The functions of the Computer Lab Management System include: Computer Lab Management: In this section contains the full features such as, add Student Infomation, add Technology, Facult
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Synopsis 2 II
, ScreenShot Of Application 24 VIII
We would like to acknowledge all those who have given moral support and
helped us make the project a success
We wish to express our gratitude to the eProject Team at the Head Office, who guided and helped us Particular thanks to Mr.Nguyen Song Huong, who guided andhelped us develop the analysis I would also like to express my gratitude to all the
student members of my centre for not only providing me with the opportunity to
work with them on this project, but also for their support and encouragement
throughout the process
Although, there have been many attempted but by the time the limited practice
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In a school which trained mainly on Technology! It would be difficult for a managerwhen the number of students enrolled technology courses growing, meanwhile problemsolve and arrange practice rooms to avoid conflict time is very difficult To solve thatproblem Computer Lab Management System was launched The software COMPUTERLAB MANAGEMENT SYSTEM has to be developed to automate the lab details Thisincludes information about all lab items, Batches of the student, Technology of thestudent, Faculty detail, etc This system gives concise and accurate information regardingthe students, technology, timings, etc
The functions of the Computer Lab Management System include:
Computer Lab Management: In this section contains the full features such as, add Student Infomation, add Technology, Faculty Management,Course , Batch and create new lab upon request
Login: This decentralized system to log into the system as an administrator and
a staff Lab
Search: Search for information about students, About Batch Information,
Technology, Lab In particular, show the new students register to create a new Batch
There are two types of users to access the system:
1 Administator
2 Staff Lab
If you're an administrator you can have full right to handle this system
+ Add new students as well as their information
+ Create Batches to add new students registered, according to technology and timethey require
+ Add Technology and the new course for schools
+ Add and manage faculty
+ Created new lab upon request
In addition, the administrator can add, edit, and update information of all things
Staff Lab:
As a Staff Lab, you can view a list of new students registeredthen decided to create a new Batch of technology and time they want!
+ View information on all students, the Batch as well as the Lab is working
+ Add Student Information, create new Batch
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+ Update Informatin of Student and Batch
+ Arrange students into a new Batch, the number of students in Batch
II, Problem Definition
How to manage a computer lab system the best way!Maintain and ensure the time
between Batches to avoid conflicts, the students apply the courses will be arranged in layers with the technology and the appropriate time! Teacher of each Batches are
guaranteed on time so as not to be identical with the other Batch teaching hours So makesure to avoid conflict between the batches of time and Lab to be placed on top
III, Customer Requiments Specification
Our client Concourse wants the following actions to be implemented
1 The application will have different options like student information, faculty
registration, Batch registration, through which Lab staff should able to know about the batches and there information
2 Whenever a Batch is launched the details of the students, their faculty, timing, technology and the type of the batch will be registered Also which lab has to be assigned to a particular batch i.e lab1 or lab2?
3 All the technology will be registered with unique code and there duration of
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Proper validation should be applied to run the application according to the requirement ofthe management
A minimum computer system that will help you access all the tools
in thecourses is a Pentium 166 or better
128 Megabytes of RAM or better
IV, Architecture & Design of the Project
This system will have client- server architecture So it has a two-tierarchitecture
Two – Tier Architecture of the Project
Group 3 – C1008J Bachkhoa Aptech
Tier 1 Presentation Tier
Tier 2 Database Tier
User Interface – GUI Components
Database Access
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DFD level 0: Context diagram
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DFD level 1: Application process
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DFD lever 2: Data Management
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DFD lever 2: Batch management
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DFD lever 2: Lab management
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DFD lever 2.1: Student management
DFD lever 2.2: Course management
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DFD lever 2.3: Faculty management
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DFD lever 2.4: Technologies management
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DFD lever 2.5: View management
Concourse is a computer institute which gives training to student in different
technologies like Java, Dot net, and Networking etc With increasing number of studentsand Batches in the institute it became difficult for the faculties and Management tomanage the Lab activity of the students of different batch The institute has three types ofBatches Fast track batch, Normal track batch and slow track batch Fast track batchcomes daily i.e six days a week and has lab activities every alternate day, Normal track
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management to organize the activities of the student, faculties and technical staffaccording to the batch, timing and faculty The software COMPUTER LABMANAGEMENT SYSTEM has to be developed to automate the lab details Thisincludes information about all lab items, Batches of the student, Technology of thestudent, Faculty detail, etc This system gives concise and accurate information regardingthe students, technology, timings, etc
Yes/ No False
Check data
Access application
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Import fields
Yes/ No Exist
Check data exist
or not
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Flowchart 2 : Add a new Record
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Edit fields
Yes/ No False
Check constraints
Save to database
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Flowchart 4 : Delete a Record
Group 3 – C1008J Bachkhoa Aptech
Check constraints
Save to database
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Choose and fill the fields
Yes/ No False
Records exist and data input is valid
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V, E-R Diagrams
VI, Database Design/Structure
Table: Batch
of Batch
which the student is going
to perform there activity
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Table: Student
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Table: Lab
that technology
Table: Course
Table: CourseDetail
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VII, ScreenShot Of Application
Figure 1 : Login Form
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Figure 3 : Lab Form
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Figure 5 : Faculty Form
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Figure 7 : Technology Form
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Figure 9 : Student Waiting Form
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VIII, Task Sheet
Project Ref
Project Title:
Activity Plan Prepared By:
Date od Preparation of Activity Plan:
No. Task
Actual Start Date
Actual Days
Team Memb ers Names
3 DatabaseBuilding
Computer Lab Mangement System
Team 3 10/4 2 Do TrongHung Complete
4 Design EntityRelationship
Computer Lab Mangement System
5 DesigningInterface
Computer Lab Mangement System
Team 3 14/4 2 Do TrongHung Complete
6 Design formand banner
Computer Lab Mangement System
Team 3 16/4 1 Do TienTuan Complete
7 Write codefor Home
Computer Lab Mangement System
Team 3 17/11 2 Do TrongHung Complete
8 for Lab formWrite code
Computer Lab Mangement System
Nguyen Vinh Quang
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Team 3 20/4 1 Do TrongHung Complete
Team 3 21/4 1 Thach VanTrung Complete
Team 3 22/4 3 Do TrongHung Complete
Write code
for Technology
Computer Lab Mangement System
Team 3 25/4 1 Do TienTuan Complete
Team 3 26/4 2 Thach VanTrung Complete
Team 3 28/4 2 Do TrongHung Complete
Team 3 30/4 2 Do TrongHung Complete
Computer Lab Mangement System
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X, Submission Checklist
1 Are the users table to
login the application after validation is performed on the client name and Password ?
2 The application have
different options like student information, faculty registration, Batch registration, through which Lab staff should able to know about the batches and there information?
3 Whenever a Batch is
launched the details of the students, their faculty, timing, technology and the type
of the batch will be registered?
4 All the technology will
be registered with unique code and there duration of completion?
5 Admin can add lab and
increase the capacity in the future if the management decide to set up a new lab ?