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17969 passive voice and causative structure

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PASSIVE VOICE WHAT IS VOICE?  WHEN DO WE USE PASSIVE VOICE? VOICE IS the grammatical relation Passive voice is mainly used: WRITE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES IN THE PASSIVE VOICE FORM PAY ATTENTION TO VERB TENSES (active or passive) of the a When the action or the We form the passive using BE (in an appropriate tense) + PAST The teacher told Tom to stop taking _ grammatical subject of a verb toresult the of the action is more important than PARTICIPLE of a transitive verb Theydenotes are going to a new centre init town action that the verb theopen person or commercial thing that performs In the active sentence the person or thing that performs the WHAT IS PASSIVE VOICE   We have ?   done   b When the agent is unknown our homework _ action usually comes first: The passive3 voiceThe is used to indicate or obvious fire destroyed the building _ SUBJECT /AGENT that the grammatical subject of c the When the agent is a long ACTION They won’t accept the offer _ verb is the recipient (not the source) phrase RESULT 5.denoted His behaviour disappointed of the action by the verb d When weher want _ to make a statement She impersonal London is going to hold the next Olympics _ cleaned e In landscape rules and orders I can see a beautiful from my window the room yesterday In passive sentences the result of the action comes first and You must tell her about the meeting _ becomes the subject of the sentence We advertise our products in the newspaper _ SUBJECT (RESULT) THE AGENT 10 Helen is writing a letter REPORTING VERBS In most passive sentences we have no interest VERBS WITH TWO OBJECTS IN THE5 TRANSFORM We often use reporting verbs with impersonal WITH passiveTWO PASSIVE WITH REPORTING VERBS THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES in who ACTIVE VOICE constructions People say he has committed the crime OBJECTS INTO THE PASSIVE or what performs the action Verbs that have two objects in the active people think he stole the money”(Active) It usually The“Some staff gave him a worm welcome We mention the agent when we think that the have two passive forms There are two basic constructions: They claim that In thisthis newcase car it is is better than the old one a. information is important “I sent her a present” (Active voice) a It + passive verb+ that new car b. usually This introduced with BY “She was sent a present” “It is thought stole People believe he is a shoplifter My mother bought that him ahe new carthe money” “Hamlet was written by Shakespeare” “A present was sent to her” b Subject+ passive verb+ TO infinitive He a. “He is though to have stolen the money” People say that a lot of people will lose their job due to the crisis b It The company offered them a pay rise People say he is the best candidate for the elections next month a. _ He b. THE CAUSATIVE HAS THE MEANING OF 'SOMEONE” CAUSING SOMEONE ELSE TO DO They say he died in the car accident last night She showed Mary her new bedroom SOMETHING' In English there are two basic causative structures He a. THE VERBS USUALLY USED FOR THE CAUSATIVE ARE: a.7 They  AN  ACTIVE    think  ONE    family   the went to live in Australia b. GET (which gives an idea of persuasion) The family _ Helen paid him a lot of money for his job “She got her sister to the washing up” People believe he did it on purpose a. SOMEONE + GET (ANY TENSE) + SOMEBODY+ TO DO SOMETHING HAVE (which implies asking and persuasion too) He b. + HAVE (ANY TENSE) + SOMEBODY+ DO SOMETHING “I had my husband drive me to the airport” “ + MAKE (ANY TENSE) + SOMEBODY + DO SOMETHING “He had his secretary sign the papers” MAKE (which implies forcing or convincing someone to “I had my mum my hair” /“ I’m going to make my secretary type the letters / “ something for you) He’s going to get her boyfriend to paint her bedroom” CAUSATIVE REWRITE THESE SENTENCES USING HAVE OR “Anna made Peter tidy his room” GET “He made me pay the check” FIND THE b 6. PASSIVE   ONE     MISTAKE AND CORRECT THE SENTENCE, The mechanic revised my car LET (allow) The book must have given to Anna tomorrow “I’ll let you drive my car” SOMEONE + HAVE OR GET (ANY TENSE) SOMETHING + DONE+ BY The hairdresser didlet myher hairgo” in a completely different style “He wouldn’t SOMEBODY ELSE Did she was told about the meeting “ I had my hair done" /“ They are going to have their house redecorated”3 The teacher checked my exam a second time _ They are being painted the house this week A friend is going to repair my computerACTIVE next week THE FOLLLOWING SENTENCES INTO _ TRANSFORM PASSIVE OR _ PASSIVE INTO ACTIVE She is said to has been hired for the job My skirtthe is being shortened You’ll have to feed dog while I’m out _ IDENTIFY HE FOLLOWING SENTENCES: ACTIVE (A) _ (P)Lunch is now beACTIVE served (CA) CAUSATIVE PASSIVE CAUSATIVE Somebody stole my wallet yesterday ironed your shirt this morning _ She has _ PASSIVE (CP) He was told to go away by them My new book is going to be translated to French An accident was reported last night should be banned in all public places _ Smoking _ I had my brother paint my room My room was painted last month There was nothing to have seen The children are going to draw some animals. _ We shall _ finish the project by tomorrow _ Are you going to let him to suffer like this? I’m8 having my kitchen redecorated _ CHOOSE THE CORRECT OPTION CAUSATIVE STRUCTURE I gave Mary a 6.present fornot herlet birthday I'm going to Mike _ my kitchen, computer to see what is wrong Julie will her daughter that boy I got my friend tohave redecorate a) look at b) to look at c) looked at a) marry b) to marry c) married Ann rejected my wedding invitation. _ I'll let you my car I had wallet yesterday This should be7.done as my soon as possible He a) is believed to have committed the murder. _ to drive b) drive c) driving a) stolen b) stole c) to steal The3.thief was caught the police. _ I herby and apologize Do you want me to help you ? Nobody told me about the exam a) made himinvented to call inb) made him called c) made him call a) to pack b) packing c) pack Digital TV was the 1960s. _ All the wine _ I had my shopping this morning 10 We had our heating repaired yesterday. _ He was asked aa)favour a) drunk b) were drunk c) was drunk to deliver b) delivered c) deliver 11 My 5.sonHiswasfather given _him a new bike1for his birthday. million pounds 10 Have your assistant these letters immediately 12 It isa)said good swimmer. was she leftis a very b) left c) leave a) to send b) to be sent c) send 13 The students handed in their essays yesterday.

Ngày đăng: 28/08/2016, 07:58

