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Boost 1 writing ( Sách writing hay )

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Publishedbv PearsonInngman AstaELT 20lFComwallHouse 979King'sRoad QuarryBay HongKong fax +85228569578 email pearsonlongman@p€arsoned.com hk wwwpearsorllongmancom and AssociatedCompanlesthroughout the $orld O Pearson EducaLionAsia Limited2007 A1lrightsreservedj no pan of thispublicationmay bereproduced, storedin a retrievalsystem,or transmittedin anyform photocopfng,recording, or byanymeans,electronic, mechanical, or otherwisewithoutthepdor witten permissionof the Publishers Fircrpublished 2007 RepDnted 2008(twice) Producedby Pearson Education AsraLimiled,HongKong swTc/05 ISBN13:978-962-00's88 r -3 ISBN-10:962-00-5881 X PublisherSimonCampbell ProjectEdjtor:HowardCheung Editor:Georg€ Wells Design€rs:Iunko Funa-ki,Annie Chan Illustator:BalicChoy AudioProduction: DavidPopeandSkyProductions Forpernission@ usecopy!'ghredimageswe wouldlike to thdk O Dreamwork SKC/zUMA/CorbF(pp CR,I CR),@Ton & DeeAnn (pp a BR,9 BR),o PaulBa(on/Corbis(p 13 Mccarlhy/Corbis{pp BL,I al), @MelissaMoseley/sony Picores/BureauL A Collection/Corbis (p 13BR),o Mrchael BC),@BohemianNonad Piclur€male6/Corbis(p 13BL),@LwA-DannTaidif/corbis(p 13T), o wolIBmBKaehler/Corb$ (pp sTL, rTTL),@ROB&SAS/Corbis(pp s BL,17BL),@CabePalm€r/Corb$(pp s BR,r7 BR),@AobThomas/Corbis (p rs L), A Keller/Corbis (p r9 O, Dave(iDg @DorlingKndesley (p rs R),@RaoulMinsart/Corbis(p 23 C),@Tin Mccuie/Corbis(p 23B), O DorlnS Kindereley SusmnaPiice@DorlingKndersley(p 25T), IamesIacksonc) DodingKddecley (p 25A),@lim Cdignyl€/Corbis{p 27),@DanielJ-Cox/Corbis (p.29TR),'o Tin Davis/corbis(p 29BR),@sruairwestmorland/corbis(p 29cL), @D( Limited/corbis(p 33 cL), @Tomstewan/corbis (p.3?TL),Tm Ridleyo Do.l'ng Kindersley(p 3?TR),@Eslellelcawirter/zefalcorb's (p 37 DR),@Bermann/Colbh(pp,43BR,s3 BR),@Dungvo Tiung/CorbNSygma(p a9TL),@lasonHawkes/corbis{p 49TR),o coli McPheson/corbissySma(p as BR),o Mike McQueen/cnrbis{p 5s), o Has Georgnoth/Corbis(p,s7TL),@Jos€phSohmiChronosohmInc /Corb's(p 57BR) O Rmdy Fant Corbis(p ss T), @lasonHosking/dfal (p €n)and@ThomasRtjpke/Colbis(p,6a) xustradonscopyright@Pe.guinBooks Corb6 (p 59B),o lackwong (p-60),c Baden/zefalcorbis with kind permrssnnof RoyalPhilipsElecEonics Limited(pp CL,I CL,4 BC,I BC) R€prcduced {p 43TL) Ackno.tr't€dg€ments I wouldliketo dedicatethe Boostlwritingbooksto two veryclosecolleagues: DeanStaffordandYannick O'NeiI.We havesharedmanyexperiences andideasaboutteachingwitingskillsovertheyears,but yourspecialist knowledge and enthusiasm for thtsaspectoflearningandcommunication havealwaysbeenan iDspirationto me Thanksmighlily! ThePublishers wouldalsoliketo thankthe followingt€achers for theirsuggestions andcommentson thiscoursel TaraCameron, RosanneCerello, NancyChan,ChangLiPing,JoyChao,lessieChen,Josephine Chen,Chiang\tnghsueh, ClaireCho,CindyChuang,hndaChuang,ChuehShiuwen,MarkdeBoerMiekoHaFshida,DianaHo,Lrlu Hsu, Eunicelung, HyeRrKrm,Iale Kimball, IosieLai, CarolLee,ElaineLee,Melody t€e, PeggyLi, EstherLim, Moon IeongLim, LidlehaleOki,LindaLiu,TammyLju,GoldieLuk,MaLi-ling,ChizukoMatsushita, IasminLin,MartinLin,Catherme G€ordi€Mccarty,Yasuyo Mito,EuniceIzumiMiyashita,MariNakamum,Yannick O'Neill,CocoPan,HannahPark, KarenPeng,ZanneSchultz,Kaj Schwermer,MiYeonShin,Giant Shu,DeanStafford,HyrnJu Suh,TanYung-hui, DevonThagad,IohnandCharlievanGoch,AnnieWang,WangShu-ling, Wu Lien-chun,SabrinaWu,Y€hShihfen, TomYeh,LauraYoshidaandYunji Yun puo6i0rs rbn sBLl4ble loEr st! ritint The Boost! SkillsSeriesis the definitive qnd comprehensivefourlevel seriesof skills books for junior English leomers.The series hqs been developedoround qge-appropriote,cross-curriculor topics thot developstudents'criticol