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IELTS writing task 2 dạng đề agree or disagree

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TUYỂN TẬP HƠN 50 ĐỀ WRITING IELTS TASK Topic – Agree / Disagree Many students have to study subjects which they not like Some people say that parents should control their children’s behavior Some people say that subjects like arts, music, drama and creative writing Some people believe that tourists should accept social and environmental responsibility The world would be a much poorer place without colour Tobacco is a kind of drug People have been free … Wild animals have no place in the 21st century… People try new dangerous sports such as sky-diving ……… Some people say that the government should not put money on building theatres 10.The computers are widely used in education and some people think that teachers 11.Everyone should stay in school until the age of eighteen… 12.Mothers generally stay home to take care of their children after pregnancy 13.In companies, promotions to high positions should be given to employees 14.Animals should be kept in men made cells 15.Students at schools and universities learn far more from lessons 16.Some people think the government should pay for health care and education 17.Do you agree or that improvements in technology reduce the role 18.Food can be produced much more cheaply today because of improved fertilisers 19.Leisure is a growing industry, but people no longer entertain themselves 20.The advantages brought by the spread of English as a global language 21.The government is responsible for protecting a nations cultural identity 22.Sending criminals to prison is not the best method of dealing with them 23.Many employees may work at home with the modern technology 24.Some people think that the news media nowadays have influenced peoples 25.The detailed description about crime will affect the people and cause many 26.Some people think that people moving to a new country should accept new 27.Children who grow up in families which are short of money are better 28.The only way to improve the safety on our own road is to have stricter 29.The speeding up of life in many areas such as travel and communication 30.Advertising encourages consumers to buy in quantity rather than promoting 31.The main purpose of public libraries is to provide books 32.Many people believe that scientific research should be carried out 33.It is more important for a building to serve a purpose than to look beautiful 34.Some people believe they should keep all the money they have earned 35.Some people believe that air travel should be restricted because 36.One long-distance flight consumes fuel which a car uses in several years 37.In the last century when a human astronaut first arrived on the Moon 38.Housing shortage in big cities can cause severe social consequences 39.The best way to solve the world’s environmental problem is to increase 40.It is better for students at university to live far away from home 41.Earlier technological developments brought more benefits and changed 42.In order to learn a language well, we should also learn about the country 43.Multi-cultural societies, in which there is a mixture of different ethnic peoples 44.Some people think the main purpose of schools is to turn the children into good 45.A country becomes more interesting and develops more quickly when its population 46.Throughout the history, male leaders always lead us to violence and conflict 47.Individuals can nothing to improve the environment Only governments 48.Maintaining public libraries is a waste of money since computer technology 49.With the increase in the use of mobile phones and computers, fewer people 50.The society would benefit from a ban on all forms of advertising because 51.Some people claim that public museums and art galleries 52.In many countries traditional foods are being replaced 53.In the past, lectures were used as a way of teaching large numbers of students 54.As we are facing more and more problems which affect the whole planet 55.Team activities can teach more skills for life than those activities 56.Some people say that it is the responsibility of individual to save money 57.Today’s children are living under more pressure from the society 58.The government should pay for the course fees for everyone 59.Nowadays, a large amount of advertising is aimed at children 60.Some people think that giving aids to the poor countries 61.Some people think that criminals should be given longer terms 62.An American film actor once said, “Tomorrow is important and precious 63.Some people think imported food exerts positive impacts on our lives 64.People should look after their health as a duty to the society they live 65.Aircraft uses more fuel than cars and produces more pollution 66.Teachers used to convey information, but now with wide resources of information 67.Some children can learn efficiently by watching TV 68.Some people think that schools should concentrate on academic classes 69.Some people think that media should not report detail of crimes to the public IELTS Writing Task Sample Answer Topic – Agree / Disagree Many students have to study subjects which they not like Many students have to study subjects which they not like Some people think this is a complete waste of time Do you agree or disagree with this statement?Sample Answer 1: In today’s competitive world, a broad knowledge is needed to succeed in any field Therefore, I disagree that it is a waste of time if students study subjects which are not of their interest Let us first examine the reasons why some people hold the opinion that students should not have to study all the subjects and should be allowed to choose the subjects they want to study They opine that in this case the students will probably be more enthusiastic about their study In addition, if students are forced to study all subjects, they can easily lose interest in education What is more, if all subjects are compulsory for studying, students will not have enough time to learn all of them properly therefore they will be constantly under a lot of pressure However, I believe all subjects are of great importance and for the holistic development of the students they need to study all subjects equally at school level Later on, during admission to the colleges, students can select the subjects of their choice and can explore them further At that age they are mature enough to decide their subjects for themselves