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Information and communication technology (ICT) and teaching english in rural vietnamese primary schools policies, pratices and implementation factors

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Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and teaching English in rural Vietnamese primary schools: Policies, practices and implementation factors Submitted by Nguy n, Th Thu Trang M.A in TESOL B.A in English Literature A thesis submitted in total fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy School of Education Division of Education, Arts and Social Sciences January, 2015 This page intentionally left blank Table of Contents List of Figures vi List of Tables viii List of Appendices ix Glossary x Summary xii Declaration xiv Thesis-related publications and presentations xv Acknowledgements xvi Chapter 1.1 Introduction Context of the study 1.1.1 Primary schooling in Vi t Nam 1.1.2 Differences between urban and rural primary schools in Vi t Nam 1.1.3 The introduction of English into Vietnamese primary schools 1.1.4 Introduction of ICT into Vietnamese primary schools 1.1.5 Section summary 1.2 Coming to this research: A personal story 10 1.3 The research problem 13 1.4 Objectives and research question 14 1.5 Definition of terms 15 1.6 Significance of the study 16 1.7 Foreseen limitations 17 1.8 Thesis organisation 17 Chapter Policy and implementation relating to ICT and English language teaching 2.1 19 English language teaching in primary schools 19 2.1.1 Introduction of the English language to primary students 20 2.1.2 Issues in teaching English to primary students 21 2.1.3 Leadership for teaching English in primary schools 23 2.1.4 Professional development and online resources for primary English teachers 23 i 2.2 ICT in primary schools 26 2.2.1 Use of ICT in primary schools 27 2.2.2 Obstacles to the implementation of ICT 28 2.2.3 Leadership for the use of ICT in primary schools 31 2.2.4 Professional development for ICT implementation 33 2.2.5 Online forum for professional development and learning 35 2.3 ICT in English language teaching in primary schools 38 2.3.1 History of Computer Assisted or Aided Language Learning (CALL) 39 2.3.2 The benefits of ICT in English language teaching 40 2.3.3 Use of ICT in primary ELT 41 2.3.4 Changes in EFL classroom practice with the use of technology 43 2.4 Equity and rural education 44 2.4.1 Equity in education in rural areas 45 2.4.2 Equity in English language learning and teaching in rural areas 46 2.4.3 Equity and ICT in rural education 48 2.4.4 Effective language teaching in limited technology contexts 48 2.4.5 Section review 49 Chapter Review 49 2.5 Chapter Methodology 51 3.1 Research approach 51 3.2 Theoretical perspectives 53 3.2.1 Language-in-education planning goals 53 3.2.2 Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge 55 3.2.3 Application of theoretical perspectives 61 3.3 3.3.1 Research design 61 Research sites 61 Rural primary schools in Ti n Giang province 62 The virtual online forum site 63 3.3.2 Research participants 63 3.3.3 Data collection methods 64 Questionnaires 66 Interviews 67 Document analysis 69 Online forum analysis 70 Summary of data collection methods and objectives 70 ii 3.4 Data analysis 72 3.4.1 Quantitative data 72 3.4.2 Qualitative data 72 3.5 Preparation for analysis 72 Thematic analysis 73 Ethical considerations 74 3.5.1 Recruitment of participants 74 3.5.2 Confidentiality 75 3.6 Chapter review Chapter 75 Implementation of English language education policy in rural primary schools 77 4.1 English language education policy production 4.2 Achievement of policy planning goals for primary English language teaching 78 79 4.2.1 Access policy: who learns what when? 80 4.2.2 Personnel policy: Where teachers come from and how are they trained? 84 Gender, age and teaching experience 84 Pre-service training and qualifications 85 English language proficiency 88 Participation in professional development 90 Teacher retention 91 4.2.3 Curriculum policy: What are the objectives in language teaching/learning? 92 4.2.4 Methods and materials policy: What methodology and what materials are employed over what duration? 93 4.2.5 Resourcing policy: How is everything paid for? 97 4.2.6 Community policy: Who is consulted/involved? 98 4.2.7 Evaluation policy: What is the connection between assessment, on the one hand, and methods and materials that define the educational objectives, on the other? 