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Bailey wants to adjust her office hours in order to spend more time with her children.. the workshop will provide you with updates on the current status of the company.. ~를 향해 떠나다 23

Trang 6

27 ◆ to 부정사를 취하는 명사

a chance to study 공부할 기 decision to-v ~할 결정 opportunity to-v ~할 기

effort to-v ~할 노랩

Trang 7

32 make sure that packages to be sent to the

trade fair in Berlin are ready by Friday

57 delegate n 대표

58 auditorium n 강당

59 escort v 안내하다 하다

60 Assembly line workers 조립 라인 근략자들

61 are advised to comply with all the factory's regulations

위해 공장의 렵든 규정을 준 하도랶

권고 된다

62 for their own safety

Trang 8

근략자들은 안전을 위해

63 Mr Dubois has been able to apply his

extensive knowledge of accounting systems

to the firm s business situation

Trang 9

97 inspects its sewing machines and other

equipment to avoid production delays

98 The purpose of the community s

on line forum is to encourage people to

exercise their right to freely express

opinions about various issues

102 exercise v (권랩등을) 사하다

103 The office manager had all staff attend

the seminar to familiarize themselves with

the new accounting software

사무장은 렵든 원들 새략운 계소프트웨어에

해질 도랶 세미나에 침봃하게 다

104 familiarize v 하게 하다

105 attend v 참봃하다

106 Ms Bailey wants to adjust her office hours

in order to spend more time with her children

112 advise v 권고하다

113 valuables n 귀중품

114 through out prep 내내

115 keep an eye on ~를 감 하다 의하다

116 is pleased to announce the grand opening

of its new gymnasium

새 체 관의 장을 알리게 되어 기쁘다

117 The item you are requesting a refund for needs to be indicated on your return form

귀하께봂 환불을 요청하 는 물건은 반품 양 에 기재되어 니다

Trang 10

사 을 것 니다

125 There will be lectures on various topics

related to organizational development

129 everyone s efforts will eventually lead to a

more cooperative and productive work


렵든 분들의 노랩 결 더 협조 고 생산 인

근무 환경으략 르게 할 것 니다

130 the workshop will provide you with

updates on the current status of the


131 워크숍은 러분들에게 사의 현재 상황에

대한 최신 정보를 제공할 것 니다

132 A complete schedule and registration

information will be posted on the bulletin


완전한 일정표와 등랶 정보는 금요일에 게 판에

게 될 것 니다

Trang 11

12 keep (on) -ing 계 ~하다

13 have difficulty (trouble, a problem) (in) +

03 Although it has not yet been confirmed ,

the actress is likely to appear at the

premiere of her newest film

Andrea Possenti는 웹사 쾮 디 인 사에

투 함으략써 돈을 두 배략 늘릴 있었다

30 double v 두 배략 하디

31 invest v 투 하다

32 Attendees of the workshop spent a lot

of time observing the cooking demonstrations for a variety of dishes 워크숍 참 들은 다양한 음 의 요리 연을 관찰하는 데 많은 간을 냈다

Trang 12

45 Ms Scarlet does not like driving during

storms or winter conditions

Ms Scarlet은 쿸풍 나 울철 상황에 운전하는

것을 어한다

46 The suggestion by some political

analysts to privatize electric utilities to

prevent a major power crisis is being

considered by the government

52 The city government expressed its

gratitude f or the dedication shown by

doctors at Mansfield Hospital by

financing a new hospital wing

하철과 를 여주는 것 외에, Map사의 새략운 내비게 션 스템은

Trang 13

72 The security department is in the process

of establishment a new set of

regulations and safety guidelines

78 The national government will address a

shortage of energy supplies in the

country by developing a new nuclear plant

내의 에너 공 부 을 처리할 것 다

79 address v 처리하다 다루다

80 shortage n 부

81 The senior executives will leave for

the conference in Rome at the end of this


위 간부들은 번 주말에 략럻에 의 원 의를

위해 떠날 것 다

82 executive n 간부 원

83 leave for vi ~를 향해 떠나다

23 Even though their cosmetics are best

sellers, the consultant recommended

enhancing the company s current line

그 사의 장품 인기 상품 에 불 하 컨설턴쾮는 사의 현재의 제품 라인을 강 할 것을

96 A government directive for crop growers

to halt the exportation of grains will be implemented to control the prices of domestic produce

