Family Relations – A brain teaser My sister’s husband is my _ His parents are his children’s _ Your mother’s sister is your _ My uncle’s brother is my His wife’s sister is his My mom is my son’s His sister’s daughter is his My uncle’s daughter is my His son and daughter are his sister’s My husband’s mother is my _ Her aunt’s sister is her His daughter is his mother’s Her brother’s son is her _ My son and daughter are my parents’ His wife’s dad is his _ Your father is your daughter’s My father’s brother is my _ Your son is your dad’s My Aunt’s son is my Your mom’s sister and her husband are your _ Answers ( words in parentheses are other possible answers) Brother-in-law Grandparents Aunt Father (uncle) Sister-in-law Grandmother Niece Cousin Nephew and niece Mother-in-law Mother (aunt) Granddaughter Nephew Grandchildren Father-in-law Grandfather Uncle Grandson Cousin Aunt and uncle