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UNIT 2 tenses

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UNIT 2: TENSES (THÌ/THỜI)  Remmember: - Thì hay thời thời gian xảy hành động chi phối, thời gian có thì/thời Thời khác động từ câu khác Cho nên quan trọng - nắm thời gian hình thức động từ tương ứng Tiếng Anh có 12 T.Gian Thể Simple (đơn) Continuous (tiếp diễn) Perfect (hoàn thành) Perfect continuous (hoàn thành tiếp diễn) Past (QK) Present (HT) Future (TL) Past simple Present Simple Future Simple Past Continuous Present Continuous Future Continuous Past Perfect Present Perfect Future Perfect Past Perfect continuous Present Perfect continuous Future Perfect continuous A SIMPLE TENSES (CÁC THÌ ĐƠN) Hình thức: Bare-infinitive (+ s/es) Bare-infinitive + ed/2 Will + Bare-infinitive PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE (THÌ HIỆN TẠI ĐƠN)  Form (Công thức) S + V(s/es) + (O) Khẳng định Or: Nếu câu V thường dùng Tobe: S + am/is/are + (O) I learn English at school I am a student She learns English at school S + DO NOT/ DON’T + V-inf + (O) Phủ định S + DOES NOT/ DOESN’T + V-inf + (O) Nghi vấn Do/does + S + V-inf + (O) ? I don't learn English at school She doesn’t learn English at school Do you learn English at school? Does she learn English at school?  Usage (Cách dùng) a Diễn tả hành động lặp lặp lại thường xuyên thói quen, gắn liền với sống thường ngày (Always, usually, often, once a week,….) Ví dụ: John usually goes to the cinema on Sundays Vietnamese people eat rice I go to bed early and get up early everyday b Diễn tả chuỗi hành động tại/sở thích cá nhân/trạng thái nhận thức, cảm giác (like, dislike, love, hate, think, know, seem, understand, believe, hope, remember, forget, recognize,…) Ví dụ: I often get up at o’clock Then I brush my teeth, wash my face I have breakfast at 6:15 a.m I love my family so much She likes listening to music in her free time c Sự thật hiển nhiên/hiện tượng thiên nhiên/chân lý/định nghĩa Ví dụ: The sun rises in the east and sets in the west Children need love and care (Trẻ em cần quan tâm chăm sóc) d Một thời gian biểu/lịch trình (chuyến bay, mở cửa, đóng cửa,…) The bank opens at a.m and closes at p.m The lesson begins at 6.30 a.m and finishes at 11 a.m  Các trạng từ dùng thời HTĐ (Time Signals) - Trạng từ diễn (trạng từ tần suất) : Always, usually, often, not often, generally (thường thường), sometimes, occasionally (có lúc) , seldom (hiếm khi), rarely (hiếm khi), never - Everyday + Time: every week/month/year , every time - on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sundays - One time = Once/two times = twice / three times a week/month/year ; - Each year/month, SIMPLE PAST/PAST SIMPLE TENSE (THÌ QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN)  Form: S + V-ed/2 + (O) Khẳng định Nếu câu V thường dùng Tobe = Was/were S + Was/were + (O) I/we/she learned/learnt English at school yesterday He was at class yesterday morning They were at class yesterday afternoon - Ngôi số (I, he, she, it): Was - Ngôi số nhiều (we, you, they): Were Phủ định S + DID NOT/DIDN’T + V-inf + I/we/she didn't learn English at school yesterday (O) He wasn’t at class yesterday morning They weren’t at class yesterday afternoon S + WASN’T/WEREN’T + (O) Did + S + V-inf + (O)? Nghi vấn Didn't + S + V-inf + (O)? Did you/they/she yesterday? learn English at school Didn't you/they/she learn English at school Wh-words +did/didn’t + S + V-inf yesterday? + (O)? What did you/they/she learn at school yesterday? Usage: a Một việc xảy chấm dứt, có thời điểm xác định khứ ( yesterday, last week, last year, vv…) Ex: The students came to see me yesterday We learned Japanese last year b Diễn tả chuỗi hành động khứ (thường dùng thuật lại câu chuyện) Ex: Yesterday, he got up late In addition, he forgot to bring his homework.Therefore, he had to return home for it When he saw me, he put the receiver down c Hành động xảy suốt quãng thời gian QK, hoàn