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I Stand Out I I I I I I I I I I Grammar Challenge TMOIVISOIM HEIIMLE * I Í o • Siny.ipore • Spain • United Kingdom • United States i I I I I I I I I I I kl I I I Our Comtnunfty CHALLENGE * Prepositions of direction and location On, at, ir, from, around, across from He lives on my street Gabriela's famüy lives in Buenos Aires The bus station is on Grand Street The tennis courts are in the park I The post office ¡s on the right There's a dentist's office in the malí The garage is on the córner From the office, go straight on Linden í l'm at work/home/school ••8 The bank is around the córner from the supermarket Are you at the post office? f Io I I I I I I He's at 25 Main Street The library is across from City Hall Write the best preposition (around, across from, on, at, in, or from) to complete the sentences There may be more (han one answer EXAMPLE: We likc the gardens in Do you likc the bookstore the malí? My family uves México City The DMV is the umier trom hini They are sehool today 10 work 11 \Ve work a small town? Picase meet me She lives l,s your school ^ _._ Third Avenue Cinbriela's not here Shc is Do vou live the park 12 I work the restauran! the leíl? my housc, L;O strai^hl _._ NUiple Street the park J Match the sentence on the left vwth a picture on the right Write the letter ín the blank I-XAMPLE: The square is bctween two circles j? The square goes to the right I I I I ODO The eirele moves to the left C The eircle is on the córner D The arrow gocs around the córner E The square is across froni the eircle F l O i f UNIT Our Communíty Review: Subjec:t/verb agreement CHALLENGE am late.• I• late? • am waiting • • •IsAm • • She He is late he late? ¡s waitíng They are late Are they late? i t Are you waiting? Is she waiting? Are we waiting? We are waiting o- Simple present tense like music We don't have your phone number Do you know Marcia? Where they Uve? • • • • He likes music She doesn't have your phone number Does he know Marcia? Where does she live? The third person singular usually adds an s to the verb Use does for negative and questíon forms in the third person singular Use with 1, you, we, and they Non-count nouns take a singular verb Some milk is in the refrigerator Her hair is straight Music makes me happy »¿J Write the correct form of the verb be in each sentence ¡•'.XAMIM.li: Thcre Mv tricnd Thcv \Vc -J The post office ío\ much l'hosc stores Js a inuscum next to thc post office waitinu on the córner Who rcadini; (he eitv map (jabriela'.s phone numbcr standiiiü on the riuht next to the hostel the cotice? the nackaee tor? I on O.ik StreiM? 10 vou wntiiiü a lelterí" 1 Thcre on Main Street hcre mail lor vou \w much tríese shocs? ^j9 Write the correct form of the verb in parentheses in each sentence Be careful of spelling changes •XAMIM H: f p a v ) ahvavs pay (sell, ne^ative) Dexter Books l s t i v ) Mv hoss rarelv ¡ y o ) \Vhere I (be, nenativc; ler hair T ( cali) Mv niother (S ( keep } In Japan, people :li\\'i S ( teaJí) Mv broiher cash at the supennarkct maps in a hotel vou usuallv shonniíii:' brown me everv Sundav monev at the post office the líamire/ tamilv in Buenos Aires? second ^ratle P I I i i i i i i i i i J ^i i I I I Ia*n t 01 o V) ** o i i i i i i i i i i i i i Housíng CHALLENGE Parts of speech Part of speech Definítion Examples noun a person, place or thing Roberto, México, house, cat adjective a word that describes a noun blue, tall, expensive, heavy verb an action or a state of being is, have, do, eat • Sometimes a word can be both a noun and a verb I want a cold drink (noun) i drink coffee in the morning (verb) j Complete each sentence about grammar with the word nouns, verbs, or adjectives I'.XAMI'l.h: Wc usu.illv add an s to _ nouns liave d i l i e r e n t tenses Anieles come bel ore í „ •} agree w i t h tlie subject of the sentence have comparativo forms 0> to make them p l u r a l describe nouns \Ve can add \ to tu f o r m a posscssive ,id)ecti\'e m¿J Identify the underlined parts of speech: adjective (a), noun (n), or verb (v) KXAMI'I.H: n v a n Sonie i e o k sK^e^ in a l a r o