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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 unit 12: A vacation abroad

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GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH LỚP Pre: Unit 12: a vacation abroad Period 72 Lesson : Getting started + listen and read Teaching date Class - attendance 8A:…… 8B:…… 8C:…… I Objectives : -After the lesson Ss will be able to continue with the topic tourism with famous places in the world such as: Canada, American, Britain -To drill Ss listening and reading skills II.Teaching aids Tape + cassette,Textbook + pictures of famous places III Teaching procedure 1.Class oganization : Date: 8A 8B 2.Oral test : Retell the main famous resorts in Vietnam 3.New lesson : A Warm up - Hang the pictures and ask Ss to play Net works Countries ? B Getting started -Ask Ss to look at the pictures in the text book -Work in pairs to match the name of the countries in the box with appropriate pictures/ flags -Share the answers with the partners and read aloud.And explain the answers why you choose this + Why you know it is The United States of America? Because I can see the Statue of Liberty -Ask Ss to work in pairs to practice asking questions S1: Among those countries , Which country you like to visit most? S2: I like to visit Britain S1: Why? S2: Because I can see alot of ancient and famous royal places and buildings there C Presentation - Introduce the topic of the lesson by asking the questions:  Who are they in the picture?  What are they doing ?  Where are they ?  What are they talking about? + Introduce the new words: Include: bao gồm The following evening: buổi tối hôm sau Unfortunately: thật không may Pick up: đón ( pick sb up ) Date Mon25 Tue26 wed27 Thu28 C Practice Sche Coming going Dule to San out Francis Co Having leavin dinner g San with Franci the Sm sco -Ask Ss to read the dialogue and role play the dialogue -Ask some pairs to complete the schedule of Mrs Quen -The others give the remark -Ask some pairs to answer the questions aloud a) No, they won’t.Because they are coming on a tour, their accommodation included on the ticket price.So they will stay at the hotel b) No, he won’t.He will have a business meeting in the evening c) Her friend will pick her up the hotel E Production -Ask Ss to role play the dialogue 4.Consolidation: - Retell the main content of the lesson 5.Home work: - Do Ex in the work book ( page 70) Pre: Unit 12: A vacation abroad Period 73 Lesson 2: Teaching date Class - attendance 8A:…… Speak – Listen 8B:…… 8C:…… I Objectives : -After the lesson Ss will be able to use the language in the tourist advertisement by using the words: rate per night, single, douple,room, facilities & tobe provided the structure the words used in the weather forecast and the adjective ( dry, cold .), degree , minus degree, zero degree -To drill Ss speaking, listening skills II.Teaching aids Tape + cassette +Textbook + pictures of famous places III Teaching procedure 1.Class oganization : Date: 8A 8B 2.Oral test : - Ask Ss to the exercise in the work book 3.New lesson : * Part Speaking A Warm up Ask Ss to retell the interesting places in the world -Write on the BB Read the words written Big Ben The statue of Liberty Ha long bay he red square The Sydney Opera house The great pyramid The great wall The lean tower The petronas twin tower B Pre- speaking Introduce the topic of the lesson and give the meaning of the new words Via: qua Rate per night : giá phòng/ đêm Single /double room: phòng đơn / đôi Facilities: sở vật chất Gym: Phòng tập thể dục Business center: Trung tâm hội nghị thương mại - Ask Ss to read the words in chorus after teacher C.While –speaking -Ask Ss to work in pairs to use the information of the brochures and the About the flights to complete your itinerary Use the followings as prompts in your conversation ( in the text book page 113 ) - Ask Ss to write the itinerary in pair And write on the BB -Read the itinirary aloud - Give the guided dialogue A: Where shall we stay ? B: We’ll stay at Atlantic Hotel The price is reasonable and it also have a swimming pool A: What time shall we leave Los Angeles ? B: The flight will depart at 14.00 on Monday and we ‘ll arrive in Boston at 18.00 As scheduled, we’ll leave Boston on Thursday A: What are we going to then? B: We’ll visit Boston University, Art galleries and eat sea food -Read aloud the dialogue D Post- speaking -Ask Ss to work in pairs to write the tourist advertisement and then ask Ss to write the scheledue to these advertisements Hong Ngoc Hotel Tel: 04.5657432 Fax: 04.5658907 Rate per night : 100-120 VND, single 150-180VNd, douple Facilities : Restaurant, swimming pool, sauna * Part Listening A Warm up : Name the famous World heritages of some country in the world -Write on the BB , and read the words aloud  The great wall  The leaning tower  Ha long Bay  The Big Ben  The great pyramids  The Eiffel tower  The statue of the liberty  The sydney Opera House -Others Ss give the remark B Pre- listening - Introduce the lesson and ask Ss the question about the weather  What is the weather like today ?  