family a system which cannot be neglected

Health Expenditures and the Elderly: A Survey of Issues in Forecasting, Methods Used, and Relevance for Developing Countries doc

Health Expenditures and the Elderly: A Survey of Issues in Forecasting, Methods Used, and Relevance for Developing Countries doc

... elderly, and that may be small (Kochar 1999) For acute care, hospital-based treatment is obviously more expensive than ambulatory care The literature analyzes a number of factors that can potentially ... primary or secondary, rather than better treatment – such as regular exercise and behavioral changes, as well as better post-operative care in the context of cardiovascular disease (Cutler and ... Africa and Asia (Mason et al 2001) There are likely to be significant variations across developing patterns in the pattern of ageing, dependency ratios and disease patterns In Africa, for example,...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 13:20

44 652 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Gait dynamics in mouse models of Parkinson''''s disease and Huntington''''s disease" doc

báo cáo hóa học: " Gait dynamics in mouse models of Parkinson''''s disease and Huntington''''s disease" doc

... collection and analyses of data, data interpretation, and manuscript preparation and submission Additional material 11 Additional File Movie of the ventral view of a C57BL/6J saline-treated mouse walking ... Santamaria A, Perez-Severiano F, Rodriguez-Martinez E, Maldonado PD, Pedraza-Chaverri J, Rios C, Segovia J: Comparative analysis of superoxide dismutase activity between acute pharmacological ... retreating paws relative to the belt and camera were calculated throughout each stride Plotting the area of each digital paw print (paw contact area) imaged sequentially in time provides a dynamic...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 10:20

13 413 0
Báo cáo y học: " Serum Interleukin-6 and interleukin-8 are early biomarkers of acute kidney injury and predict prolonged mechanical ventilation in children undergoing cardiac surgery: a case-control study" pps

Báo cáo y học: " Serum Interleukin-6 and interleukin-8 are early biomarkers of acute kidney injury and predict prolonged mechanical ventilation in children undergoing cardiac surgery: a case-control study" pps

... creatinine was measured at baseline and at least twice a day postoperatively and at least daily after postoperative day Blood samples were collected at baseline and at 2, 12, and 24 hours after ... following Additional files are available online: 16 Additional file The following additional data are available with the online version of this article Additional data file is a table listing the cardiac ... ventilation, as well as a potential therapeutic target We have shown that serum IL-6 and IL-8 levels increase early after CPB and are predictive of AKI in a pediatric population Based on data from animal...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

9 339 0
Tài liệu The and Social EffEconomic ects of Financial Liberalization: A Primer for Developing Countries pdf

Tài liệu The and Social EffEconomic ects of Financial Liberalization: A Primer for Developing Countries pdf

... international finance was an opportunity A cosy relationship seemed easy to build It appeared that all that was needed was the liberalization of finance and a monetary policy that ensured interest rates ... to the argument that it has a clear bias towards deflationary macroeconomic policies and forces the state to adopt a deflationary stance to appease financial interests (Patnaik, 2003) To begin with, ... Moreover, while financial liberalization does encourage new kinds of financial savings, total domestic savings typically not increase in many cases, and expansion of available financial savings is often...

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 13:15

20 483 0
Tài liệu The Economic and Social Effects of Financial Liberalization: A Primer for Developing Countries pptx

Tài liệu The Economic and Social Effects of Financial Liberalization: A Primer for Developing Countries pptx

... tích cực vay nợ (kết nghịch) => rủi ro tín dụng cao => người cho vay phản ứng nghịch khơng cho vay, kể người có rủi ro thấp thấp Rủi ro đạo đức (Moral Hazard): Xảy sau giao dịch Người vay có động ... quản trò tài : g q ò Vay nợ khẳng đònh mức độ tín nhiệm/ giá trò doanh nghiệp Tuy vậy, doanh nghiệp vay nợ, rủi ro vơ nợ ( h ù san) cang cao C ù chi phí vơ nợ: ỡ (pha û ) ø Cac hi hí ỡ Chi phí trực ... tài quan điểm Thông tin bất cân xứng cấu trúc tài Khung hoảng tài Khủng hoang tai 4/1/2009 Copyright © 2000 Addison Wesley Longman Slide #14-2 1.Cau trúc tai Cấu truc tài 2.Các quan điểm l a chon...

Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 19:20

31 464 0
Environmental barriers to trade of the united states and implications for vietnam

Environmental barriers to trade of the united states and implications for vietnam

... Vietnam in ASEAN, Regional Intergration Process and Challenges, Hanoi 14 Damien J Neven (2000), Evaluating the effects of non-tariff barriers, University of Lausanne 15 The Australian APEC Study ... http:/ 43 44. 45 ... Centre-Monash University (2003), European Unilateralism-Environmental Trade Barriers and the Rising Threat to Prosperity through Trade Website 16

Ngày tải lên: 06/02/2014, 20:27

25 594 0
Examination of Returns, Appeal Rights, and Claims for Refund pdf

Examination of Returns, Appeal Rights, and Claims for Refund pdf

... examination may take place in any one of several ways After the examination, if any changes to your tax are proposed, you can either agree with those changes and pay any additional tax you may owe, ... more than the amount of claim allowable for the tax year The penalty may be waived if you can show that you had a reasonable basis for making the claim Time for Filing a Claim for Refund Generally, ... described in paragraph (1)(d) of the physician’s statement Alternatively, if a person was authorized to act on your behalf in financial matters during any part of the period described in that paragraph,...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 19:20

19 375 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Joint Inference of Named Entity Recognition and Normalization for Tweets" doc

Báo cáo khoa học: "Joint Inference of Named Entity Recognition and Normalization for Tweets" doc

... just because Lady Gaga’s on the cover· · · ” It is expected that “Gaga”, “Lady Gaaaaga” and “Lady 529 Gaga” are all labeled as PERSON, and can be restored as “Lady Gaga” Our Method In contrast ... example Suppose “Gaga1 ” and “Lady Gaga1 ” are labeled as PERSON, and there is only one related NE normalization label, which is associated with “‘Gaga1 ” and “Gaga1 ” and has 1 as its value We then ... that “‘Gaga1 ”, “Lady1 Gaaaaga” and “Lady1 Gaga” are three mentions of the same entity Finally, we can select ‘Lady1 Gaga” as the representative, and output ‘Lady Gaga” as their canonical form...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 18:20

10 444 0
Economics of Air Pollution and Health in Developing Countries: A Brief Literature Survey docx

Economics of Air Pollution and Health in Developing Countries: A Brief Literature Survey docx

... Case of Santiago, Chile”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 79: 1636-1641 Krupnik, Alan and Anna Alberini 1997, “Air Pollution and Acute Respiratory Illness: Evidence from Taiwan and ... pp917-928 Saroa da Motta, Ronaldo and Ana-Paula Fernades-Mendes, 1996 “Health Costs Associated with Air Pollution in Brazil”, in Peter May edited Pricing the planet: Economic analysis for sustainable ... Cropper, Simon, Alberini, Arora and Sharma (1997) Abstract: This paper reports the results of a study relating levels of particulate matter to daily deaths in Delhi, India, between 1991 and 1994 The...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 04:20

11 474 1
barriers to asset recovery an analysis of the key barriers and recommendations for action

barriers to asset recovery an analysis of the key barriers and recommendations for action

... Alexander (Saint Lucia), Simon Alexis (Trinidad), Jose Amarilla (Paraguay), Maria Araujo (Brazil), Luis Arocena (Argentina), William Bailhache (Jersey), Gary Balch (United Kingdom), Jaime S Bautista ... Mathew Joseph (Singapore), Miguel Jurado Fabara (Ecuador), Vitaliy Kasko (Ukraine), Jumpei Kawahara (Japan), Shuhei Kojima (Japan), Yoshiyuki Komiya (Japan), Bibiana Lee (Singapore), Chua Jia ... from Argentina; Azerbaijan; Bangladesh; Belize; Brazil; Cameroon; Canada; the Cayman Islands; Chile; Colombia; Costa Rica; Ecuador; France; Germany; Guatemala; Guernsey; Haiti; Hong Kong SAR,...

