Fourth Edition The UK’s best-sellingg teacher training text Geof Geoff ff Pe P Petty etty Text © Geoff Petty 2009 Original illustrations © Nelson Thornes Ltd 1997, 2002, 2004, 2009 The right of Geoff Petty to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher or under licence from the Copyright Licensing Agency Limited, of Saffron House, 6–10 Kirby Street, London, EC1N 8TS Any person who commits any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages First published in 1993 (Stanley Thornes Ltd) Second edition 1998 (Stanley Thornes Ltd) Third edition 2004 (Nelson Thornes Ltd) Fourth edition published in 2009 by: Nelson Thornes Ltd Delta Place 27 Bath Road CHELTENHAM GL53 7TH United Kingdom 09 10 11 12 13 / 10 A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 978 4085 0415 Illustrations by Liz Singh Cover photograph/illustration: René Mansi/istockphoto Page make-up by Pantek Arts Ltd Printed and bound in Spain by GraphyCems Contents Preface Help with your teacher training assessments v vii Part The learner’s practical and emotional needs 10 How we learn? Learning skills by corrected practice The learner’s needs Teaching is a two-way process Motivation Praise and criticism The teacher–learner relationship and equal opportunities Classroom management Discipline and problem-solving What kind of teacher are you? 24 29 39 44 65 78 98 110 130 Part The teacher’s toolkit Introduction 139 Teacher-centred methods 11 12 13 14 15 Teacher talk The art of explaining The art of showing Questioning The aide-memoire: note-making 162 168 182 190 206 Active methods 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Supervised student practice Discussion Group work and student talk Games and active learning methods Role-play, drama and simulations Games to teach language and communication skills Seminars Learning for remembering: review and recall Whole-class interactive teaching: assertive questioning 211 222 231 247 258 262 269 272 281 iii Contents Student-centred methods 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Reading for learning Private study and homework Assignments and projects Essays and reports Guided discovery: teaching by asking Creativity, design and invention Learning from experience Whole-brain, visual and kinaesthetic methods Independent learning Self-directed learning 288 294 296 304 312 322 336 346 357 367 Part Resources for teaching and learning 35 Visual aids: Microsoft PowerPoint® and interactive whiteboards 36 Students learning with computers: e-learning, ICT and ILT 375 391 Part Putting it all together 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Aims and objectives Choosing activities for the lesson Choosing activities to achieve affective objectives Writing the lesson plan Flexible and inclusive course organisation and record-keeping Planning courses Assessment Summative assessment 409 422 435 442 450 469 479 496 Part The professional in practice 45 46 47 48 49 50 iv Values and what teachers can achieve Evaluating my teaching: the reflective practitioner Initial and diagnostic assessment: assessing learners’ needs Providing learners with support Evaluating courses and quality improvement How to teach and remain sane 507 516 529 546 563 579 Appendix Standards for the lifelong learning sector Appendix Differentiation strategies Appendix QTS standards for those training to teach in schools 583 587 589 Bibliography Index 595 605 Preface This book is a straightforward and practical ‘how to teach’ book It is intended for those teaching in either schools, colleges, universities or work-based learning – indeed for anyone interested in learning and teaching Part explores the emotional and practical needs which all learners have Part gives very detailed advice on the use of the most common teaching methods or learning strategies Part looks at how to make and use learning resources Part shows you how to go about planning lessons and courses, how to measure their effectiveness, and how to improve them Part is about your role and responsibility as a teacher and how you work within your institution Many teacher training courses start with Part 5, but you will of course find that the earlier parts will greatly help your understanding of Part For decades I taught an ‘ordinary timetable’ and trained teachers So, whilst developing my ideas and writing this book, I have had my nose rubbed daily in the messy reality of learning and teaching If my ideas don’t work – well, my students are the first to make this clear I hope you will be able to learn from both my successes and my failures, and so take George Bernard Shaw’s advice: ‘Only a fool learns from experience; a wise man learns from the experience of others’ I am impatient with jargon, so throughout the book I have used the word ‘teacher’ to mean any of the following: ‘teacher’, ‘lecturer’, ‘trainer’, ‘instructor’ or ‘facilitator’ Similarly, I have used the words ‘student’ and ‘learner’ interchangeably, in places where I could also have written ‘pupil’, ‘trainee’, ‘course participant’ or ‘candidate’ In the lists of further reading at the end of each chapter, particularly useful or noteworthy books are signalled by an asterisk, with an additional comment where appropriate I would like to thank Liz Singh for her unshakeable faith, her insistence that I make sense, and for her cartoons and drawings This new edition includes some of what I have learned in studying for and writing Evidence Based Teaching, so it is informed by research It has been extensively updated to meet the new standards for teachers in schools, and the new standards for teachers in the ‘lifelong learning’ or ‘post-compulsory’ sector Geoff Petty, 2008 v Help with your teacher training assessments Before attempting any assessment or assignment, read Chapter 28 which helps you to structure your writing (and that of your students) You are likely to be set assignments on the following topics In each case I give chapters that will help you The legislative requirements of a teacher: see the end of Chapter Creating and evaluating a teaching resource: Chapters 35 and 36 are obviously relevant, but read about ‘graphic organisers’ on pages 158 to 162 