What is the weather like in Spring / Summer, /Fall/ and winter in Vietnam ?  Which season you like best ? Why ? C While –listening -Ask Ss to listen to the tape to complete the table with the weather information about the big cities in the world - The information includes weather characteristics and the details of temperature in the cities -Play the tape three times and ask Ss to work in pairs to discuss and compare the answer to their friends -Write the answer on the BB -Read the answer aloud -Check if necessary - Provide the new words: Minus degree: độ âm Zero degree: không độ Degree centigrate: độ C D Post- listening -Ask Ss to write the weather forcast about the big cities -Compare to friends -read the weather forcast aloud -Check if neccessary + Read the weather forcast aloud + Hanoi today will be dry and windy , with a low of fifteen and a high of twenty two + Ho Chi Minh will be a dry day today, and warm For the temperature, the low will be twenty, and the high will be twenty six degree 4.Consolidation -Ask Ss to retell the main content of the lesson Homework : - Write the dialogue about the schedule of the tour -Do exercise 2+3 in the work book Pre: Unit 12: A vacation abroad Period 74: Lesson 3: Teaching date Class - attendance 8A:…… Read 8B:…… 8C:…… I Objectives : -After the lesson Ss will be able to be provided theimportance knownledge about the famous placec in Amarica: Hawaii, New york, Chicago, Mouth Rushmore, Sanfrancisco -To drill Ss reading skills II.Teaching aids Textbook + pictures of famous places III Teaching procedure 1.Class oganization: Date: 8A 8B 2.Oral test : Ask Ss to the exercise given by teacher last period: write the itinerary of the journey from Ha hoa to Nha Trang ? 3.New lesson : A Warm up - Play the hang man with the places we are going to learn in the lesson: Hawaii, Sanfrancisco B Pre-reading -Introduce the lesson by asking the questions about Mrs Quyen and her husband  Do you remember Mrs Quyen?  What did she have ? - Aks Ss to read the reading to find out the places that Mrs Quyen and her husband visited -provide the meaning of the new words: Lava: dung nham Pour out: tuôn trào ,phun Fisherman’s Wharf : Bến cảng Ngư phủ Napa Valley: Thung lũng Napa Carve: chạm khắc The windy city: thành phố lộng gió On the shore of : bờ The Empire State Building: Cao ốc Empire -Read the new words aloud in chorus C While- reading - Read the postcard from MrsQuyen to her chidren in silence to write things she did at the places she visited -Ask Ss to write the answer on the BB + Hawaii: Went shopping, visited Kilauea Volcano + New york: Went shopping, bought alot of souvernirs + Chicago: Saw lake Michigan +Mount Rushmore: Saw the heads of four American presidents + Sanfrancisco: Visited Fisher man ‘s Wharf, the napa valley, wine growing area and the Alcatraz prison -Ask Ss to read the answers aloud to complete the table Check if necessary -Ask Ss to read the reading again and answer the questions in Exercise -Compare the answer with the friends -Write the answer on the BB, and read the answers aloud ( work in pairs ) a) She took a small plane to Kilauea Volcano b) She went there by plane c) She saw the famous prison on the island of Alcatraz in the middle of Sanfrancisco Bay d) It is amout where the heads of four American presidents are carved into the rock ( It can be seen from more than 100 miles away.) e) f) The other name of Chicago is the The windy City She went shopping - Check if necessary D Post- reading -Ask Ss to list the famous places that are mentioned in the reading Consolidation: - Retell the main content of the lesson Home work: - Do exercise in the work book Pre: Period 75 Teaching date Class - attendance : Test correction 8A:…… 8B:…… 8C:…… I.objectives After the lesson, Ss know how to a test, remember all knowledge.T can know Ss how to learn in order to adjust the teaching lesson II.Teaching aids: Test papers III.Teaching process 1.Class organization Date: 8A 2.Oral test.: During the lesson New lesson @ Test correction *Pre – teach -ASk Ss to read the request of exercise and give remark *Advantages: -Ss did exercises regular test strictly -Some Ss know how to a test and exercises in the test -Some Ss exercises cleanly *Disadvantages.: -Some Ss exercises dirtly and carelessly -Other Ss don’t know how to answer the questions by using the information in passage -Some Ss are lazy to learn what they have learnt Ss don’t know how to mistakes corretion * Correct - Call Ss to go to the board and redo exercises -Feedback: + Grammar mistakes: Pre: Unit 12: A vacation abroad Period 76: Lesson : Teaching date Class - attendance 8A:…… Write 8B:…… 8C:…… I Objectives : -After the lesson Ss will be able to use the language to write the postcard And how to write the words on the post cards -To drill Ss writing skills II.Teaching aids Textbook + pictures of famous places III Teaching procedure 1.Class oganization : Date: 8A 8B 2.Oral test : Ask Ss to exercise in the work book ( Page 71)? 