At school level the student may not know what his real interests are Furthermore, nowadays, the job market is very demanding and the recruiters select students who are skilled in various fields Having the basic knowledge of varied subjects during school time definitely widens the horizons for the students To add to it, it is a well known fact that most subjects are related to each other in some way or the other For example, a basic knowledge of mathematics is needed to excel in computer languages Finally, I believe that it is up to the teachers to develop interest of the students in any subject For instance, during my school days, my history teacher was so good that a boring subject like history was the favourite subject of the whole class To put it in a nutshell, I pen down saying that, students should learn all subjects at school level as they are not mature enough to know their real interests at school level and a broad knowledge is also needed for their holistic development Some people say that parents should control their children’s behavior Some people say that parents should control their children’s behavior from a very young age What you think? I definitely agree with the view Young children are beginners They have lots to learn and one of the biggest lessons they must learn is to behave or act in an acceptable manner So parents have the onus of instilling the best values in their children They must so from a really young age because a little late may be too late Firstly, restrictions create responsible and respectful children who, in turn, mature into respectful adults They know the value of respect for others They know the importance of relationships They know their cultural values as well They know their boundaries Moreover, children are like sponges which very easily absorb what is taught to them If you teach them good values, they will imbibe them If parents don’t realize their role and don’t bother much, children will learn from other sources like TV and the people around them They learn whatever they see and observe and if no one tells them at an early age what is wrong and what is right, they may learn vulgarity and violence Later on parents may find it impossible to make them unlearn those things Furthermore, if parents don’t control their children’s behavior from a very young age, they may fall into bad company They may start taking drugs under peer pressure Once children become drug addicts, it is very difficult to bring them to normalcy once again To put it in a nutshell, I pen down saying that, parents are responsible for bringing children into this world and it is their responsibility for instilling good behavior in them So, the earlier they so the better If they keep waiting, things may go out of hand Some people say that subjects like arts, music, drama and creative writing Some people say that subjects like arts, music, drama and creative writing are more beneficial to children and therefore they need more of these subjects to be included in the timetable Do you agree or disagree? Arts have little or no place in the educational curriculum so far because we have a feeling that time spent on these things is time wasted Recent studies, however, have shown that a good curriculum that includes arts education can have multiple benefits which I shall highlight in this essay The most important benefit of arts in schools is that it contributes to making a well rounded student Not only that, certain forms of arts instruction enhance and complement academic skills such as basic reading skills, language development and writing skills So, children well in other subjects also Another big advantage is that it encourages the pursuit of extra-curricular activities Children get a chance to show their creative expression When such hidden abilities are exposed in school time then those with exceptional talent can be encouraged to adopt it as a profession later-on in life It is a well known fact that people in such professions are earning telephone figure salaries nowadays Last but not least, such subjects are stress-busters In the highly competitive era of today, pressure of academic subjects is too high Arts like music, drama and creative writing break the monotony of tough academic studies To put it in a nutshell, I pen down saying that our educational curriculum needs a serious revision and more of such subjects need to be added to the school curriculum They complement academic study, bring out hidden talent and break the ennui of tough academic studies Some people believe that tourists should accept social and environmental responsibility while others believe that tourists should not accept any responsibility at all To what extent you agree or disagree? It is irrefutable that tourism industry has become the backbone of many economies of the world No wonder all countries are opening their doors to tourists The negative social and environmental impacts of tourism have led many to suggest that tourists should accept responsibility for this I definitely agree with this notion Ecotourism, sustainable-tourism, whatever name you may responsible-tourism, like to give modern-tourism it, is the or need of the hour In the following paragraphs, I intend to put forth my arguments to support my view The most important reason why tourists should be responsible is that many tourist destinations are endangered now because of the litter and pollution spread by the tourists For example, the Sukhna Lake in Chandigarh, which is a popular tourist spot, once got so badly damaged by the wrappers and plastic bottles which tourists threw that no boating could be done there and it smelled so bad that people stopped going there It took months to get it cleaned up and restore tourism there The local people and the governments cannot handle such situation effectively unless the tourists themselves lend a hand by being careful Secondly, there is over-consumption of resources by tourists such as of water and fuel and this is incompatible with sustainable development Tourist demand for resources such as water and food may also compete with the needs of local people and may lead to injustice with the locals For example, in Shimla, a popular hill station, tourists stay in five star accommodations and take two showers a day where as the people outside are short of drinking water To add to it many tourism activities such as skiing, boating, motorised water- sports, and trekking represent a stress to fragile ecosystems Who