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  • Image Enhancement and Edge Detection Techniques Applied to Renal Magnetic Resonance Imaging

    • Sara Alford

      • University of Wisconsin - Madison

      • ECE 533 Project

      • December 12, 2003

        • Image Processing Techniques

          • Appendix A: Matlab Code MRA Images

          • Appendix B: Matlab Code for Edge Detection

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Image Enhancement and Edge Detection Techniques Applied to Renal Magnetic Resonance Imaging Sara Alford University of Wisconsin - Madison ECE 533 Project December 12, 2003 Problem Statement: To apply image enhancement techniques to magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) and blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) magnetic resonance (MR) images in order to improve contrast and aid in post processing Background Research Study In radiology, a highly trained physician examines images of the human body in order to diagnose and treat patients The quality of these images should be at a high enough level so that they can easily perform their dictation without much thought to the imaging techniques and formation process My current research uses a type of magnetic resonance imaging, blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) to determine functional information about a specific organ of interest A trained individual is needed to post process these images MRA images are used to determine the anatomy and perfusion of the kidney Better definition or contrast in the kidneys would be helpful in the diagnosis of ischemia An image that provided guidelines for the placement of medulla through the location of edges between the medulla and cortex could also improve image processing This would provide a check to ensure proper placement of the medulla MRA is an imaging technique that captures the vasculature of the human body through the use of a Gadolinium based contrast agent, Gd-DTPA [1] A patient is injected with contrast during scanning, and images are captured during the arterial phase Arteries will appear bright on the image whereas other structures without the contrast will appear darker These images can then be used to diagnose the various vasculature diseases and conditions such as ischemia and stenosis BOLD MR imaging is typically used to image the brain, but this project investigates its application to the kidneys From BOLD MR imaging, functional information regarding the renal oxygenation is extracted through the calculation of R2* maps from a series of sixteen T2* weighted images This could potentially lead to a noninvasive method to diagnose the clinical problem of acute renal ischemia The technique was validated by Prasad et al [2] and has been used in medical studies investigating the effects of pharmacological agents [3] and water diuresis [4] on the kidney Our current study’s objective is to assess the potential of BOLD MR imaging to detect acute renal ischemia [5] Image Physiology The kidney is divided into three main regions: the cortex, medulla and collection system This study was concerned with specifically determining oxygenation values for the cortex and medulla separately Medulla and cortex, shown in Figure 1, differ in the location of the kidney With T2* weighted MR imaging, the medulla will appear darker in intensity while cortex will appear white on the region This contrast has not been as good as hoped, and has led to more difficult placement of the medulla Figure 1: Kidney Anatomy Medullary pyramids are shown in the mid region of the kidney for a coronal slice The collecting system is in the interior, and the cortex is the outer region surrounding the pyramids (Image taken from Brenner and Rector’s The Kidney online edition [6]) Image Acquisition Five medium sized swine were studied under a protocol approved by the University of Wisconsin Research Animal Resources Center Artificial ventilation and general anesthesia were maintained throughout the study Guided by x-ray fluoroscopy, a balloon catheter was placed in the renal artery Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging was performed on a 1.5 T whole-body scanner (Signa LX, GE Medical Systems, Milwaukee, WI) using a torso phased array or cardiac coil Heart rate, respiration rate, and blood pressure were monitored throughout the study A 3D-MRA confirmed anatomy and reperfusion to the kidney A multi-gradient echo (mGRE) sequence was used to acquire T2* weighted images (TR/TE/Flip = 87ms/8.0-44.8ms/40°) Three axial and three coronal slices (Figure 2) were prescribed per kidney with a FOV of 26 cm, matrix of 