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Period 3: UNIT 1 : A DAY IN THE LIFE OF .... A. READING I. OBJECTIVES: Ss read the text and guess the meaning of the new words, ask and answer base on the content of the text, scan and take note the information Students should appreciate the daily activities of some people. skill: Reading for gist and for specific information. II. LANGUAGE FOCUS: 1. Grammar: The present simple tense 2. Vocabulary: Words related to daily activities: working time, working day,... III. Teaching Method: Integrate, mainly communicatives IV. TEACHING AIDS: some pictures of farmers activities and hand out. V. PROCEDURE: 1.Class organization: Greeting, checking P’s attendance 2.Checking : No 3.New lesson:

Lesson planning - English 10 - School year: 2015 - 2016 Planning date: 23/08/2015 Teaching date:24/08/2015 Period: The first quality survey Test I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the Test, - Students will be able to all the exercises in the test, concentrate on their knowledges that they learnt in English - T can comment Ps’ knowledges through the summer holiday II.TEACHING AIDS: Written Test III Teaching Method: - Integrate, mainly communicatives III PROCEDURE: 1.Class organization: Greeting, checking P’s attendance 2.Checking : No 3.Content of the Test I Read the passage and the tasks that follow: 3pts St Valentine is a celebration of romance and love This holiday comes from an ancient Roman festival called the feast of Lupercalia after a Roman called St Valentine who was martyred for refusing to give up Christianity He died on February 14 th, and the date was set aside to honor him St Valentine was named the patron saint of lovers and February 14 th became the date for exchanging love letters or messages and for sending flowers (unusually red roses), and chocolate candy to loved one St Valentine’s Day colors are red and white School children have classroom parties with Valentine candy and pass out Valentine cards to each other A Decide if the following statements are True (T) or False (F): St Valentine was martyred for giving up Christianity February 14th was set aside to honor St Valentine St Valentine’s Day is a celebration of romance B Complete each sentence with ONE word from the text: St Valentine was named the patron .of lovers At classroom parties, children have Valentine and exchange Valentine cards to each other The word “feast” in line is closest meaning to ? A party B celebration C day II Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete each sentence: 3pts Nam speaks both Chinese and French very A well B Good C Goodly D Goodness Nga is looking my cat when I am on holiday A at B After C Out D Up We have at a.m A breakfast B Lunch C Dinner D Supper 10 I’d love to play football I have to complete an assignment A and B But C So D Because 11 My father likes sports A watch B Watches C Watching D Watched 12 Tet is the most important .for Vietnamese people A party B Memory C Opportunity D Celebration III Underline the best answer in each bracket to complete each sentence: 2pts 13 Do you remember Neil Armstrong was a famous astronaut? (who/ whom/ which) Lesson planning - English 10 - School year: 2015 - 2016 14 We have bought a dictionary is very nice ( which/ who/ when) 15 This is Nghe An province Uncle Ho was born (when/ where/ that) 16 That is the teacher I talked with last night (whom/ who/ that) IV Write the meaningful sentences using the cues given: 2pts 17 I/ born/ 1993/ Hanoi 18 My family/ live/ Lang son/ since/ 1995 19 Yesterday/ my mother/ cooking/ my father/ reading/ books/ p.m 20 A new market/ be built/ next month ===THE END=== KEY (Survey of quality early learning English Test 080114) (The time: 45 minutes) 0.5 pt for each correct option or written one I) A B F saint T candy T A A 10 B B 11 C A 12 D II) III)13 who 14 which 15 where 16 whom IV) 17 I was born in 1993 in Hanoi 18 My family has lived in Lang son since 1995 19 Yesterday my mother was booking and/ when/ while my father was reading books at p.m 20 A new market will be built next month ===THE END=== -Planning date: 23/08/2015 Teaching date:25/08/2015 Period 2: GET TO KNOW ENGLISH 10 I OBJECTIVES: - By the end of the lesson, the Ss will get to know English 10: what to learn and how to learn it II Teaching Method: - Integrate, mainly communicatives III PROCEDURE: Lesson planning - English 10 - School year: 2015 - 2016 T: How many words in English you know beginning with “T”, “T” and “E” (2 minutes: for preparing, one for presenting) Checks and gives feedback T: I am Thuan I’m your Teacher of English Now, let’s begin the first lesson “GET TO KNOW ENGLISH 10” What you study in English 10? Discussing the following questions and answer them: How many units are there in the book? How many topics (themes)? What are they? What topic you like best? - 12 units 12 topics - A Day in the Life of, School Talk, People’s Background, Special Education, Technology and You, An Excursion, The Mass Media, The Story of the Village, Undersea World, Conservation, Natonal Park, Music, Films and Cinema, The world Cup, Cities, Historical Places How many lessons are there in each unit? What are they? - lessons - Reading, Speaking, Listening, Writing, Language Focus How many tests yourself are there in the book? - tests your-seft How many 15-minute tests are there? - 15-minute tests per a school year (3/ semester) How many 45-minute tests are there? - 45-minute tests (2/semester) How many semester tests are there? - semester tests (1/semester) Groupwork: 3.How will you learn English 10? Ss discuss in the group of students, giving idea(s) T gives feeedback Suggested answers: - Learn new words by heart - Read the text in advance at home - Watch and listen to progammes in English in the radio and on TV - Do homework and exercises - Practise a lot, sing English songs Consolidation Summarising the lesson Give some recommendations Homework: Preparing Unit 1: A Day in the life of Lesson One Planning date: 23/08/2015 Teaching date:26/08/2015 Period 3: UNIT : A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A READING I OBJECTIVES: - Ss read the text and guess the meaning of the new words, ask and answer base on the content of the text, scan and take note the information - Students should appreciate the daily activities of some people - skill: Reading for gist and for specific information II LANGUAGE FOCUS: Lesson planning - English 10 - School year: 2015 - 2016 Grammar: - The present simple tense Vocabulary: Words related to daily activities: working time, working