and ‘decisions, decisions’ on page 257 too To evaluate a resource see pages 400 and 409 Inclusion, personalisation etc (making sure everyone learns well): highly related are equality, diversity and differentiation Read Chapters and 47 to see the individual differences and how they are discovered Chapter 41 considers how to design a course that deals with these differences Appendix on differentiation looks at how to design lessons to deal with differences; the introduction to Part deals with modern approaches to learning styles Equality and diversity: see Chapters and 41; also consider the chapters under inclusion above Embedding functional skills or key skills or thinking skills into your teaching: see Chapters 38 and 42, especially the bits about double-decker lessons on pages 441 and 486; also see Chapter 30 Communication: see Chapter 4, ‘graphic organisers’ on page 158; see also Chapters 11, 12 and 13 Principles of learning: see Chapters 1–4 and 43 Writing lesson plans and schemes of work: see Chapters 37–40 and 42; see Chapter 41 for a top grade! What records should I keep?: see Chapter 41 What assessment methods should I use?: see Chapters 43 and 44; see Chapter is also relevant Evaluating my lessons and courses: see Chapters 46 and 49 Reflective essay, reflective learning journal: read Chapter 46 Relation of theory to practice: see Chapters and 46 Professional values and codes of practice: see Chapter 45; see also Appendix on standards which are also codes of practice Government policies: see, then try arguing that most are wrongheaded and that we should be following evidence-based practice – see the first few chapters of my Evidence Based Teaching! It really helps to look at the contents page carefully, so you know where to find things vii Bibliography Kyriacou, C and Marshall, S (1989) ‘The nature of active learning in secondary schools’, Evaluation and Research in Education, 3: 1–5 Laslett, R and Smith, C (1992) Effective Classroom Management: A Teacher’s Guide (2nd edition), London: Routledge Levine, J (2007) The Internet for Dummies (11th edition), Foster City, CA: IDG Books Lewis, R and Mee, J (1981) Using Role Play: An Introductory Guide, Cambridge: Basic Skills Unit Lloyd-Jones, R (1988) How to Produce Better Worksheets, London: Hutchinson Lunzer, E and Gardner, K (1979) The Effective Use of Reading, Oxford: Heinemann Educational Books McGregor, D (1985) The Human Side of Enterprise (revised edition), New York: McGraw-Hill McNaught, A (2004) ‘Exploring e-learning for literacy, numeracy and ESOL teachers’, Coventry: Ferl/Becta Madsen, C H Jr, Becker, W C and Thomas, D R (1968), ‘Rules, praise and ignoring’, Journal of Applied Behavioural Analysis, 1: 139–50 Marland, M (2002) The Craft of the Classroom (3rd edition), London: Croom Helm Martinez, P (1998) ‘9000 voices: student persistence and drop-out in further education’, LSDA online at Martinez, P (2000) ‘Raising achievement: a guide to successful strategies’, Learning and Skills Development Agency online at Martinez, P (2002) ‘Raising achievement at levels and 2’, LSDA online: Marton, M and Saljo, R (1976) ‘On qualitative differences in learning’ (two articles), British Journal of Educational Psychology, 46: 4–11, 115–27 Marzano, R J (2006) Classroom Assessment and Grading that Work: Alexandria, VA: ASCD Marzano, R J (2007) The Art and Science of Teaching, Alexandria, VA: ASCD Marzano, R J et al (2001) Classroom Instruction that Works: Research-Based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement, Alexandria, VA: ASCD Marzano, R J with Marzano, S and Pickering, D J (2003) Classroom Management that Works, Alexandria, VA: ASCD Maslow, A (1993) The Farther Reaches of Human Nature, London: Penguin Arkana Maslow, A H (1987) Motivation and Personality (3rd edition), New York: Harper Collins 600 Mitchell, D (2008) What Really Works in Special and Inclusive Education: Using Evidence-Based Teaching Strategies, Abingdon: Routledge Bibliography Moon, B and Shelton Mayes, A (eds) (1994) Teaching and Learning in the Secondary School, London: Routledge Moseley, D et al (2005) Frameworks for Thinking, Cambridge University Press Moser, C (1999) A Fresh Start (‘The Moser Report’), London: DfEE Muijs, D and Reynolds, D (2005) Effective Teaching: Evidence and Practice (2nd edition), London: Paul Chapman Murphy, R and Torrance, H (1988) The Changing Face of Educational Assessment, Milton Keynes: Open University Press Myers, K (ed.) (1992) Genderwatch!, Cambridge University Press Nelson-Jones, R (1996) Effective Thinking Skills, London: Sage Nisbet, J and Schucksmith, J (1986) Learning Strategies, London: Routledge O’Connell, B (ed.) (2002) The Runshaw Way: Values Drive Behaviour, Leyland: Runshaw College Perrott, E (1982) Effective Teaching, London: Longman Petty, G (1997) How to Be Better at Creativity, London: Kogan Page Petty, G (1997) ‘Independent learning’, Journal of the National Association for Staff Development, 37 (June): 28–37 Petty, G (2006) Evidence Based Teaching, Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes Pinker, S (1997) How the Mind Works, London: Penguin Powell, R (1997) Active Whole-class Teaching, Stafford: Robert Powell Publications Race, P (1994) The Open Learning Handbook, London: Kogan Page Ramsden, P (1992) Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, London: Routledge Reardon, K K (1991) Persuasion in Practice (2nd edition), London: Sage Reece, I and Walker, S (2007) A Practical Guide to Teaching, Training and Learning (6th edition), Tyne and Wear: Business Education Publishers Reises, R and Mason, M (1992) Disability Equality in the Classroom: A Human Rights Issue (2nd edition), London: ILEA/Disability Equality Riding, R and Rayner, S (1998) Cognitive Styles and Learning Strategies: Understanding Style Differences in Learning and Behaviour, London: David Fulton Robertson, J (1996) Effective Classroom Control: Understanding Pupil–Teacher Relationships (3rd edition), London: Hodder & Stoughton Rogers, A (1986) Teaching Adults, Milton Keynes: Open University Press Rogers, Carl (1961) On Becoming a Person (new edition, 2004), London: Constable Rogers, Carl (1994) Freedom to Learn (3rd