256x128, NEX of 1, and slice thickness of 10 mm Breathing was suspended for a scan time of fifteen seconds per slice Baseline and inflated balloon catheter measurements were obtained Figure 2: BOLD MR Images Coronal (left) and axial (right) mGRE images were taken contained 16 images Each set Image Post Processing After the acquisition of mGRE images, images are transferred to a SUN workstation to process MR images were 1024x1024 in size and 24-bit true color A R2* map is calculated based on the change in intensity at each pixel (Figure 3) Correct placement on the anatomical structure is imperative for meaningful R2* values specific for the cortex and medulla Based on the scanning parameters chosen, the cortex will appear bright on the image and is typically found near the outer rim of the kidney The medulla is harder to distinguish due to partial cortical volume averaging and a skewed cross-sectional from a non-orthogonal slice acquisition The medulla regions appear darker due to the physiologic nature of the medulla This corresponds to a higher R2* [7-8] Once regions of interest (ROIs) are determined, the R2* value is calculated by taking an average of the interior pixel’s R2* values Images are then stored as jpeg files using Huffman sequential coding to compress the image Figure 3: Corresponding R2* Maps calculated from coronal (left) and axial (right) mGRE images Motivation for Project Currently, the quality of the images analyzed is not perfect Contrast in the MRA clearly shows the main artery such as the aorta and its main branches, but renal arteries are not clearly defined The image typically does not use the full range of pixel values, thereby limiting the contrast An imaging method such as histogram equalization would take advantage of these neglected pixel values and provide better definition and more information for the reader One problem faced when analyzing the BOLD MR images is determining the proper medullary ROI placement By providing the reader with an accompanying image displaying the edges between the medulla and cortex, a more accurate measurement could be taken Image Processing Techniques Histogram Equalization Histogram equalization is a spatial domain image enhancement technique that modifies the distribution of the pixels to become more evenly spread out over the available pixel range [9] In histogram processing, a histogram displays the distribution of the pixel intensity values, mimicking a PDF for a continuous function An image that has a uniform PDF will have pixel values at all valid intensities Therefore, it will be a high contrast image Images that have only a limited range will be of lower contrast Also a dark image will have only low pixel values present whereas a bright image will have only high pixel values present Histogram equalization attempts to create a uniform PDF or histogram [10] This can be accomplished by performing a global equalization that considers all the pixels in the entire image, or a local equalization that segments the image into regions Negative Images By calculating the negative of an image, enhancement of white or gray details in a dark background occurs [10] A negative image is calculated through the equation: P = (L-1) – I, where P is the new pixel value, L is the number of pixel intensity values and I is the original pixel intensity [9] Subtraction images can also lead to an enhancement of certain regions of an image In contrast enhanced MRA, a mask image is used and subtracted from a contrast-enhanced image to boost contrast [1] Edge Detection In order to extract edge components from an image, first or second derivative methods can be employed [9, 12] Due to image blurring, most image edges are not sharp lines Instead a ramping edge is common, with the slope of the ramp proportional to the degree of blurring in the edge Blurred edges tend to be thick while sharp edges tend to be thin [9] To determine an edge, a threshold technique is employed If the value of the derivative is greater than a certain threshold value, then the pixel is deemed an edge pixel An edge segment is the connected set of edge pixels [9,11] First order derivative methods use a gradient operator This operator used partial derivatives to approximate the 2-D gradient The Prewitt and Sobel operators (Figure and 5) are two of the most used operators in edge detection The Sobel and Prewitt vary only slightly The Sobel mask places most importance on the center pixel than the Prewitt operator by incorporating a factor of The Canny operator, another means to determine the first derivative, computes a convolution with a Gaussian signal and pixel values in order