KY ̀ THIOLYMPIC TRUYÊ ̀ N THÔ ́ NG 30/4 LÂ ̀ N THƯ ́ XIII TA ̣ I THA ̀ NH PHÔ ́ HUÊ ́ ĐÊ ̀ THI MÔN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 11 Chu ́ y ́ : QUESTION I. Phonetics (10 points) A. Identify the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the other words in the group. ! "!#$% &!'$% (!#$% )!*$$% +! "!$,* &! (!- )!* .! "!* &!$$ (!%$ )! /! "!$ &!$$ (!$$ )!$ 0! "!-$ &!$ (!*$ )!$ B. Identify the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the other words in the same group. ! "!$ &!$,* (!$%$ )!%$ +! "!$$ &!$* (!-$ )!'$ .! "!$#$ &!* (! )!*$$#$ /! "!** &!* (!$ )!$$- 0! "!1 &!$$ (! )!#$$ QUESTION II. Vocabulary (10 points) Select the best option for each blank. !2*$$3#$4444444$$$%%3$$$! "!%$ &!$#$ (!%%#$ )!%$ +!$*$$4444444$3$*! "!$3 &!$$ (!$$%$$ )!% .! 5$**4444!!$3'-$33$$$3%$6 %$#$*$%$$! "!$ &!*$$% (!#$ )!$ /!"$*$$$#$%$#$$$7$$34444444*#$$$ %! "!%$*$$ &!$$ (!%$$ )!$$ 0!8#$$$%$$%$$'8%8#$%*4444444 $*$-! "!%$ &!- (!#$-$ )!%*$ 9!:$$$4444444$-3$$'$%-#$6$! "!#$ &!%$ (!$ )!$$- ;!$$,*$$1'$<<<<<<<<<! "!*$ &!* (!* )!$ !"%$$#$7*$*$$%44444443$$! "!$ &!$ (!$* )!=$ >!$*$#$$$%$$%4444444-$%$'$! "! &!$-- (!$$ )!$$ !$*$-$$%$444444 "!- &!$3$% (!$*$$ )! QUESTION III. Grammar (20 points) A. Put each verb in brackets in an appropriate form. (10points) !?$%$*$%444!!(have)$4444!!(build) $,$$! +!$$4444!(break)3$44444!(move)$$$! .!$3*%#$%4!!!!!!!(take)$%$$! /!$$!8*4!!!!!!(do)$3'4!!!!!!!(answer)$*$! 0!54444!!(laugh)?@$44444!!!(tell)-$A 9!)3!5$4444!!(finish) $$*! B. Put the suitable preposition(s) in each of the following blanks (10 points) !5$$#$$%44444 +!B$=$$$444444%$! .!?$#$$#44444$$3! /!8--44444**$! 0!8#$$$,44444! 9!$#$-$$44444$! ;!$3$$%444444%#$! !B$3$%44444?$-%! >!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!$%$#%$%$$*$$! !B#$%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!$$#$! QUESTION IV. Reading (30 points) A!Read the text below and then answer the questions 1 - 8 (10 points) The World and Its Global Economy $3%'3%$$%$ $$-$$ 8$$%*$$%%$!8-7.7+07-$3$$%$$3 $-$**$6*$1$!$3%$3%7%$+ $ $7$$3*$%$$!":$%$=$* Lexus and the Olive Tree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businesses will be the lucrative businesses in the future since they are available to everyone with an Internet connection. 5$$3%$$$$$-A ! Directions: "%$$$-$--$*$*#%$%$3!(*$$ $$$$ THREE 3$$$,*$$*%$ $*$!?$$$$%$$$$$$,*$%$ $*$$$%$*$$%$$*$! The Internet and technology are making the world a smaller and smaller place today, and this is creating a global economy. Q Q Q "!":$%$=$* Lexus and the Olive Tree, CD$ $,$$-'$76$7%$$%$$$$#$3$$% $-$7D &!"$*$$$*$%-*%$E-$7 $7%-$*$$#7$$*$$3'-$*%$$ %$*$%$$*$$$%-$! ( ! "*$3%$3$='%*$$$ ='*$*$$$$$-$%7-1$$%$$! )!"$$-$%$$%$$$-$$%%$-$$7 $$#! 2!R$*$$3$3**$$$$%*%$$ $3733$*$-$3$-$$! / :!8%#%-$-$$7$%#%-$G?%$G?$3 %1C7$$=$73$$-$3%$# $A B. Close test (20 points) Art as a career $$$%#$-%ST<<<<<<<<%S+T<<<<<<<<$%$$$$$$! S.T<<<<<<<<-$33$6'3$,$*73$#$7S*UV$*$*$- $TS/T<<<<<<<<<3$-%$3$3-$$!R-$$'%- 66$$S0T<<<<<<<<<#$*$S9T<<<<<<<<<'3!8>/7$3 %%*#$%*$,S;T<<<<<<<<<$!&ST<<<<<<<< %$7$36$%*$$$$%%$$#$!F$#$$$7 S>T<<<<<<<<<$#$$7$$$%C$-S*$*$*$W$T3 #$ $%$% -$$ ST <<<<<<<<< %* ! ST <<<<<<<<< $ 3$$ $#$ $$%$$$3'3S+T<<<<<<<<<-*3$*$#-7S.T <<<<<<<<$'$%$7*$!