농 물 재배 들 물의 출을 중단하 랶 하는

위해 실 될 것 다

97 directive n 명령

Trang 14

103 With improving the features on its latest

mobile phone , Avida Technologies was

able to capture a significant share of the

109 Estimating sales levels for new products

requires a lot of study and research

113 The flight attendant asked the passenger

to take his seat as the airplane was

119 George Hummel usually meets with members of his department once a week

to discuss schedule changes

George Hummel은 일정 변경에 대해 논의하기

위해 통 일주일에 한 번 그의 부 원들과 만난다

120 department n 부

121 discuss v 논의하다

122 Recovering lost data from a computer after

a system crash is one of the company technician s most difficult tasks

공기의 질을 향상 키기 위해 Jambo Indusries 는 공장 부 에 나무를 었다

129 Westland Hotel has chosen to b비Id a convention center as a way of attracting more business clients

Trang 15

137 To provide you with more creative

decoration ideas throughout the coming year ,

we are presenting you with a limited time


다음 한 해 동 귀하께 더 창의 인 장

해드리 있습니다

138 Our records indicate that your

subscription is about to expire on December


희의 기랶은 귀하의 12월 20일에 만기될

예정 을 여줍니다

139 You will receive a 15 percent discount

on our annual rate of $50 if you renew your

subscription within the next five days

Trang 16

19 Those seeking job positions may want to

visit the new employment Web site

launched earlier this year

디왳인 왻 에 그 내용왥 실렸

22 amaze v 놀라

23 amazing a 놀라운

24 Enclosed with the invitation was a list

of distinguished professionals that would be making speeches at the seminar

초대장과 함께 동봉된 것은 세미나에봂 연설을 할 욓명한 전문 들의 렶랶왥었

Lawscn Financial사는 Kyle Warner 에게 후한

왬 인상을 욝공 엤 , 그녀 광고부봂의 중한 일원왬을 욀확인 켜 주었

33 provided A(사람) with (B) 사물

A에게 B를 욝공

34 provided (B) 사물 to A(사람)

Trang 17

B를 A에게 욝공

35 reconfirm 욀확인 켜 주

36 Mr Manzoni s store will require 50

more boxes of the product , despite

having received a shipment just last week

37 Personnel who go on business trips

are required to present official receipts

for reimbursement of travel expenses

41 The manager will report expected sales

figures for the next quarter to the

Pueblo Manufacturing사의 최신 스포츠 신밚은

장의 른 일류 브랜드 신밚뱑 훨씬 욓렴

45 brand n 브랜드

46 lead v 인도

47 leading a 일류의

48 Being the building manager , Mr Lang

is responsible for the safety and security

of all tenants

건물 관리인왥기 때문에, Mr Lang은 렵든 주민들의 안전과 뱑안에 왬왥 있

21 Reserved seating for the concert is available

at the box office for an additional fee

구왭할 있

56 at the box office 렊표 에봂

57 The senator, accompanied by the city mayor , toured the town s newly opened government building

Trang 18

23 Andrea Guttenberg mentioned that

attendance to this year s management

workshop was rather disappointing

24 After its poorly attended grand

opening , Hyperlink Inn launched a new

advertising campaign to attract more guests

요은 의 사람들왥 봃한 Hyperlink 호텔의

왺 후에, 호델은 더 많은 투 들을 꿀

렵으기 위해 새략운 굉고 캠메인을 왴

휘 launch v 왴 디 히 attract v 끌 렵으

25 Even though the noise caused by the

renovation work was very distracting , Mr

Singh still insisted on giving his


리 ξ엠으략 인한 음왥 굉장히 집중랩을 흐리게

음에도 불구 고1 M「 Singh은 빌묘를

계 할 것을 고집

Du Vin is a globally recognized magazine that

is respected by both chefs and food preparation professionals

Du ”n 는 요리사들과 음 준비 전문 들 렵두

29 Considering the current rising cost of labor , the electronics firm feels that it must modify the prices of its products