edition), New York: Prentice Hall 601 Bibliography Rogers, Carl (1995) On Becoming a Teacher: A Therapist’s View of Psychotherapy, Boston, MA: Marriner Books Rogers, Colin (1982) A Social Psychology of Schooling: The Expectancy Process, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Rogers, Colin (1989) Accelerated Learning, Aylesbury: Accelerated Learning Systems Rogers, J (1989) Adults Learning (3rd edition), Milton Keynes: Open University Press Rose, C (1997) Accelerated Learning for the 21st Century, Buckingham: Accelerated Learning Systems Rosenthal, R and Jacobson, L (1968) Pygmalion in the Classroom: A Human Rights Issue (2nd edition), London: ILEA/Disability Equality Rowntree, D (1987) Assessing Students: How Shall We Know Them? (2nd edition), London: Routledge Rowntree, D (1992) Exploring Open and Distance Learning, London: Routledge Russell, B (1992) Part 10 of The Basic Writings of Bertrand Russell (2nd edition), London: Routledge Schön, D (1982) The Reflective Practitioner, New York: Basic Books Inc Schön, D (1990) Educating the Reflective Practitioner: Towards a New Design for Teaching and Learning in the Professions (new edition), San Francisco: JosseyBass Sharron, H and Coulter, M (1994) Changing Children’s Minds: Feuerstein’s Revolution in the Teaching of Intelligence, Birmingham: Sharron Publishing Co Shayer, M and Adey, A (2002) Learning Intelligence, Buckingham: Open University Press Short, G (1986) ‘Teacher expectation and West Indian underachievement’, Educational Research, 27(2): 95–101 Skinner, B F (1953) Science and Human Behaviour, New York: Macmillan Smith, A (1988) Starting to Teach: Surviving and Succeeding in the Classroom, London: Kogan Page Sperry, R W (1968) ‘Hemispherical deconnection and unity in conscious awareness’, Scientific American, 23: 723–33 Stern, J (1997) Homework and Study Support: A Guide for Teachers and Parents, London: David Fulton Sutton, C (ed.) (1981) Communicating in the Classroom, London: Hodder & Stoughton Swann, Sir Michael (1985) Education for All (‘The Swann Report’), Report of Committee of Enquiry into the Education of Children from Ethnic Minority Groups, London: HMSO 602 Bibliography Taylor, D W et al (1958) ‘Does group participation when using brainstorming facilitate or inhibit creative thinking?’, Administrative Science Quarterly, 3: 23–47 Thorpe, S., Deshpande, P and Edwards, C (eds) (1994) Race, Equality and Science Teaching: A Handbook for Teachers and Educators, Hatfield: Association for Science Education Thouless, R (1990) Straight and Crooked Thinking, London: Hodder Arnold Tomlinson, J (1995) Inclusive Learning (‘The Tomlinson Report’), Coventry: FEFC Tummons, J (2005) Assessing Learning in the Lifelong Learning Sector (2nd edition), Exeter: Learning Matters Vernon, P E (1970) Creativity: Selected Readings, London: Penguin Educational Walklin, L (1990) Teaching and Learning in Further Education, Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes Wallace, S (2005) Teaching and Supporting Learning in Further Education: Meeting the FENTO Standards (2nd edition), Exeter: Learning Matters Waterhouse, P (1983) Managing the Learning Process, London: McGraw-Hill Weiner, B J (1972) Theories of Motivation, Chicago, IL: Markham Westwood, P ( 2007) Commonsense Methods for Children with Special Educational Needs: Strategies for the Regular Classroom (5th edition), London: RoutledgeFalmer Wheldall, K and Glynn, T (1989) Effective Classroom Learning, Oxford: Blackwell Wiggins, G and McTighe, J (2001) Understanding by Design, New Jersey: PrenticeHall Wilson, B (1987) Methods of Training, Vol 1: The Systematic Design of Training Courses, London: HMSO Wilson, B (1987) Methods of Training, Vol 2: Groupwork, London: HMSO Wilson, B (1987) Methods of Training, Vol 3: Individualised Instruction, London: HMSO Wilson, B (1987) Methods of Training, Vol 4: Resource Based and Open Learning, London: HMSO Wittrock, M C (1974) ‘Learning as a generative process’, Educational Psychologist, 11: 87–95 Wolf, A (1995) Competence-Based Assessment, Buckingham: Open University Press Wragg, E C (ed.) (1984) Classroom Teaching Skills, London: Croom Helm Wright, C F and Nuthall, G (1970) ‘The relationship between teacher behaviour and pupil achievement’, American Educational Research Journal, 7: 477–91 603 Index Page references in italic indicate figures or tables ABC mnemonic and discipline 121–2 abstract conceptualisation 336, 340, 344, 517 abstract explanations 175–6, 177–8, 189 action plans course improvement 566–7 negotiating learners’ 548–59 self-directed learning 370, 455 active learners 57–9 active learning see games active teachers 524, 580–1 activities CIA approach to choice of 423–7 educare? approach to choice of 422–3 groupwork 233–41 for opinion forming 428–9, 432–4 to develop affective objectives 437–40 using ILT 393, 396–404 see also tasks adult education and self-directed learning 19, 456–7 advance organisers 175, 347 advocacy group work activity 240 aesthetic beliefs and values 432 affective domain of learning 35, 413 achieving affective objectives 435–41 and course design 475 aide-memoires 206 by textbook 206 a learning need 26, 33 missing headings 209 peer-explaining 210 students’ own notes 209–10 teachers’ writing notes for students 207–9, 210 aims 410 aim-objective continuum 414, 417 embedding 417–18 limitations of 419–20 planning cycle 420 tree structure 421 see also objectives analysis 8, 12 styles of 152–9, 305–6 answers, student 286 anti-racist education 85–6, 93 application of knowledge 8, 11–12, 12 ‘arc of vision’, teachers’ 194–5, 194 assertive discipline 127 assertive questioning 282 advantages and limitations 286–7 and other questioning strategies 198 procedure 282–6, 283 and seminars 271 assessment 479 criteria 67, 229–300, 304 formative 480–94 of independent learning assignments 357, 359–60, 361 initial and diagnostic 529–42 peer assessment 339, 490–1, 491–2 purposes of 480 student self-assessment 18, 339, 466–7, 490, 491–2, 549, 551 summative 496–504 assignments 296–7 assessment criteria 299–300 briefing sheets 300 debriefing and reflection 300 devising 297–8 feedback and copying 301–2 independent learning 357–66 