toàn chấm dứt Ex: They lived with us for a year several years ago During the spring vacation, the students went on a camping trip d Diễn tả thói quen khứ (bây không nữa, thường dùng kết hợp với USED TO) Ex: While my son was in America, he wrote to me twice a month Did he come to see you often? - Yes, he came every week * Diễn tả thói quen khứ dùng với “used to” “would” (đã từng/quen với) Ex: When I was a child, I used to take a shower twice a week When I was a child, I would take a shower twice a week USED TO = ĐÃ TỪNG, QUEN VỚI: diễn tả thói quen khứ bây giời không  Phủ định: Didn’t use to + V-inf TOBE USED TO + V-ING = QUEN VỚI: diễn tả thói quen GET USED TO + V-ING = DẦN QUEN VỚI: thích nghi, quen với việc Anh ta hay chơi guitar Khẳng định He used to play the guitar when he was a nhỏ( không chơi nữa) student Hân sống Anh năm nên anh quen lái xe bên tay trái Han has lived in England for over a year so he is used to driving on the left now Phủ định Anh ta thói quen/không hay He did not use to play the guitar when he chơi guitar nhỏ was a student Hân không quen lái xe bên tay trái Han isn’t used to driving on the left now Nghi vấn Anh ta có hay chơi guitar nhỏ Did he use to play the guitar when he was a không? student? Hân có quen lái xe bên tay trái không? Is Han used to driving on the left? e Diễn tả thật khứ/lịch sử (không có thời gian biết thật hành động xảy ra) Ví dụ: Hàn Mạc Tử died of leprosy (Hàn Mặc Tử chết bệnh phong cùi) Nguyen Ai Quoc left Nha Rong habour in 1911  Time adverbs: - Yesterday (Hôm qua) - last night, last week/month/year/century,… (tối qua, tuần/tháng/năm/thể kỷ trước), the last two weeks, the last three years, (2/3, tuần/năm, trước) -time+ ago (two days ago, three months ago, long long ago ) (cách ngày, cách tháng, hồi xửa hồi xưa, ) - In + năm khứ: in 1990, in 2010, - In the past, in those days, (trong khứ, ngày đó, ) SIMPLE FUTURE (THÌ TƯƠNG LAI ĐƠN)  Form: Khẳng định S + will +V-inf + (O) Khi động từ thường: Tobe = will be I will phone you tonight He will be 50 years old tomorrow I’ll be on holiday on August Rút gọn: will = ‘ll Phủ định S + will NOT/WON’T + V-inf + I will not tell him this problem (O) We won't have time for dinner Nghi vấn Will + S + V-inf + (O)? Will you see Tom tomorrow? Won't + S + V-inf + (O)? Won't you meet that girl again? * Note: Will Động từ đặc biệt (Modal verbs) nên sau Will tất động từ phải nguyên mẫu (V-inf) Nguyên mẫu Động từ Tobe BE  Usage: a Diễn tả hành động chưa xảy xảy tương lai Ví dụ: I’ll phone you tomorrow (Mai gọi cậu) She’ll be here by five o’clock (Bà quay lại trước giờ) b.Một việc vừa định, ta định hay đồng ý làm điều lúc nói (quyết định nói ra, dự tính trước): Ví dụ: Can you go out and buy some fruits? _ Ok, I will go! There is a postbox over there I’ll post this letter c.Diễn đạt ý kiến, dự đoán, chắn người nói điều tương lai Ví dụ: I don’t think the exam will be difficult This job won't take long I’m sure he will come back soon d.Diễn đạt yêu cầu, lời hứa, lời đe dọa, lời mời hay lời đề nghị: Ví dụ: Will you buy some eggs on your way home? (Một yêu cầu) I’ll hit you if you that again (Một lời đe dọa) Will you come to lunch? (Một lời mời) I’ll peel the potatoes (một lời đề nghị)  Adverbs of time: - Tomorrow (ngày mai), someday (một ngày đó), soon (sớm thôi, không nữa) - next week/month/June /year, next Monday, Tuesday, , Sunday, - In two days/weeks/months, (trong ngày, tuần, tháng ), in the years to come= in coming years (những năm sau)  THÌ TƯƠNG LAI GẦN (NEAR FUTURE) Từ "sẽ" việc dùng cấu trúc Will + Vo đây, cần nhớ đến Thì Tương lai gần (Near future): S + am/is/are going to + V-inf + O S + am/is/are NOT going to + V-inf + O Am/is/are + S + going to V-inf + O?  