Ngày tải lên: 26/03/2014, 14:08

200 927 0
Fundamentals of Current Pension Funding and Accounting For Private Sector Pension Plans: An Analysis by the Pension Committee of the American Academy of Actuaries pptx

Fundamentals of Current Pension Funding and Accounting For Private Sector Pension Plans: An Analysis by the Pension Committee of the American Academy of Actuaries pptx

... the actuarial liability is less than the assets, will decrease cost • Actuaries set assumptions to measure the normal cost and the actuarial liability Measuring assets is relatively easy, because ... entry-age normal, aggregate) that are used and beyond the scope of this paper The same cost method must be used to calculate the normal cost and actuarial liability • Participants not pay taxes ... unfunded actuarial liability (“UAL”), which is the actuarial liability (“AL”) less the actuarial value of assets (“AVA”).4 The UAL to be amortized generally has two components: Prior service liability...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 14:20

12 392 0
báo cáo sinh học:" Nurses'''' experiences of recruitment and migration from developing countries: a phenomenological approach" pdf

báo cáo sinh học:" Nurses'''' experiences of recruitment and migration from developing countries: a phenomenological approach" pdf

... Geveva , World Health Organisation; 2003 Aiken LH: Trends in international nurse migration Health Affairs 2004, 23(3):69-78 Yeates N: A dialogue with "global care chain" analysis: nurse migration ... Journal of Nursing 2001, 10(4):254-265 Charest CA: Analysis of a transcultural innovation: the socialisation of Filipino-graduate nurses into an acute health care organisation in the United States ... skill already was acknowledged and therefore there was concern regarding who would teach the nurses One ODN stated that action was already being taken to try to avoid this situation: "We are working...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20

7 473 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Titania Nanocubes, Nanospheres and Nanorods for Photocatalytic Dye Degradation" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Titania Nanocubes, Nanospheres and Nanorods for Photocatalytic Dye Degradation" pptx

... (110) plane of rutile titania Sample S3 (e) shows the formation of nanorods with an average aspect ratio of around nm Corresponding SAED pattern indicates a polycrystalline nature, which may be due ... The surface area and porosity of the three titania nanostructures were determined by BET and BJH methods Anatase nanocubes (S1) exhibit a much higher BET specific surface area than rutile nanospheres ... band gap may be due to the smaller particle size The band gap (Eg) and absorption onset (k max) values are summarized in Table Nanoscale Res Lett (2009) 4:144–152 149 120 Table Summary of band...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 01:20

9 346 0
Báo cáo y học: "Human pregnancy safety for agents used to treat rheumatoid arthritis: adequacy of available information and strategies for developing post-marketing data" ppsx

Báo cáo y học: "Human pregnancy safety for agents used to treat rheumatoid arthritis: adequacy of available information and strategies for developing post-marketing data" ppsx

... hydroxychloroquine have appeared in the literature, and in the limited number of children who have been systematically evaluated, opthalmalogical examinations have been normal [55,58] In summary, the prenatal ... to calculate a risk specifically for sulfasalazine [37,41] In another study, which was survey based, an overall increased risk for congenital anomalies with prenatal sulfasalazine exposure was ... undetermined Anakinra B No available human data Based on lack of data in human pregnancy, teratogenic risk is undetermined study and one additional US study have both shown an increased risk for spontaneous...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 08:22

10 501 0
Báo cáo y học: "Closure of the NCBI SRA and implications for the long-term future of genomics data storage" doc

Báo cáo y học: "Closure of the NCBI SRA and implications for the long-term future of genomics data storage" doc

... would feel that generating data just to be thrown away would be anathema What is going to happen to the back catalog of data currently stored in the NCBI SRA? DL: NCBI believes that it has the resources ... Ecology Research and Analysis (CAMERA, http://camera.calit2 net/) and Visualization and Analysis of Microbial Popu­ lation Structures (VAMPS, Other communities probably have their ... support a static, unmonitored public archive for 12 months After that, NCBI will re-evaluate We can also transfer existing data to new providers by tape or disk All publicly available data are accessible...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 22:23

3 331 0