integrated or synoptic 302 limitations of 302–3 role of teacher during 300–1 student procrastination 301 assumptions, unlearning 192 atomistic analysis 152–4 and essay writing 305 graphic organisers and 154–9 atomistic mind maps 127, 155, 155 attention-seeking students 114 attitudes see opinions authority formal 98–100 formal used ineffectively 114–15 personal 100–2 without resentment 122–7 backtracking and creativity 329, 330 behaviour, inappropriate see discipline behaviourist school of learning theory 15–16, 69 beliefs see values and beliefs benchmarking 568–70, 572–4 Biggs, John 153 Black, P and Wiliam, D research review on formative assessment 69, 480, 492–3 605 Index Bloom, B.S learning domains 35, 412–14 taxonomy of skills 8–13, board games 256 boards, using 208–9, 378–9 body language conveying authority 99–100 ‘lost’ students’ 179 and teacher-talk 164, 165 body-pointing 195 brain 4, 144 and models of learning 146–7, 147, 148, 149 brainstorming 238–9, 323 bridging strategy 308–9, 334, 342–3, 522 Bruner, Jerome 319 ‘bull sessions’ 239 buzz groups 197, 198, 235–8, 240–1 CAP technique and creativity 329 card games 247–51, 264 card stories 263 case studies 30, 52–3, 187 cause-and-effect questions 307–8 CD-ROMs 395, 402 chain stories 263 chains of reasoning 173 challenges 234, 254–5 charts 387 check and correct 14, 33, 193 Christian laws and customs 95–6 ‘CIA’ (content-ideas-activities) process 36–7, 37, 316–18, 423–7 circus tasks 234–5, 235 class teaching 450, 451–2, 461–3 classroom management discipline and problem-solving 107–8, 110–27 organisation 104–7 teacher-student relations 98–102 a working atmosphere 102–3 closed questions 200 Coffield, Frank review of learning styles 143, 145 cognitive domain of learning 35, 413 cognitivist school of learning 4–15, 319 colleges performance indicators 569–70, 572–4 self-assessment 571–2 communication of authority 99–100 blocks 40–3 games to teach skills 262–8 importance of interpersonal skills 547 and learning 39–40 see also graphic organisers; visual aids compare and contrast 142 buzz group activity 236 graphic organisers and 156–7 writing that compares 306–7 comparison tables 156–7, 156, 157, 306, 308 competences 416–17, 494, 497–8 competitions 234, 253–4 complexity, avoiding unnecessary 171 606 comprehension computers 391 develop ICT skills 392 the Internet 391, 392 jargon 392 personal resource banks 393, 396 presentations using 379–85 reflection on use of 393, 404 searching for ILT resources 393, 394–6 using ILT resources 393, 396–404 concentration, students’ 163–4, 164, 446, 446 concepts explaining 175–8, 176 understanding conceptualisation abstract 336, 340, 344, 517 visual aids aiding 376 concrete experience 336, 337–8, 517 concrete explanations 175–7, 188–9 constructivism 4–15, 5, 191 continual professional development (CPD) 576 continuous assessment 498–9 convergent opinion forming 436–41 copying 216, 302, 401 copyright 377 corrected practice 211 CIA approach 36–7, 423–7 common problems 220 concept learning and 175–8 educare? approach 26, 28, 33, 36, 422–3 and intellectual skills 212–17 and practical activities 217–20 preparing for 211–12 recall and 273 courses coasting and 467–8 designing 344, 473–8 evaluation and review 564–6, 564 improvement action plans 566–7 learners’ needs analysis 473 modes of teaching 450–63 monitoring 563–4 performance indicators 568–70, 572–4 RARPA approach 463–7, 464 schemes of work 469–73, 472 self-assessment 570–1 team management 576–7 coursework 498–9 CPD (continual professional development) 576 creativity 322 creative process 323–6 encouraging creative process 326–30 planning for creative work 323 in practice 331–2 a teachable skill 332–4, 333 criterion-referenced assessment 480 criticism, students and 65, 66, 71 curiosity 287 curriculum and behaviour problems 125–6 Data Protection Act 92 databases, activities using 398–400 Index DDA (Disabilities Discrimination Act) 92 debates 228, 240 debriefing sessions 260, 300, 339 ‘decisions, decisions’ games 247–51, 354, 399 deduction and induction 177–8, 177, 189 deep learning 5, 11, 365 demonstration 30, 182 intellectual skills or abilities 186–9 physical skills or abilities 182–6 student 186, 286–7 demotivators 51, 60 description tables 155, 156, 156, 306, 306, 308 desktop publishing 398–9 developmental objectives 415–16 Dewey, John 319, 336 diagnostic assessment and individual learning plans 542–3 obtaining information 538–42 in practice 532 process 532–4 reasons for using 529–32, 533 what need to know about students 534–6 diagnostic questioning 492 diaries and reflection 339–40 dice games 264 dictation 209 didactic teaching 312 differentiation 43, 587–8 Disabilities Discrimination Act (DDA) 92 disabilities, special needs of students with 90, 94 discipline authority without resentment 122–7 dealing with common problems 112–15 dealing with persistent problems 116–22 finding causes of and solutions for problems 110–11 formal authority 98–100 mind map 127 prevention of problems 103, 104–8 discovery method 312–13 case study 316–18 effective use of 313–15 and persuasion 437, 439 recent controversy over 318–20 strengths and weaknesses 315–16 discussion 222, 229 leading 225–9 planning 223–5 seminars 269–71 when to use 222–3 discussion groups, online 403–4 divergent opinions 428–34 ‘doing-detail’ demonstration and 182, 185, 187–8 a learning need 26, 30–2 double-decker lessons 427, 471, 472 drama 260–1 drills, language 265–6 DVD recorders 388–9 dyslexia 86–90 e-mail, students using 403 educare? mnemonic and assignments 302–3 and choice of activities 422–3 elements of 26–7, 29–34 making use of educare? pattern 35–6 and opinion forming 428–9 putting elements together 35 teaching creativity 332–4 effort, praising 72–3, 74 empathy group activity 240–1 equal opportunities modelling 90–1 working towards 82–90, 92–4 Ericsson, K Anders et al research review on experts 511, 511 errors, correcting 214–15 see also corrected practice essays 304 bridging and 308–9 clear thinking and 311 guidance notes 304 marking 309–10 structuring writing 305–8 visual planning 351–3, 352 ethical beliefs 429–30 ethnicity and equal opportunities 85–6, 92–3 evaluation of courses 564–6, 564, 568–74 