thinking ond exqminotion techniques.It follows on integrqted skills opprooch with eoch of the skills brought together ot the end of eoch unit The twelve coreunits in Boost! Wtiting follow o cleor ond trqnsporent structureto moke teoching ond leqrning eosyond fun The wdting skills build ond progressocrossthe four levelsof Boost! Writing ond ore correloted to the next generotion of tests of English You will flnd the following in Boost! Writing 1: o o o Age-oppropriqteqnd cross-ordculor topics Models ofgood writing qs well os exomplesofbqd writing Writing practicethot builds ftom sentenceqnd poragroph levelsto fuIl-length possoges Activities thqt provide on opportunity to creote o wide voriety of text t'?es (essqys,lette$, emqils, etc.) Unit Topic lVriting Skill Eachunithasanage-appropriate and cross-curricular topic Studentswill findthetopicdirectlyrelates to their ownlivesandstudy beengaged andmotivated to learn A verysimpleintroductton of thetargeted unitskillis provjded Studentswill be introduced to thewriting skillina clearand understandable way o ''";Ml,!Il'i.i l, il::';;1 1'' ;" e" d :" ;' ;,'.a " ::"' :il:"I11;.:lr;"'-"' -== Betore You Write Samples of goodandbadwritingarepresented with a noticing task Studentswill learnto distinguish goodandbadwriting between discover thewritingskillforthemselves withouttheneedfor longexplanations Audio CD TheCD at the backofthe bookprovides audiosupportfor all readingpassagesplus theaudioforrheIntegration listening tasks Integration Writint Practice Practicebasedarounda writrngmodelis followed by morepersonalized writingpractice Studentswill a developthe skillsneededfor accurateand effectivewritingthroughmodel-basedpractice be ableto followguidanceto writetheirown passages reading Thewritingskillis combined withlistening, tasks or speaking Studentswill a producewritingpassages basedon reading inputs andspeaking/listening developlanguage skillsneededforthenext generation of integrated testsof English @*d,k*** !, 9'*-., Review Aftereverytwo coreunits thereis a reviewwhich consolidates the writing skillsalreadystudied Studentswill beableto seetheir progress Inusrng writing skills buildon previously taughtskillsto produce accurate writing ; ::;'.-"^", ,i.:fiT;":;, :;lilT; @,., ",," "."_ "" "dll" ", Evaluation All About Me p.8 Art and titerature Writingclearly Writesentences^ o in Enqlish aboutyourself Writea In the Neighborhood;Jj'#"* $?i[,]o, DaraoraDh a0ouIyour neighborhood Review1 p.17 Hello there! Writingto a penpal Good Times Culture and People Complete a oratnStorn Brainstorming oraqram aooul yourhobbies p o, z! p.27 Review2 Cool Critters A Pet for Me Review3 lntroduce yoursel{ inan email Sports and Leisure Science and Nature Social Studies lvlake titlesand Using titlesand headings about n ,'o your headings favorite animals Writingtopic sentences Write DaraoraDhS JJ abou-t a petyou P like p.37 Things to Do Social Studies Best of the Best Science/ Social Studies N4aking lists l\4ake a to-do listanda list, shopping Making a plan Planparagraphs aboutthebest p 43 things and places p.39 p.47 Review combine similar MegaMonsters 5ocial History loctal Studies Combining 5entences Joining ideas n d q- aboutamystery" crearure writea formal andinformal paragraph abouta placeof mystery p.53 p.57 Review I bring? ;Ji'i'"'"" ;il{jlffiI Whatshould Online Time Science and Writinga Technology responSe Reply to an a emailfrom Iriend coming to visityour country p.59 Writean opinlon essay about computers p.63 Review p.67 Extra Writing Sheets p.69 Unit Writing clearly in English Unit paragraphs Making Unit3 Writing to a penpal Unit4 Brainstorming Unit5 Using titlesandheadings Unit Writingtopicsentences Unit Making lists Unit I Making a plan Unit Combining sentences Unit 1() Joining ideas