day, III Teaching Method: - Integrate, mainly communicatives IV TEACHING AIDS: some pictures of farmers' activities and hand- out V PROCEDURE: 1.Class organization: Greeting, checking P’s attendance 2.Checking : No 3.New lesson: Teacher's activities WARM UP: Gives some hand-out and gets Ss to match A with B, then asks: Where does a teacher work? Where does a farmer work? We'll understand more about the life of a farmer in unit 1 Pre-reading: (10mn) Shows the pictures and introduces some words and phrases: Guides Ss to read in chorus Students' activities Match A with B in pairs A B teacher a market doctor b school worker c hospital seller d field farmer e factory He / She works at a school He / She works in the field Peasant (n) = farmer (n) -Lead the buffalo to the field -Pump water (v) -Transplant (v) -Plough (v) (n) -Harrow (v) (n) Gives hand- out and guides Ss to it Introduces: Mrs Tuyet and Mr Vy are farmers - Fellow (n) = friend Read the chart and guess what Mr Vy does and Mrs Tuyet does Their activities Mr Vy Mrs Tuyet take care of children transplanting drinking tea and chatting with friends Asks Ss to check the information and read the text ploughing and harrowing the plot of land preparing meals leading a buffalo to the field While- reading: (20 mn) Asks Ss to read the text silently boiling water Requires Ss to task in groups of Open the book and check the information about Mr Vy and Mrs Tuyet's daily routines Gives the correct answer Lesson planning - English 10 - School year: 2015 - 2016 Skim the text and tasks Task 1: Practise with groups of Check the correct answer C C A A Practise task with pairwork Suggested answers: Task 2: Gets Ss to ask and answer in pairs He's a peasant / a farmer He gets up at 4.30 and then he goes down the kitchen to boil some water for his morning tea In the morning, he ploughs and harrows on his plot of land, drinks tea and smokes local tobaco during his break In the afternoon, they repair the banks of their plot of land Mr Vy pums water in to it while his wife does the transplanting Yes they are Because they love working and they love their children Scan the passage and make a brief (short) note about Mr Vy and Mrs Tuyet Do it individual and compare their note with a partner Suggested answers: Listens and checks their answers Guides Ss to make a brief note about * In the morning: Mr Vy and Mrs Tuyet's daily - 4:30 : The alarm goes off, Mr Vy gets up, goes down to routines the kitchen, boils water for tea, drinks tea, has a quick breakfast, lead the buffalo to the field - 5:15 : leaves the house Can help some bad Ss - 5:30 : arrive in the field, ploghs and harrows his plot of land - 7:45 : takes a rest - 10:30 : goes home - 11:30 : has lunch with family * In the afternoon: - 2:30 p.m : Mr Vy and Mrs Tuyet go to the field again, repair the banks of their plot of land He pums water in to it She does the transplanting - 6:00 p.m: finish work Post- reading: (8mn) Asks Ss to close the book and discuss about Mr Vy and Mrs Tuyet's daily routines - 7:00 p.m : have dinner * After dinner: - watch TV, go to bed Lesson planning - Assigns homework (3mn) English 10 - School year: 2015 - 2016 - sometimes visit neighbours, chat with them - Close the book and talk about Mr Vy and Mrs Tuyet's daily routines - Talk about their parents' daily routines Consolidation: - Retells the main points of this lesson Homework: - Write a paragraph about a farmer's daily routines in Viet Nam (about 80 words) - Do exercise 1, (p 4, 5) in workbook - Prepare lesson 2: speaking 28/08/2014 confirmed by Vu Huong Planning date: 23/08/2015 Teaching date: 31/08/2015 Period 4: UNIT : A DAY IN THE LIFE OF B Speaking I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to - know about daily activities of some people or themselves - ask and answer about daily routines and talk about daily activities of some people or themselves - speak fluency in expressing opinions II LANGUAGE FOCUS: Grammar: - The present simple tense Vocabulary: Words related to daily activities: working time, working day, III Teaching Method: - Integrate, mainly communicatives IV TEACHING AIDS: A poster and hand- out V PROCEDURE: 1.Class organization: Greeting, checking P’s attendance 2.Checking : Write vocabs and answer T’s questions 3.New lesson: Teacher's activities WARM UP: Shows the poster and asks Ss try to remember the subjects Students' activities Retell the subjects individual Subjects are learn in school Civic education Biology Technology Chemistry Maths Physical education Physics 10.Geography Literature 11.History Lesson planning - English 10 English - School year: 2015 - 2016 12.Information technology Listens and checks Pre- speaking: Gives handout and asks Ss to match a number in A with a suitable in B Match a number in A with a suitable in B work in pairs A B 6.00 a quarter to ten 7.15 five to nine 8.05 a quarter past seven 8.55 five past eight 9.45 twenty to eleven 10.40 half past six p.m 17.00 five o'clock p.m 18.30 six o'clock a.m Ask and answer about Quan, using the information While- speaking: from the timetable Task1: (practise with pairwork) Guides Ss to ask and answer about S1: What time does Quan have a Civic Education Quan's daily activities using his lesson on Monday? weekly timetable S2: (He has a Civic Education lesson) at 7:15 a.m Or: S1: What lesson does Quan have at 7:15 a.m on Monday? S2: (At 7:15 on Monday he has) a Civic Education lesson Helps and checks S1: What time does he have English lesson on Friday? S2: (He has English lesson) at 8:55 on Friday Task 2: Look at the pictures and describe Quan's activities Asks Ss to look at the pictures (p.15) Work in groups of and descibe Quan's activities Answer: At 2:00 o'clock p.m Quan gets up after taking a short nap He studies his lesson at 2:15 p.m He watches TV at 4:30 p.m Then he goes to the stadium by bycicle at 5:00 p.m There he plays football with his friends at Post- speaking: 5:15 p.m He comes back home at 6:30 p.m, takes/has Task 3: a shower at 6:45 He has dinner with his family at Asks Ss to close the book and tell their 7:00 p.m At 8:00 p.m he reviews his lesson/ does his classmates about his/ her daily homework routines Practise individually Suggested answer: I usually get up at 5.15 a.m, I morning exercises at 5.30 At 6.00 I have breakfast and then I cycle/ride to school at 6.30 I have the first lesson at 7.15 a.m At Lets or good Ss come to the board 11.30 I cycle/ ride home At 12.00 I have lunch with to speak my family Then I take a nap until 1.30 p.m I go to extra classes at 1.45 p.m and get home at 4.15p.m