use possessives instead of prepositional phrases

Báo cáo khoa học: "Spatial Lexicalization in the Translation of Prepositional Phrases" pot

Báo cáo khoa học: "Spatial Lexicalization in the Translation of Prepositional Phrases" pot

... translation of PP's can be dealt with using ideas from cross-linguistic studies of lexicalization patterns, and suggested a use of the relevant linguistic insights for MT applications This consisted of ... implementation of the mechanism to drive the bilingual lexical rules, the refining and testing of the semantic classification, the isolation of further regularities and the investigation of other types of ... Because ffmks are represented as a hierarchy of types, the amount of data stored in the bilingual lexicon is minimal The bilingual lexical rules presented here will further refine the idea of...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 20:20

3 309 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "The Position of Prepositional Phrases in Russian" doc

Báo cáo khoa học: "The Position of Prepositional Phrases in Russian" doc

... specification of the G These criteria include the deverbative character of members of the preceding noun series, the deverbative character of the dependent of the P, the nominative case of a preceding ... occurrences of Ps Quantitatively, the major task is the attachment of weakly governed or "adjoined" prepositional phrases to the correct sentence element In this case, there is no possibility of matching ... goal? In the following, an estimate is PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES IN RUSSIAN given of the magnitude of the problem in running text; a solution is suggested in terms of the preposition relative to other...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 17:20

6 256 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Empirical Study of Predictive Powers of Simple Attachment Schemes for Post-modifier Prepositional Phrases" pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Empirical Study of Predictive Powers of Simple Attachment Schemes for Post-modifier Prepositional Phrases" pptx

... version of the theory (Hirst 1987), definite noun phrases require the recipient of discourse to try to make a connection to existing knowledge Because of this added effort in which one must search ... of individuing that a noun phrase is being used to refer to als, and when possible, further substantiated to be some antecedent, strict notions of R S failed miser- LP verbs through the aid of ... sources on verbs ably out of 101 definite noun phrases only 12 and their complements - A C O M P L E T E GRAMinstances of exact match with some antecedent oc- MAR OF ENGLISH by Quirk, Greenbaum,...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 18:20

8 378 0
Prepositions and prepositional phrases of place

Prepositions and prepositional phrases of place

... lights / roundabout / end of the street Wait at the traffic lights / corner / tree I wrote my name at the front / back of the book What happened at the beginning / end of the film? I met him at ... you at the airport / the station / home Common mistakes: Some students miss out part of the prepositional phrases I live next a small shop.=> I live next to a small shop I parked the car in front ... way to work He lives on the coast London is on the River Thames At is also used in these situations: the top / bottom (of a page) Sign your name at the top / bottom Directions: Position (next to...

Ngày tải lên: 18/05/2015, 21:10

3 345 1
preposition and prepositional phrases

preposition and prepositional phrases

... clause, or because it is absent: WH-QUESTIONS : Which house did you leave it at? RELATIVE CLAUSE : WH-CLAUSES : EXCLAMATIONS : The old house which I was telling you about What I’m convinced of ... from, out of, up to) Verb/adj/conjunction/etc + prep ( owing to, due to, because of ) Prep + noun + prep ( by means of, in comparison with, in front of ) Prepositional adverbs • A prepositional ... preposition followed by a prepositional complement, which is characteristic a noun phrase or a Wh-clause or a V-ing clause • That-clauses and infinitive clauses not occur as prepositional complement...

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 07:11

27 745 5
A study of linguistic features of adjectival phrases denoting personality in english and their vietnamese equivalents

A study of linguistic features of adjectival phrases denoting personality in english and their vietnamese equivalents

... definition of adjectival phrases by Sargeant, H [20]: Phrases can be used like single adjectives to describe nouns and pronouns Phrases that are used in this way are called adjectival phrases Most ... and the adjectival phrases Among these theses of single words, phrases, and clauses The adjective head is in bold in are: “A Study of Semantic, Pragmatic and Cultural Features of the following ... to describe a person’s personality, we often use different kinds of linguistic adjectival phrases denoting personality devices, one of which is adjectival phrases denoting personality As we all...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:25

13 731 1
A contrastive analysis of premodification of noun phrases in english and vietnamese = phân tích đối chiếu bổ ngữ trước của cụm danh từ trong tiếng anh và tiếng việt

