Complete with HIS or HER I MY 1.He is John and this is car YOU 2.George and _ wife work in this school HE 3.My father has got a sister sister’s SHE name is Helen IT 4.She is Mary and husband is Andrew WE OUR 5.Mary is my neighbor. house is next to THEY THEIR YOUR HIS HER ITS mine 6.That is John and he’s driving new car 7.That is Charles’s fist wife. _ name is Jane 8.-William and brother study in my school Complete Complete with with HIS, HIS, HER HER and and THEIR THEIR 1.Those 1.Those children children are are Tom Tom and and Christian Christian _ _ father father works works with with my my husband husband 2.Peter 2.Peter and and friends friends usually usually go go to to the the cinema cinema at at weekends weekends 3.Do 3.Do you you know know the the Smiths? Smiths? _ _ house house is is very very big big 4.She 4.She is is aa nurse; nurse; husband husband is a teacher 5.Look 5.Look at at those those children? children? Do Do you you remember remember _ _ names? names? 6.He’s 6.He’s only only seven, seven, but but _ _ feet feet are are very very big big Complete with the appropriate possessive adjective 1.The cat is drinking _ milk 2.The birds are singing in cage 3.Are the students doing homework? 4.I live with _ parents 5.And you? Do you live with parents? 6.We are Tom and Sally and children are Mary and John 7.Mary is in house 8.This is Alan in new house Complete Complete with with the the correct correct possessive possessive adjective adjective 1.Here’s 1.Here’s Gordon Gordon Jane Jane is is sister sister 2.Here is Barbara Charles and 2.Here is Barbara Charles and Liza Liza are are cousins cousins 3.You are 3.You are aa student student Where Where are are books? books? 4.Look 4.Look at at Mr Mr and and Mrs.Brown Mrs.Brown Rachel Rachel is _ daughter is _ daughter 5.We 5.We live live in in this this house house and and this this is is dog dog