Usage: a Ý định tương lai (=định sẽ) Ví dụ: I am going to visit Ho Chi Minh city next Monday (Tôi định HCM vào thứ tuần sau) She is going to buy a new house next month (Cô định mua nhà vào tháng sau) b Sự dự đoán chắn (=chắc là) (chắc chắn Will, khả xảy cao Will) Look at the clouds! I think it is going to rain (Nhìn đám mây kìa, tớ nghĩ trời mưa rồi) He is very ill; I’m afraid he is going to die (Ông ốm nặng; ông chết) ∗Note: -Các tương lai không dùng Mệnh đề thời gian bắt đầu When, As soon as, before, after, until,… Thay vào đó, dùng Hiện đơn hoàn thành (chỉ dùng hoàn thành hoàn thành tiếp diễn từ Finish) When she arrives, she will call you (Khi cô đến nơi cô gọi anh) When she will arrive, she will call you I will go to bed as soon as I have finished my homework B PROGRESSIVE TENSES (CÁC THÌ TIẾP DIỄN) Hình thức chung: TOBE + V-ING PRESENT CONTINUOUS/PRESENT PROGRESSIVE (THÌ HIỆN TẠI TIẾP DIỄN)  Form: Khẳng định S + am/is/are + V-ing + (O) I am dancing She/He/Nam is dancing at the moment Phủ định S + am not/isn’t/aren’t + V-ing + We/you /they aren’t dancing at present (O) Nghi vấn am/is/are + S + V-ing + (O) ? Is he/she/it dancing now? Usages: a Chỉ hành động xảy thời điểm nói (now, at the moment, at present) Ví dụ: I am reading an English book now Listen! Mary is playing the piano b Diễn tả hành động tiến trình xảy xung quanh thời điểm nói (đang diễn không thiết thời điểm nói) (today, this week, these days,this year,… ) Ex: A: which school are you going to? B: I’m studying at Cambridge university (But now I’m not at the class to study) Ex: I’m reading a book by Shakespeare these days (But I’m not reading the book now) c Chỉ việc chắn xảy tương lai ( khả xảy cao TLĐ TLG) Cách dung thường kết hợp với trạng từ thời gian tương lai Ngữ cảnh thường họp, trận thi đấu, lịch công tác, thời gian bắt đầu chiếu phim hoạch định từ trước thay đổi tương lai Ví dụ: They are getting married in June John is coming here next week and is staying here until August d Diễn tả hành động tạm thời, không thường xuyên (thường với BUT) Ex: I often go to school by bike, but this week my bike breaks down so I am walking to school We’re working hard these days e Tình trạng tiến triển thay đổi, thường dùng với GET / BECOME + So sánh (trở nên) Ex: The climate is becoming warmer The child is getting bigger every day f Diễn tả hành động lặp lặp lại gây khó chịu cho người nói (sự phàn nàn) Thường với trạng từ như: Always, constantly, continually,… (tương đương với tiếng Việt: “cứ….mãi”, “lúc cũng…”) Ex: The baby is always crying while I’m sleeping Nam is always talking in class My sister is constantly complaining that her bicycle is old Lưu ý: + Trạng từ bổ nghĩa cho động từ đứng TOBE V-ING, đứng sau tân ngữ The little girl is slowly reading the passage The little girl is reading the passage slowly + Không dùng tiếp diễn với từ nhận thức, tri giác, sở hữu như: see, hear, smell, taste, sound, feel, know, like, love, hate, want, understand, believe, have, own,  Dùng Hiện đơn I like this music (NOT I’m liking this music) Time adverbs: - Bây giờ: Now/ right now, at present, at the moment - Khoảng thời gian ngắn: This week/month, -Câu cảm thán: Look!, listen!, Be quiet!, PAST CONTINUOUS/PAST PROGRESSIVE (THÌ QUÁ KHỨ TIẾP DIỄN)  Form: Khẳng định Phủ định Nghi vấn S + was/were + V-ing + (O) I/he/she was doing homework at p.m last night S + wasn’t/weren’t + V-ing + (O) We/you/they weren’t doing homework at p.m last night Was/were + S + V-ing + (O)? Were you doing homework at p.m last night? Usages: a Diễn tả hành động xảy THỜI ĐIỂM cụ thể khứ (đi với: AT + thời điểm QK), hành động xảy liên tục suốt KHOẢNG thời gian khứ (đi với: ALL/THE WHOLE + Danh từ thời gian QK) Ví dụ1: He was watching TV at o’clock last night What were you doing at this time yesterday? Ví dụ2: Yesterday, from to o’clock, we were listening to an interesting music program All last week, they were staying with me I were working at the office all the morning b.Diễn tả hai hành động đan xen nhau: hành động xảy (QKTD) hành động khác đột ngột xen vào (QKĐ), dùng với WHEN, WHILE (khi) Ví dụ: While/when I was walking on the street, I met my girlfriend They were singing when I came When we were