to smooth the image and reduce noise effects It then applies a mask to determine the gradient [13] -1 -1 -1 -1 1 -1 -1 1 1 Figure 4: A x Prewitt mask These are used to distinguish vertical and horizontal edges in the image These two masks calculate the gradients G x and Gy needed to determine the overall gradient -1 -2 -1 -1 1 -2 -1 2 Figure 5: A x Sobel mask These are used to distinguish vertical and horizontal edges in the image These two masks calculate the gradients G x and Gy needed to determine the overall gradient change More importance is placed on the center pixel in the Sobel mask The Laplacian also uses two masks to determine the second derivative of the pixel [9,14] The Laplacian generally is not used solely to detect edges, but is coupled with a Gaussian function This eliminates many undesirable effects such as double edges [9] When it is used with a Gaussian function, it is called the Laplacian of a Gaussian (LoG) The purpose of the Gaussian function is to smooth the image, while the purpose of the Laplacian operator is to provide an image with zero crossings used to establish the edge locations A x mask is shown in Figure 0 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 -2 16 -2 -1 -2 -1 -1 0 -1 0 Figure 5: A x Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) Mask This mask is used to determine the horizontal and vertical edges of an image Work Performed/Methods Image processing techniques were completed in order to improve the contrast of the MRA and BOLD images using Matlab (Mathworks, Version 6.1) Edge detection algorithms available in the signals processing toolbox were used as a means to improve contrast and have better definition in the kidney A hard copy of the code can be found in Appendix A and B Histogram Equalization Histogram equalization was performed using the histeq command from Matlab [15] The default 64 bins were used Three MRA images were used to assess the algorithm Analysis was first performed on the entire image A second experiment first cropped the data, and then applying the image processing techniques These images were then compared to a cropped version of the global analysis image from the first experiment Two different cropped regions were completed Negative and Subtraction Images Images were converted to double precision images in order to perform the subtraction operation Negative images subtracted pixels from the maximum value, providing an inverse image Subtraction images were calculated by subtracting the original image from the histogram-equalized image Edge Detection Algorithms All edge detection algorithms used were from the edge command in Matlab Using this command, a Sobel operator, Prewitt Operator, Laplacian of Gaussian operator, and Canny operator were performed on a cropped MR image of the kidney [15] All examined the image for both horizontal and vertical edges The Matlab algorithm automatically calculated the threshold for the first image Based on its value, two or three other threshold values were considered Binary images displaying edges were plotted Results A histogram of the original MRA image showed a larger percentage of pixel values in the 25-75 intensity range (Figure 6) It confirmed our visual assessment that the image was dark and not taking advantage of the full range of contrast Figure 6: An original MRA image and corresponding histogram MRA images display the vasculature and anatomy of the patient The corresponding histogram shows most of the pixel values fall between 25 and 75, with a peak about 40 Three MRA images were analyzed using histogram equalization and negative enhancement techniques (Figure 7-15) Each of these images was cropped prior to enhancement The analysis was repeated Cropped image analysis was compared to the initial global analysis by cropping the enhanced image post processing (Figure 16-21) Histogram equalization was also completed with two sets of BOLD MR images (Figure 22-23) Edge detection algorithms were performed on a cropped region of the right kidney The threshold was varied Results are shown in Figures 24-27 MRA Image #1: Figure 5: MRA Histogram Equalization a) Original Image b) Global Histogram Equalized Image The image after histogram equalization displays more contrast then the original, but also led to more background noise Figure 6: Histograms The original histogram (top) compared to the equalized histogram (bottom) The equalization spectrum now has a broader range of pixel intensity values, thereby increasing contrast seen in the image 10 Figure 7: Negative Images A) A negative of the original data was taken B) Subtraction image of the original image from the histogram