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sách Every body up 2 studentbook (P 41-83)

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i I I I @ I Look ot the Pictures Circle , i6"; :1 'l I I I I I I I I I I I I , I l I t I I t I rtlf;t I I I i , a I i a- I k,* fi;t I fH" ,-? d {- ,11 I tt'* @,^ r- { {d I i, /' T-shirt I - -'- - ll t I ! iN t q I $"q I t -s t I I I F-es I | ': { J I cop dress sneokers hot skirt sweoter coot boots shorts shoes boots shorts sweoter SOCKS skirt skirt boots skirt ponts J I a-I I I , j, , &-" I I I t, t t: I I I I I t" I I I t, I I I I t I I I t I I I , t I @Look ot &, Ask ond onswer She's weoring o coqt ond o hoi G, Is he weoring o sweoter? No, he isn'1 He's weoring o T:shirt l' I cqn soy these w ords r-; 2' F, >- ' 'r(\- **t -:: t- f *i$ * ;{,,, w@ ''*'.t; *'-x \is 1',7 rq{i,rF : #s" F, i':' s i ll I tolk obout these topics 3s$, c 1T i! i r I }ri E: *, *F ll1i G :- - dP€b doiry products I tolk with you t ': -t ilN-., c 'GPt) fl @ Review Do you clothes u :, wont 2' o peoch? , { T ':& r& {Y x*-*iiI No, thonk you - Whqt's your phone number? Listen, point, ond soy CD 67'P blob #$ hx \.r L ) €b hrffi ,r',:dtr -.1 ,.-' i\ i'., a[u i: " -,rs ,u'illr i{.-EV.,' l, - .i._f - r:1 i.j I ,,' ffirM croyon crib q\ \u * )nrgaJ' 7_.-**=.i6 fr frog ffi Look ot ffi Point ond reod wilh your portner c e ffi Listen ond reod t4.,, t This clom is block The flog is in the crib Listen, point, ond soy *Z \ i *'.r' ,r t \ :;.-;' reod write Listen ond find ,t T?? re -.\ 11 -{ drow &t il sing i\ donce #B ryrywsrrtii.rat ,t EI 5l {; i t, g ,11, : t { ,,' 11 *-t-' -t l:]1,ll:9 ' :,',,, '.:r)::ir:r::{ ;,t".:: " ',;:;t;;,;'., '.:,,.'\ , 11 @ uniis - & ' , t."''.':t, && :1 , ffis" w L &ffi t Lislen ond soy Then proctice reoding tifi writing He's She's drowing I'm not I'M reoding He isn't She isn't tolking writing rt ffirt singing doncing + -ta e Listen, osk, ond onswer Then proctice Whot ore you Whot's he she doing? I'm reoding doing? He's She's Whot's '.* c> M of : Whot is reoding + Look 05 : l( Point, osk, ond qnswer F a t, {l ;r d TJ ,':, ,, '*' J \*-o.-'" :"i e I'm doncing! 1*, '.".' N Whot's he doing? He's writing Lesson, {} O .,,,.,,rf g { # d :ff Lislen, point, ond sqy .:i;2 *6 { # Lr ,'r drink Lislen ond sqy Then proctice We're We They They're plqy sleep Ofen't , i.,r,rr ',,-', d+, We're : We ore They're : They ore oren't : ore flot eotu'ri: drinkir,',, rrreG I sleepl l ploy:r * { s ?,' \i t}., ,a;f n , {,# Jffi \o.lffi ;uq:l ;F*.'"* lia fln*S * ,i 'i Unil5 O Listen, osk, qnd onswer Then proctice E6o, Q'"o Whot ore O Sing you they doing? We're They're eoting 86*i Whot qre you doing? I om ploying f'm not sleeping "ffi'= 'ft1 I'm ploying now Whot ore they doing? They ore eoting They oren't drinking O W* s| They're eoting now Drow pictures Ask qnd onswer co Whot ore they doing? They're eoting @ I Hll tr," ru"r# ,e&,,*a ,fa; r e, I'm not sleeping! Tolk obout the pictures Then lislen ond reqd t!3 Good ideo! : Hi! I hove ; ,i- onewqome ' l'*- E Mike, I * a oonS;tr"r @& -6re G -,jl G :- ':l' d I'm bored Con I ploy, too? dh 1, *wry Oh, sure I'm sorry 14fl ffi @ Unirs && rBif, I Whot ore you doing? We're ploying Listen ond number r"i @ @ f SE ffi qi :-t:\ \ ks u Id.a n slgffitr' ffi Sing TA" I'm bored Whot ore you doing? We're ploying Con I ploy, too? rr! , ?,, Oh, sure Good ideo i^-^", Let's ploy Let's ploy '- S; ffi Listen ond soy Then ocl 1'i" ;, Let's ploy! Good ideo! a a ^I ', zr : ',-(: ;-l1 !' ,1 eot ni fr -1 n €!) 