having dinner, the phone rang c.Diễn tả hay nhiều hành động xảy song song đồng thời khứ, dùng với WHILE (trong khi) After dinner, my father was watching TV while my mother was washing dishes Yesterday afternoon, I was doing my homework while my brother was playing in the yard d Diễn tả hành động lặp lặp lại khứ gây bực cho người nói (sự phàn nàn khứ, không nữa) Cách dùng tương tự với HTTD Ví dụ: He was always ringing me (anh ta gọi cho hoài) Time adverbs: -At…o’clock +past time: at o’clock last night/yesterday, at a.m yesterday,… - At this time last week/year,… - the whole morning/afternoon, all day, all last week,… FUTURE CONTINUOUS/FUTURE PROGRESSIVE (THÌ TƯƠNG LAI TIẾP DIỄN)  Form: Khẳng S + will be + V-ing + (O) định Phủ định Nghi vấn I /We/you/ they/he/she/it will be dancing at 7p.m tomorrow I won’t be dancing at 7p.m S + will not/won’t be + V-ing+(O) tomorrow Will + S + be + V-ing + (O)? Will you be dancing at 7p.m tomorrow?  Usages: a.Diễn tả hành động xảy THỜI ĐIỂM cụ thể tương lai, hành động xảy liên tục suốt KHOẢNG thời gian tương lai Ví dụ1: We’ll be waiting for you at o’clock tomorrow At this time next year, I’ll be working in Japan Ví dụ2: All next week, I’ll be visiting Vung Tau We’ll be riding all day long tomorrow b.Diễn tả hai hành động đan xen nhau: hành động xảy ra(TLTD) hành động khác xen vào (HTĐ), dùng với WHEN, WHILE (khi) Ví dụ: The band will be playing when the President enters They will be dancing when I come c.Hành động chắn xảy phần kế hoạch vạch sẵn phần thời gian biểu (tương tự HTTD) Ví dụ: The party will be starting at 10 o’clock We’ll be learning Physics at o’clock tomorrow  Dấu hiệu nhận biết: -At…o’clock +future time: at o’clock tomorrow morning, at a.m tomorrow,… -At this time next week/year,… -the whole afternoon/evening, all next month, … C PERFECT TENSES (CÁC THÌ HOÀN THÀNH) Hình thức chung: HAVE + V3/ed PRESENT PERFECT (THÌ HIỆN TẠI HOÀN THÀNH)  Form: S + have/has + V3/ed + (O) Khẳng định - Ngôi thứ số he, she, it): Has Các lại: Have I have learnt English for ten years now He hasn't met that film star yet Have you met that film star yet? Phủ định S + haven’t/hasn’t + V3/ed + (O) Nghi vấn Have/has + S + V3/ed + (O)?  Usages: a.Hành động bắt đầu khứ, kéo dài đến tiếp tục đến tương lai (thường với Since For ) xảy kết thúc khứ có kết ảnh hưởng Ex: I have taught English for more than 10 years Tom can’t come because he has broken his leg I have had an accident (And I’m in the hospital now) b Một hành động vừa xảy Ex: She has just gone to the market c Diễn tả hành động trạng thái xảy thời gian xác định khứ Ex: I have studied in China This is the second time I’ve gone to Ha Long Bay d Hành động xảy lặp lại vài lần khứ lặp lại lần tương lai Ex: I have been to Paris three times I’ve read this story twice  Time abverbs: - Since + Mốc thời gian (since 1990, since last week/month/year; since I last saw him ) - For + khoảng thời gian (for two days, for the past/last two months, for the last two years ) - Kinh nghiệm: Already, yet, recently, lately, ever, before (cuối câu), never - bây giờ: So far, up to now, up to present, until now - This is the first/second/third time - How long, just PAST PERFECT TENSE (THÌ QK HOÀN THÀNH/TIỀN QUÁ KHỨ)  Form: Khẳng định S + had + V3/ed + (O) Phủ định S + hadn’t + V3/ed + (O) Nghi vấn Had+ S + V3/ed + (O)? I had left my wallet at home The house was dirty They hadn’t clean it for weeks Where had he put his wallet?  Usages: a Diễn tả hành động xảy kết thúc TRƯỚC THỜI ĐIỂM khứ, TRƯỚC HÀNH ĐỘNG KHÁC khứ (chia Quá khứ đơn) By o’clock we had had lunch Before I fell in love with her I had had girlfriends When I got up this morning, she had already left with all of my money b Hành động xảy kéo dài đến thời điểm khứ By the time I met you I had worked in that company for five years  Time abverbs: - After/before/by/until + điểm thời gian khứ - After/before /By the time /when +S + V(past simple) Tới FUTURE PERFECT TENSE (THÌ TL HOÀN THÀNH/TIỀN TƯƠNG LAI)  Form: Khẳng định S + Will/shall + have V3/ed + (O) Phủ định S + won’t/shan’t + have V3/ed + (O) Nghi vấn Will/shall + S + have V3/ed + (O)? I had left my wallet at home The house was dirty They hadn’t clean it for weeks Where had he put his wallet?  