and creativity 325 hypothesis testing 142, 237, 433–4 a learning need 26, 34 a learning skill 9–10, 12 of lessons 447–8, 525–7 of resources 386, 395 structuring writing and 307 student self-evaluation 362–4, 365, 368–9 examinations 499 reliability 501 writing questions 500 exemplars 31, 36, 182, 186–7 exhibitions, creating 254, 350 expectancy-value theory of motivation 59–60, 60 experiential learning cycle 336, 336, 343 bridging and 342–3 a case study 337 and courses and institutions 344–5, 570–2 further experiences 342 and learning styles 150–2, 150 and learning to teach 516–18, 522–3 stages of 337–42 and tutoring 550 experimentation, planning active 336, 341–2, 517 experiments, science 182, 218–20 explanation abstract and concrete 175–8, 176, 177 focusing 172–3 general advice 179 good and bad 168–9 a learning need 26, 29–30 questioning and 178, 179, 202 starting from existing knowledge and experience 169–72 structure and orientation 173–5 607 Index explanation (continued) summaries and 180 tasks in advance of 179 unambiguous 179 visual representation 178 eye contact, use of 100, 165, 195 facilitators, teachers as 134–6, 370–1 failure, fear of 42 feedback 40 assignments 301–2 on demonstrations 185 group work 242, 245 medals and missions 66–8, 481–2, 575 and questioning 192, 197–9 and role-play 260 see also formative assessment feelings creativity and 322 making use of 349 Feuerstein, Reuven 342, 510–11 first impressions students of teacher 99 teacher of students 78–9 flash cards, language 266 flipchart posters, creating 350 flow diagrams 157, 157, 308, 352 FOG index of readability 292 forgetting formal authority 98–100, 114–15 formative assessment 479, 480, 504 assessment proformas 467, 484–7, 484–5, 486 Black and Wiliams’ research review of 480, 492–3 diagnostic questioning 492 knowledge of results 494 mastery methods 487–90 must be informative 481–3 reinforcement 494 self-assessment, peer assessment and spoof assessment 490–2 games 247 for any topic/subject 247–56 to teach language and communication skills 262–8 see also groupwork Gardner, Howard multiple intelligences proposal 151 gateway websites 394, 405–6 gender and equal opportunities 83–5, 93–4 goals clear for students 67, 482 individual learning plans and 543 self-directed 369–70 setting attainable 69 teachers’ personal 136–7 GOML (Graded Objectives in Modern Languages) 499 graded tests 499 grades and learning 486–7 granny’s basket game 267 608 graphic organisers 154 ping pong 397–8 that compare 156–7 that describe 154–6 that show processes 157 uses 157–9, 348, 376, 381 group work activities 233–41 activity planning 241–3 discovery activities 312–20 getting feedback 245 learning teams 364 limitations 233 managing 244–5 reasons for 231–3 grouping games 249–50 guidance notes 304 guided discovery 312–13 case study 316–18 effective use of 313–15 and persuasion 439 recent controversy over 318–20 strengths and weaknesses 315–16 handbooks, aid-memoire by 206 handouts 207–8, 376–7, 399 Hattie, John 141, 142, 320 Health and Safety at Work Act 91 Herrmann’s ’whole-brain’ model 148, 149, 346, 348 ‘hidden curriculum’ 21 Hindu laws and customs 95 holistic analysis 152–4 essay writing 305–6 graphic organisers and 154–9 holistic mind-maps 155, 155 holistic teaching methods 346–7 Holt, John 16 homework 294–5 Honey P and Mumford A 150–1 human interest, use of 52–3 humanistic school of learning 16–21, 459 see also self-directed learning humour 166 hypothesis testing 142, 237, 317, 433–4 hypothesis-making, personal i-spy 266–7 ICE(S) model 436, 437, 440–1 ice-breaker games 256 ICEDIP mnemonic (phases of creativity) 323–6, 331 ICT (information and communications technology) 357, 392, 392–3 IL see independent learning ILPs (individual learning plans) 542–3, 549 ILT (information and learning technology) 392 and independent learning 357 personal resource banks 393, 396 reflection on use of 393, 404 searching for useful resources 393, 394–5 using resources 393, 396, 404 images, using 348, 349–50 Index imitation learning by 31, 182, 185, 189 see also demonstration inclusion strategies 560, 560 independent learning (IL) 357 assessment of 357, 361 making use of 358–61 reasons for using 364–6 teaching skills of 362–4, 362 ‘tuner’ 361–2, 363 indexes 291 individual learning plans (ILPs) 542–3, 549 induction and deduction 177–8, 177, 189 inductions 543–4 information-searching skills 291 initial assessment and individual learning plans 542–3 obtaining information 538–42 in practice 532 process 532–4 reasons for using 529–32, 533 what need to know about students 534–6 inspiration and creativity 323–4, 327–9, 330 institutions performance indicators 568–70, 572–4 self-assessment 570–2 instructions, giving 31, 106–7 instructors, teachers as 133–4, 135–6 integrated assignments 302 intelligence, can be taught 510–11 interactive whiteboards 379–85 Internet 391 importing images from 349–50 searching 393, 394 students using 401–4 useful addresses 405–7 interpersonal skills 258, 547 see also communication interpreter game 267 j’accuse group activity 241 jargon computer 392 use of 41, 179 Jewish laws and customs 95 journals and reflection 339–40 key phrases in explanations 172 key skills 536–8 kinaesthetic methods 149, 353–4 Kipling analysis 179 knowledge 8, 11, 44 Kolb’s cycle 336–42, 336 bridging and 342–3 and courses and institutions 344–5, 570–2 and independent learning 362, 362 and learning styles 150–2, 150 and learning to teach 516–18 and tutoring 550 language English as second 86 games to teach skills of 262–8 sexist 84 teacher’s use of 41 lateral thinking techniques 327–9, 330 learner case studies 187 learners see students learning 22 behaviourist school of 15–16 cognitivist school of 4–15 communication and 39–43 domains 35, 412–14 humanistic school of 16–21 independent 357–66 and memory 1–4 motivation and 44–62 needs 25–8, 29–38 needs assessment 529–43 process and product 320, 418–19 self-directed 367–71, 450, 455–60, 462–3 social 21–2 learning difficulties, students with bridging and 342–3 Feuerstein’s teaching and 510–11 and medals and missions 68 special needs of 86–90, 94 learning engine 48, 48 learning loops 340, 343, 485–6 learning outcomes 410–12 