I Lesson planning - Assigns homework (2mn) English 10 - School year: 2015 - 2016 watch TV, listen to music, read books or go out with my friends at 4.50 p.m I have dinner with my family at 7.00 p.m From 8.00 to 10.15 I my homework Then I watch TV until 10.45 p.m I go to bed at 11.00 p.m Consolidation: - Retells the main points of this lesson Homework: - Practise speaking at home - Prepare lesson Listening Planning date: 23/08/2015 Teaching date: 01/09/2015 Period : UNIT : A DAY IN THE LIFE OF C LISTENING I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ps will be able to - understand a daily activities of a cyclo driver - listen and understand a daily activities of Mr Lam - number the pictures in their correct order - Tick ( ) in box T or F according to the content of the passage II TEACHING AIDS: A poster III TEACHING METHODS - Integrate, mainly communicatives IV PROCEDURE: 1.Class organization: Greeting, checking P’s attendance 2.Checking : Write vocabs of reading and answer T’s questions 3.New lesson: Teacher's activities WARM UP: Shows a poster and asks Ss to listen and tick the words or phrases which T's just read Pre- listening: Shows the picture and asks: What is this? Points to the cyclo Who is he? Requires Ss to asks and answer in pairs Students' activities Look at the poster, listen and come to the board to tick words or phrases which T's just read get up, have breakfast, drink tea, leave the house, start work, learn, plough, take a nap, Answer - It's a cyclo - He is a cyclo driver Practise with pairwork S1: Have you ever travelled by cyclo? S2: Yes, I have S1: When was it? Helps and checks S1: When I was in HaNoi last summer S1: Is it interesting to travelled by cyclo? S2: Yes, it is Asks Ss to listen and repeat some S1: Which you prefer, going by bicycle or by cyclo? words S2: I prefer going by bicycle because it's interesting and helps me to strengthen my muscles While- listening: Listen and repeat Task 1: district routine office pedal purcharses Asks Ss to look at pictures and drop passengers ride park food stall Lesson planning - guess their correct order then number them Plays the tape the first time Plays the tape the second time and gives Ss minute to number pictures Plays the tape the third time and asks Ss to check the answer Task 2: Asks Ss to read the sentences (p.17) and tick in box T or F Plays the tape the first time Plays the tape the second time and gives Ss minute to tick the box Plays the tape the third time and asks Ss to check the answer Post- listening: Requires Ss to ask and answer about Mr Lam's daily activities Assigns homework English 10 - School year: 2015 - 2016 Look at the pictures and try to guess their correct order, then number them Work in group of Listen for gist Listen for specific information and number in the box on the top of each piture Listen and check the correct order Answer: a b c d e f Read the sentences and guess to tick in box T or F Listen and tick The correct answer: F F T F F F Practise asking and answering about Mr Lam's daily activities in pairs Eg: A: What's his name? B: His name's Lam A: What's his job? / What does he do? B: He's a cyclo driver A: What time does he start work? B: He starts work at 6.00 am / At 6.00 a.m A: Who is his first passenger? B: An old man A: How many passengers does he usually have in the morning? Who are they? B: He usually has passengers a day They are an old man, a lady and two school pupils A: What time does he have lunch? B: He has lunch at twelve A: Does he take a long rest? B: No, he doesn't He only takes a short rest Try to retell about Mr Lam's daily activities Consolidation: - Retells the main points of this lesson Homework: - Practise speaking at home - Prepare lesson writing Planning date: 23/08/2015 Teaching date: 03/09/2015 Period : UNIT : A DAY IN THE LIFE OF D- Writng I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ps will be able to - know how to build up a narrative, using the given prompts Lesson planning - English 10 - School year: 2015 - 2016 - learn to build up a narrative about a hotel fire - Tick ( ) in box T or F according to the content of the passage II TEACHING AIDS: A poster, text book III TEACHING METHODS - Integrate, mainly communicatives IV PROCEDURE: 1.Class organization: Greeting, checking P’s attendance 2.Checking : Write vocabs of listening and answer T’s questions 3.New lesson: Teacher's activities WARM UP: (3mn) Asks Ss some quetions: Have you ever heard a frightening / an interresting story? When and where did it happen? How did you feel about that? Pre- writing: (10mn) Task1: Asks Ss to read the model narrative (P.17&18) and find all the verbs that are used in the past simple and the connectors(time expression) in the story Guides Ss to work in groups of Helps and checks Emphasizes the past simple to narrate a story While- wrting: (20mn) Task2: Asks Ss to task in groups of Students' activities Answer (suggested) Yes, I have It happen when I was young / When I was in the six grade It happen at my house/ school / It made me frighten / happy / bored/ Task1: Read the model narrative, underline the verbs that are used in the past simple tense, circle the connectors (time expression) in the story such as: Stared, was, arrived, got, began, At first, then, Work in groups of Identify the events, the climax, and the conclusion of the story +The events: got on plane, plane took off, hostesses were just beginning to serve lunch when plane began to shake, plane seem to dip, people screamed in panic + The climax: We thought we had only minutes to live + The conclusion: Pilot announced that everything was all right, we landed safely Work individually Suggested answer: Last year, I spend my summer holiday at a seaside town The hotel was modern and comfortable I had a wonderful holiday Checks and helps until the fire Task 3: It was Sunday evening and everybody was sitting in the Asks Ss to build up a narrative discotheque (which was) on the ground floor It was crowded about a hotel fire, using the with people They were dancing and singing happily given prompts Suddenly we smelt smoke Then black smoke began to fill the room Everybody started to scream in panic People ran toward the fire exits One door was blocked Many people Surveys and helps began coughing and choking 10 Lesson planning - English 10 • In spite of or Despite shows the confession - Gives Ss the structures: - Asks Ss to make some examples basing the teacher’s suggestion - Has Ss exercise - Asks Ss to compare the answers and discuss them with a friend - Calls on some Ss to read