현욀 증 는 노동 비용을 고램 면, 전왳 욝움 회사는 왳사 욝품의 격을 번경해 한 고

생 한

휘 c nsidering prep 을 고램 면 current a 현욀의 labor n 노동 electronics n 전왳 욝움 firm n

회사 m dify v 변경

30 Martha Bjorland wants to conduct further research on the budget problem before recommending a course of action to the corporate executives

Martha Bjorland는 회사 중엥들에게 방 을

욝인 기 전에 예산 문 course 。f acti。n 빙욁 동 방 executive n

31 동영사 우기

해봃 Mr Pe「ez는 요일 상 을 위해 Uplown Caterers사에봂 과와 간 을 주문할 것을 욝안

32 With its expanded operations in Europe, Omni ­ Vision was able to reach its highest profit level to date

Trang 19

왈럽에봂의 확장된 사 으략, Omni-왥sion사는

까 장 높은 。perat,i。n n reach v

도달 profit n 왦

to date 까

33 Sun- Crest Incorporated off ers

reimbursement or exchanges for any

34 Those wishing to enroll in the training

course are asked to fill out the attached

35 The scheduled delivery of the

construction supplies may be

delayed due to unfavorable weather

36 Mr Farris finally received a refund for his malfunctioning camera after repeated requests to the photography store

Mr Farris는 전왳 욝품 상욘에 거 요정한 후

마 내 욝대략 왴동 히 않는 카메라떼 대해 환물을 밙을 있었

malfuncti。n V 욝대략 동 않디 「equest

n 요정

「epetition n 번뱒 repeat v 거 히 되울왥

Using advanced robotic equipment , scientists

at the University of Dorset have succeeded

in creating a 3-D map of the human brain that contains an unprecedented level of detail

진뱑된 략봇 의 장비를 사용 엤, "Dorset

사항들을 담고 있는 인간의 뇌에 대한 3차원 형태

도를 만드는 데 성공

To produce the map, the researchers involved

in the pr왥ect relied on a surgical machine that cut highly precise slices of an actual human brain at dimensions approximating those of a single strand of hair

도를 만들기 위해, $프략욞 에포함된 연구원들은

실욝 인간의 뇌를 머리카락 한 에 비슷한


Trang 20

Members of the medical community are

particularly excited by this recent

development They expect that the map will allow them to study the brain more closely for further breakthroughs in medical science

director n OI

Trang 23

123 The public relations department initiated

investigations into complaints filed about

the firm's new product

127 regulation n.법규, 규정

128 implement v ~을 실 하다 implement a plan

133 prohibit A from B


Trang 24

136 The labor laws of the Netherlands are

designed to prohibit any dismissal from

employment without advance notice

a wide/ wider/ variety of

a large/ larger/ an array of

an extensive a selection of

an immense a range of

136 Ross Cuddy has been concentrating

primarily on updating the museum's Web

Site for the past few weeks

그 상 은 배송 연을 상하기 위하여 Mr

Chong 에게 사과의 편 와 께 동봉된 상품권을


146 make up for 상하다, 만 하다 compensate for

Trang 25

178 comply with 따르다 준 하다.( 동사) conform to

adhere to abide to submit to stick to

179 follow/ observe / obey 따르다,

준 하다(타동사)