Unit 11 Answering anemailfroma penpal Unit 12 Writing a response AII About Me Whatare your favoritebooksand movies?Discuss your answers Readthe paragraphs l2 Yeorsold' Hi MY nomeis TonYI'm fother ls d I comefrom ConqdoMY "lv\4dogoscdr' My fovoriie movieis is science' My fovorite school subjeci How obout You? hello nynaneis julia i'm 71yearsoll icoqeftonthe U niteAStales ny 4alh e risa doclo nA my nothe isa s ecretary ihove o ney o u.t9 e r b r ol h e r a nd o qe ol d e r r i sfe t my f av o r ite bo okis "T he ) o n9le B ook" myf avo rile m o v i e i s" S p i A e rl n a n , , my{ av o rile t c h o olt ubiec+ i t m at h h o w a o t ' ty o u ? Answerthe questionand follow the instructions Which pqrqgroph is eosierto reod?Why? In the first pqrqgroph, circle the CAPITALlettersqnd pe ods (.) you cqn find In the secondpqrqgroph, drow q slosh ( / ) where you think therc should be o spoce betweenwords I Writing clearlyin English Towricewellin English, youneedto write clearly.lJseCAPITAL letters and periods[.]to show wherc sentencesstart andfinish.Also,write neatlyand put spacesbetweenwoTds Rewrite eachsentenceusing capital letters, spacesand periods in the right places, t hi mynomeisscott Hi My nameis 5cott icomeftomoustraliq mymotheriso singerqndmyfother isow ter idon'thoveqnybrothersorsisters idon't like reqdinobooksmuch myfqvodte schoolsubiectis english Usea capitalletter/ (rot i)whe'1talkingabout voursellAlsousea caoitalletterat thestartof names (people, countries, languages, booksandmovies) your answers Whatshouldfriendsbring if they visit your country?Discuss Readthe emails To: Tina From: Juan Aprit 12 Date: Subject: , s h o u l dI b r i n g ? H i t h e r eT , inal To: l u o r r ' " ' @citybov'gruz> Date: APril 14 My familyand I are gorng to visit your countrynext month.We,re tryingto decidewhat to takewith us So what'sthe weather liketherenow? Whatclothesshould we bring? Thanksfor yourhelpl Yourfriend, should I bring? Subiect: Re:What JUAN H e l l oJ, u a n ! countryl you'recomingto visitmy l'm so happyto hear withsomeinformation' I hope I can helpyou ratn Theweatheris cold and So ( too.But it'snot snowing' you visitus' too? Hopethis helps'Will Tina I Answer the questions Are theseemoils formol or informol? How you tell? Where you find the "title" for eoch emoil? Whot questiondid Tino not onswer? r Answering an email from a pen pal When you get an emailfnom a pen pal,it is impor^tant to be niceand fniendly Youshouldtny to answerallthe questionshe on she asksvou Readthe email Then completethe reply using words and sentencesfrom the box Give me o coll when you orrive / the beochesore olwoys open / It's reolly greot / Hello there / shorts / souvenirs / T-shirts To: From: Date: Subject: (1) @oz'wiz> Julie ' Body ? -> l -> - -::n.,usion ExtraWritingSheets Unit _ Photocopiable O PearsonEducationAsia Limited2007 Activity _ Page_ Boost!Writino'1 ExtraWriting Sheets Unit _ Activity _ Page_ Introduction: Body paragraph1: Topicsentence: Details: Body paragraph2: Topicsentence: Details: Conclusion: Boost!Writino Photocopiable @ PearsonEducationAsia Limited2007 ExtraWriting Sheets Unit _ Activity _ Page_ Introduction-) Body1 + C onc lu s i o n- ) Photocopiable @ PearsonEducationAsia Limited2007 '1 Boost!Writing ExtraWriting Sheets Unit _ Boost!Writing Activity _ Page_ Photocopiable @ PearsonEducationAsia Limited2007 Boqst-l Writino I Audio cn B 1:Q7 F B B B 0:58 1:09 0:49 1:09 10 2:26 0:37 11 B F 10 B B 11 F Review 12 1: 0:55 0:53 1'.17 12 Review B 13 F 14 15 16 17 18 19 B F B B D E B F A 20 21 22 23 1:54 2:27 1:21 0:50 1:06 1:05 0:32 : 35 1:15 7:44 0:34 [...]