equalization The subtraction image displays kidneys well, while the negative has better definition of the renal arteries MRA Image #2: Figure 8: MRA Histogram Equalization a) Original Image b) Global Histogram Equalized Image 11 Figure 9: Histograms The original histogram (top) compared to the equalized histogram (bottom) The equalization spectrum now has a broader range of pixel intensity values, thereby increasing contrast seen in the image Figure 10: Negative Images A) A negative of the original data was taken B) Subtraction image of the original image from the histogram equalization The subtraction image displays kidneys well, while the negative has better definition of the renal arteries 12 MRA Image #3: Figure 11: MRA Histogram Equalization a) Original Image b) Global Histogram Equalized Image Figure 12: Histograms The original histogram (top) compared to the equalized histogram (bottom) The equalization spectrum now has a broader range of pixel intensity values, thereby increasing contrast seen in the image 13 Figure 13: Negative Images A) A negative of the original data was taken B) Subtraction image of the original image from the histogram equalization The subtraction image displays kidneys well, while the negative has better definition of the renal arteries Cropped MRA Image #1: Figure 14: Histogram Equalization to a Cropped Segment a) Original image cropped to show only the renal system and main vasculature b) Segment first cropped, then histogram equalization performed c) Histogram equalization performed on entire image, then cropped identically to image in b Image b has the best contrast and is the easiest to distinguish the left renal artery stenosis and right renal vasculature 14 Figure 15: Negative Images A) Negative image of the cropped region (doesn’t matter if cropped first or negative operation first) B) Subtraction of Original image from histogram equalization Global equalization then cropped C) Subtraction of Original image from histogram equalization Cropped, then histogram equalization performed Part c has the best definition of the renal vasculature, especially in the right kidney (left side of image) Cropped MRA Image #2: Figure 16: Histogram Equalization to a Cropped Segment a) Original Image cropped to show only the renal system and main vasculature b) Segment first cropped, then histogram equalization performed c) Histogram equalization performed on entire image, then cropped identically to image in b 15 Figure 17: Negative Images A) Negative image of the cropped region (doesn’t matter if cropped first or negative operation first) B) Subtraction of Original image from histogram equalization Global equalization then cropped C) Subtraction of Original image from histogram equalization Cropped, then histogram equalization performed B and C have better image contrast between the arteries and the background Cropped MRA Image #3: Smaller Region of the Right Kidney: Figure 18: Histogram Equalization of Cropped Right Kidney a) Original Image cropped to show only the renal system and main vasculature b) Segment first cropped, then histogram equalization performed c) Histogram equalization performed on entire image, then cropped identically to image in b 16 Figure 19: Negative Images of Right Kidney A) Negative image of the cropped region (doesn’t matter if cropped first or negative operation first) B) Subtraction of Original image from histogram equalization Global equalization then cropped C) Subtraction of Original image from histogram equalization Cropped, then histogram equalization performed BOLD IMAGE PROCESSING: Figure 20: Cropped Image to Right Kidney (left) and Histogram Equalization of Cropped Image (right) Image on the right has better contrast and the medulla pyramids can be more easily distinguished 17 Figure 21: Cropped Kidney BOLD Image (left) and Histogram Equalization of Cropped Image (right) Images after histogram equalization have more contrast and the medullary pyramids in both images have better definition from the original grayer image Figure 22: Edge Detection with Sobel Operator The Sobel operator was used specified to search for both horizontal and vertical edges a) Threshold value was equal to 0.005 b) Threshold value equal to 0.01 c) Threshold value equal to 0.157 (automatic chosen value for Matlab algorithm) 18 Figure 23: Edge Detection with Prewitt Operator The Prewitt operator was used specified to search for both horizontal and vertical edges a) Threshold value was equal to 0.005 b) Threshold value equal to 0.01 c) Threshold value equal to 0.156 (automatic chosen value for Matlab algorithm) Figure 24: Edge Detection with log