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Báo cáo thường niên năm 2014 - Ngân hàng Thương mại Cổ phần Việt Nam Thịnh Vượng

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S),\SSf{B rvcAr: HAxc rHU'oNG u4r co pnAN sal coN - HA Nor 7l Trin Hung Dao - QLran Hoan Kiern - Ha N6i 86o c6o tii chinh hqp nh61 Quf III nIm 2011 N{Au sii: Q-01a Tel: 04.39423388 Fax 04.39410942 Chi ti€u TD - BANG cAx ool KE ToAN M5 chi ti6u ThuyOt minh Sii cu6t t5, Don vi tinh; Vl\rI) 56 oiu nam TAI SAN Tidn m5t, vbng bac, tI6 quf Tidn grii t4i NI{NN Ti6n, vhng gii tai c6c TCTD kh6c vA cho vay c6c TCTD kh6c Tien. vang gui tlr cac TCTD khric Cho vay cric TCTD khric Dr,t phdng rui ro cho vay ciic TCTD kh6c Chfng kho6n kinh doanh Chnng klroan kirrh doanh Du phdng gidrn giri chung khodn kinh doanh C5c c0ng cg thi chinh ph6i sinh vi c6c thi srin thi chinh khdc Cho vay.kh6ch hing Cho vay khiich hing DU phdng rui ro cho r.,ay khdch hing Chring kho6n tlAu tu' Chung khoin daLr ru sin sang dd ban Chung khoiin dALr tu giir d6n ngiry d6o han Dr,r phbng giam gi:r chunc khoin dau ru III G6p v6n, tlAu tu dhi han , ^l r taLl nJ vao coltg t) con 2 Vdn g6p liOn doanh 3 EAu tu vbo c6ng ty li€n kOr ,1 DAu tu dhi han khiic 5 Du phbng giam gia dau tu dai han IX Tii sen c6 dinh I I ai san co dinh huu hlnh a Ngu1,€n gid TSCD hilu hinh b Hao mbn TSCD hfr,u hinh ; _. , 2 I al san co dinh rhuc tai chinh a NgutAn gid TSCD b HaomdnTSCD ; , 3 -l'ui san co dinh r o hlnh a NguyAn giti TSCD vb hinl't b Hao mdn TSCD v6 hinh X n6r Oqng san rlau tu' a Nguyen gir{ BDSDT b Hao mbn BDSDT XI Thi sdn C6 kh6c I C6c khoan phrii thu 2 Cdc khodn ldi, phi phdi thu 3 Tii san thu€ TNDN hoin iai 4 Tii srin C6 khdc - Trong do. Loi tlrt; thLrrng mai < il^ t-L^1 -1, ,r-\ J u e Nrv4u uu pilulig rul tu ullu cac lal sall r_o nol oang Knac TONG TAI SAN CO A. I II III I 2 3 Iv I 2 V VI I I 15 l6 t7 110 t20 130 131 IJL t39 140 t41 149 150 160 l6l r69 t70 171 172 179 2t(l 211 zt2 213 2t1 219 220 221 ^ 222 223 aa / 225 226 22'l 228 225 24(l 241 24) 250 251 252 253 251 255 259 300 18 312,041,555,960 599,69r,351,22r 19,470,095,722,999 19,470.095.722"888 39,734,939,419 40.418,41r,187 (683.472,068) 8,712,466,949 27,958,61.6,951,359 28.267 .266.631.476 (308,649,680, I I 8) 12,142,510,442,769 8,311,537.779,569 3.844,340.000,000 ( 13,367.336.800) 1,560,404,000,000 I .560,404,000.000 2,187,573,379,301 L38,052,217,112 208.556,361 .788 (70,504.114.616) 2,049,527,I62,L99 2,058.899,1r8,391 (9,3',77 ,956.2-02) 5,472,189,495,579 I ,906,591 .071,481 2.72I ,330,599.985 841,261.814,\t3 69.7sr.570.298,243 201,670,991"695 505,232,494,764 I1,636,740,990,717 il ,636.710.990.7 t7 98,828,39tt,041 99,5 1 1,870,1 09 (683,472,06E) 24,103.032,795,683 24.375.5 88,493,5 62 -272,555.697 ,8'79 8,767,942,245,709 7,481,361 ,1 19.909 1.300,000,000.000 (13.418,874,tt00) 333,389,000,000 333.389.000,000 1,526.153,919,690 L26.554,397,690 17 6.7 65.4'l6.626 (50,21 1.078,936) 1,399,599,422,00(l 1.406,365,498.441 (6;t66.016.44t) 3,859,970.637,496 2,030.461 .983.684 957.082.854.329 817,325.799.483 51,032.861.262,594 2 VT 19 20 2l 'r) 23 25 Chi tiOu l\{A chi Thu5'6t tiOu minh 56 cudi kj 56 tldu nim B NOpnAr rnA vAvoN cHUSoHUU I C6c khoin ng Chinh phri vh NHI{N II Ti6n gfri vh vay ciia c6c TCTD trh6c I Ti€n grii c0a cdc TCTD kh6c 2 Yay cdc TCTD khric III Tidn giii cria kh6ch hing IV C6c c6ng cu thi chinh ph6i sinh vh c6c khoin ng'tii chinh kh6c V Viin tiri tro. , uy th6c tliu tu', cho vay mi TCTD phfri chiu rti ro VI Ph6t hnnh gi6y td'c6 gi6 \-II C6c khoin No kh6c I Ciic khoan lai. phi phai tra 2 Thu6 TNDN hodn l4i phai tra 3 Cdc khoan phai tr a r a cong no khac 4 Du phbng rui ro khdc SF]E }IGAN ]il}JG TX-II,T.ON,G VIAI CO PlI,iN SA] GO]\ - ]-IA NQI 77 Trin Hrrno F)ao. Orran l;oan l(idm-Ha \oj Tel.04.39421388 F'**,: 44.39+14942 ii5c, 16o iiri c]diilr ,llcr: ,r-,irii: Qtii' 1 nnrn 2011 .vlaii so: rl-u1a Chi [i6u TD. tsANG CAru OOI T(E ?'O,.