will welcome the tourists to those places if tourists don’t accept responsibility? Instead of five star accommodations, they could live with the locals and be satisfied with one shower a day Finally, if tourists not respect the local people’s culture and environment, then the natives would be hostile towards them and the whole purpose of tourism would be lost For example, in our religious places, it is customary to cover our head and take off our shoes If tourists don’t so they would not be welcome by our people there So, the onus is on the tourist to know beforehand the norms of the place and fortunately nowadays, everything is available on the net or one can get all information from the tour operators Responsible tourism is everyone’s responsibility The well being of the destination is not only the responsibility of the tourism sector – it is also the responsibility of the tourist That is why it has rightly been said that – ‘ A good tourist is one who leaves behind nothing, but footprints; and takes away nothing, but photographs Tobacco is a kind of drug People have been free to use it Some people think that it should be illegal to use it comparing with other drugs To what extent To begin with, fast foods are gradually shaking the base of the society Traditional food is one of important parts of social culture, marrow of Chinese history It is carried on from generation to generation which hold people’s connections together, deepening emotion among people But it is replacing by fast food and disappearing in people’ life This will definitely influence cultural inheritance and national cohesion In addition to damage to culture, fast food will probably affect negatively family’s harmony Previously, it was an enjoyed time for a whole family to eat food made by them, sitting around a table Such food may be simple but full of love While now, fast food is not unusual on board and people lose the opportunity to cook together to communicate with each other and lose the interest to talking about the food Food is rarely a method of transporting love in a family but something to est Personally, fast food has appeared along with the development of the society We could not ignore its benefits But it is much urgent and important for us to save traditional food and emphasize its significance to us What we should put in the first place to choose is will traditional foods Model Answer 6: More and more families now subsist on fast foods supplied by international restaurant chains such as KFC and McDonalds In fact, many families have forgotten the art of traditional cooking In my opinion, this is a negative trend with far reaching consequences The food that we eat plays an important role in keeping us healthy Homecooked traditional food is healthier than restaurant food for many reasons Traditional cooking methods are developed by communities over a long period of time There are several benefits to sticking to this style of cooking To start with, foods prepared in traditional ways keep us healthier Also, traditional cooking uses locally grown ingredients This eliminates the need to import fruits or vegetables from far-away places The fast food culture has not only caused health problems but also killed the family bonding over meals When families sit around a table enjoying a meal, it strengthens relationships Nowadays in many families children and adults just sit in front of the TV and eat from fast food packets held in their hands This does not help their health or their equation with others in the family Fast food consumption has several implications on the society as well The prosperity of a society depends upon the health and well-being of its people When people develop health problems because of their bad eating habits, the government and medical insurance companies will have to cough up huge amounts of money to cover their medical expenses The government will pass that cost on to the public by increasing taxes To conclude, societies all over the world are falling prey to the fast food culture This has several negative implications It is high time the government and the media created awareness about this growing menace Model Answer 7: Nowadays, fast-food is the common solution when people all over the world are seeking a quick and easy meal However whether eating fast-food meal on a regular basis will lead to various problems remains a controversial issue I agree with the view that despite its convenience, eating too much these junk food will definitely put negative impact on the families and societies First, it is obvious that fast-food is low in nutrition, but high in sugar and calories Eating these food regularly can cause severe health problems such as heart disease, diabetes and even cancers Therefore families should be aware of these effects when determining whether fast-food is safe to be included in the diet, especially when some members are suffering diseases already Moreover, fast-food will indeed pose a threat to the traditional food culture in many countries As fast-food is easy to cook, and can be seen everywhere, people would like to eat outside instead of doing home cooking As a result, after generations, citizens in the countries will become much unfamiliar with the traditional food recipes, which is a great loss That is not to say that these restaurants should be banned completely As they are internationally standardized, foods are under strictly quality control and thus relatively safer than most of other food But honestly, compared with the shortcomings, these merits are unfortunately meaningless In sum, eating too much these popular junk food will be harmful both to consumers’ health and holistic society; meanwhile, these restaurant not needed to be closed but to limit to a small scale Only by doing so can we ensure that we will have convenient and diversified food In the past, lectures were used as a way of teaching large numbers of students, but now with the development of technology for education, many people think there is no justification for attending lectures To what extent you agree or disagree with this opinion? Sample Answer 1: I disagree with the view that technology has reduced the need to attend lectures I firmly believe that going to college or university and attending lectures is as important as before and even more so In the following paragraphs I shall put forth my arguments to support my views It is irrefutable that computer and internet have made possible distance education