98 Summary: Key features relating to the achievement of the MOET’s policy planning goals for primary English language teaching in participating schools 99 4.2.8 4.3 Chapter review Chapter 5.1 100 Introducing ICT in rural primary schools 102 Introduction of ICT through the MOET and the DOET 102 iii 5.2 School facilities for ICT: Use by English teachers 106 5.3 School leaders’ views on the introduction of ICT 112 5.3.1 School leaders’ attitudes towards ICT 112 5.3.2 School leaders’ support for ICT implementation 114 5.3.3 School leaders’ attitudes to professional development 115 5.3.4 Section Review 116 5.4 English teachers and the use of ICT 116 5.4.1 Attitudes to ICT 117 5.4.2 Competence with ICT 119 5.4.3 Attitudes to professional development 121 5.4.4 Access to professional development 122 5.4.5 Province level 122 Expectations for future professional development 123 5.5 Issues in implementing ICT use in schools Chapter review Chapter 131 Analysis of an online forum for professional development for ICT in ELT 6.1 126 132 The development of an online forum 132 6.1.1 Forum location and basic structure 133 6.1.2 Forum structure 134 6.1.3 Characteristics of the ‘ICT in Teaching English to Primary Students’ forum 138 Selection criteria for posting forum resources 6.1.4 6.2 Section review 138 144 The online forum in action 145 6.2.1 Teacher training sessions 145 6.2.2 Key sub-forums 145 Sub-Forum: Online resources 146 Sub-Forum: English teaching methods 147 Sub-Forum: Sample lessons 148 Sub-Forum: ICT tips 150 6.2.3 Participation 151 6.2.4 Number of viewings 151 6.2.5 Interaction 153 6.3 Factors in the non-use of the forum by case study teachers 6.3.1 Time 155 156 iv 6.3.2 Family responsibilities 156 6.3.3 Skills 156 6.3.4 Facilities 157 6.3.5 Age 158 6.3.6 Forum content 158 6.3.7 Limitations of the forum 159 6.4 Chapter review Chapter 159 161 Limitations of the study 162 7.1 Discussion 7.1.1 Limitations in data generation methods 162 7.1.2 Limitations in research participation 163 7.1.3 Limitations in timing and duration 164 7.1.4 Limitations of geographical location 165 7.1.5 Section review 165 7.2 Rurality factors shaping primary English language education and ICT use 165 7.2.1 Factor 1: Policies as universal documents 166 7.2.2 Factor 2: Provincial policy implementation decisions 167 7.2.3 Factor 3: School leadership in rural schools 168 7.2.4 Factor 4: Facilities and English teaching resources in rural settings 170 7.2.5 Factor 5: Rural teacher knowledge and skills 171 7.2.6 Factor 6: Time and family responsibilities in rural communities 175 7.2.7 Factor 7: Rural teachers’ professional development and learning 177 7.2.8 Section review 179 Recommendations 183 7.3 7.3.1 Recommendations regarding policy development 184 7.3.2 Recommendations for school leaders 184 7.3.3 Recommendations for English teachers 187 7.3.4 Recommendations for professional development and learning 188 7.3.5 Recommendations for further research 192 7.3.6 Summary of recommendations 194 7.4 Thesis conclusion 195 References 197 Appendices 217 v List of Figures Figure 2.1 Resources pyramid 25 Figure 2.2 A model of rural social space .45 Figure 3.1 The TPACK image .56 Figure 3.2 Visual description of teacher levels as their thinking and understanding merge toward the interconnected and integrated manner identified by TPACK .60 Figure 3.3 Research site and distances of rural primary schools .63 Figure 3.4 Sequence of research procedures .65 Figure 4.1 Number of English teachers per school 83 Figure 4.2 Primary English teachers’ age range 84 Figure 4.3 Primary English teachers’ experience range 85 Figure 4.4 Teachers’ qualifications (n=47) 86 Figure 4.5 Use of teaching tools in the English classroom 96 Figure 5.1 ICT facilities available in the schools 106 Figure 5.2 View of a computer room in a rural primary school in Ti n Giang province 107 Figure 5.3 View of a computer room used for English language learning in a primary school in H Chí Minh City 107 Figure 5.4 Use of ICT in the classroom by English teachers 109 Figure 5.5 School leaders’ awareness of the benefits of ICT in teaching 112 Figure 5.6 Comparison of the awareness of the benefits of ICT in English teaching between teachers and school leaders 113 Figure 5.7 English teachers’ awareness of the benefits of ICT in teaching 117 Figure 5.8 Teachers’ self-rating for ICT skills 119 Figure 5.9 English teachers using ICT tools 120 Figure 5.10 Comparison of the awareness of the importance of professional development for technology-enhanced ELT between teachers and school leaders 122 Figure 5.11 Duration of professional development activities (n=46) 124 Figure 5.12 Approaches for professional development activities 125 Figure 5.13 Necessary professional development topics for English teachers: Comparison between teachers and school leaders' opinions 126 Figure 5.14 English teachers rating their computer skills based on age 129 Figure 6.1 Screenshot of Forum for Education homepage 133 vi Figure 6.2 Forum Structure .135 Figure 6.3 Sub-forum structure 137 Figure 6.4 Snapshot of the sub-forums 137 Figure 6.5 Online forum contents relating to TPACK 140 Figure 6.6 Snapshot of Moderation Tools .141 Figure 6.7 Snapshot of forum post .142 Figure 6.8 Snapshot of a forum post 143 Figure 6.9 Snapshot of forum post .144 Figure 6.10 Snapshot of sub-forum 'Online resources' 146 Figure 6.11 Snapshot of sub-forum 'English teaching methods' .147 Figure 6.12 Snapshot of sub-forum 'Sample lessons' .148 Figure 6.13 Snapshot