Operator The log operator was used specified to search for both horizontal and vertical edges a) Threshold value was equal to 0.0014 (Matlab chose this value) b) Threshold value equal to 0.001 c) Threshold value equal to 0.002 19 Figure 25: Edge Detection with Canny Operator The Canny operator was used specified to search for both horizontal and vertical edges a) Threshold value was equal to 0.1 b) Threshold value equal to 0.15 c) Threshold value equal to 0.20 d) Threshold value equal to 0.25 Discussion: After histogram equalization, image contrast improved The kidney region displayed much more detail in all three cases With this added detail, also came some noise in the background In future experiments, a filter to eliminate or minimize this noise might prove beneficial The histogram equalization did cause more brightness around the already distinguished vasculature, specifically the aorta and its main branches Depending on the application, this may not be ideal Once the data was cropped, a better histogram equalization image was obtained Since many of the dark background pixels were eliminated, the cropped region was able to improve upon its local contrast This can be clearly seen in Figure 14 and 16 when images b and c are compared In image b, the image was first cropped and then histogram equalization was performed This image has less background noise and the kidney contrast is more ideal for analysis In part c, the histogram equalization was performed on the entire image, and then the image was cropped This image seems overly bright, especially when compared to the image in b Negative and subtracted images were new additions for the data analysis These images provided a better means to assess small vessel and smaller arteries that were not as clear in the MRA image The vasculature of the right kidney for example is most clearly seen in the subtracted cropped equalized image 20 and also in the negative image These images will be useful in detection the absence of vasculature in a region Edge detection algorithms were able to detect the medullary pyramids present in the coronal images analyzed One disadvantage to these algorithms was the necessity to choose a threshold value If too low a value was chosen, too many lines were distinguished and the data proved useless Too high a threshold led to only a couple of the medulla distinguished along with vessels and vasculature The best algorithm from the Sobel, Prewitt, LoG, and Canny was the Canny algorithm This algorithm distinguished the medulla without distinguishing many edges outside the kidney In the future, a more sophisticated algorithm would be needed if medulla edges were going to be isolated Based on the promising results of the histogram equalization, image enhancement and then user specification may be the best approach for the analysis of the BOLD data Conclusion: Image processing techniques did help improve the image quality of BOLD MR images The histogram equalization increased contrast and provided a better assessment of vasculature as well as medulla in the kidney Edge detection techniques did provide the edges of the medulla, but also many other edges due to vessels and contours of the kidney Unless an optimized threshold was found, this information was not as helpful for the data analysis 21 References: Prince M., Grist TM, and Debatin JF 3D Contrast MR Angiography 2nd Edition Springer-Verlag, NY 1999 Prasad PV, Edelman R, Epstein FH Noninvasive evaluation of intrarenal oxygenation with BOLD MRI Circulation 1996; 94:3271-5 Prasad PV, Priatna A, Spokes K, and Epstein FH Changes in Intrarenal Oxygenation as Evaluated by BOLD MRI in a Rat Kidney Model for Radiocontrast Nephropathy JMRI 2001; 13:744-7 Zuo CS, Rofsky NM, Mahallati H et al Visualization and Quantification of Renal R2* Changes During Water Diuresis JMRI 2003; 17:676-82 Alford SK, Polzin JA, Unal O, Consigny DW, Korosec FR, Grist TM Detection of acute renal ischemia in a swine model with BOLD MR imaging Submitted Nov 2003 For: ISMRM 12 th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition Brenner & Rector’s The Kidney Figure 1-4: Kidney Cross-section 6th ed., Saunders Company, 2000 Online edition http://www.mdconsult.com 11/20/03 Epstein FH Oxygen and Renal Metabolism Kidney Int 1997; 51:381-5 Brezis M, Rosen S, Silva, P and Epstein FH Renal Ischemia: A new perspective Kidney Int 1984; 26:375-83 Gonzalez RC and Woods RE 2001 Digital Image Processing 2nd Edition Prentice Hall, NJ p 88103, 572-585 10 Hu, YH ECE 533 Image Processing Lecture Notes: Image Enhancement by Modifying Gray Scale of Individual Pixels 2002-2003 11 Hu, YH ECE 533 Image Processing