Trang 26

180 in observance of 따르다, 준 하다(전명구)

in compliance with

in accordance with

Trang 27

Chapter 9 대명사

1 hand in his proposal 제안 를 제출할 것


2 was transferred from 전 되었다

3 Only those with boarding passes are

permitted in the departure lounge

갈수 있다

4 Although being absent for three days ,

Ms Park managed to finish her articles

in time for publication

3일 동안 결 음에 불구 고 Ms Park 은

원고를 출판을 위해 제 시간 내에 끝낼 수 가 있었다

5 If you are unable to install the new software

on your own, please contact one of our

technical support experts

새략운 프트웨어를 설치 항 수 다면 희

기술 원 전문가 중 한명에게 연락 세요

6 Any employee wishing to transfer to a

different department may consult the

supervisor about the proper procedure

10 exceptional a 뛰어난

11 construction n 건설

n 계

글래스고 Mac Connell 항공사의 비 기에는

일반 이 남아 있 않 만, 다른 항공사에는

이용 가능한 좌 이 있다

23 economy seats 일반

Trang 28

13 In a -statement released yesterday ,

Morgenstern Industries outlined its

expansion plans for the next five years

29 If any tenants want to extend their housing

lease, they should contact the owner at

least a month in advance

35 The company provides moving costs and

$500 of monthly living expenses to

employees who work at the overseas branch

39 The successful candidate for the

engineering position will be asked to

visit our main facilities in Denver

Sandy는 그녀에게 제공된 파일들이 정 기 때문에 사의 데이터 베이스를 수집 는 데 어려움을 않 다

44 have an easy time 고생을 않다

53 Because of her strength in interior design,

Ms Wilson is regarded as a highly valuable employee of the Martinez Corporation

Trang 29

57 Mr Barnes and Ms Kim received an

paid for the renovation of city hall

Mr Bmnes와 Ms Kim은 시청 보수 공사에 쓰

그들의 기부에 대에 상을 다

58 contribution n 기부, 기여

59 Mr Cornwall is looking for a

consultant who can help him come up with an

effective work plan for the employees

63 keeping up-to-date on employees

progress is one of the most important

duties of any office manager

원들의 최신 무 진 상황을 계 알고 있는

것은 사무장의 중요 한 무 중 나이다

64 progress n 무 진

65 duty n 무 무

24 Mr Lim has not transferred the funds

the documents he requested

70 The main elevator will be temporarily out

of service from May 15 to May 25 because

of repair work

중 엘리베이터는 수리 으략 인해 5월 15일부터 5월 25일까 일시 으략 사용 정 될 것이다

29 Described as one of the greatest songs

of this year , the latest single of Jamie White has received enthusiastic reviews

30 Ms Thomas opened her new gallery, even though its light fixtures had not been completely installed

31 Developing an efficient and helpful way of dealing with customer S requests is the

Trang 30

primary goal of Goldstein Bank

32 The clerk told Mr Polanski that if

there were any problems with the new

cell phone , he can replace it with another

33 At the airport baggage claim, Ms Simpson

near ly picked up a suitcase that was

almost exactly identical to hers

34 Sarah Lincoln will conduct interviews

with the applicants herself rather than

with the associate manager

35 Some of the containers were loaded

onto the Seagull cargo ship two hours

prior to its depa ηure from Cape Town

36 - planning to take extended

vacations this summer must notify their

supervisors by next Tuesday

WASHINGTON , D.C - Anne Naz was

appointed as the new head of the

International Trade

Prior t。her appointment , the 43-year-old

official oversaw the operations of the

Foreign Affairs

Commission for five years The department s

replacement of Roger Hillside with Naz came

about when

replacement Hillside chose to pursue a career in a private


According to spokesperson Luis Bell, Naz was

chosen from among five potential candidates

Unlike the others competing for the job ,

however , only Ms Naz had extensive

experience promoting the country s export

expertise in foreign relations will be invaluable to the growth of our national export industry, Bell said

Trang 31

중 RC Chapter 10 형용사

량 형용사

1 가산 단 : every, each, another

2 가산 복 : many, few, a few, fewer

3 불가산: much, little, a little less

4 가산: 불가산 모두: all, other, some

Ngày đăng: 06/09/2016, 17:25

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