of a thread on Let's go songs 149 Figure 6.14 Snapshot of sub-forum 'ICT tips' .150 Figure 6.15 A snapshot of a post by a forum member .151 Figure 6.16 Forum thread follow-up 152 Figure 6.17 Follow-up of the thread titled ‘Resources for Let's Go series – Third edition’ from the start date of posting for one month 152 Figure 6.18 Follow-up of the thread titled ‘Magic English - Learn English with Disney characters’ for 11 months since the start date of posting .153 Figure 6.19 Post smileys of 'thanks' and 'like' 153 Figure 6.20 Snapshot of forum post .154 Figure 6.21 Snapshot of visitor message .154 Figure 6.22 Internet searching skill by age 158 Figure 7.1 A TPACK representation of primary English language teaching (PELT) practice in the rural sample .172 Figure 7.2 Examining English teachers’ knowledge with TPACK levels 174 Figure 7.3 Relationship among rurality factors shaping ICT integration in Primary English teaching .181 Figure 7.4 TPACK and Primary English Language Teaching (PELT) .191 vii List of Tables Table 1.1 Sample of a school timetable for Grade Table 2.1 Possible implications for schools and teachers for the integration of ICT into education 30 Table 2.2 Leadership of professional learning (Timperley, 2011, p 113) 32 Table 2.3 Three stages of CALL .39 Table 3.1 Language-in-education policy planning goals 54 Table 3.2 Summary of research participants in case studies 64 Table 3.3 An overview of the questionnaire structure 67 Table 3.4 Data collection methods 71 Table 3.5 Examples of participant coding 73 Table 3.6 Phases of thematic analysis .74 Table 4.1 A summary of primary English language teaching policies in Vi t Nam 79 Table 4.2 Key features relating to the achievement of the MOET’s policy planning goals for primary ELT in participating schools 99 Table 4.3 Obstacles to the successful implementation of ELT in the rural primary schools 100 Table 5.1 A summary of ICT policies in Vi t Nam 103 Table 5.2 Comparison of computer-based resources and supports in the four case study schools 111 Table 5.3 School leaders’ awareness of the importance of teacher professional development 115 Table 5.4 English teachers’ awareness of the importance of professional development for ICT-enhanced ELT 121 Table 5.5 Obstacles to the implementation of ICT for teaching English in the rural primary schools 130 Table 6.1 List of sub-forums 135 Table 6.2 Forum content targeting TPACK 139 Table 6.3 Sample of selection criteria of forum resources 141 Table 6.4 Obstacles to the successful implementation of the online forum for English teacher professional learning in rural primary schools 160 Table 7.1 Categorising rurality factors 180 Table 7.2 Suggestions for rural school leaders’ support for integrating ICT and English 186 Table 7.3 Suggestions for rural English teachers’ move into integrating ICT and English 188 Table 7.4 Recommendations for ICT integration in Primary English teaching in rural schools 194 viii videos and photos.Any information collected as part of the study will be retained in a reidentifiable or coded form for five years in a locked cabinet in the School of Education in UniSA Your participation and cooperation will be of great value to the development of the implementation of ICT in English teaching and learning in Vi t Nam If you decide to participate in the study, please complete the attached consent form If you have questions at any time, please feel free to contact me, my supervisor or the Executive Officer of the ethics committee at UniSA using the contact information below My contact information: Phone: +61 413419982 Email: ngutt064@mymail.unisa.edu.au My supervisors: Dr Jenny Barnett School of Education (Magill) Phone: +61 830 24210 Fax: +61 830 24212 Jenny.Barnett@unisa.edu.au Email: Executive Officer UniSA HREC Ms Vicki Allen Ethics and Compliance Officer Tel: +61 8302 3118 Email: vicki.allen@unisa.edu.au Contact Details: Thank you very much Very truly yours, Nguy n, Th Thu Trang 238 Dr Ruth Geer School of Education (Mawson Lakes) +61 830 26548 +61 830 26778 Ruth.Geer@unisa.edu.au Appendix 3.15 Interview questions for the principals (Stage 2) Discuss any issue that was interesting to ICT implementation in teaching English Think back to the time when computers first entered your school a) Are there differences between what you thought about computers then and now? b) Are there differences between the way you run the school then and now? c) With respect to ICT, are students different then and now? d) Is your school approaching classroom education in any different ways then and now? e) Are ICT helping your school's students reach curriculum outcomes? How you feel about ICT classroom integration in teaching English? How you feel about implementation of ICT in teaching English? What you see as a high level of ICT integration into English curriculum? How often your teachers implement ICT? Under what circumstances should teachers use ICT? Have you received any professional development involving how to be an ICT leader? How would you rate your own ICT skills? What type of leadership support have you provided to your staff to help them integrate ICT? 10 Where you think students should use ICT: in the computer lab or classroom or both? Why? 11 What may have hindered your teachers’ ICT implementation efforts? 