... there ! My name is (t) I'm (2 ) yeqrs old I come from (3 ) It's locotedin (4 ) My fqvodte book is (s) My fovorite movie is (G) I qlso like sports.I like g) most of oll, but I'm qlso into (B) (9 ) ond Are you into (1 0 ) too? I90 to (1 1 ) _ 0 2) It's in My fqvorite schoolsubiectis (1 3 ) How obout you? > Neighborhood My neighborhoodis colled (ta) Thereqre mony (1 s) qnd (1 5 ) there.Peopleore \17 ) in my neighborhood... neighborhoodis cqlled Ho Mon Tin h Peopleore friendly ond nice in my neighborhood @ 16 ,r* ,n" sentences in the right order *r'," rn" sentences abovein two paragraphs Mqin Ideq 1: f e Mqin ldeo 2: s h fl! Writea sentenceabouteachpictureusingthe wordsgiven, mother / doctor I'm / 1. 2 2 hove / sister fovo te / book '' :), , 1 Completethe sentences I Moryville Elementory Tennessee in the United Stqtes 2 3...Writesentences aboutyourself 4 Hi lheret My name is 2 11 Listenand completethe sentences Ittttrtt Hello there! My Iom I cone from I hqve My fother is My fovorite Usetheseexpressions Readthe sentencesfrom Activity E on page 11 to a classmateand write down eachother's sentences t Couldyou repeatthat,please? Speakmoreslowly,p ease Howdo youspellthatT... porks there 6 18 7 Peopleqre friendly 8 All l-' Rewritethe sentencesabove in two paragraphs neighborhood , I like living in Moryville Hello there! W h o d o y o u w r i t e e m a i l st o ? D i s c u s vs o u r a n 5 w e r s R e a dt h e e m a i l Hello therel just crll L r.rrimr' [r'ien'l' l m o r ' r ' ) _ I "_, M n l r r n ei ' ' ' r t."-""' f r ou_trno r n -,-l ' - r r 1' -1l/ -V e i l f... Sangnam-dong )ndsomeParks' and nicein my neighborhood Peopleare friendly I likelivingin Sangnam-dong' schoolgym My neighborhood is calledBelmont.There are many apartments there,and many houses too.Peopleare lind in my neighborhood I like xvrngin Belmont I Answerthe questions I How ore the two Dqssqoessimilor? Which possqgeshowsthe two main ideqs (schoolond neighborhood)quickly qnd eqsily? 13 Makingparagraphs... ir l h e lr s " ' - r ' r - - ' r t r '"\ i n N e w Z e x l a n o \ LLrI c K r JJ""uu " " A lris - ^\''' ^ ^ L - I hhl vl v( c , - rs d "nol - "ineer xnd m) motner I ovies Horv aboutYou l'm also 'r r:r ' rno ''rt rll but "'rcl-rv " r J I tl5o llke sporls "^\ , UtOmintonAre )uu into ,i.ttt "na into sports lQoJ soon Pleasewrile back Tim $- ctrect [/] the box if you can find the idea in Tim's email,... paragraph, youcontinue eachsentenceon the samelineuntilthemainideais frnished RewritepassageA from page13 in two paragraphs I ao to 5anqnamElementa My neighborhood, ie calledS.angnam-dong Paragraphs makeyourdeas clearandeasyto read Writeaboutyour schooland neighborhood ttrttr (ll School Neighborhood 15 @i a lt's in Kowloon in Hong Kong b AU in oll, I like living in Ho Mon Tin c There ore mony housesond... (1 1 ) _ 0 2) It's in My fqvorite schoolsubiectis (1 3 ) How obout you? > Neighborhood My neighborhoodis colled (ta) Thereqre mony (1 s) qnd (1 5 ) there.Peopleore \17 ) in my neighborhood Pleasewdte bock soon (1 8 ) Lookbackat l.lnit2 to get ideasfor whatto wrte aboutinthethirdandFourth paragraphs Ask eachquestionand write the answer Workwith a classmate B Whoth your nome? How old ore you? Do you hove ony brothersor... s c u s ys o u r a n s w e r s { R e a dt h e p a s s a g e t ! r" 4 Ani-als as Pets =-af _-_ -'.*.- -,o o. 1 Whot is the possogeobout? Whot is eochporogrophcrbout? 29 Using titles and headings Titlesa.e importantbecausetheytell us quicklyandcleaflywh€t... makea tit e for your questions writing. Usethe other to makea topic (cnr^n.a F^r a:.h n, fr^r:^h A pet I like I would like to hqve o becouse This pet is better thqn other pets becouse 35 Choosea title and two topic sentences Thenput the sentences in order a b Theycan do mony tricks Theyqlsolike to ploy gomes C Firstofqll, t wouldIike to hoveo chimponzee Title: Topic Sentence1: becousethey are so friendly

Ngày đăng: 12/06/2016, 19:30

