial expressions that communicate their feelings The ability to read facial expressions develops early, too Very young children pay close attention to facial expressions, and by age five, they nearly equal adults in their skill at reading emotions on people's faces This evidence all points to a biological underpinning for our abilities to express and interpret a basic set of human emotions Moreover, as Charles Darwin pointed out over a century ago, some emotional expressions seem to appear across species boundaries Cross - cultural psychologists tell us that certain emotional responses carry different meanings in different cultures For example, what emotion you suppose might be conveyed by sticking out your tongue? For Americans, this might indicate disgust, while in China it can signify surprise Likewise, a grin on an American face may indicate joy, while on a Japanese face it may just as easily mean embarrassment Clearly, culture influences emotional expressions Question 55 Unlike American children, Asian children are encouraged to _ A display their emotions openly B conceal their positive emotions C control their emotions D change their behaviour Question 56 The word “evolved” is closest in meaning to _ A increased B reduced C developed D simplified Question 57 The phrase “this evidence” refers to A human facial expressions B the fact that children can control their feelings C a biological underpinning for humans to express emotions D the fact that children are good at recognizing others' emotions Question 58 Young children _ A make amazing progress in controlling their emotions B take time to control their facial expressions C are sensitive towards others' emotions D spend a long time learning to read others' emotions Question 59 According to the passage, we respond to others by _ A watching their actions B observing their looks C observing their emotional expressions D looking at their faces Question 60 The biggest difference lies in A how often positive emotions are shown B how emotional responses are controlled C how intensive emotions are expressed D how long negative emotions are displayed Trang 5/6 – Mã đề thi 169 Đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia môn tiếng Anh (Đề minh họa số 1) | mrnsapro@gmail.com (Biên soạn) Question 61 Smiles and frowns A are universal expressions across cultures B are not popular everywhere C not convey the same emotions in various cultures D have different meanings in different cultures Question 62 Paul Ekman is mentioned in the passage as an example of A investigators on universal emotional expressions B researchers on universal language C researchers who can speak and understand many languages D lacked many main ingredients Question 63 The phrase “themselves” refers to A emotions B cultures C children D American Question 64 The best title for the passage is A Ways to control emotional expressions B Cultural universals in emotional expressions C Human habit of displaying emotions D Review of research on emotional expressions II PHẦN TỰ LUẬN (2 điểm) Part I Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it Question 65: Without your help, I wouldn’t have found the house  If you hadn’t helped me, I wouldn’t have found the house Question 66: Let’s go abroad for our holiday this year  Why don’t we go abroad for our holiday this year? _ Question 67: Lan didn’t go to school yesterday because of her sickness  Because Lan was sick, she didn’t go to school yesterday Question 68: They report that the gangsters have been arrested by the police  The police are reported to have arrested the gangsters Question 69: She has never been to London before  This is the first time she has been to London _ Part II In 140 words, write a paragraph about the advantages and disadvantages of watching TV? - THE END - Trang 6/6 – Mã đề thi 169

Ngày đăng: 07/09/2016, 19:14