their answers aloud in front of the class Give correct answers Consolidation: Homework: - School year: 2015 - 2016 * In spite of + v-ing/ noun E.g: 1.Because of the cold weather , we kept the fire all day Because the weather was cold, we kept the fire all day In spite of his illness, he managed to come to school - Individual work - Compare the answers with a friend Correct answers: 1.Because of the cold weather, we kept the fire burning all day In spite of the cold weather, we all wore shorts 2.Because of his illness, he had to cancel the appointment Because of the large crowd, we couldn’t see what was going on In spite of the large crowd, there were enough seats for everyone Because of the meat shortage, everyone was living on beans In spite of the meat shortage, we have managed to get some beef Because of the bad condition of the house, the council demolished it In spite of the bad condition of the house, they enjoyed living there - Some read the answers Others listen to - Do more exercises in your text books - Review some tenses T asks Ps to repeat the main points in the lesson T asks Ps to review lesson and prepare new lesson Planning date: 26/ 11/ 2015 Teaching date: 09/12/ 2015 Period:46 UNIT THE STORY OF MY VILLAGE A-Reading I OBJECTIVES: After this lesson, students will be able to: - learn about life in the country - reading for gist and for specific information 80 Lesson planning - English 10 - School year: 2015 - 2016 II TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, Chalk, Board, pictures,cassette III TEACHING METHODS: Integrated, mainly communicatives IV PROCEDURES: 1.Class organization: Greeting, checking P’s attendance 2.Checking up: T asks Ps to answer T’s questions 3.New lesson: T’s acts Warm-up Teacher shows pictures of the countryside and ask Ss to make a list of words related to the country (The group with the longest list will be the winner.) T declares the winner BEFORE YOU READ Teacher has students sit in pairs and discuss the questions in the books Calls some Ss to read their answer aloud in front of the class Feedbacks and gives suggested answers Some simpler questions can be used: What you see in the picture? Who are they? What are they doing? Presents new words WHILE YOU READ: (20 mn) Set the scene You are going to read a passage about life changes in the country Just read it and the following tasks Asks Ss to match the words in A with their definitions in B Encourages Ss to guess the meanings of the words in the context Teacher walks around the class and offers ideas and comments when students need help Then teacher selects some students at random to explain their answers in front of the class Makes necessary corrections St’s acts Group work make a list of words related to the country Ss work in group of or Students the task Ss work in pairs Suggested answers 1.The farmers are harvesting the crop 2.They are working very hard 3.It’s a bumper/good crop Good farming methods, good varieties, modern technology used, people work hard Ss follow the teacher’s steps Ss take notes New words: -straw (n) rơm -mud /mʌd/ (n) bùn -technical high school (n) trường trung hoc kĩ thuật dạy nghề - farming method (n) phương pháp canh tác - brick house (n) nhà ngói - thanks to ( prep) nhờ có - make ends meets (phr.v) có đủ tiền mua vật cần thiết - manage to v: cố gắng làm - result in= bring about (v) mang lại - bumper crop (n) vụ mùa bội thu - crash crop (n) trồng thương phẩm - lifestyle (n) lối sống - better (v) cải thiện= improve, Listen Class organization: Students sit in pairs Task1- Vocabulary matching Match the words in A with their definitions in B Students the task in pairs Correct answers: 1.b ( have just enough money to pay the things that you need) 2.d( having to have many things that you not have ) 3.a ( making one’s life better ) 81 Lesson planning - English 10 Teacher has students scan the text again and get the information to complete the table Lets Ss study the table carefully before doing the task Goes around the class and provide help when necessary Tells Ss to discuss the answer with a friend Checks the answers in front of the class as a whole Asks Ss to work in pairs Get the Ss to read the passage again and answer the questions in Task3 Has Sts compare their answer with another pair Calls some Ss to read their answers aloud in front of the class Gives feedback Post-reading Asks Ss to work in pairs and discuss the question: How can people with an education help make the life of their community better? Clarify some terms like People with education refers to people with a university study Tells Ss to look back at the passage to get the idea for the questions Goes to groups and provide help when necessary Teacher gives suggestions and comments Teacher suggests students’ homework: Consolidation: - School year: 2015 - 2016 4.e( good crops) c ( crops to be sold , not for use by the people who grow it ) Task2.Table completion scan the text again and get the information to complete the table Individual work Correct answers: Areas Before Now houses Made of straw Made of bricks and mud Radio/TV Few families Many have had Farming old new methods crops poor Good/bumper travel By motorbike Task3-Answering questions Read the passage again and answer the questions in Task3 Work in pairs then compare their answer with another pair Correct answers: It was poor and simple Because they hope that with an education of science and technology their children could find a way of bettering their lives They introduced new farming methods which resulted in bumper crops They also helped grow cash crops for export He said their lives had changed a lot thanks to the knowledge their children had brought home He told his grandchildren ”Study harder so that you can more for the village than your parents did Students work in pairs Suggested answers Introduce new farming methods Grow crash crop s for export Help local people apply modern technology in farming Help community especially young people access to ways of entertainment Raise people’s awareness about food safety and environmental hygiene T asks Ps to repeat the main points in the lesson 82 Lesson planning Homework: - English 10 - School year: 2015 - 2016 T asks Ps to review lesson and prepare new lesson Planning date: 26/ 11/ 2015 Teaching date: 10/12/ 2015 Period:47 UNIT THE STORY OF MY VILLAGE B-Speaking I OBJECTIVES: After this lesson, students will be able to: - know about plan to improve life of a village and their possible results - talk about plans and results - speaking about plan and results - discussing plans to improve life in the village II TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, Chalk, Board, pictures, III TEACHING METHODS: Integrated, mainly communicatives IV PROCEDURES: 1.Class organization: Greeting, checking P’s attendance 2.Checking up: T asks Ps write vocabs of reading and answer T’s questions 3.New lesson: T’s acts Warm-up Asks Ss to work in groups and make a list of ideas of their own that can be carried out to improve the village life Teacher walks around the class and offers ideas and comments when students need help… - Listens and gives remarks and marks Before you speak: Aims: Sts can match each of the plan to improve life in the village with its possible result The village of Ha Xuyen are discussing plans to improve life in the village Match the plans with possible results.