SURNAME : Mr/Ms Ellington NAME: Edward /Edna FROM: California SURNAME: Mr/Ms Zappperton NAME: Kieran/ Deirdre FROM:: Dublin SURNAME: Mr/Ms Rambotom NAME: Henry/ Geraldine FROM: Ottawa SURNAME: Mr/Ms Cunningham NAME: Alfred/ Joanna FROM: Manchester SURNAME: Mr/Ms Knightly SURNAME: Mr/Ms Clooney NAME: Bernard/Katherine NAME: Alexander/Sophie FROM: South Africa FROM: Sydney SURNAME: Mr /Mr Troughton NAME: George /Patricia SURNAME: Mr /Mr Bertys NAME: John/Sarah FROM: Cardiff FROM: Edinburgh SURNAME :Mr/Mr Ferryhood SURNAME: Mr /Mr Simpsons NAME: Charles/Christine NAME: Julio/ Sonia FROM: Cheltenham FROM: Chicago SURNAME: Mr/Mr Pierce SURNAME: Mr/Ms Quickley NAME: Frederick/ Cecilia NAME: Jack / Claudia FROM: Stratford FROM: Texas RULES Give each student one card They take male of female role One student is the receptionist and the other is a guest In turns they start making the questions and writing down the answers Questions 1.- What’s your surname, please? 2.-Can you spell it, please? 3.-And your name, please? 4.- Where are you from? The teacher can practise the dialogue with a student Students swap roles and they can invent new identities