Lecture Notes: Image Segmentation 2002-2003 12 M Heath, S Sarkar, T Sanocki, and K.W Bowyer, A Robust Visual Method for Assessing the Relative Performance of Edge-Detection Algorithms IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol 19, No 12, December 1997, pp 1338-1359 13 Canny Edge Detection Online Visited 12/10/03 http://www.dai.ed.ac.uk/CVonline/LOCAL_COPIES/MARBLE/low/edges/canny.htm 14 Laplacian Edge Detection http://www.owlnet.rice.edu/~elec539/Projects97/morphjrks/laplacian.html Online Visited 10/25/03 15 Matlab Help Histeq and edge commands Mathworks 2003 22 Appendix A: Matlab Code MRA Images function mracleanup() % Loading MRA Data mra = imread('MRA1','jpg'); mra2 = imread('MRA2', 'jpg'); mra3 = imread('MRA3', 'jpg'); % Assign Image to Code mrimage = rgb2gray(mra2); % Plot Original Data figure(1); imshow(mrimage); figure(2); subplot(2,1,1); imhist(mrimage, 256); axis([0 256 150000]); title('Histogram with 256 bins'); ylabel('Number of Pixels'); % Histogram Equalization MRAeq = histeq(mrimage); figure(3); imshow(MRAeq); figure(2); subplot(2,1,2); imhist(MRAeq, 256); axis([0 256 150000]); ylabel('Number of Pixels'); % Convert Data Type mrimagedb = double(mrimage)/255; mraeqdb = double(MRAeq)/255; % Subtracted Negative Image submr = - mrimagedb; submr2 = mraeqdb - mrimagedb; figure(3); imshow(submr); figure(4); imshow(submr2); % Cropping Image After Image Processing mreqcrop = MRAeq(225:575, 200:500); figure(10); imshow(mreqcrop); mrsubcrop = submr(225:575, 200:500); mrsub2crop = submr2(225:575, 200:500); figure(11); imshow(mrsubcrop); figure(12); imshow(mrsub2crop); % Crop Image First to Eliminate Background from Histogram Equalization % Repeat Everything for Cropped Case % mrcrop = mrimage(175:900, 200:800); other case mrcrop = mrimage(225:575, 200:500); figure(5); imshow(mrcrop); 23 figure(6); subplot(2,1,1); imhist(mrcrop, 256); axis([0 256 150000]); title('Histogram with 256 bins'); ylabel('Number of Pixels'); % Histogram Equalization mrcropeq = histeq(mrcrop); figure(7); imshow(mrcropeq); figure(6); subplot(2,1,2); imhist(mrcropeq, 256); axis([0 256 150000]); ylabel('Number of Pixels'); mrcropdb = double(mrcrop)/255; mrcropeqdb = double(mrcropeq)/255; % Subtracted Negative Image subcrop = - mrcropdb; subcrop2 = mrcropeqdb - mrcropdb; figure(8); imshow(subcrop); figure(9); imshow(subcrop2); 24 Appendix B: Matlab Code for Edge Detection function boldmr() bold = imread('IM001001','jpg'); %figure(1); %imshow(bold); % Crop to Right Kidneys bold = bold(300:700, 200:500); figure(2); imshow(bold); boldeq = histeq(bold); figure(3); imshow(boldeq); % Edge Detection %Sobel [bs, thres] = edge(bold,'sobel'); figure(4); imshow(bs); bs2 = edge(bold, 'sobel', 0.01); figure(5); imshow(bs2) bs3 = edge(bold, 'sobel', 0.005); figure(6); imshow(bs3); % Prewitt [bp, t2] = edge(bold,'prewitt'); figure(7); imshow(bp); bp2 = edge(bold,'prewitt', 0.01); figure(8); imshow(bp2); bp3 = edge(bold,'prewitt', 0.005); figure(9); imshow(bp3); % log [bp, th] = edge(bold,'log'); figure(10); imshow(bp); bp2 = edge(bold,'log', 0.001); figure(11); imshow(bp2); bp3 = edge(bold,'log', 0.002); figure(12); imshow(bp3); % canny [bp, t] = edge(bold,'canny', 0.1); figure(13); imshow(bp); bp2 = edge(bold,'canny', 0.15); figure(14); imshow(bp2); bp3 = edge(bold,'canny', 0.20); figure(15); imshow(bp3); bp4 = edge(bold,'canny', 0.25); figure(16); imshow(bp4); 25 [...]... equal to 0.01 c) Threshold value equal to 0.157 (automatic chosen value for Matlab algorithm) 18 Figure 23: Edge Detection with Prewitt Operator The Prewitt operator was used specified to search for both horizontal and vertical edges a) Threshold value was equal to 0.005 b) Threshold value equal to 0.01 c) Threshold value equal to 0.156 (automatic chosen value for Matlab algorithm) Figure 24: Edge Detection... in a region Edge detection algorithms were able to detect the medullary pyramids present in the coronal images analyzed One disadvantage to these algorithms was the necessity to choose a threshold value If too low a value was chosen, too many lines were distinguished and the data proved useless Too high a threshold led to only a couple of the medulla distinguished along with vessels and vasculature The... value for Matlab algorithm) Figure 24: Edge Detection with log Operator The log operator was used specified to search for both horizontal and vertical edges a) Threshold value was equal to 0.0014 (Matlab chose this value) b) Threshold value equal to 0.001 c) Threshold value equal to 0.002 19 Figure 25: Edge Detection with Canny Operator The Canny operator was used specified to search for both horizontal

Ngày đăng: 27/05/2016, 16:18



