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2090 family a boardgame

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START Do you sometimes quarrel with your parents? Is family more important than friends? Are your parents too strict? Who is your favourite uncle? Do you like spending time with your grandparents? What you like about your mother? What household chores you hate? Does anyone from your family live abroad? Who is your favourite cousin? Who is your favourite aunt? Do you like family gatherings ? Describe your father Who is the black sheep in your family? What does you mom for a living? Is it a good job? What you hate about your mother? What things you have in common with your dad? Why? ? What you hate about your father? What did you like about your childhood? Do you get on with the members of your family? FINISH Do you take after your mother or father? What is the scariest thing that happened to you when you were a child? What household What the chores Whatis don’t scariest thing you mind household that happened doing? chores you don’t to you when don’t you mind mind you were a doing? child? START Would you like to live abroad? What have your parents taught you? - Do you sometimes fight with your brother? - Yes, I -Why you fight with him? - I fight with my brother because - When was the last time you fought with your brother? - I fought Describe your mother Why? ? Is it good to have a brother or sister? FAMILY How often you visit your family? What is the funniest thing that happened to you when you were a child? What you like about your father? What things you have What things in common you have with your in common mom? with your mom? What did you hate Do you What about did your sometimes you hate childhood? quarrel with about your your childhood? parents? What does your dad for a living? What does What Is it adad good your you like job? for a living? about Is it your a good mother? job? Is it good if parents are What is the Is it good demanding funniest thing if parents that? happenedare to you when demanding you were a ? child? Why? Describe a perfect Describe parent a perfect parent What would you like to What you did would take in the Do you get you after like your to on with the future? members in the about mother your orof your family? childhood? future? father? Is family more important than friends? Who is your favourite uncle? What household chores you hate? Are your parents too strict? Do you like spending time with your grandparents? Is it good to have a brother or sister? Who is your favourite aunt? Who is your favourite cousin? Do you like family gatherings ? Describe your father Who is the black sheep in your family? What does you mom for a living? Is it a good job? What you hate about your mother? What things you have in common with your dad? - Do you sometimes fight with your brother? - Yes, I -Why you fight with him? - I fight with my brother because - When was the last time you fought with your brother? - I fought Describe your mother Would you like to live abroad? What have your parents taught you? FAMILY How often you visit your family? Does anyone from your family live abroad? Why? ? What you hate about your father? FINISH

Ngày đăng: 25/08/2016, 19:31

Xem thêm: 2090 family a boardgame

