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Urogenital system

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BarCharts, Inc ® WORLD’S #1 ACADEMIC OUTLINE FEMALE UROGENITAL SYSTEM (LATERAL VIEW) MALE URINARY SYSTEM (ANTERIOR VIEW) Inferior vena cava Esophagus** Fibrous capsule Diaphragm** Renal cortex Kidney R adrenal gland Renal column Renal pelvis L adrenal gland Renal pyramid R kidney Renal hilum L kidney R renal a Renal medulla 3rd lumbar vertebrae Renal papillae L renal a Area cribosa Ureter R renal v L renal v Base of pyramid Uterine tube Renal pelvis Abdominal aorta Descending colon Fimbria R testicular a L testicular v Inferior mesenteric a.** Anterior longitudinal l Cervix Ovary Sacrum Uterus Endometrium Ureter R common iliac a L common iliac v Sigmoid colon Myometrium Vagina Cervical canal Coccyx Urinary bladder Sacral n.n Internal iliac vessels** Ductus deferens Urine Rectum Pubic bone Levator ani m Anus Clitoris Urachus (median umbilical l.)** Rectum** Urethra** RIGHT KIDNEY Tendon levator ani Labium minus Prostate Labium majus Urinary bladder Urethra Pelvic bone m.m FEMALE UROGENITAL SYSTEM (ANTERIOR VIEW) Renal column Renal papillae Upper pole Kidney Renal medulla Vaginal opening Area cribrosa Medial margin Fibrous capsule Renal cortex Renal columns Superior segment Renal pyramids Upper anterior segment Renal medulla Renal vessels Renal cortex Renal hilum Papillary foramina Renal papillae Lower anterior segment Renal pelvis Area cribosa Lateral margin Fibrous capsule Inferior segment Capsular & perirenal a.a Main renal a Renal pyramids Suspensory l of ovary Ureter Vesicula appendix chydatid of morgagni Mesosalpinx Fimbria Base of pyramid Base of pyramid Fundus of uterus Body (corpus) of uterus Corpus albicans Ovary Main renal v Interlobar a.a Segmental a.a & v.v Lateral margin Renal calices Arcuate a.a & v.v Renal pelvis Interlobular a.a Medial margin Ureter Lower pole Proper ovarian l Round l Urinary bladder Cervical canal with palmate folds Body of clitoris Crus of clitoris Glans of clitoris Prepuce of clitoris Frenulum of clitoris Urethra Urethral opening Labium minus Orifice of vagina Opening of greater vestibular gland Labium majus Vagina Bulbospongiosus m Tubal folds Corpus luteum Follicle Epoöphorum Endometrium Myometrium ** = cut Opening of ureter a = artery a.a = arteries Sacrouterine l L = Left Trigone of bladder l = ligament m = muscle Cervix of uterus Inferior fascia of urogenital diaphragm Fornix of vagina Bulb of vestibule External uterine opening m.m = muscles n.n = nerves R = Right v = vein v.v = veins Greater vestibule (Bartolin’s) gland & duct NEPHRON Afferent glomerular arteriole Fibrous capsule Glomerular (Bowman’s capsule) MALE UROGENITAL SYSTEM (LATERAL VIEW) Kidney Capsular branches Glomerulus Area cribosa Efferent glomerular arteriole Stellate venules Distal convoluted uriniferous tubule Fibrous capsule Renal cortex Renal column Renal pelvis Renal pyramid Renal medulla Renal hilum Renal papillae 3rd lumbar vertebrae Cortex Base of pyramid Ureter Interlobar a Proximal convoluted uriniferous tubule Interlobar v Straight arterioles Arcuate a & v Peritubular capillaries Seminal vesicle Urinary bladder Ejaculatory duct Urine Sigmoid colon Vas deferens Rectum Spermatic cord Straight venule Renal (uriniferous) tubule (nephron) Outer zone of medulla Straight segments of renal tubules Sacrum Urethra Bulbourethral gland (Cowper’s) Pubis Prostate gland Fat Corpus cavernosum Renal medulla (pyramid) Inner zone of medulla Loop of Henle: Descending limb Ascending limb Pelvic bone m.m Corpus spongiosum Anus Navicular fossa Vasa recta Epididymus Glans penis Collecting duct Interlobar a & v Scrotum Lobar a & v External urethral meatus Area cribosa RENAL CORPUSCLE Testicular tubules Prepuce (foreskin) MALE UROGENITAL SYSTEM (ANTERIOR VIEW) Basement membrane Macula densa Testis Distal convoluted tubule Basement membrane Superior segment Kidney Upper anterior segment Juxta glomerular cells Afferent arteriole Efferent arterioles Medial margin Renal vessels Red blood cells Endothelium Glomerulus Smooth m Renal medulla Lower anterior segment Renal papillae Inferior segment Renal calices Base of pyramid Urinary bladder (sectioned & transparent) External iliac vessels Inferior epigastric vessels Prostatic utricle Glomerular capsular space Basement membrane of capillary Renal pelvis Ureter Pedicles Plasma Pseudo fenestrations Cell nucleus Endothelial cells Glomerular capillary Filtration slits (slit pores) Proximal tubule Microvilli NOTE TO STUDENT Primary urine (filtrate) U.S.$3.95 This QUICKSTUDY® reference guide is the single most comprehensive “UROGENITAL SYSTEM” guide ever published Use it to your advantage in class, during homework and as a memory refresher while preparing for exams Reinforce your knowledge of human anatomy with our “UROGENITAL SYSTEM” guide It is a powerful study tool that can be quickly and repeatedly referred to during and well beyond your college years All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher ©2003, 2005 BarCharts, Inc 0608 Seminal vesicle Ductus deferens Uvula of bladder Urethral crest Opening of ejaculatory duct seminal colliculus Abdominal m.m Inguinal l Bulb of penis Opening of prostatic ducts Bulbourethral (Cowper’s) gland Opening of bulbourethral duct Pampiniform venous plexus Testicular a Dartos Epididymis Cremaster m Appendix epididymis Internal spermatic fascia Appendix testis External spermatic fascia Scrotal skin Testis (covered by visceral layer of tunica vaginalis) Corpus cavernosum layer Parietal Corpus spongiosum Trabeculae Tunica albuginea Intercavernous septum of Urethral glands deep (Buck’s ) fascia Corona of glans Valve of navicular fossa Navicular fossa Glans of penis Prepuce External urethral meatus Crus of penis Bowman’s capsule: Visceral epithelium (podocytes) Parietal epithelium Basement membrane Trigone of urinary bladder Opening of ureter Urachus** Prostate (sectioned & transparent) Fenestrations Renal cortex Renal column Renal pyramids Renal hilum Lateral margin Blood flow Fibrous capsule Customer Hotline # 1.800.230.9522 ISBN-13: 978-142320759-7 ISBN-10: 142320759-9 CREDITS Images ® Vincent Perez perezstudio.com Layout: Dominic Thompson free downloads & hundreds of titles at quickstudy.com

Ngày đăng: 27/08/2016, 17:08