hixiroom lib; LLlilk:^? d i i m e r in the kitchen My hn-.u]ic_r takes a sh(vwer in the smail bathrooni The house has ílve beelrooms The white oír is in the green garage The mover pul the cofiee table in the haU d The brollicrs n_eed to bu y lurnitiire for the honsc lohii and jan_e \vant tu reñí a iiew house but it is very expensive S The cat is under the sufa in the l i v i n q ro_orn I J UNIT Housing CHALLENGE Prepositions Prepositions I I I I I I I I I I I I V) The ball is in the box The ball ¡s between two boxes, The ball is on the box [l )O[)1 ^1 i U I -^f The ball ¡s over the box The ball ¡s under the box ^n O | The ball is in front of the box ] O The ball is behind the box O The ball ¡s next to the box Q Use prepositions to talk about where thíngs are Complete the sentences with a preposition from the chart above I - X A M M 1': Tlie eloek is over the desk The dc.sk is under the dock I The ch.nr is bebí mi llu' table The lable ¡s the chair The book is umler (he lamp The lamp is the book .'< -I The sdf.i is unJer the p.iintini; '['lie p.nntini; is the sota I'he sola is ne\ lo tlie lamp The lamp is ncxt to the table The lamp is the sofá and the lable Complete the sentences with the best preposition A HNAMIM.h: VVhi-re is ( " a r m e n ? Slie is _ (he.livinsí room (he l e t r i ^ e r a t o r A in B on O A in B over Q Q U'lK'iv is ihe i !(K LMfs \\'here is ihe teiepiíoneí' It\_ tlie l'\ aiul the coniputer A between B over O i \\Iu-iv is the :rash t a n r ll\_ ihe lab e A over B tinde: Q •1 \ V h e i e is t h e l.uiipr ll\e sola U'hetv iré t h e !lm\ei sM'he\ are _ (t \\1iere are tiie shoes? I lie\ are A between l lie piano (he bed B B next v O O Q O A t)n B bctwt'vr O O A over B undc: O O I I I I I I I& I§ I o I I I I I I I I I I I I UNIT I I ** eD Housing CHALLENGE *- Wh- questions with present continuous tense Question word Verb Subject Verb + -ing ¿Example What am doing? What am doing? Where is he/she/it going? Where is she going? Who are you/we/they calling? Who are you calling? Unscramble the words to make wh- questions What is she doing? l-XAMPLE: is / she / doing / what is / wearing / what / she tiiey / what / watching / are waiting / I / why / am you / are / where / staying going / where / she / is the / writing / is / who / letter you / where / living / are are / you / what / saying exercisc / is / who / doing / the 10 where / working / they / are Write questions for the answers provided F.XAMPLE: What What She is wtMring a retí auit is she weariny? ; ! ,im painting the house Who They are ailliiii; their pareñís Where We are going to the rnoviev What He is eating ,1 sandwich Where I am staying ¡n Xew York Why They are studying 1-jnglish because they want to go to eollege What Yon are renting an apartment What lie is buving a new house Who They are talking to an agenl 10 What She is lookiim at the ad I UNIT Housíng CHALLENGE - Yes/no questions with present continuous tense Statement Question Answer l'm studying hard Am studyíng hard? Yes, you are No, you aren't You're working late We're waiting for him They're making a budget Are you working late? Are we waiting for him? Are they making a budget? Ves, am Yes, we are Yes, they are No, l'm not No, we aren't No, they aren't He's calling his brother She's writing a letter It's playing outside Is he calling his brother? Is she writing a letter? Is it playing outside? Yes, he is Yes, she ¡s Yes, it is No, he isn't No, she isn't No, it isn't i a o o i i s p I I I I I I I I I I I I Wl Write pronouns and the correct form of the verb be Use contractions if possíble KXAMPI.K: Is No, Rieko rcading a newspaper? she isn't 5fte"5 reading a book Roberto checking the phone bilí? calculating the Utilities bilí No, Mr and Mrs Smith looking at the classified ads? Ves, dreaming about a new home we choosing new life insuranec? ' No, _ Yes, - choosing new car ¡nsurance I making a lot o i" noise? _ Picase be quict I studying the cat sleeping in the window? sleeping under the coffee tablc No, o you and your husband renting an apartment? _ buying a mobile home Use the words to form questions in the present continuous HXAMlM.r.: you / go / to the park the mailman / walk / up the driveway you / put / tooil / in the refrigerator Van / eheek / the budgel Carmen / make / an appointment ? thev / enlcrtain / guests fi we / bu\ / a housc Are vou Qoina to the park? MlTl Housfng CHALLENGE > Negative form and contractions with present continuous Explanatíon Example I r Add not after the verb be to form the negative of the present continuous u'nd wor ' * am not Silvia is not are not to the negative form of be one form, but the other pronouns have two Contraction l'm not He's not isn't She's not isn't She is not It isn't It is not You're not You aren't You are not We're not We aren't Complernent making a budget renting an apartment talking to her sister eating today listening to me thinking about it looking for a house Rewrite each sentence ¡n the negative using the pronoun ¡n pa.entheses Use the ful! form XAMPI.K: not calling their friends Sheiscallmgherfnend.íthey) W c a r L - m a k i n g ciinncrtonight (he) • He iseating lunch, (you) V lamsta.Klingonthebalconv.(she) I Y o u a r c h a v i n g a p a r t v (O , T h e y a r e s e l l m g t h e i r e o m l o m i m u m l w e ; i the pool, (it) Rewrite each sentence using Contraction ^1PLE : I an, no, calculating my expenses jM*WMmy , XVc are not making more money these days She is not making an appomtment * T"h7v m- not talking on the front P«rch , not choosingfurniíure for the ncw house , Yugare not painting the kitchcn expenses, I I UNIT Housíng CHALLENGE > Spelling of present continuous Verb Spelling rule Present Present continuous most verbs Add -ing work working verbs that end in e Drop the e and add -íng write one syllable verbs that end in consonant-vowel-consonant Double the consonant and add -ing sit writing sitting Exception: Don't double w, x, and y buy buying verbs w¡th more than one syllable that end in consonant-vowel-consonant and the stress ís on the last syllable Double the final consonant, and add -ing admit admitting verbs that end in ie Change the ie to y and add -íng lie lying £• I I I It's the end of the month Silvia and Roberto are taking care of their finances Fíll in the blanks with the present continuous forra of the verbs in parentheses -QfeJoJung- I-XAMl'Li;: Silvia and Roberto care of their monev iodav (take) Roberto is at the bank He some moncy in his savings account (1 dc'posil) money out ot hi.s checkinij account The bank is busy todav.'A lot of people He t.ikc in line Two bank cmployees ü w.ni) acaumts A man and a woman the d i t t e r c n t kinds of bank (4 about credit cards Roberto '(-, i l n n k ) about his expenses Silvia is at lióme She and her son at the kitchen table Sbe IS paví some u t i l i t v bilis Rii;ht now she the phone bilí It's high i b i s monlh (9 her le I ler son _ the cosí ot phone calis to México ( I I cakuLitc for a cheaper phone company He Write the correct spelling of the present continuous form of the verb HXAMPI.K: open Jiop deposit happen happening (•> forget remembcr listen \-isit «• tif liej;i]i _ _ I I I I I I UNIT ío o» Peopfe and Learnfng CHALLENGE > Yes/no questions with be going to Statement Question Answer ^^^••M^M^M^^^^^^^^^^^H Wl (U O1 I O am going to pass the test You are going to leam a lot He is going to get married She is going to be a teacher It is going to help me study We are going to write in our journals They are going to go to trade school Am I going to pass the test? Are you going to learn a lot? Is he going to get married? Is she going to be a teacher? Is it going to help me study? Are we going to write in our joumals? Are they goíng to go to trade school? Yes, you are Yes, I am Yes, he é Yes, she ¡s Yes, it ¡s Yes, we are No, you're not No, l'm not Yes, they are No, they aren't No, he isn't No, she isn't No, it isn't No, we aren't Write a short answer to each question Use contractions where possible HXAMPLE: Are you going to get a GED? Ves, Are yon going to look up these words? No, Is Mr Smith going to explain the homework? Ves, _ Are they going to read the newspaper laíer? No, Is she going to get a new job? No, Are wc going to be Web designers? Yes, _ Is the class going to be