( 10 minutes) - Explains some new words: - Asks sts to the task in pairs and give explanation for their answers - Asks some sts to read the answers in front of the class - Gives the correct answers While you speak: Aims: Sts practice discussing the plans to improve the life in the village and the Sts’ acts - Students work in pairs - Listen to the teacher - Listen to the teacher + Task 1: - Listen and take notes + resurface (v ):put new surface on, renew + widen (v ) + canal (n): man-made waterway for irrigation + muddy(a ): full of mud - Work in pairs - Read the answers aloud in front of the class b g d e f c + Task 2: - Read the conversation in the textbook Read and practice the conversation in groups of three - Listen to the T - Listen and take notes If + S + V(present tense), S + will/can/may + V ( to talk about something that will or is likely to happen in the future) E g.: If the roads are widened, cars and lorries can get to our village 83 Lesson planning - English 10 possible results The villagers are discussing their plans Asks sts to work in groups using conditional type and "should" - Explains Conditional sentence type and should: - Asks sts to practise the conversation in the textbook - Asks some groups to practice the conversation in front of the class After you speak: Continue the conversation, using the ideas in table in Task Add some more possible if you like - Asks sts to work in groups and continue the conversation - Writes the main phrases on board and ask sts to look at these phrases to practice their conversation - Goes around to help sts if necessary Sts may add their own ideas in the conversation - Comments and gives necessary corrections Consolidation: Homework: - School year: 2015 - 2016 Should or shouldn’t: to give opinions about what is the best thing to + Task 3: - Work in groups of three - Some groups practice the conversation in front of the class - medical center health - cash crops export, money - bridge shorter way to town - football ground play sports, exchange ideas - Work in groups and add some their own ideas - Some groups present in front of the class A: I think we should build a football ground, too B: I agree with you If a football ground is built, young people can play sports in the free time C: A football ground is also a place where people can meet and exchange ideas A: What about a medical centre? I think it’s necessary to build a medical centre B: Yes If a medical center is built, People’s health will be looked after better C: Yes And if we get sick we won’t have to go to the provincial hospital for treatment T asks Ps to repeat the main points in the lesson T asks Ps to review lesson and prepare new lesson -04/ 12/ 2015 confirmed by Mrs: Vu Huong Planning date: 10/ 12/ 2015 Teaching date: 14/12/ 2015 Period:48 UNIT THE STORY OF MY VILLAGE C-Listening I OBJECTIVES: After this lesson, students will be able to: - listen: choose True/ False statements, fill in the gaps with one suitable word, answer the questions 84 Lesson planning - English 10 - School year: 2015 - 2016 - know the changes in a small town on the South coast of England II TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, Chalk, Board, pictures, III TEACHING METHODS: Integrated, mainly communicatives IV PROCEDURES: 1.Class organization: Greeting, checking P’s attendance 2.Checking up: T asks Ps answer T’s questions 3.New lesson: T’s acts Warm up: * GAME: Find someone who - Prepares a two-column table with Yes/ No questions and Name - Lets Ss go around the class and ask other Ss what they used to when they were small If the answer is Yes, write his/her name in the table (the winner is the first one who completes the name column) Before you listen: Aims:to focus sts on the topic and review/ introduce the words and phrases used in the listening text a Focus sts on the two pictures in the textbook and asks sts to work in groups to compare them to see the changes of the town following the model in the book E.g.: - There didn't use to be any hotel in the town - There used to be small houses - Cows used to graze in the field - Asks some sts to give their answer b Introduces some new words - Reads the words and ask sts to repeat - Asks sts to read the words in pairs - Asks some sts to read the words again While you listen: Aims:Sts practise listening and marking True/ False statements - Tells sts that they are going to listen to a talk about the changes in a small town in England - Asks sts to work in pairs, look at the statements given and guess if they are true or false - Asks sts to listen to the talk and tick the right column to indicate their answer and underline the false information T plays the tape twice - Asks sts to compare their answer in pairs - Checks sts’ answer - Plays the tape once again, stop the tape where necessary and conduct the correction 85 Sts’ acts Did you use to…? Have a favourite toy when you were a child? Have a nickname? Have a pet? Cry at night when you were a child? Hate school? Play hide-and-seek? name - Work in groups to ask and compare the two pictures - Some sts stand up and give their answer Sts copy the words and phrases - Listen and repeat - Read the words in pairs and correct each other’s mistakes - Some individuals read the words aloud - atmosphere (n): khơng khí - resurface(v): trải lại (mặt bê tông) - turn into (v): trở thành + Task 1: - Listen to the T - Work in pairs to guess if the statements are true or false - Listen to the tape and the task - Compare their answer - Give their answer F It's on the south coast of England F It's used to be a small quiet town T F The big trees have been cut down F Some people don't like the changes - Check their answer and then correct their work if they have the wrong answer