'b,.::r@' Let's ploy! I donce Lesson -t rii " 11{ \ -i , rosr Kr t" milisten, point, ond soy L*-! a 1tu ploy the guitor wotch TV listen to music homework ffil,Listen, osk, ond onswer Then proctice i%., so m Is he she I l" isn't oren'l Yes.'lshe ploying the guitor? he No.'lshe I '.'" Are they ploying the guitor? isn't Yes, they ore No, they oren't My Photos : is not : ofe flot ploying lhe guitor listening to music wotching TV doing homework Listen, poinl, ond soy eot ploy +6 eot ploy do,, wotch rrF wotch 7:00 woke up i\- ,' 4j'j,' -a "t-.s-l &h $ ' "30 eot breokfost 8: l5 go to school "6" H'ws B a;f,t \Ee @sr 5:00 come home \ IT i q' 3:tlS ploy soccer I Look of Ploy the gome When does he woke up? homework in the ofternoon Whot obout you? r' i:, He wokes up of seven o'clock in the morning ffi Wt ot obout you? Ask ond qnswer When you come home? I come home ot three thirty in the ofternoon \ lesson,+ @ Listen, poinl, ond soy d* *Q tr* t E's.*'{ Y{ ,,lfr* 1i"'ii.;]]; "3:*,,.& li.,j,:ii: #-;, -; !q ''' '$ t- ia* ort science Lislen ond : :: , *a \ , ) : * L **.v ;rp f moth ind P.E 'd6 $ ## Ibl t ft\\/ @'*'*?ffi d $ *ey6iin* +g:a;l-jr Unit B t -::: E musrc sociol studies l Lislen ond sqy Then proctice His Her t #U I i Bi fovorite subject is scien;-:=: l- 3q; $ '* ''rG, *r H - ';m; g : L+ :'i HT j Listen, osk, ond qnswer Then proclice Whot's his her fovorite ', Whot's subject? It's scielioe : A t:r, Whot is It's : It is lI ffi geLook of Poinl, osk, ond onswgr Whot's her fovorite subject? i.r fovorite subject is qri id My lt's moth, ia .:l:: ,i:l': ,,''11''"' ::r ,' ' Lesson [) Listen, point, ond soy korote closs donce closs swimming closs Q! Listen ond soy Then proctice , L English closs Bin> Donny goes to korote closs on Mondoys .L L t .- .- .r Monday Tuesdcy Donny Julie Thursdcy Joy Scturday Corlq e, @ Unirs O Listen, osk, ond onswer Then proctice when does I ,T: B3-,1 @- ffi | no to korote closs? I no"r to korote closs on Tuesdoys Mondoy Iuesdoy Wednesdsy O Sing qij,L >.a'1 o.{ KoroteCloss 3{ I Sundoy, Mondoy, Tuesdoy, V a -i Wednesdqy, i Thursdoy, Fridqy, SoturdoY to korote closs on Mondoys He goes to swimming closs on Tuesdoys She goes to donce closs on Wednesdoys She goes to English closs on Thursdoys .< ooL' l.{.r.fl l.{.a(.j.l'ao{.1 He goes @ Whot obout you? Tell your pqrtner W-, I g6'tod0ncd clos$ onSotUrdoys When you go to English closs? Tolk oboul the pictures Then listen ond -.]ke- "{* - Con you ploy soccer? reod m i1 $_It:E job, Ken ?he * * ), :, C Yes, I Let's ploy! k^ D q 1!:,_, \a t d Good-bye! _.'.-,, :.,@€r@ffii& Good i: tr ewt: ; Yes, I I'm Ken Nice to meet you r' ".# f-.,S speok English? :i? ! req n,l ffi w D k'.": a {} C{ s ,, @ Unirs Listen ond number -\ i? , ta # 7e f\f\ lF;.f *# &, ]*-** l,r;t t: efta ,f{ *\ &- Sing iltr 59 '€t!s iiir;:: i:.iin:: :al:.r:, WW fi r i Good-bye! *S#iffiffi W Whot time is it? It's time to & S ': ffi &# 'tt:af go Whot time is it? *s \- s$& i:r' It's time to go fr$* isa* Bye, bye, bye, bye 8*:f See you Good-bye f1t'S.s **W Lislen ond soy Then ffi ffi'ffi oct ffi iii;it {i:!,f #ffi* ',4:? Ts :* .?., fli:f ,;.',ii ;,iiEi 60 Do you speok English? Good-bye! ps A;.L Good-bye! See you! ;, & *; & * *ri # ,d: -s' -#' Good-bye 1#1 &-r':':s::'' d, tesson,S 'ree' (c) s South Koreo *** tto,-E ;: : €\4 *ff^ /\ ., "Vi{orn.-

Ngày đăng: 27/08/2016, 15:57