interesting? Ves, I am The students ín Mr Eaton's class are asking a lot of questions today Use the words to write their questions with be going to EXAMPLE: we / practice / grammar / toda)' Are we going to practice grammar today? we / have / a test / next week the test / be / hard our familics / visit / our class / this semester vou / tzive / us / homework / this weekend thc carecr counselor / talk to us / about our careers UNIT I I I I I I I I I I r r r¡ People and Learning CHALLENGE Future with will Affírmative Contractíon Negative Contraction Base form will l'll will not won't go to college next semester He will He'll He will not He won't ask the teacher later She will She'll She will not She won't need a degree It will It'll It will not It won't be in English Yo u will You'll You will not You won't finish the test We will We'H We will not We won't look up words at home They will They'll They will not They won't gradúate next week Use will + base form of a verb to talk about the future Rewrite the future verb as a contraction HXAMPL1-: Ymi will mu ¡uve lime lo go out She will not travel n e x t year 2, will give vou a rule !o sehool lt will no! he easy lo get experience -[ Thev will practice ilieir math skills .i \ \ will leam new teehnology You won't have time to go out _^ I j9 Use the words to make future statements with will Use contractions when possibte I r.XAMPI 1': i / movc / io ihc LÍIV / in July I I I I I I I / parlieipate / morv / in el, /'// move to the c'íty in July UNIT Peopl* *nd Lcarnfiif CHALLENGE > Yes/no questions with wíll IA * Statement will be rich some day You will start college next year He will find a Job She will get some advice It will be closed We will work together They will handle the money Question Answer Will be rich some day? Will you start college next year? Wíll he find a Job? Yes, you will Yes, will Yes, he will Yes, she will Yes, it will Yes, we will Yes, they will Will she get some advice? Will it be closed? Wíll we work together? Will they handle the money? No, you won't No, won'L No, he won't No, she won't No, it won't No, we won't No, they won't Roberto has questions about hts English class Write short answers EXAMPLE: Will the class start at 7:00? Yes, it will Will Miss Clark tcach the class? Yes, Will we study grammar? Yes, Will you teach us new vocabulary? Yes, Will I need a computer? No, _ Will the students work together? Yes, Will my wife and I be in the same class? No, _ „ „ Use the words to write short conversations using will EXAMPLE: A: (you / go / trade school / in the fall) Will you go to trade school in the fall? B: No (I / go / next spring) l'lí go next spring _ t A: (you / apply for / that Job) B: No (I / apply [negative]) A: (your sister / get / a bachelor's degree) B; No (she / finish / her GED / first) A: (you / practice / your vocabulary / later) B: Yes (Manuel / help / me / study) A: (Nubar / study / with us / tonight) _ I I I I I I I I I I I I I cloiñ llave expericnce I I B: No (he / have [negative] / time) A: (you / change / your goals) B: No (I / quit [negative]) I I ] ~s Ji 4- ? ¿~ c -_ — z ~ r < - f r r y :: — ^ ' f < r ¿ = l~_ — ^ i ~ C ~ ^' —, r ÜT •^ C —' r s ^ j — < — —' ^ ¿ ', ~~ s f -< '~ ^j~- O ^ - , » - - , - - „ — ~ -" < < "O ^^ ±" ^ ru Oí < _ í -— íT ^— ¿ h ~ - < ¿ «E ? - E " ~ C r~ ^^ '"^ ^ f _ - -: ^ r- í - = l — ^ — — ^ r- tj — ~ < ^ p; — ™ — -' —- i ^ ~ — - " — — ' j c - " - i r- j' ; - '-^ — «— ' ¿ c ^ - ~' *^ ^ j — — r, ;—- , -^ _.^ ^- ^- j-.5 , j & « SCL O -< C" ^ '• 7— ^ -f ' cr c _ < c ' '-^ — _ _ ' ' - = p r f í 1' í c L ^ ^ m ^ \ _D ^ ^n l ' *D S, ^; •*'^ C fu F* tfl i» Xt — oí 1^" C wi aff ^ - * r Ei 'A -^ • -^, f c = ^ a C iS Q S1 5, ?/ =' " - - s p '" c-i °^ K :j" — c -V- c ~ «j o3 J -g Ni Wl § | o £ 3- 17!" o^ O f ^ gy £- ^ - * ! - * - —t fTl *— ~* C =« n O (H C c •< ~í "^ -T S -• -^ ^ ?T ÍD - 9- ^ ={ üJ o O w =? •ñ ¡ i c ofD i>J °'^ D 1-* ^ fD ff « = í° — Zl = - o o o o o o o o •> ? O O O O O O O O O»o- i" E fD g X T X ^**- J-V 1-t (*1 g ^—• "* 5" ^^« ^^ _J X *» g ^- g * Al tt ^B cr DI ' **• w ? | S §.-S » » sr s 'S |*f 2;«r.l w » ^ i •< •« ; S .o O_>< z r f D o q O S ' S 3' £g ^ ^ oí