\i\ Md ctri Thuvdt ti0u minh SO cuii; lcy Don vi tirLh VND S6 dAu nam A. T,AI SA.N tr Tidn m1r, ving bgc, d6 quf Xn Tiin grli t4i NEINN {In Tiijn, v}rng gfri tqi c6c ICTD khdc vh cho vay cdc TCTD kh:ic 1 Ti6n, vang gui tai cr{c TCTD khric 2 Cho vay cric TCTD khiic 3 DV phbng rui ro cho vay cric TCTD kh6c W Chfng k&o6n kinh doanh 1 Chrng khoiin kinh doanh 2 DU phdng giAm gid chirng khorin kinh doanh V C6c cOng cg thi chinh ph6i sinh vh c6c tAi sin tli chinh khdc VI Cho vay khdch hlng I Cho vay khrich hiLng 2 DU phdng rui ro cho vay kh6ch hang \rll Chring kho6n tl6u tu' 110 120 130 l3l I)L 139 t40 l4l 149 150 160 l6l r69 L70 I7I 172 t79 210 21r 2t2 213 2t4 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 240 241 241 z3t, 251 252 253 2 5.1 2,t5 259 :i D i., I5 t6 T7 330,413,737,905 201,663,032,841 14,2'i"2,905,96X,489 14,2t7,9Q5,96t,489 68,306,287,493 68,989,759,561 (683,1'72,068) 12,280,899,453 24,E04,474,606,810 25,086,6,s4,456, 100 (282,1'19,849,290) 9,088,E99,715,923 8,142,278,499,223 1,000.000,000,000 ( 1 3,37 8,783,300) 337,889,000,000 337,889,000,000 1,533,88E,E07,743 L34,95t,372,519 19 1,309.598,823 (56,3s8,226,304) L,398,937,435,224 1,406,365,498.441 (7,428,063,2r7) 5,225,09X"23(;,712 2,704,882,983,839 1 ,284,429,258,771 1 ,235,773,989,\ 6l j 5.ii 1 5. 5.1i,2i3'5,.130 201,670,881,695 s05,232,494,r64 rt,636,7 40,990,7I',t r | ,63 6 ,1 40 ,990 ,7 t7 98,828,398,040.64 99,51 1,870" l 09 (683,472,068) 24,103,032,79s,683 24,315,588,493,562 (.272,555,69'7,879) 8,767 ,942,215,109 7,481,36 t, I 19,909 1,300,000,000,000 (r 3,4r 8,8?4,800) 333,389,000,00{l 333,389,000,000 I ,526, r 53,8 19,690 126,554,397,59Q 176,765,476,626 (50,2 t 1,078,936) t,399,599,422,A00 |,406,365,498,441 (6,7 66,0'7 6,44r) 3,859,870,637,490 2,030,461,983,618 957,082"854,329 872,325,799.48e 51,032"8,5 11,262,59.i IB 19 z0 21 1J .tl\ I Chring khozin dAu tu sin siLng dd bdn '-ta.(.\ 2 Chrng khorin ddu tu gif dtin ngiry drio han 'l.q rue\i\\ 3 Du phong gidm gid chring khoan ddu tu '' rIru Vca\t\ ;n'iif,{itl- llt,r Gop von. deu tu dai hen , : r '/ :t iJ I Ddu tu viro c6ng ty con i ,,i, I - !! , udu ru vau uuilg ry n HW/.6 ii 2 v6n g6p lien doanh -iY . a b 3 a b a b 5. I 2 3 4 t1 .8/ 3 Diu ru vao c6ng ty lien kdr 4 Ddu tu dhi han khdc 5 Du phdng gidm giri dAu tu dii han IX Tii sen cii alnh ; - , ! - ,. . l r al san co olnn nuu nlnn a Nguy€n gidTSCD hfiu hinh b Hao mbnTSCD hftu hinh : , , ^ Z 'l ar san co dlnh thue tai chfnh Nguy€n giti TSCD Hao mdn TSCD i r' ! I al san co ornn vo nlnn Nguy€n gid TSCE vO hinh Hao mdn TSCD v6 hinh udt opng sin rliu tu' Nguydn gi6 BDSDT Hao mbn BDSDT Thi sin C6 hhrlc Cric khodn phai thu Lac Knoan lal, pnt pnal tnu Tii sdn thud TNDN hodn l4i 'Xii sAn C6 khdc . ,; ' - 1ro't8 do: L(rr tile !1il!otlg rndt i Cric khoirn dg phdng rui ro cho cdc ti j sdn C6 ndi bdng l<hi'ic TOi.iG TAl STIN CO 74 25 26 llari Ji.3u rli r1t, 'I.tl_r!.r iielr rdoli io .:rici .l<,, !d iliii ir:t.rtr B .r ll t 2 xu w v VI wi 1 2 3 4 NO F}TA{ TRA VA VOFI CITU SO ]IU]J C5c khodn no CirinXr pirii vb $llx}.Bi T'idn g0.i vA vay cria c6c TCTD ich6c Ti6n gui cua ciic TC'|D khdc Vay citc TCTD kh,ic Tidn gn'i cria ktrrdch hAng caic c6ng cu thi Message from the Chairman Ladies and Gentlemen! In 2004 the Vietnam economy overcame numerous financial challenges such as the fluctuation of consumer price indexes, the constant increase in oil prices, the impact of anti-dumping prosecution of several exporters, several regional natural disasters and airborne diseases yet it