3.New lesson : A Warm up: -Ask Ss to list the things you often when visit famous places: -Work in pairs to discuss and write the sentences on the BB  Sight seeing  Take photographs  Buy post cards to send to friends  B Pre- writing - Introduce the lesson by asking Ss to write the sentences that they often write on the post cards.( may be in Vietnamese) -ask Ss to look at the first postcard that Mrs Quyen sent from the USA -Read the post card and fill in the blanks -Ask Ss work in pairs to read the post card and fill in the missing words -Write the answers on the BB -Read the answers aloud We are having a wonderful time in the USA The people are friendly and the weather has been warm and sunny In San francisco,I visited my friends, Sandra Smith and her family It was nice to see them I bought lots of souvenirs for the childen Thanh is always complaining about the heaviness of my suitcase See you soon Love , Quyen -Check if necessary C while- writing -Ask Ss imagine to be a tourist on a vacation in a certain place in Viet nam.Write a postcard to a friend about the trip Read the information in the text book for help.( the place , the people, the weather, the famous places, and presents for relatives -Read the writing in pairs to check themselves Dear Nam, I am having a wonderful time in Ha long Bay The people here are very hospitable and friendly We ‘re lucky, The weather has been fine and sunny during the trip I saw alot of caves here They are really beautiful I bought lots of presents and books about Ha long Bay See you soon Your friend, Lan - Give the remark if necessary Dear Lan, We’re having a well time on Cat Ba island The islanders is very friendship and helpful The weather has been sunny and windy In Cat Ba town , I visited my aunt , Mrs Lien and his childen.I spend the whole morning to play with the kids I bought lots of souvernirs and two bottle of fish sauce Shopping here are wonderful.There are alot to buying See you soon Yours trully Tuan D Post –writing -Ask Ss to read the letter and then correct the mistake in the letter -Write the incorrect letter and then write them 4.Consolidation : - Retell the way to write the post card 5.Home work: - Do exercise in the work book ( page75) Pre: Unit 12: A vacation abroad Period 77: Lesson 5: Teaching date Class - attendance 8A:…… Language focus 8B:…… 8C:…… I Objectives : -After the lesson Ss will be able to review the past continous tense and the use of always in the present continous tense -To drill Ss writing and reading skills II.Teaching aids Textbook + work sheet III Teaching procedure 1.Class oganization : Date: 8A 8B 2.Oral test : Ask Ss to exercise 4+5 in the work book ( Page 73)? 3.New lesson : A Warm up Ask Ss to read the post card that they wrote to friends to tell them the journey that they are going on -Give the remark if necessary B The past progressive tense a Presentation - Ask Ss to give the form and the uses of the past progressive tense - Make examples with the sentences + The form: S + was/were + V-ing + O + The use: -Express the action that was happening at the fix time in the past Eg: I was watching TV at p.m last night - Express the action that was happening , and the other action happened Eg: I was watching TV when the phone rang - Express two actions was happening at the same time in the past Eg: I was doing my homework while my mother was watching TV -Read the examples aloud b Practice - Ask Ss to the exercise in the text book.( p: 119) b) Hoa was eating dinner at o’clock c) Bao was doing his home work at o’clock d) Nga was writing a letter at o’clock e) Na was walking with her dog at o’clock Ex2: Match the sentences in A with the sentenes in B a-C , b- F ,c- E , d-B , e- D , f –A - Ask Ss to work in pairs to complete the exercise in the text book c Production - Ask Ss to retell the use of the past progressive tense used in this exercise and give the examples; C Always in the present progressive tense a) Presentation -Ask Ss to give the theory of the word” always’ in this tense He is always talking in the class b) Practice - Ask Ss to complete the exercise in the text book ( p: 120) Work in pairs a) Bao is always forgetting his home work b) Mrs Nga is always losing her umbrella c) Mr and Mrs Thanh are always missing the bus d) Nam is always watching TV e) Na is always talking on the phone f) Liem is always going out - Read the sentences aloud - Write the sentences on the BB - Check if necessary c) production - Ask Ss to make the complaint by making the examples - Read the sentences aloud - Write the sentences on the BB 1) Ha is always making a phone call 2) My teacher is always complaining about my studying 3) My mother is always complaining about my laziness Consolidation: -Ask Ss to give the main content of the lesson Home work: - Ask Ss to the exercise 6+7 in the work book ( p: 74) - Prepare the new lesson ( getting started+ listen and read ) [...]