classification of 412–14 general objectives and 414–17, 417 limitations of 419–20 planning cycle 420 tree structure 421 learning styles Herrmann’s ’whole-brain’ model 148, 149, 346 Kolb’s cycle and 150–2, 150 new approach to 142–5 right brain/left brain 146–7, 147 visual, auditory and kinaesthetic (VAK) 149–50, 348–50 learning support 543, 546 see also tutors and tutoring learning teams 364 legislation 91–2 lesson plans 442 format 443–6, 446 important points 442 lesson evaluation 447–8, 525–7, 526 resource-based learning 454 structure of lessons 442–3, 445 libraries 291 lifelong learning sector standards 513–14, 583–6 lists and explanations 172–3 long-term memory (LTM) 2, 2–4, 174 McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y 132–3 marks and marking corrected practice 216 essays 309–10 fairness and consistency 567–8 mark schemes 502–3 marks and learning 486–7 609 Index Maslow’s hierarchy of needs 55, 56 mastery learning 487–90, 488, 489, 490 games 251–2 objectives 415, 416 matching games 248–9 medals and missions assessment 480, 481–2 medals for every student 68–73 mixing praise and criticism 66–8 teachers needing 575 mediation 342 bridging 308–9, 334, 342–3, 522 memory long-term 2–4 short-term 1–2 metaphors 170 mime stories 263 mind-maps 127, 155, 155, 156, 348 misbehaviour see discipline missions see medals and missions mnemonics 277 ‘modelling’ 21, 90–1, 185 models 350, 386–7 Moser Report (1999) 536 motivation 44 and assignments 297–8 can improve 512 creativity and 322 dealing with low 213–14 demotivators 60 expectancy-value theory 59–60, 60 increasing 46–54, 61–2 independent learning and 364 learners taking responsibility for learning 56–9 Maslow’s hierarchy of needs 55, 56 motivational interviewing 558–60 motivators 44–6 questioning technique and 192–3 ‘mountain climbing’ 252, 253 multiculturalism 85 multiple representations 144–5 multisensory learning 149–50 Muslim laws and customs 95 National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs) 418, 497–8 needs assessment of learners’ 529–44 learning 25–8, 29–38 Maslow’s hierarchy of 55, 56 training 476–7, 476 neurons norm-referenced assessment 479–80 normative beliefs 430–1 notes students’ 209–10 teachers’ for students 207–9 NVQs (National Vocational Qualifications) 418, 497–8 objectives 610 classification of 412–14 embedding 417–18 general 414–17, 417 limitations of 419–20 planning cycle 420 and process and product 418–19 specific 410–12 tree structure 421 OHPs (overhead projectors) using for notes 209–10 using for presentations 379–85 one-to-one tutorials aims of 552–3 approaches to 553–7 aspects of successful 557–9 open questions 200, 225 opinions convergent opinion forming 435–40 discussion 222–30, 237, 269–71 divergent opinion forming 188, 428–34 orientation and explanation 174 outcomes see learning outcomes pair work advocacy 240 peer consultancy 271 peer explaining 210 peer tutoring and checking 239 questioning strategy 195, 199 snowballing 237 PAR (present, apply and review) approach 443, 444 passive learners 56–9, 134 passive teachers 580–1 patience, teacher attribute 213 pedagogy, specialist and specific 19–21 peers assessment by 339, 490–1, 491–2 and motivation 50 peer teaching 354, 439 tutoring and checking 239, 364 see also pair work PEP approach 100, 116 performance indicators 568–70, 572–4 personal authority 100–2 persuasion and opinion changing 436, 437–40 philosophical beliefs 431 picture recognition 262–3 plenary sessions 217, 218, 242, 260 Po technique and creativity 329 positive reinforcement 69–71, 73 posters 267, 350, 387–8 practice common problems 220 concept learning and 175–6 deliberate and ability 511, 511 of intellectual skills 212–17 learning by 26, 28, 32, 36–7, 211 practical activities 217–20 preparing for 211–12 recall and 273 Index praise gains from 73–4 and improving behaviour 108–9 maximising opportunities for 68–73 for maximum effect 74–5 mixing with criticism 66–8 and motivation 48, 65 prejudices 80 presentations group 240, 269 student 264–5, 269 teacher talk 164–6 using visual aids 379–85 private study 294–5 problem-solving 12, 298 procrastination, student and assignments 301 profiles 496–7 projects 296 see also assignments pros and cons activity 237 psychological beliefs 431 psychometric tests 499–500 psychomotor domain of learning 35, 413 punishment 123, 124–5 puzzles and motivation 53–4 pyramid game 266 QCA (Qualifications and Curriculum Authority) 536 QTS (Qualified Teacher Status) standards 589–94 qualifications and motivation 46 questionnaires diagnostic 539, 541–2 student course evaluation 565–6 questions and questioning 204 advantages of 190–3 assertive questioning 198, 271, 282–6, 283, 286–7 and classroom management 100 comparing strategies 196, 197–9 diagnostic questioning 492 and discussion 225, 226–7 and explanation 178 levels 200–2 question typing 250 relevant recall 170 review questions 276 students need to ask questions 26, 34 and teacher-talk method 166 technique 193–6 uses of 202–4 varying types of questions 200 on worksheets 216 writing examination questions 500, 500 quizzes 253–4, 276, 494 radio games, modified 254, 267 random word association 328 ranking games 250–1 rapport and formal authority 98–100 and personal authority 100–2 RARPA (recognising and recording progress and achievement) 463–4 process 464, 465–6 record keeping 466–7, 466 RBL (resource-based learning) 397, 450, 452–5 reading 288 approaches to 288–90 homework 294 library and information-searching skills 291 making full use of libraries 291 readability of texts 291–2 techniques 292 Reardon, Kathleen 436 reasoning 311, 320 chains of 173 recall 3, 3, 272–3 relevant recall questions 170 skills 279 strategies 274–8 study-cover-recall-check 273–4 records for RARPA or other flexible teaching 466–7, 467 resource-based learning 453–4, 453, 460 self-directed learning 460, 460 whole-class teaching 452 records of achievement 496–7 reductio ad absurdum 178 reflection on assignments 300 in experiential learning cycle 336, 338–40 teachers and 521, 521–7 regimes and rules 104–5, 123–4 reinforcement and assessment 494 behaviourist theory 15–16 and discipline 127 gains from 73–4 maximising opportunities for 