A contrastive analysis of premodification of noun phrases in english and vietnamese = phân tích đối chiếu bổ ngữ trước của cụm danh từ trong tiếng anh và tiếng việt

... function of noun phrases, role of noun phrases, or components of noun phrases However, all definitions include some common features such as components and their relationships of noun phrases E.g ... they use grammar or vocabulary incorrectly Because of the nagative transfer of their mother tongue in the use of noun phrase, they translate word by word What’s more, they not master the orders of ... two kinds of CA: the contrast of languages and the contrast of signs The contrast of languages is comparing one language to another, of which is the base and the other is the means of contrast...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 00:40

39 2,5K 21
Tài liệu Security Agreement and Pledge For Use with Letter of Credit pptx

Tài liệu Security Agreement and Pledge For Use with Letter of Credit pptx

... Application is made as of _(date) at (city), _(state) Name of Applicant FOR CORPORATIONS ONLY: THE PRESIDENT OR CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OR ANY VICE PRESIDENT AND ONE OF THE FOLLOWING, SECRETARY, ... Security Agreement and Pledge For Use with Letter of Credit The signer(s) certifies that he/she is authorized to execute this Credit Application on behalf of the Applicant named below, and that ... PRINT NAME PRINT NAME Secretary TITLE Chief Financial Officer Assistant Secretary PRINT NAME Assistant Treasurer TITLE BANK USE ONLY Sales Officer’s Name Phone ( ) Business Site Inspection Performed...

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 17:15

2 663 1
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Semantic Classification of Noun Phrases Using Web Counts and Learning Algorithms" ppt

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Semantic Classification of Noun Phrases Using Web Counts and Learning Algorithms" ppt

... mechanisms of these different 80 Related Work Much of the recent work conducted on the problem of assigning semantic relations to noun phrases has used the web as a corpus The use of hit counts ... frequencies for queries of the form “head joining term modifier” We did not collect queries of the form “modifier joining term head”; in the majority of paraphrases of noun phrases the head noun ... our experiments we used the set of 600 labeled noun-modifier pairs of Nastase and Szpakowicz (2003) This data was also used by Turney and Littman (2005) Of the 600 modifier-noun phrases, three contained...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 12:20

6 624 2
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Feature-Rich Statistical Translation of Noun Phrases" ppt

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Feature-Rich Statistical Translation of Noun Phrases" ppt

... a number of (non-linguistic) phrases, translate each phrase using a phrase translation table, and allow for reordering of phrases in the output No phrases may be dropped or added We use a phrase ... maximal noun phrases of the sentence, not just the base NPs This definition excludes NP/PPs that consist of only a pronoun It also excludes noun phrases that contain relative clauses NP/PPs may ... considerable discrepancy between the number of noun phrases that can be translated as noun phrases into English and noun phrases that are translated as noun phrases? The main reason is that translators...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 16:20

8 483 0
The Selection, Use and Maintenance of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) potx

The Selection, Use and Maintenance of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) potx

... should be used and disposed of appropriately following use Use of Protective Creams Barrier creams may also be used as a form of body protection These include • Sunscreens to protect parts of your ... and location of the piece of equipment; • Particulars of the equipment; • Date of examination/test; • Signature of the person who carried out the test; • Description of the condition of the equipment, ... Where appropriate, new users should be supervised in the use of PPE 6.4 PPE and Designated Safety Zones PPE must be used where and when identified in a risk assessment The use of mandatory safety...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 13:20

30 516 1
Báo cáo khoa học: "Improving the Interpretation of Noun Phrases with Cross-linguistic Information" doc

Báo cáo khoa học: "Improving the Interpretation of Noun Phrases with Cross-linguistic Information" doc

... BENEFICIARY Out of these instances, 74.81% use the preposition of In CLUVI, 11.71% of the examples were verbal, from which the preposition of has a coverage of 82.20% The many-to-many mappings of the ... distributions and of different genre, importance of a set of novel linguistic features 569 POSSESSION (family estate); KINSHIP (sister of the boy); PROPERTY (lubricant viscosity); AGENT (return of the natives); ... of parallel corpora of contemporary oral and written texts in some of the Romance languages Here, we focused only on the English-Portuguese and English-Spanish parallel texts from the works of...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 04:20