... information in passage -Some Ss are lazy to learn what they have learnt Ss don’t know how to do mistakes corretion * Correct - Call Ss to go to the board and redo exercises -Feedback: + Grammar mistakes: Pre: Unit 12: A vacation abroad Period 76: Lesson 4 : Teaching date Class - attendance 8A: …… Write 8B:…… 8C:…… I Objectives : -After the lesson Ss will be able to use the language to write the postcard... page75) Pre: Unit 12: A vacation abroad Period 77: Lesson 5: Teaching date Class - attendance 8A: …… Language focus 8B:…… 8C:…… I Objectives : -After the lesson Ss will be able to review the past continous tense and the use of always in the present continous tense -To drill Ss writing and reading skills II.Teaching aids Textbook + work sheet III Teaching procedure 1.Class oganization : Date: 8A. .. use: -Express the action that was happening at the fix time in the past Eg: I was watching TV at 7 p.m last night - Express the action that was happening , and the other action happened Eg: I was watching TV when the phone rang - Express two actions was happening at the same time in the past Eg: I was doing my homework while my mother was watching TV -Read the examples aloud b Practice - Ask Ss to do the... Ss imagine to be a tourist on a vacation in a certain place in Viet nam.Write a postcard to a friend about the trip Read the information in the text book for help.( the place , the people, the weather, the famous places, and presents for relatives -Read the writing in pairs to check themselves Dear Nam, I am having a wonderful time in Ha long Bay The people here are very hospitable and friendly We ‘re... The weather has been fine and sunny during the trip I saw alot of caves here They are really beautiful I bought lots of presents and books about Ha long Bay See you soon Your friend, Lan - Give the remark if necessary Dear Lan, We’re having a well time on Cat Ba island The islanders is very friendship and helpful The weather has been sunny and windy In Cat Ba town , I visited my aunt , Mrs Lien and... -Read the answers aloud We are having a wonderful time in the USA The people are friendly and the weather has been warm and sunny In San francisco,I visited my friends, Sandra Smith and her family It was nice to see them I bought lots of souvenirs for the childen Thanh is always complaining about the heaviness of my suitcase See you soon Love , Quyen -Check if necessary C while- writing -Ask Ss imagine... missing the bus d) Nam is always watching TV e) Na is always talking on the phone f) Liem is always going out - Read the sentences aloud - Write the sentences on the BB - Check if necessary c) production - Ask Ss to make the complaint by making the examples - Read the sentences aloud - Write the sentences on the BB 1) Ha is always making a phone call 2) My teacher is always complaining about my studying... this exercise and give the examples; C Always in the present progressive tense a) Presentation -Ask Ss to give the theory of the word” always’ in this tense He is always talking in the class b) Practice - Ask Ss to complete the exercise 3 in the text book ( p: 120) Work in pairs a) Bao is always forgetting his home work b) Mrs Nga is always losing her umbrella c) Mr and Mrs Thanh are always missing...c) She saw the famous prison on the island of Alcatraz in the middle of Sanfrancisco Bay d) It is amout where the heads of four American presidents are carved into the rock ( It can be seen from more than 100 miles away.) e) f) The other name of Chicago is the The windy City She went shopping - Check if necessary D Post- reading -Ask Ss to list the famous places that are mentioned in the reading 4... book.( p: 119) b) Hoa was eating dinner at 8 o’clock c) Bao was doing his home work at 8 o’clock d) Nga was writing a letter at 8 o’clock e) Na was walking with her dog at 8 o’clock Ex2: Match the sentences in A with the sentenes in B a- C , b- F ,c- E , d-B , e- D , f A - Ask Ss to work in pairs to complete the exercise 2 in the text book c Production - Ask Ss to retell the use of the past progressive

Ngày đăng: 28/08/2016, 11:47

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