Usages: a Diễn tả hành động xảy kết thúc TRƯỚC THỜI ĐIỂM khứ, TRƯỚC HÀNH ĐỘNG KHÁC khứ (chia Quá khứ đơn) By o’clock we will have had lunch By the time I fall in love with her I will have had girlfriends When my boss returns next month, I will have already finished the b Hành động xảy kéo dài đến thời điểm khứ By the time I met you I had worked in that company for five years  Time abverbs: - After/before/by/until + điểm thời gian tương lai - After/before /By the time /when +S + V(present simple) PRACTICE I Put the verbs in brackets into the present continuous tense (HTTD) Listen! Someone (play)……………………the piano They (not write)……………………their diary now She (do)…………… her homework at the moment ? Where you (go)…………now ? - I (go)…………………to the cinema Look! The boy (run)…………………very fast II Put the verbs in brackets into the future continuous tense(TLTD) At midnight we (sleep)………………… This time next week we (sit)…………………… at the beach At nine I (watch)…………………………… the news Tonight we (cram) ………………………………… up for our English test They (dance) all night He (not / play) all afternoon (eat / you) at six? III Use the verbs in brackets into the past continuous tense (QKTD) What you (do)… .…………at 8p.m yesterday ? Last Sunday, while I (read)…………… ……a book, the phone rang When she arrived, we (have)………… …………dinner I (sit)…… ………… while Nick (watch)……… ………… TV You (cook)……… ………when she called ? IV Use the verbs in brackets into the present perfect tense (HTHT) This is the first time he (drive)…………………this car I (not see)…………………Lan since last month Jane (buy)……………… this dress for weeks, but she (not wear)……………… it yet How long you (be)……………there ? It’s the best food I (ever/try)…………………… V Past simple or past continuous? 1) What (do) )………………… when I (call) )………………… you last night? 2) I (sit) ………………… in a cafe when you (call) ………………… 3) When you (arrive) ………………… at the party, who (be) ………………… there? 4) Susie (watch) ………………… a film when she (hear) ………………… the noise 5) Yesterday I (go) ………………… to the library, next I (have) ………………… a swim, later I (meet) ………………… Julie for coffee 6) We (play) ………………… tennis when John (hurt) ………………… his ankle 7) What (they/do) ………………… at 10pm last night - it was really noisy? 8) He (take) ………………… a shower when the telephone (ring) ………………… 9) He (be) ……………… in the shower when the telephone (ring) ………………… 10) When I (walk) ………………… into the room, everyone (work) ………………… 11) It (be) ………………… a day last September The sun (shine) ………………… and the birds (sing) ………………… I (walk) ………………… along the street when I (meet) ………………… an old friend 12) He (live) ………………… in Russia when the Revolution (start) ………………… 13) When her train (get) ………………… to the station, we (wait) ………………… on the platform 14) He (be) ………………… so annoying! He (always leave) ………………… his things everywhere 15) On holiday we (visit) ………………… Rome, (see) ………………… the Vatican, and (spend) ………………… a few days at the beach 16) Why (stand) ………………… on a chair when I (come) ………………… into the room? 17) They (lived) ………………… in Germany when they (be) ………………… young 18) At 7pm yesterday, we (listen) ………………… to music 19) When I (leave) ………………… the house, it (snow) ………………… 20) He (work) ………………… in a bank when he (meet) ………………… his wife VI Past simple or Present perfect? 