The Possessive 'S Exercise A PERSON PEOPLE THINGS Bob's computer Boys' habits The Gates of Mordor A Order the words in the boxes to make phrases. secret darkest 's Natalia car My sister 's 1 7 friend 's My house 2 's bar Pepe 8 men the President All 's 3 house door of The the 9 's army Napoleon 4 cupboard the of top The 10 parent place My s' 5 's Bob cats 11 tree children 's house The 6 walls room my of The 12 B Now make up some examples of your own. 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 Written by Bob Wilson ©Robert Clifford McNair Wilson 2008 Answers 1 My sister's car 2 My friend's house 3 All The President's men 4 Napoleon's army 5 My parents' place 6 The children's tree house 7 Natalia's darkest secret 8 Pepe's bar 9 The door of the house 10 The top of the cupboard 11 Bob’s cats 12 The walls of my room Written by Bob Wilson ©Robert Clifford McNair Wilson 2008