bai tap cua tuong thuat

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bai tap cua tuong thuat

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Reported Speech 1. She said , “ How pleasant! Daisy comes to dinner with us.” She cried joyfully/delightedly/with joy that Daisy came to dinner ith them 2. He said, “ I am sorry! I have no maney!” He said sadly/sorrowfully/with deep sadness that he had no money 3 She said to him, “ Excuse me for my rudeness! She apologised to him for her rudeness. 3. She said to them, “ Thank you for your help!” She thanked them for their help. 4. She said, “ I am very tired. I have been writing for four hours”. She said that she was tired because/ as she had been writing for four hours. 5. Yesterday the teacher said, “ the earth goes round the sun.” Yeasterday the teacher said that the earth goes round the sun. 6. “ Oh!, terrible! Your classroom is so dirty.”, the teacher said to monitor. The teacher complained to the monitor that his classroom was so dirty. 7. Daisy said: “ Ah ha! I passed the exam .” Daisy excalimed with joy she had passed the exam. 8. “ What a good boy you are!”, said his mother. His mother exclaimed he was a good boy. 9. “ If I were you, I’d stop taking sleeping tablets” the doctor said. The doctor advised me to stop taking sleeping tablets. 10. “ Let’s sell this old car!”, Jack’s wife said. Jack’s wife suggested selling that old car. 11. “ I’ll buy you a motorbike if you pass the coming exam”, my father said. My father promised to buy me a motorbike if I passed the coming exam. 12. “ Mary me, or I’ll kill myself,” Marry said to John. Marry threatened to kill herself if John didn’t mary her/ refused to mary her. 13. “ Please, please don’t drive too fast, Tom” Ann said. Ann begged Tom not to drive too fast. 14. “ I didn’t steal the watch”, Jack said. Jack denied stealing/ having stolen the watch / that he dadn’t stolen the watch. 15. “ Could you show me your passport please!”, he said. He asked me to show him my passport. 16. “ I killed her.” The man said. The man admitted killing/ having killed/ that he had killed her. 17. “Would you like to go to the movied with me?” John said to Alice. John invited Alice to go to the movie with him. 18. Shall I bring some flowers to the party tomorrow?’ Tom said. Tom offered/volunteered to bring some flowers to the party the following day. 19. “ What a beautiful garden ( it is )!” he said. He exclaimed that it was a beautiful garden/ the garden was beautiful. 20. “ Ugh!”, she said, “ the mell is terrible”. She exclaimed with disgust that the mell was terrible. 21. “ Ouh! You’ve stepped on my foot.”, she said. She exclaimed with pain that he’d stepped on her foot. 22. “ Oh! Dad has comed back,” the girl said. The girl exclaimed with joy that her father had come back. 23. He said, “ congratulations!” He congratulated me. 24. He said, “ Good luck!” He wished me luck. 25. He said, “ Liar!” He called me a liar. 26. He said: “ Get out of my way!”. He told me to get ou of his way. 27. “ Don’t worry about anything, Mrs Pitt,” her solicitor said. “ Leave it all to me!” Her solicitor told Mrs Pitt not to worry about anything but (to) leave it all to her. 28. “ Always cook with butter,” said her mother “ never use margarine.” Her mother told her always to cook with butter and never use margarine. 29. “ Remember to water the plants!” her aunt said. Her aunt reminded her to water the plants. 30. “ Don’t forget to feed the goldfish!” Mary said to her brother. Mary reminded her brother to feed the goldfish. 31. “ Put down that gun. It’s loaded.”, she warned. She told me to put down that gun as it was loaded. 32. “ Make good use of your time. You won’t get such an opportunity again”. He said to us. He advised us to make good use of our time as we would not get an opportunity. 33. “ Don’t wait until tomorrow,” the advertisement, “ Post the cuopon ( phieu du xo so khi mua hang) at once” The advertisement urged the public not to wait until the following day but to post the coupon that day. 34. “ Be very careful crossing roads,” she said , “ and remember to drive on the right. She warned me to be very careful crossing roads and reminded me to drive on the right. 35. “ I can’t open it. You have a try, Peter.” He said. He said that he could not open it and asked/told Peter to have a try. 36. “ Someone is coming. Get into the cupboard!”, she said. She said that someone was coming and asked me to get into the cupboard. 37. “ Please, please send whatever you can spare,” said the secrectary of the disaster fund. The secretary of the disaster fund begged us to send whatever we could spare. 38. “ Don’t bathe when the red flag is flying,” said the lifeguard. The lifeguard warned/told them not to bathe when the red flag was flying. 39. “Don’t shelter under a tree in a thunderstorm,” he said. “ the tree might be struck by lighting”. He warned us not to shelter under a tree as the tree might be …… 40. “ Would you like to have lunch with us on Sunday?”, he said to me. He inviteed me to have lunch with them on Sunday. 41. “ Would you like a cigarette?”, said one of the guests. One of the guests offered me a gigarette. 42. “ Would you mind not smoking here?” their hostess said. Their hostess asked if they would mind not smoking there/ asked them not to smoke there. 43. “ Take these letters to the post, will you? And shut the door as you go out,” said the boss. The boss told me to take those letters to the post and to shut the door when I went out. 44. “ Will you help me, please?” she said. “ I can’t reach the top shelf” She aske me to help her as she could not reach the top shelf. 45. “ This is a horrible room. Why don’t you ask for soething better?”, he said. He said that was a horrible room and advised me to ask for something better. 46. “ If I were you, I’d try to get a room on the top floor,” she said She advised me to try ………… 47. “ I’ll wait for you if you like,” she said. She offered to wait for me if I liked. 48. “ I can’t open this tin,” Ann said. “ Shall I do it for you?” Tom said. Ann said she could not open that tin and Tom offered to do it for her. 49. “Remember to write to your mother”, I said to her I reminded her to write to her mother. 50. “ Don’t go near the water, children” she said. She warned the children not to go near the water.

Ngày đăng: 03/06/2013, 01:26

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