Lesson plan elementary level Describing a picture - Skills: speaking/ writing - Objectives: -to engage them in a group work (to facilitate learning) - To describe what people are wearing - To recycle lexis to clothes, colours and birthday party - To describe a place and locate things/ furniture - To use the present progressive in context - The lesson procedure: 1- The teacher hangs a visual on the board about a birthday party and asks the pupils: What’s the event? (She may give them alternatives if they fail to know) 2- She asks them: Is this your birthday? (To revise the possessive case) No, it isn’t It’s Imene’s birthday How old is she? (Count the number of candles) 3- Describe Imene: she is happy ………… What’s she wearing? She is wearing…………………………………………… 4- There are many people in the living room What are they doing? * Aly is taking pictures * Peter is listening to music and dancing * Selim is dancing * Imene’s friends are ……………………………………… 5- Describe the place (locating things / furniture) What’s there on the table? 6- The teacher erases the board at 10:30 and divides the pupils into groups of and ask -Gp : describe the place - Gp : describe Imene and others What are they doing? - Gp3: describe what’s on the table The teacher can check the pupils’ attention to the lesson, their memory and their writing skills by engaging them in a group work • The teacher felt that the pupils were motivated to write because they were wellequipped with lexis, ideas, structures…… Moreover, they felt more relaxed to work in groups • The problem was that not all the pupils wrote paragraphs Some of them wrote just sentences Here are some samples: > We noticed that the pupils write better when they are guided even the weak pupils tried to write We found them motivated and interested in this activity and it was fruitful The teacher reminded the pupils of linkers and how they should be used to get a coherent paragraph and asked them to rewrite their paragraphs using the appropriate linkers The pupils started it in class and finished it at home because of time constraints