Lesson planning - English 10 - School year: 2015 - 2016 + Task 2: Aims:Sts practise listening for specific information by filling in the gaps with ONE word - Asks sts to have a look at the paragraph in the textbook and to read them in pairs and make sure they understand them T encourages sts guess the words to fill in the gaps - Asks sts to listen to the tape once or twice again to fill in the gaps with the missing words - Asks sts to compare their answer in pairs - Checks sts’ answer - Plays the tape once again, stop the tape where necessary and conduct the correction After you listen: - Asks sts to work in pairs and tell each other about the changes in their village/ town - Moves round to check the activities and to make sure that sts are working effectively - Asks two sts to present in front of the whole class - Checks and gives remarks - Work in pairs to read the passages and try to fill in the gaps - Listen and the task - Give their answer houses hotel widened cut car shop department expensive - Check their answer and then correct their work if they have the wrong answer - Work in pairs -Two sts present Consolidation: Homework: T asks Ps to repeat the main points in the lesson T asks Ps to review lesson and prepare new lesson -Planning date: 10/ 12/ 2015 Teaching date: 22/12/ 2015 Period: 49 UNIT 8: THE STORY OF MY VILLAGE D - WRITING I OBJECTIVES: By the end ò the leson PS will be able to - read and understand the sample letter - write a letter giving directions to a certain place II METHOD: Integrated, mainly communicative III TEACHING AIDS: - board, textbook, chalk III PROCEDURES: 1.Class organization: Greeting, checking P’s attendance 2.Checking up: T asks Ps answer T’s questions 3.New lesson: T's acts Homework checking - Asks one st to talk about the changes in our hometown or his/her home village - Asks other sts to listen to their friend and give remarks - Checks and give remarks Before you write - Aims:to get sts to read the sample letter and 86 Sts' acts - Listen to their friend and give remarks + Task 1: - Listen to the teacher carefully Lesson planning - English 10 to help them to prepare vocabulary and information before they write - Introduces the situation - Explains some new words: - Asks sts to listen to the teacher and repeat , then write these words into their notebooks School year: 2015 - 2016 and take notes + direction (n) : the way that a person or thing moves along + enclose (v): put something in a letter or a parcel - Listen to the teacher and then read these words in chorus and individually - Read the letter in pairs - Asks sts to work in pairs to read about the letter and to look at the map to find Ann's house - Moves round to help if necessary - Asks sts to compare their ideas with other pairs - Asks some sts to tell the whole class where Ann's house is T may ask them to explain more about their answer - Listens and give remarks - Asks sts to work in pairs to read the letter again and underline the words and phrases used to give directions - Moves round to help if necessary - Asks sts to write these words/ phrases on the board - Checks and gives remarks - Asks sts to make some examples with these words While you write: - Aims: Sts practise writing a letter to Jim, telling him the way to house A from Roston Railway Station - Asks sts to write a letter to Jim, telling him the way to house A from Roston Railway Station - Lets sts write in minutes - Moves around to conduct the activity After you write: Aims: to get feedback and check sts' work - Gets feedback by asking some sts to read their work aloud - Asks some other sts to give remarks - Checks and give the correct answer - If there is enough time, T can have sts exchange their writing among sts within a group so that they can check their friend's work and give remarks Consolidation: Homework: - - Share their answer with their friends - Present their ideas Answer: H - Listen to the teacher + Task 2: - Work in pairs to read the letter and undreline the words/phrases - Two sts write the words and phrases on the board get out of go over ( a bridge) turn right/left walk past ( a medical centre) keep walking take the first/second - Do the writing task - Read their writing: ( a sample paragraph) "Dear Jim, I'm very glad that you will come here for the summer holiday from Roston Raiway Station Now when you come out of the station, turn right Keep walking for about minutes, you will see a small bridge ahead Go over the bridge, go along the street, walk past a medical centre and the car park then take the second turning on the left Walk past the Souvenir shop and you will see my house It's on the right, next to the shop " T asks Ps to repeat the main points in the lesson T asks Ps to review lesson and prepare new lesson 87 Lesson planning - English 10 - School year: 2015 - 2016 -Planning date: 10/ 12/ 2015 Teaching date: 22/12/ 2015 Period: 50 UNIT THE STORY OF MY VILLAGE E LANGUAGE FOCUS: I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to - know how to pronounce the sound /aʊ/ and /əʊ/ correctly - revise reported speech and conditional sentence type II METHOD: Integrated, mainly communicative III TEACHING AIDS: board, chalk, textbook, cassette player IV.PROCEDURES: 1.Class organization: Greeting, checking P’s attendance 2.Checking up: T asks Ps answer T’s questions 3.New lesson: T's acts Homework checking: - Asks one st to tell the whole class the way from our school to Border Gate - Asks another st to give remarks - Checks and give a mark Pronunciation: - Aims: to introduce three sounds /aʊ/ and Sts' acts - One st speaks aloud in front of the whole class - Give remarks - Listen to the teacher /əʊ/ and help sts to practise these sounds a Writes two sounds on the board and pronounce - Write down two sounds them clearly twice, then ask sts to repeat - Listen to the teacher and repeat - Tells sts how to pronounce these sounds - Look at the book , listen and repeat accurately /aʊ/ /əʊ/ - Asks them to look at the textbook, listen and cow coat repeat town phone how bone - Then asks sts to work in pairs to read the words again so that they can check for each other - Read these words in pairs and check for - Moves around to help their partners - Asks two sts to read again and give remarks b Asks sts to look at sentences in page 89 in the book - Asks them to work in pairs to read the sentences and then find out the words containing sound /aʊ/ and sound /əʊ/ - Asks them to work in minutes - Moves around to conduct the activity - Asks one st to report and other sts to give remarks - Checks