MY SCHOOL`S NEIGHBOURHOOD 1.-Secondary School Nº 18 2.- Nambdakian ‘s Club 3.-Oriental`s Lords 4.-“Parque Posadas”’ Pharmacy 5.-Pecas ‘ Shop 6.-Bus-stop 7.-“Tienda Ingles”Supermarket 8.-Church 9.-“Juan Manuel Blanes”- Museum 10.-“Japanese Garden” 11.-Xtreme Academy 12.-Auctions” Avenue” 13.-Scout Group Nº9 14.-« Repecho »- Club 15.-« Sueira » pharmacy 16.-Shop 17.-Photocopy Shop 18.- Baker`s 19.- Petrol station –« Petrobras » 20.-Stationer`s Shop 21.-Gas station 22.-Hairdresser`s a) Look at the map and answer the questions using the words in the bubble, please In/ On / Behind / Opposite On the corner of / in front of Next to/ Near/ In the centre of / between 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Where is your Secondary School? What is there in front of it? Where is the Church? How many squares are there in the map? Which one is near your school? b) Complete the sentences using prepositions of place, please 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) The The photocopy Shop is -the Parque Posadas” pharmacy and theNambdakian`s Club Secondary School Nº 18 “Sarandi” is -Police station Nº12 Scout GroupNº is -the Hairdresser`s There is a Gas Station the “Batlle y Ordonez” park Where is the “Juan Manuel Blanes` Museum? C) COMPLETE THE DIALOGUE It`s……….Matìas Alvarez,……… the “Orientales Lords” It is……… The “Parque Posadas” pharmacy Remember, the photocopy is at “Fractales” Where is the photocopies shop? Oops !What? I don`t have the photocopy!