and on-line education In this regard, computers are a boon for the handicapped, those living in remote areas and those in job They can study any time of the day or night because of the internet This has made education approachable for many who cannot for some reason or the other attend a college or university However, I still feel that technology can replace the need for going to the classroom When students attend lectures, they learn from teachers In learning and practice of more complex ideas, the computer is not adequate It can tell if the answer is right or wrong but it cannot tell where the student went wrong Tasks involving reasoning cannot be taught using computers Moreover, teachers add their own knowledge gained through experience to that of books and other resources Furthermore, teachers can stimulate interest and it is an undeniable fact that interested stimulated people tend to learn more They can keep students focussed on study A student studying by himself may get bored and stop studying Teachers can provide a faster and simpler way to present information to the students They can come down to the level of a student and so are definitely better than computers What is more, teachers are role models for students They are scholars in action They not only teach academic subjects, but also many social skills Finally, when students attend lectures, they have interaction with other students which gives them a sense of competition to study more To put it in a nutshell, I pen down saying that there is no doubt that modern technology has added many new ways to reach education to students, but attending lectures will always hold its importance Model Answer 2: Nowadays, the strong development of technology affects to the large numbers of people, including teachers who use technology in teaching There are both benefits and drawbacks, but in my opinion, the benefits outweigh the drawbacks On the one hand, using technology in teaching causes along many disadvantages The most negative impact is that the school might invest heavily in classroom facilities To illustrate, they must spend a lot of money on buying computers, projectors, attractive whiteboards with high cost, and they might construct some new building to contain those devices An additional problem is that older lecturers who always use traditional methods of teaching often lack technological skills because of the difficulty of using new devices Another minus can be seen that if teachers only use technology for teaching, the interactions between teachers and students will be reduction This can be explained by the fact that the face-to-face lessons might disappear of the face of the Earth Despite these cons, however, I think that the pros are more important The most crucial positive effect is that online lessons enable students to study anywhere and anytime Specifically, they can join a class to study via a smartphone or a computer connecting the Internet Another good point is that teachers could use some fantastic software to prepare their lessons with vivid image and sound effects such as using PowerPoint, Virtual screening of Chemical Library… Last but not least, students can the tests or exams via computers without written by hand To sum up, in spite of its many minuses, the pros of using technology in teaching are more significant The schools should invest modern technologies into teaching and learning to improve the quality of education Model Answer 3: Although lectures are normally used to teach students knowledge, there has been an argument that students no longer need to attend lectures, due to the development of technology Personally, I think that lectures deserve a place in the education system Instead of attending lectures, people can depend on computers and the internet to improve learning outcomes One benefit of using social networking websites is that they can keep the pace of learning by themselves and manage to make the most of time and resources This educational model is important especially for those people who have work commitments They are likely to outperform in the related area easier Another approach to replace lectures is to register for online courses, and this can help people pursue a higher educational qualifications Online courses provide people with opportunities to gain access to knowledge without paying educational expenses In this way, they are more likely to pursue a university degree, especially for those from disadvantaged backgrounds On the other hand, attending lectures plays an inevitably role in preparing people for their future career It offers an environment where students are encouraged to communicate with each other and build up a network of contacts, which is beneficial to improving their interpersonal skills This can help them make a transition to the workplace To summarise, I believe that attending lectures remains the most important way for students to acquire new knowledge and achieve good performance, although technology and the internet are likely to make learning more easily Model Answer 4: Consistent with the continuous popularization and extensive application of modern science and technology, education tends to be increasingly reliant on technology As more and more subjects can be taught via computer, there would seem to be less and less need for traditional lectures to be present However, modern technology will never replace lectures because it is only a tool which can help schooling It is no doubt that new technology such as computers or even mobile phones have their own benefits on education It makes possible study at any convenient time and location at a personal speed and intensity Take families from the remote areas for example, rather than breaking up families by sending their children to the city center, education authorities have been able to use the Internet to delivery schooling online The mass usage of new technology also provides possible universal access to information, which contributes to the convenience of study On the other hand, however, such new technology can never take the place of lectures because it lacks interaction Machines not only lack the ability to answer all the questions in terms of different individuals but also lack the flexibility to cope with very specific problems Different from those new technologies, lecture, being one of the traditional ways of educating, has its advantages too Large numbers of students sitting in the same classroom provides good