68–9 most effective 74–5 and motivation 45, 47–50 positive 69–72, 73 relevance, student 51–2 relevant recall questions 170 religious beliefs 95, 431 remembering review and recall 272–9 short- and long-term memory 1–4 reports, school college 496–7 reports, writing see essays resource-based learning (RBL) 397, 450, 452–5, 461–2 resources computers 391–404 and course design 475 evaluating 386, 395 for independent learning 360 visual aids 375–85, 385–90 respect 98, 100 review and recall 272–3 beware demotivation 279 611 Index review amd recall (continued) choosing activities 277–8 homework 294–5 a learning need 26, 33 of skills 279 techniques 273–7 revision see review and recall rewards 15, 74–5 see also medals and missions; reinforcement right-brain and left-brain model of learning 146–7, 147 Rogers, Carl 371, 439, 458 role-play 258–60, 261, 265 rote (surface) learning 4, 5, 11, 13 rules and regimes 104–5, 123–4 schemes of work 469–70 embedding skills into 470–2, 472 spiral curriculum 373 schools performance indicators 569–70, 572–4 self-evaluation 571–2 search engines 394 seating plans 225, 226, 233 self-assessment, institutions 571–2 self-assessment, student 18, 490 and attainment 491–2 forms 467, 484–5, 549, 551 and independent learning 359–60 preferable to teacher assessment 18 reflection through 339 as reinforcement 494 self-directed learning 367–8, 450, 455–6 adult learning approach 456–8 cycle 368–70, 368, 459 humanistic theory 17–19, 18 RARPA approach and 463–7 reasons for using 371 records to keep 460, 460 teacher as facilitator 370–1, 372 and whole-class teaching 461–2, 462–3 with younger students 458–9 self-esteem and motivation 45, 47 self-evaluation, student 362–4, 365, 368–9 self-fulfilling prophecy 80–2 seminars 269–71 sexist language 84 short-term memory (STM) 1–2 showing see demonstration Sikh laws and customs 95 silence, getting 105–6, 106 silent demonstrations 185 similarities and differences see compare and contrast simplification and explanation 170–2 simulations 261 skills 419 assessment proformas to teach 484–7, 484–5, 486 basic 536 Bloom’s taxonomy 8–13, can be taught 511, 511 612 double-decker lessons and 427, 428 embedding in schemes of work 470–2 key and functional 536–8 learning needs 24–8, 29–38 slide projectors 389–90 snowballing activity 237–8 social learning 21 Socratic method 186, 203 spectacles, analysis by 8, 153, 154, 255, 307 spiral syllabus 274, 473 spiritual beliefs 431 spoof assessment 491–2 spreadsheets, activities using 400 standards literacy and numeracy 536 teachers’ 513–14, 583–6, 589–94 stereotyping 80 STM (short-term memory) 1–2 stories to teach language and communication skills 263 storyboards 157, 157 stress, student 115 structure and explanations 173–4 student-referenced assessment 480 students concentration 163–4, 164, 446, 446 demonstration by 186, 286–7 discipline and 104–8, 110–27 equal opportunities 82–91, 92–4 independent learning 357–66 individual learning plans (ILPs) 542–3 induction 543–4 initial and diagnostic assessment 529–36, 538–42 learning needs 25–8, 29–38 and learning styles 145 low expectations 42 motivation 44–62, 512 needs assessment 529–43 and praise and criticism 65–75 preferred teaching methods 139–41, 140 presentations by 264–5, 269 rapport with 98–102 responsibility for own learning 17–18, 56–9 self-assessment 18, 339, 490, 491–2, 494 self-directed learning 17, 367–72, 373, 450, 455–60, 462–3 stereotyping 80 support for 546–60 teachers and achievement 509–10 teachers’ expectations of 80–2 teachers’ first impression of 78–9 study buddies 364 subject-specific teaching 19–21 summaries 165, 180, 275 summative assessment 492–3, 493, 496, 504 developing a strategy 502–3 methods 496–500 problems with 500–2 support 543 see also tutors and tutoring Index surface (rote) learning 4, 5, 11, 13 synthesis skills 9, 12, 13 talent, can be taught 511 target maps 156, 156 task analysis and course design 473–4, 474 tasks in advance of explanation 179 attainable 69 groupwork 233–41 independent learning 358–9 and motivation 49, 49 see also activities teacher talk 162 advantages and disadvantages 162 and concentration spans 163–4 and questioning 196 the talk trap 163 technique 164–7 teachers active or passive 524, 580–1 approachability 42–3 ‘arc of vision’ 194–5, 194 benchmarking 568–70, 574 classroom management 102–8 dealing with behaviour problems 110–27 and equal opportunities 82–91, 92–4 expectations of students 80–2 first impressions of students 78–80 how to improve 575, 576 instructors or facilitators 133–6, 370–1 learning from experience 516–27 legal responsibilities 91–2 marking 567–8 personal goals 136–7 rapport with students 98–102 self-analysis 130–3 standards 513–14, 583–6, 589–94 stereotyping of students 80 and student achievement 509–10 team players 576–7 time management 579 values and beliefs 507–9, 508, 510, 510 voice 165, 580 teaching methods 139, 312, 321 aide-memoires 206–10 assignments and projects 296–303 creativity, design and invention 322–34 demonstration 182–9 discussion 222–30, 269–71 essays and reports 304–11 explanation 168–80 games 247–56, 262–8 group work 231–46 guided discovery 312–21 independent learning 357–66 learning from experience 336–45 most successful 141–2 private study and homework 294–5 questioning 190–205 reading 288–92 review and recall 272–9 role-play, drama and simulation 258–61 self-directed learning 367–71 student preference 139–41, 140 supervised student practice 211–21 teacher talk 162–7 using a variety 159 whole-brain, visual and kinaesthetic 346–55 whole-class interactive teaching 281–7 teaching modes mixing 461–3 RARPA approach 463–6 resource-based learning (RBL) 450, 452–5 self-directed learning 450, 455–60 whole-class 450, 451–2 ‘tell me more’ game 254 telling-offs 116–17 ‘tennis’ game 254, 277 terminal assessment see summative assessment tests check and correct 14, 33 graded 499 mastery 488–9 and motivation 51 psychometric 499–500 using formatively 494 text, readability of 291–2 textbooks 206, 288 Theory X and Theory Y, McGregor’s 132–3 ‘theory-in-use’ 519–21, 519 ‘thinking out loud’ technique 187, 188 thinking skills 318–20 questioning and 201 right-brain, left-brain 146, 147 