*$*$$$S/T<<<<<<<<#$ S0T<<<<<<<<$$!$$S9T<<<<<<<<<%$$%$$$%$S;T<<<<<<<<$$% ST<<<<<<<<$,$*%$%$%$$%7%$#$$#$$-$$ #$S>T<<<<<<<<**$$$$3'S+T<<<<<<<<$$! QUESTION V. Use of English (30 points) A. Sentence transformation (20 points) Part 1. Finish the second sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it. (10 points) !?$$$$%$$-$$! 8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! +!8#$-$=$%$*%'$'$! E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .!X'-*$*$$317$3! (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /!X%#$$%$%$! 83!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 0!V*%-$-$$#$$! V*%$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Part 2. Write a new sentence similar in meaning to the one given, using the word given in brackets. Do not alter the word in any way. (10 points) !$3$2(#$$$$%. AWAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! +!"$$8--%$3! QUESTION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .!8$$! GRANTED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /!8'38#$)#$8E$! BRING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 0!?%$$$3$%$@3)! BOUNDS 0 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B. Error correction (10 points) Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. !$3*$-*$*$3%*$**$$%$( " & () **! +!5$$%$*%%$$$$*$-*$%$! "&() .!5$'$%7*$$$$$*$'$E%-$! "&() /!$%%$$3**%%$2! "&() 0!$$*%$$$-$*$-$$7-$ "&( $$#$$%$-3$$$,$$*$! ) 9!V$$$$$$$-$2$! " &() ;!8$$$'%-$$*$$-$$#$$! " &() ! B$$#$$--%#$$%$%%$ "&() >! $$#$3$'$$*$$3$$$3$-6$6 "&( *7#$$*! ) ! )$$%-%7*#%$3$-7%$$$$- "&( $%$! ) -- THE END -- KY ̀ THIOLYMPIC TRUYÊ ̀ N THÔ ́ NG 30/4 LÂ ̀ N THƯ ́ XIII TA ̣ I THA ̀ NH PHÔ ́ HUÊ ́ 9 YZRZF [F8\FV"FB QUESTION I. Phonetics (10 points) A. !& +!" .!) /!) 0!& B. !" +!" .!( /!) 0!& QUESTION II. Vocabulary (10 points) !& +!& .!) /!( 0!" 9!( ;!( !" >!( !) QUESTION III. Grammar (20 points) A. Put each verb in brackets in an appropriate form. (10points) !#$] +!'$]3$#$% .!' /!%]3$ 0!$]@$% 9!3#$-$% B. Put the suitable preposition(s) in each of the following blanks (10 points) !+!S-T.!S-T/!0!S-T9!-;!!>!$3$$!* QUESTION IV. Reading (30 points) A!(From 1 - 7 : 1mark /answer ; 8: 3marks) (10 points) !( +!) .!" /!( 0!( 9!( ;!" !&7(7: B. Close test (20 points) ! +!'$ .!5 /! 0!3] 9! ;!3 ! >!- !- !5$$ +! .!$$ /! 0! 9!]% ;! !$ >! +! QUESTION V. Use of English (30 points) A. Sentence transformation (20 points) Part 1. (10 points; 2 points for each answer) !8$$$$%$$%$! +!E$$8E#$%$*%'$'$! .!($$-]*7-*$*$$31! /!833-$%$! 0!V*%$$-$#$$$! Part 2. (10 points; 2 points for each answer) !$32(#$$$%$33! +!"$$$3-$=$! .!8'$-$%$! /!8'38)#$%3-'$! 0!$@3)-%%$$! ; B. Error correction (10 points) 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. D 9!& ;!( !( >!) !( Total: 100 points . KY ̀ THI OLYMPIC TRUYÊ ̀ N THÔ ́ NG 30/4 LÂ ̀ N THƯ ́ XIII TA ̣ I THA ̀ NH PHÔ ́ HUÊ ́ ĐÊ ̀ THI MÔN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 11 . "&( $%$! ) -- THE END -- KY ̀ THI OLYMPIC TRUYÊ ̀ N THÔ ́ NG 30/4 LÂ ̀ N THƯ ́ XIII TA ̣ I THA ̀ NH PHÔ ́ HUÊ