opportunities for the teacher and students to communicate Students can ask questions at the end of the lecture and they have the possibility to discuss with each other when problems arise In conclusion, without suggesting that new technology is definitely good, I think it is by no means ‘unjustifiable’, in any way, to maintain the lectures alive in the present day Model Answer 5: Technology has played an important role in bringing innovations in every field of life It has also changed methods of teaching Although, use of technology in teaching has many advantages, yet it has some disadvantages too Both sides of the use of technolgy in teaching are discussed in the following paragraphs The first and foremost advantage of using technology in teaching is that it has made teaching very easy In this modern era, teachers spend less time on writing on black board as compared to the traditional methods of teaching For example, in old methods of teaching, the teachers used to spend majority of their time on writing on blackboard and then explaining the concepts Computer presentations, projectors and lectures through videos has made the task of lecturers very easy For instant, a teacher only explains the difficult concepts while using a recorded video lecture Another advantage of the use of new technology in teaching is that it saves time As a result, a teacher can teach a large number of topics in a very small time This is due to that fact that time is not wasted on writing, rather the teacher focuses on explaining the concepts This takes far less time than the traditional approach of teaching The use of technology in teaching is not free from disadvantages In order to use the technology more effectively in educational institutions, we would require teachers and lecturers who have up-to-date knowledge to use the technology as well as competencies in their own subjects Due to this requirement, universities and colleges may face difficulties in hiring excellent faculty For example, many excellent teachers may not have awareness or adequate knowledge of using technology in teaching To summarize, technology has made the task of teachers and lecturers very easy However, to use the technology effectively , the teachers must have considerable knowledge of using modern tools in educational institutions Model Answer 6: As we move into the twenty-first century, technology is affecting many different areas of life and education is no exception Indeed, in some institutions traditional forms of education have been revolutionised by new technology to the extent that the lecture is no longer the main method of delivery While there are a variety of benefits to this new approach, there are also significant drawbacks Perhaps the greatest bonus of the introduction of technology is the flexibility it offers This is evident in two different ways Firstly, it is now no longer essential for students to be present in the lecture theatre for their courses This means that part-time courses for adults who are in employment and distance learning courses for people in other countries are now much more practical Another area of flexibility is of course that the lecturer and tutor are able to use Moodles, interactive whiteboards and other tools to deliver their courses in a more stimulating way to large numbers of students Not everything, however, about the introduction of this new technology into education is positive One major problem is that not all students are comfortable with using technology, even if they are part of the digital native generation This is a serious issue as they may suffer from their lack of technological skills Another related issue is that education is a human activity and it works best with as much human interaction as possible Impersonal technology cannot replace the human contact found in traditional face-to-face tutorials and seminars As we have seen, there are major benefits to the introduction of technology into education, not least because it enables modern forms of education such as distance learning courses This is balanced, however, by the fact that it can be too impersonal for some and disadvantages others for their lack of technological skills Model Answer 7: Traditionally, lectures were given in large rooms to accommodate equally large audiences With the advent of modern technology, this arrangement is being challenged by the option for students to attend class online However, it is felt traditional lecture hall talks are beneficial to students and will never completely be replaced by the Internet This will be shown by looking at how both the theatrical nature and possibility for face-to-face debate during an inperson lesson cater to the learning experience of an individual in a way that technology simply cannot Firstly, lectures provide students with an element of theatre, which can be positive for their education For example, while studying at university in Canada, I was once involved in a course that was televised in my city During the first semester, I engaged in the classes solely by watching this broadcast from home and found myself to become quite lethargic and unenthusiastic regarding the content However, during the second semester I was informed that as a registered student I could attend the classroom sessions of the same course and discovered this change revitalized my interest in the topics being discussed As my experience shows, being present for a lecture physically can have positive effects on students In addition to this, classroom lectures allow students to strengthen their wit and abilities as orators and this is not possible on the Internet For example, although university classes usually have an online forum to provide a context for debate, this medium does not completely replicate the challenge faced when presenting and defending ideas in front of a live audience Thus, the idea that traditional lecture-styled learning is less effective for students than more modern methods can be debunked After analyzing how traditional in-class lessons benefit the academic process, it is felt that this style of learning will never be replaced entirely by technology (Same Topic: When people move to another country, some of them decide to follow the customs of the new country Others prefer to keep their own customs Compare these two choices Which one you prefer?) 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Ngày đăng: 18/07/2016, 12:16

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