1) Last night I (lose) ) ………………… my keys – I had to call my flatmate to let me in 2) I (lose) ) ………………… my keys - can you help me look for them? 3) I (visit) ) ………………… Paris three times 4) Last year I (visit) ) ………………… Paris 5) I (know) ) ………………… my great grandmother for a few years - she died when I was eight 6) I (know) ) ………………… Julie for three years - we still meet once a month 7) I (play) ) ………………… Hockey since I was a child - I'm pretty good! 8) She (play) ) ………………… hockey at school but she didn't like it 9) Sorry, I (miss) ………………… the bus - I'm going to be late 10) I (miss) ………………… the bus and then I (miss) ………………… the aeroplane as well! 11) Last month I (go) ………………… to Scotland 12) I'm sorry, John isn't here now He (go) ………………… to the shops 13) We (finish) ………………… this room last week 14) I (finish) ………………… my exams finally - I'm so happy! 15) Yesterday, I (go) ………………… to the library, the post office and the supermarket 16) I (go) ………………….to the supermarket three times this week 17) She (live) ………………….in London since 1994 18) She (live) ………………….in London when she was a child VII Put the verbs in brackets into proper tense My father (work)……………………in this factory for many years The film (begin)……………………when we (arrive)………………at the cinema yesterday 3 Where you (be) while I (work)……………………at the office ? You (ever/see)……………………that film before ? - No, I……………… - So this evening, we (go)………………to see it Last night after dinner my mother (wash)………………………… dishes while my father (read)…………………………… newspaper Since its opening in 1975, the Dungeon (attract)……………………… many visitors from all over the world I (not / work)………………………… all day I ………………… for my girlfriend for two hours (to wait) While the doctor …………………….Mr Jones, his son ………………… outside this morning (to examine) (to wait) 10 We………………………… TV when it started to rain (to watch) VIII Put the verbs in brackets into proper tense My husband and his colleague (play)………………….golf whenever they are not too busy He (write)… five letters I (be) ………………….a student in Moloxop School in 1998 A number of (duck) ………………… (go) ………………… through here yesterday While Tom (play)………………… the piano, his mother was doing the washing-up After Larry …………… the film on TV, he decided to buy the book (to see) 7.My parents normally (have)………………… breakfast at 7:00 a.m The sun …………… in the East (to rise) He (drink)………………… some juice and then he ate a few chips 10 There are a lot of clouds! It …….…………………….soon (to rain) 11 And on 31 October, a frightfully good Halloween Party (take place) …………………… at the Dungeon every year 12 I (not / understand)……………………… what they were talking about 13 Hurry up! The conference (begin) in 20 minutes 14 Besides the regular opening hours, the Dungeon sometimes also (open) ………………… at night 15 The atmosphere at the Dungeon (be)……………………… really scary - nothing for the faint-hearted 16 What (wear / you) …………………… at the party tonight? 17 When my father was working in the garden, an old friend (pass)…………… by to see him 18 When it (start)………………… to rain, our dog wanted to come inside 19 I haven't made up my mind yet But I think I (find)……………………………… something nice in my mum's wardrobe 20 I (have)…………… dinner when I suddenly heard a loud bang 21 I …………… to visit you yesterday, but you ……………… not at home.(to want) (to be) 22 This is my last day here I (go) ………………back to England tomorrow 23 What you (do) ) ………………… last night? - I (do) ) ………………… my homework 24 I(read) ………………… the book, you can have it back 25 I last (see) ) ………………… her at her house two hours ago 26 She (Win) ) ………………… the gold medal in 1986 27 He had taught in this school before he ( leave) ) ………………… for London 28 Paul(believe) ……………… in God since he was a child 29 He (not like)……………… tomatoes before But,he is eating its now 30 Wait a minute, I ………………………………… this box for you (to carry) 31 We (travel)…………………… around Scotland for days 32 Sandy (cook)………dinner four times this week 33 When Jane was doing a language course in Ireland, she (visit) ……………… Blarney Castle 34 When I (be)…………………… on my way home, I saw an accident 35 I (study)……………………………… French when I was a child [...]... mum's wardrobe 20 I (have)…………… dinner when I suddenly heard a loud bang 21 I …………… to visit you yesterday, but you ……………… not at home.