12 Who or what has helped your teachers the most in their ICT implementation efforts? 13 Who or what could further help them in their ICT implementation efforts? 14 Think ahead to five years from now, a) Will there be differences between what you will think about computers now and then? b) Will there be differences between the ways you run the school now and then? c) With respect to ICT, will students be any different now and then? d) Do you think your school will be approaching classroom education in different ways? e) Do you think ICT will be helping your school's students reach English curriculum outcomes? 15 Is there anything else you would like to add regarding anything we talked about or other issues surrounding computer (ICT) implementation? 239 Appendix 3.16 Interview questions for the teachers (Stage 2) Discuss any issue that was interesting to ICT implementation in teaching English Discuss any issue in the training session Ask the teacher if they wanted to add any items Think back to the time when you first received computers in your class or when you first used computers in your class a Are there differences between what you thought about computers then andnow? b Are there differences between the way you teach then and now? c With respect to ICT, are students any different then and now? d Are ICT helping your students reach curriculum outcomes? How you feel about ICT classroom integration in teaching English? What you see as a high level of ICT integration? How often you implementICT? Under what circumstances you useICT? If you and I were walking along the classrooms, and we looked into a classroom, and you said,'that's a classroom with a high level of technology integration', what would that look like andwhat would the students and teachers be doing? What types of professional development activities have helped you implementICT? 10 What type of leadership support has helped you integrate ICT? 11 Where would you prefer to use ICT: in the computer lab or classroom or both? Why? 12 What may have hindered your ICT integration efforts? 13 Who or what has helped you the most in your ICT skill, English proficiency, and ICT implementation efforts? 14 Who or what could further help your ICT skill English proficiency, and ICT implementation efforts? 15 Think ahead to five years from now, a) Will there be differences between what you will think about computers nowand then? b) Will there be differences between the ways you teach now and then? c) With respect to ICT, will students be any different now and then? d) Do you think your school will be approaching classroom education in differentways? e) Do you think ICT will be helping your students reach curriculum outcomes? 16 Is there anything else you would like to add regarding anything we talked about or otherissues surrounding technology integration? 240 Appendix 4.1 Detailed syllabus for teaching English in Grade 34 periods x 35 weeks = 140 periods Themes Me and My Friends Topics Meetings Myself Thanking Me and My School Me and My Family Communicative competences Greeting Saying goodbye Linguistic knowledge Vowels Diphthongs Introducing oneself Spelling someone’s name Greeting (Asking how someone is) Thanking someone Our names Asking someone’s name Introducing others My Friends Identifying someone Greeting someone friendly My school Introducing someone’s school Asking for the name of someone’s school School objects Naming school facilities/objects Describing school facilities/objects My classroom Naming classroom objects Asking about classroom objects Classroom activities Expressing classroom commands Asking for permission At break Naming games/activities Suggesting an activity Family members Identifying family members Asking for the names of family members Ages Asking for and telling someone’s age Vocabulary: Words to greet friends The English alphabet Words to indicate proper names Words to name school facilities and objects Words to describe school objects Words to indicate actions Words to name family members Words to describe people Words to name rooms in the house Words to name house objects Words to describe the weather Words to name flowers, pets and toys Words to describe flowers, pets and toys Words to indicate colours Cardinal numbers: – 20 Ordinal numbers: 1st - 20th Grammar: Present simple, Present continuous Simple sentence Determiners: this/that/ these/those Let's There is/there are Ministry of Education and Training, Quy t đ nh v vi c ban hành Ch ng trình thí m Ti ng Anh ti u h c [Directive on the pilot program of teaching English in primary schools], Hà N i, Vi t Nam: Author, pages 17-19 241 Counting 1- 20 Saying 1st - 20th My house Naming rooms and