8 386 0


... state of running along the trajectory An interesting project would be to furnish the domain L of locations with a set of "primitive" relations which could be used to spell out the meaning of the ... next section the general theory will be illustrated by the analysis of a couple of sentences that contain locative prepositional phrases In this section we make some preliminary remarks See (Colban ... (Kaplan and Bresnan 82) An oblique object fills one of the argument slots of the verb if one considers the verb to be a relation with a fixed number of arguments In e.g the sentence 'Tom handed the...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 02:20

4 317 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "An Estimate of Referent of Noun Phrases in Japanese Sentences" docx

Báo cáo khoa học: "An Estimate of Referent of Noun Phrases in Japanese Sentences" docx

... the determination of referents of noun phrases that have antecedents On test sentences, we obtained a precision rate of 79% and a recall rate of 77% This confirmed that the use of tile referential ... outputs the score of each category (Mur a t a and Nagao 1993) The value of the plausibility (P) is given by the score the weight (W) of the salience of a possible referent The weight (W) of the salience ... Precision is the fraction of noun phrases which were judged to have antecedents Recall is the fraction of noun phrases which have antecedents In these experiments we used training sentences and...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 04:20

5 407 0
amsterdam university press use and appreciation of mycenaean pottery in the levant cyprus and italy jan 2003

amsterdam university press use and appreciation of mycenaean pottery in the levant cyprus and italy jan 2003

... frequency of sites of class and there is a relatively high number of sites of class The concentration of Mycenaean pottery on this island is enhanced, however, by the relative scarcity of sites of classes ... On each of these three levels, a number of aspects serve to assert the cultural significance of Mycenaean pottery Of particular importance are the social groups that used specific parts of the ... small number of vessels.21 In the Levant, some imitations of a variety of LH IIIA and LH IIIB vessels occur.22 On a somewhat larger scale, at the end of the LBII phase, a limited range of Mycenaean...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 13:13

450 390 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Atomic Layer Deposition of ZnO on Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes and Its Use for Synthesis of CNT–ZnO " doc

Báo cáo hóa học: " Atomic Layer Deposition of ZnO on Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes and Its Use for Synthesis of CNT–ZnO " doc

... of PECVD-grown CNTs b TEM image of ALD ZnO-coated CNTs c and d SEM images of ALD ZnO-coated CNTs e TEM image of ALD AlxOy-coated CNTs Fig Raman spectrum of CNTs before (a) and after (b) ALD of ... was controlled by the numbers of the ALD cycles A typical deposition consists of 80 cycles For ALD of alumina (AlxOy), trimethylaluminum [Al(CH3)3] and water were used as aluminum and oxygen source, ... Figure 1a shows the TEM image of the typical morphology of the PECVD CNTs prior to deposition Most of the nanotubes are multiwall tubes, and the average diameter of the CNTs is about nm Figure...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 08:20

5 350 0
Nội dung Text: Design and use the system of exercises in teaching the pedagogics subject in universities

Nội dung Text: Design and use the system of exercises in teaching the pedagogics subject in universities

... Summary of Chapter Most of the teachers and students agree necessity of using the exercises in teaching; of which evaluation of the teachers is higher than that of the students Evaluating meanings of ... focused and suitable with logic of the lesson 3.1.2 Requirement of designing the system of exercise for a textbook - The system of exercises reflects objectives of the textbook - The system of ... Characteristics of the credit system of education 1.5.3 Advantages, disadvantages of the credit system of education 1.5.4 Teaching method by system of credits Conclusion: Training by the system of credits...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 20:30

24 378 0
creation use and deployment of digital information

creation use and deployment of digital information

... the reuse of digital content involving educational content and educational software The development of educational ICT is often expensive and time consuming Reuse of digital content is often ... html Chapter Reuse of Content and Digital Genres Leen Breure Utrecht University REUSE OF CONTENT The Problem of Reusability One of the fundamentals of the present information society ... part of a single genre or of two different subgenres? and (b) are there any traces of information reuse? Research Method The news stories are published in HTML and as such (because of a lack of...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 16:05

344 333 0