and give the correct answers 88 - Look at the book and work in pairs - Answers: /aʊ/ /əʊ/ shout rose loudly snow ours over - Read the examples Lesson planning - English 10 - Asks some sts to read these sentences aloud - Listens and give remarks Grammar: Aims: to revise the reported speech and conditional sentence type and have sts Ex1, EX 2, EX3and EX4 a Reported speech: Statements - Recalls the use of reported speech: to report what someone has said No quotation marks are used and some parts of speech have to be changed - Gives an example: - Asks sts to read the example and think about the changes when we turn a sentence into reported speech - Asks sts to complete the table below: Direct speech Reported speech (1) will (2) (3) might me/you (4) last night (5) (6) there - Asks sts to work in pairs and complete the table and then ask some sts to report and give remarks - Makes clear the difference between say, tell and talk: - School year: 2015 - 2016 - Listen to the teacher - Copy down the example eg: "I worked late yesterday," said Susan Susan said she had worked late the previous day - Read the example and think about the changes - Work in pairs to complete the table - Some sts report did would may/ might him/her the night before here - Listen to their friends and their teacher - Listen and copy down Say + clause Tell + O + clause Talk (to sb) about sth - Read the examples and point out the form and the use of conditional sentence type 1: eg: If I have enough money, I will go to Hue for holiday If it rains I won't go there + Form: If- clause , main clause S + V( P.S) , S + V( S.F) b Conditional sentence type 1: + Use: something that may happen at - Reviews the form and the use of conditional present or in the future sentence type by giving some examples: - Asks sts to read the examples and point out the - When-clause: Eg: When summer comes, he will go to form as well as the use of conditional sentence Hue for holiday type (something that will certainly happen in the future) - Distinguish when-clause and if-clause: - Asks sts to compare this example with the first - Do the task individually and then share their ideas with their friends example EX 1: - Asks some sts to give examples An old farmer said their lives had changed a lot children had brought + Exercise 1: home - Asks sts to look at Ex1 and to the task - Asks sts to the exercise individually and then She said she was going to Ho Chi Minh City soon compare their answers in pairs I thought the film would be interesting - Moves round to conduct the activity - Checks the exercise sentence by sentence Listen and correct their work if - Listen and give remarks 89 Lesson planning - English 10 + Exercise 2: - Asks sts to Ex individually and then share the answers with their friends - Moves round to help if necessary - Asks two sts to this exercise on the board - Asks one st to give remarks - Checks and give remarks + Exercise 3: - Asks sts to read the requirement of Ex3 and then the task in pairs - Goes round to conduct the activity - Asks some pairs to read sentence by sentence - Listens and give remarks Consolidation: Homework: - School year: 2015 - 2016 necessary - Do the Ex individually EX 2: 1.told said said told talked - Listen to the teacher - Read the requirement carefully - Do Ex If I more homework, I will pass my exam If I pass my exam I'll go to medical college If I go to medical colege, I'll study medicine T asks Ps to repeat the main points in the lesson T asks Ps to review lesson and prepare new lesson -Planning date: 10/ 12/ 2015 Teaching date: 24/12/ 2015 TEST YOURSELF C I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to - revise what they have learned in unit 7.and unit II METHOD: Integrated, mainly communicative III TEACHING AIDS: board, chalk, textbook, cassette player V PROCEDURES: 1.Class organization: Greeting, checking P’s attendance 2.Checking up: T asks Ps answer T’s questions 3.New lesson: T’s acts Sts' acts Homework checking: - Ask one st to Ex in the workbook on EX 4: the board If When if If - Ask one st to give remarks when - Give remarks and marks - One st gives remarks The new lesson: - Look at the textbook and read the - Ask sts to part II, part III and part IV at statements home in advance to save time - Try to focus on the important words - Give sts the time duration for each part : part - Copy down these words into their II: 10 minutes, part III: 10 minutes, part IV: notebooks 15 minutes - Listen and read after the teacher - Ask sts to listening in class 2.1 Listening: - Listen carefully and the task - Ask sts to read the requirement of the task - Work in pairs to discuss their answers - Introduce new words: F 2.F T 4.F T + queue (v) : xÕp hµng + traffic (n) : cars, motorbikes, traffic - Read the paragraph lights, heavy traffic - Listen carefully and complete the - Play the tape twice and ask sts to the paragraph 90 Lesson planning - English 10 task - Ask sts to share their ideas with their partners - Get feedback and play the tape again so that sts can check their answers - Ask sts to read the paragraph in part B and try to guess what will be filled in each blank - Play the tape again - Ask sts to write their answers on the board - Ask other sts to give remarks - Check and give feedback 2.2 Reading: - Ask sts to work in groups to compare their answers - Ask some sts to report his/ her answers aloud - Listen and check 2.3 Grammar: - Ask sts to discuss their answers in groups - Ask sts to write their answers on the board - Ask two other sts to give remarks - Check and give the correct answers 2.4 Writing: - Ask some sts to read their writing aloud - Ask some sts to give remarks - School year: 2015 - 2016 aren't evening cinemas theatres knows - work in groups to share their ideas - Some sts stand up to report because people can sit comfortable at home, they don't have to pay for expensive seats at the theatres or in the cinemas People can see films, plays of every kind, political discussions and the latest exciting football matches - Discuss in groups - Answers: have been haven't had haven't given have paid said had taken thought would come told have got - Read their writing aloud " When you come out of the bus station, turn right Go straight ahead until you see the traffic lights Turn left to Redham Road, walk along this street in about 10 minutes The Indian Restaurant is the pink building on the left after the Beach Parade It is very easy to find." - Listen to the teacher's remarks Consolidation: Homework: T asks Ps to repeat the main points in the lesson T asks Ps to review