achieved a GDP growth rate of 7.6% To date, this is the highest rate achieved over the past seven years This accomplishment propelled Vietnam ahead of other countries to make it one of the fastest growing emerging economies in the world As noted within the GNP figures, the industrial sector alone grew by 15.6%; again the highest level in the four years A net result of this economic boom is the Vietnamese economy has moved towards increasing the proportion of industrial and service production in comparison with its overall agricultural production Clearly, the country is moving forward towards becoming a strong industrial nation Board of Management was strengthened, employee benefits were significantly improved and the bank's overall network expanded with more than 17 new transaction points Undoubtedly these achievements were the result of the clear-sighted leadership of the Board of Directors and the Board of Management, the hard work of the bank's staffs as well as the firm support we have received from the State Bank of Vietnam, other State authorities and the backing of the bank's clients throughout the last 13 years of performance All of these contributions have always been highly appreciated, as they are the foundation of the bank's success In 2005, building upon past achievements, VPBank will continue to expand its branch network, maintain and strengthen the high unanimity of the Board of In regards to the country's macroscopic policy, key changes by the Government within the legal framework are moving the banking industry towards a better global integration Actions by the State Bank of Vietnam greatly assisted with controlling and stabilizing the money market and interest rates in the country In parallel with the State Bank's efforts to stabilize interest the rates, exchange rates have also been controlled resulting in positive affects throughout the country and in Vietnam's overall economy Directors, the Board of Supervisory and the Board of Management, strive to improve the quality of operations, focus on developing new products, take effective risk management measures and enhance the overall quality of the staff to propel the development of the bank with the goal of making it the leading northern regional bank in the country On behalf of the Board of Management and all of the bank's shareholders, I would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to the State By year's end, VPBank's past planning and business Bank of Vietnam, all supporting State authorities, its' numerous partners, wonderful clientele and all of the bank's staff business opportunities, which were harvested in 2004 as you all have contributed to VPBank's successful strategies successfully capitalized on with a total assets reached at VND4,149 billion; a performance We hope to further receive your support major increase of 67% compared to 2003 These in the future successes resulted in a profit-before-tax-and-risk- provisions of over VND60 billion; an increase of over 39.5% compared to 2003 The bank has successfully hit other business targets as well such as mobilization Chairman of the Board of Directors of funds and increased its profits from positive lending activities, which reached a high growth A key determining factor in these accomplishments is the fact that during the year Mr Lam Hoang Loc financial statements To: The Board of Directors and the Board of Management Vietnam Joint-Stock Commercial Bank for Private Enterprises Auditing Letter We - Auditing and Informatic Services Company - have audited the Financial Statement of Vietnam Joint-Stock Commercial Bank For Private Enterprises (hereinafter called

Ngày đăng: 30/06/2016, 00:44