(to want) (to be) 22 This is my last day here I (go) ………………back to England tomorrow 23 What you (do) ) ………………… last night? - I (do) ) ………………… my homework 24 I(read) ………………… the book, you can have it back 25 I last (see) ) ………………… her at her house two hours ago 26 She (Win)... ago 26 She (Win) ) ………………… the gold medal in 1986 27 He had taught in this school before he ( leave) ) ………………… for London 28 Paul(believe) ……………… in God since he was a child 29 He (not like)……………… tomatoes before But,he is eating its now 30 Wait a minute, I ………………………………… this box for you (to carry) 31 We (travel)…………………… around Scotland for 8 days 32 Sandy (cook)………dinner four times this week 33 When... yesterday ? 2 Last Sunday, while I (read)…………… ……a book, the phone rang 3 When she arrived, we (have)………… …………dinner 4 I (sit)…… ………… while Nick (watch)……… ………… TV 5 You (cook)……… ………when she called ? IV Use the verbs in brackets into the present perfect tense (HTHT) 1 This is the first time he (drive)…………………this car 2 I (not see)…………………Lan since last month 3 Jane (buy)……………… this dress for 2 weeks, but... of clouds! It …….…………………….soon (to rain) 11 And on 31 October, a frightfully good Halloween Party (take place) …………………… at the Dungeon every year 12 I (not / understand)……………………… what they were talking about 13 Hurry up! The conference (begin) in 20 minutes 14 Besides the regular opening hours, the Dungeon sometimes also (open) ………………… at night 15 The atmosphere at the Dungeon (be)……………………… really... continuous tense (HTTD) 1 Listen! Someone (play)……………………the piano 2 They (not write)……………………their diary now 3 She (do)…………… her homework at the moment ? 4 Where you (go)…………now ? - I (go)…………………to the cinema 5 Look! The boy (run)…………………very fast II Put the verbs in brackets into the future continuous tense(TLTD) 1 At midnight we (sleep)………………… 2 This time next week we (sit)…………………… at the beach 3 At nine... young 18) At 7pm yesterday, we (listen) ………………… to music 19) When I (leave) ………………… the house, it (snow) ………………… 20 ) He (work) ………………… in a bank when he (meet) ………………… his wife VI Past simple or Present perfect? 1) Last night I (lose) ) ………………… my keys – I had to call my flatmate to let me in 2) I (lose) ) ………………… my keys - can you help me look for them? 3) I (visit) ) ………………… Paris three times 4) Last... clean it for weeks Where had he put his wallet?  Usages: a Diễn tả hành động đã xảy ra và đã kết thúc TRƯỚC một THỜI ĐIỂM trong quá khứ, hoặc TRƯỚC một HÀNH ĐỘNG KHÁC trong quá khứ (chia Quá khứ đơn) By 2 o’clock we will have had lunch By the time I fall in love with her I will have had 8 girlfriends When my boss returns next month, I will have already finished the b Hành động đã xảy ra và kéo dài đến... tục trong suốt một KHOẢNG thời gian trong quá khứ (đi với: ALL/THE WHOLE + Danh từ chỉ thời gian QK) Ví dụ1: He was watching TV at 7 o’clock last night What were you doing at this time yesterday? Ví d 2: Yesterday, from 6 to 7 o’clock, we were listening to an interesting music program All last week, they were staying with me I were working at the office all the morning b.Diễn tả hai hành động đan xen... đột ngột xen vào (QKĐ), dùng với WHEN, WHILE (khi) Ví dụ: While/when I was walking on the street, I met my girlfriend They were singing when I came When we were having dinner, the phone rang c.Diễn tả 2 hay nhiều hành động xảy ra song song đồng thời trong quá khứ, dùng với WHILE (trong khi) After dinner, my father was watching TV while my mother was washing dishes Yesterday afternoon, I was doing my... but she (not wear)……………… it yet 4 How long you (be)……………there ? 5 It’s the best food I (ever/try)…………………… V Past simple or past continuous? 1) What (do) )………………… when I (call) )………………… you last night? 2) I (sit) ………………… in a cafe when you (call) ………………… 3) When you (arrive) ………………… at the party, who (be) ………………… there? 4) Susie (watch) ………………… a film when she (hear) ………………… the noise 5) Yesterday

Ngày đăng: 27/06/2016, 14:34

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