lesson and prepare new lesson -Planning date: 10/ 12/ 2015 Teaching date: 14/12/ 2015 Period 52 REVIEW I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to - revise what they have learned from Unit to Unit by doing exercises II METHOD: Integrated, mainly communicative III TEACHING AIDS: board, chalk, textbook VI.PROCEDURES: 1.Class organization: Greeting, checking P’s attendance 2.Checking up: T asks Ps answer T’s questions 3.New lesson: - T gives Ps the exercises, elicits, then asks Ps to answer sentence by sentences - Ps listen and - T gets feedback and correct if necessary - Ps listen and correct Find the mistakes in these sentences He wants to be a photography in the future A B C D 91 Lesson planning - English 10 - School year: 2015 - 2016 The time of the day they enjoy most is photograph lesson A B C D Biology, chemistry, and mathematics are different types of scientist A B C D People are interesting in the quality of the products they buy A B C D She told me to shut the door but I don’t lock it A B C D Hellen said she went to the supermarket before coming to my house A B C D After my uncle has bought a new car, he sold his bicycle A B C D Tom has finished his homework before he went downtown A B C D Tom said that he would borrow me his car if I wanted to use it A B C D 10 He used to travelling on horseback when he was a child A B C D 11 He didn’t used to visit HA NOI capital A B C D 12 The six –month – old photographic club, who comprises 19 members A B C D 13 He always goes to work on time ,where pleased her boss A B C D 14 I once took a photographer of my girlfriend A B C D 15 Tom stopped studying when he was a junior in college because he does not like school A B C D 16 While George was reading in bed, two thieves had climbed into his A B C D Choose the best answer 1.Water and oil…… a not mix b does not mix c has not mixed d is not mix 2…… on Sundays a.Always he gets up late b.He always get up c.Does he get up always late d.He gets always up 3.Did you say that you …….here only threed ays ago a.came b.had come c.have come d.come 4.I haven’t met him since he…… school a.left b.was leavingc.had left d.was left 5.Peter does not feel satisfied his new job……… about it a.He has always complained b.He always has complained c.Always he has complained d.He has complained always 6.It …… me fifteen minutes to get to school every morning a.takesb.took c.has taken had taken 7.He …… twentycalves lastweek, now he them up to sell a.had bought/fed b.buys/feeds c.bought/is feeding d.was buying/fed 8.Kerry…… hard on the violine lastweek a.practises b.practised c.has practised d.is practising 92 Lesson planning - English 10 - School year: 2015 - 2016 9.The boys…… football in the field every evening but yesterday they…… basketball instead a.played/played b.played/play c.play/play d.play/played 10.My alarm clock …….at six o’clock every morning and I jump out of bed to get ready for school a.rings b.is ringing c.rang d.rung Choose the best answer 11.Ms Lan enjoys …… because she loves working with children a.to teach b.to be taughtc.teaching d.teach 12.He insisted in …… the job himself a.to dob.do c.doing d.having done 13 …… you take a holiday? a.when b.how long c.what time d.how often 14.Could you please stop …… so much noise? a.making b.doing c.taking d.spending 15 …… did the Second World War end?- In 1945 a.where b.when c.what time d.how long 16.It was a nice day, so we decided …… for a walk a.to have b.to go c.to take d.to make 17.I don’t mind …… you to the washing-up a.help b.helping c.helped d.to help 18.Dad allowed Done …… to the party a.going b.to go c.go d.gone 19.You should try …… English; You will find it very exciting a.to learn b.learnt c.learing d.learn 20.My glasses are in my book, but I don’t remember …… them there a.putting b.to put c.put d.I put Consolidation: Homework: T asks Ps to repeat the main points in the lesson T asks Ps to review lesson and prepare new lesson Planning date: 10/ 12/ 2015 Teaching date: 16/12/ 2015 Period 53 REVIEW I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to - revise what they have learned from Unit to Unit by doing exercises II METHOD: Integrated, mainly communicative III TEACHING AIDS: board, chalk, textbook VII PROCEDURES: 1.Class organization: Greeting, checking P’s attendance 2.Checking up: T asks Ps answer T’s questions 3.New lesson: - T gives Ps the exercises, elicits, then asks Ps to answer sentence by sentences - Ps listen and - T gets feedback and correct if necessary - Ps listen and correct Write complete sentences, using WHO/ WHICH / THAT and begin with the given words: A girl was injured in the accident She is now in hospital The 93 Lesson planning - English 10 - School year: 2015 - 2016 2.A waitress served us She was impolite and impatient The 3.A building was destroyed in the fire It has now been rebuilt The 4.Some people were arrested They have now been released The 5.A bus goes to the airport It runs every half hour Change these sentences into passive voice: 1.Somebody has stolen my bike They have postponed the class meeting They have built a school near our house Has somebody informed Lan of the change? They haven’t finished their assignments Rewrite the following sentences, using Because of and In spite of, Because of, Because, Although 1.Although he took a taxi, Bill still arrived late fore the concert In spite of 2.We went out in spite of the heavy rain Although …………………………………………………………………………… 3.She didn’t go to school because She was seriously ill Because of ………………………………………………………………………… 4.Rice grows well here because of the warm and wet cimate Because …………………………………………………………………………… 5.Although he didn’t speak English, Bob decided to settle in England In spite of …………………………………………………………………………… 6.In spite of his suffering from a bad cold, william still want to school Although ………………………………………………………………………… 7.Although he had a good salary, he was unhappy in his life In spite of ………………………………………………………………………… 8.Ba was punished because he was lazy Because of………………………………………………………………………… 9.Because he is kind, everybody they have very little money Because of ……………………………………………………………………… 10.They are always happy although they have very little money In spite of ……………………………………………………………………… Consolidation: Homework: T asks Ps to repeat the main points in the lesson T asks Ps to review lesson and prepare new lesson 94

Ngày đăng: 23/06/2016, 09:31

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    I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the Test,


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