subject specific 20 time management 579 timelines 157, 348 topic analysis and course design 474–5, 475 topic boxes 360 training needs and course design 476–7, 476 treasure hunts 255 tree diagrams 155, 155, 174, 174 trust and reflection 340 tutors and tutoring 546 action planning 548–53, 550 one-to-one tutorials 552–9 skills and qualities 546–7 TV games, modified 254, 267 type and match learning styles 143 understanding 4, 11, 201, 414 VACSAR, assessments and 500–2 VAK (visual, auditory and kinaesthetic) learning styles 149–50, 348–54 values and beliefs and opinion forming 429–32 teachers’ 507–9, 508, 510, 510, 513–14 Venn diagrams 154–5, 154, 155, 156, 156 video recorders 388–9 videos, creating 350, 389 613 Index visitors 354–5 visits 355 visual aids 375 advantages of 375–6 charts and posters 387–8 DVDs, videos and video cameras 388–9 graphic organisers 154–9, 348, 376, 397–8 handouts 376–7 models and the real thing 386–7 presentation software, interactive whiteboards and OHPs 379–86 slide projectors 389–90 whiteboards 378–9 see also computers; games visual, auditory and kinaesthetic (VAK) learning styles 149–50, 348–54 visual representations and explanation 178 seeing and creating 348, 349–53 see also visual aids VLEs (virtual learning environments) 392, 397 vocabulary games to teach 264, 266 teachers’ use of 41, 166, 179 voice, teacher’s 165, 580 web directories 394 websites, creating 350, 404 614 whiteboards 378–9, 379–80, 385 whole brain learning 143, 346 Herrmann’s ‘whole-brain’ model 148, 149 holistic methods 346–7 kinaesthetic strategies 353–4 visitors and visits 354–5 visual representations 348–53 whole-class interactive teaching 281 advantages and limitations 286–7 assertive questioning 282–6 PAR approach 443, 444 strategy 281–2 student demonstration 286 whole-class teaching 450, 451–2, 461–3 witness sessions 270–1 word association and creativity 327, 328 word-processing 398–9 workbooks 452, 454, 455 workplace needs analysis and course design 476–7, 476 worksheets 215–16, 377, 399 writing structuring 305–8 using bridging to establish 308–9 [...]... understand all its implications after one reading! We will look at it more fully in Part 4 Look at the diagram on page 9, which I have adapted slightly from Bloom’s work Let’s start at the bottom and work our way up The six sections can all be seen as skills, that is, the ability to recall, explain, etc.; or as tasks that a teacher could set By this I mean any task: an oral question, a class activity, an... which was run by A S Neil on humanistic principles, said the pupils were ‘full of life and zest and of boredom and apathy there was no sign’ Standard curricula and compulsory attendance are either abandoned or given a low priority While this is a radical approach if adopted in a school, it is commonplace in the teaching and training of adults Most schoolteachers make at least some use of humanistic... demand’ Learners must think hard and make sense of the material, relating it to their existing learning EVALUATION (judge, critically appraise) • Make a judgement about an activity, policy, plan or argument, etc., such as a historical view or event, scientific experiment, economic policy or mathematical solution, etc • Comparing and contrasting two related ideas, etc • Evaluation includes learners evaluating... to do very similar calculations yourself Analysis is breaking a complex whole into parts, and then looking at the parts in some detail For example, you might be asked to analyse a lesson that you have observed There are two ways to analyse: with a knife, or with spectacles! • To analyse with a knife, you cut the whole into logical parts and then consider each part separately – for example, cutting the... short-lived, and is easily displaced by new information That last sentence has important implications for the way teachers should plan their lessons and courses; you might like to think what these implications are (They will be summarised later in the chapter.) Part 1 The learner’s practical and emotional needs 1 1 The learner’s practical and emotional needs Sometimes, of course, the contents of the STM are passed... criteria help us to use the ‘spectacles’ that focus on the important aspects of what we are evaluating When students are evaluating their own work they also need to know what criteria to look for, as we will see in Chapter 43 We have considered cognitive learning above, but a very similar approach can be used for learning practical skills The Jabberwocky exercise Here is a task for you to make what went... wrong In 1989 a man approached the staff of a railway station, saying he didn’t know his name or address and had no idea why he had made a train journey He had entirely lost his long-term memory His wife recognised him on television and rang the station to arrange to collect him It was discovered that he had suffered a blow to his head earlier in the day Luckily his LTM re-established itself as he recovered... don’t lead to a qualification is also considered • Chapter 34 looks at how to use self-directed learning with adults or younger learners • Chapter 33 looks at ‘how to manage independent learning’, which helps learners move towards self-directed learning • Chapter 10 looks at the ‘facilitation’ approach common in self-directed learning – ‘Are you an instructor or facilitator?’ • Page 61 has a diagram which... doesn’t work as a teaching strategy We also teach unconsciously by our behaviour towards our students A teacher who talks to, smiles at, encourages and helps students of Asian and European origin equally, is teaching the students to respect everyone, regardless of their origins Such inadvertent teaching is sometimes called the ‘hidden curriculum’ 21 The learner’s practical and emotional needs That list... it safe and withdraw, feeling crushed and lacking in self-confidence as a result; or they hit out in retaliation, becoming disruptive Either way, pupils, and their learning, are damaged Most teachers have found their own learning to be a reasonably straightforward process Though you may well have found some learning difficult, you must have been a very successful learner in other areas to have gained