house objects Talking about the location of house objects My bedroom Introducing someone’s bedroom Describing someone’s bedroom At home Naming family activities in free time Describing on-going actions of family members Me and the World Around Outdoor Activities Describing the weather Naming outdoor activities Describing on-going outdoor activities Flowers Identifying colours Expressing likes and dislikes Pets Asking about the number of pets Expressing possession Toys Talking about quantities of toys Specifying location of toys 242 Wh- questions: what, where, who, how old, how many Yes/No questions Imperatives: (e.g Stand up, please/ Don’t talk, please.) Modals: may, can Personal/impersonal pronouns: I, you, he, she, it, we, they Possessive adjectives: my, your, his, her, its, our, their Nouns (singular and plural): pen(s), book(s), chair(s) Descriptive adjectives: tall, short, big, small, new, young,… Quantifiers: a lot, many, some, Conjunctions: and Articles: (a)n, the Prepositions (of place): in, at, on, , [...]... providing opportunities for sharing knowledge and building up a better connection between cities and rural areas This study provides an in- depth insight into the current implementation of ICT in teaching English in rural primary schools In addition, it has identified and described seven distinctive rurality factors shaping the achievement of policy implementation in primary English language education and. .. implemented in Vietnamese schools, its integration into learning and teaching at primary level remains inequitable in rural areas because of differing living standards (Thành Nam, 2011) Limited use of ICT in rural areas is considered to be due to: inadequate infrastructure; lack of integration into existing curriculum and textbooks; teacher overload and lack of incentive and motivation; lack of interactive... research and provides information and insights that can increase understanding of the current nature and the process of implementation of ICT in English language learning and teaching in rural primary schools The study can also inform MOET, DOETs and BOETs in their efforts to create more opportunities for English teachers to implement ICT in their teaching by supporting the provision of facilities and conducting... of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), including its ability to facilitate English language learning and teaching However, although ICT has been rapidly emerging in Vietnamese schools, little is known about its integration into English language education especially in rural areas The purpose of this research study was to investigate the use of ICT in facilitating English language teaching. .. resulted in designing PowerPoint lessons and Moodle courses; implementing and evaluating the use of ICT in teaching English; and training teachers in ICT skills I wanted to delve deeper into this field of study to carry out independent research and analysis, hence my decision to join the Doctoral program with a focus on the integration of ICT in language learning and teaching My interest in this research... implementation by investigating, within the Vietnamese rural context, the conditions likely to favour the successful integration of ICT in English language learning and teaching in primary schools This study also seeks to better understand how rural teachers respond to supported professional development and learning in the implementation of ICT for teaching English It aims to gain insight into the types... program in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) offered by the University of Canberra, Australia, and conducted in Vi t Nam While studying in this program I was introduced to the instructional design and the implementation of ICT in language teaching and learning, and in many seminars and workshops I realised that ICT was engaging and helpful for both my learning and my teaching I... Accordingly, the research question is: In what ways does the use of ICT facilitate English language teaching in rural Vietnamese primary schools? This overarching question is expanded through three subsidiary questions as follows: 14 1 What are the policies and practices relating to English language teaching and the use of ICT in rural Vietnamese primary schools? 2 What is involved in the development and. .. provincial policy implementation decisions, school leadership in rural schools, facilities and English teaching resources in rural settings, rural teachers’ knowledge and skills, time and family responsibilities in rural communities, and rural teachers’ professional development and learning need To effectively facilitate the use of ICT across the curriculum in rural primary schools, all of these factors. .. be integrated in teaching English in rural Vietnamese schools, especially at primary level, but little information is available about accessibility to technology in rural schools, how ICT has been used in such schools and whether ICT can help English teachers to facilitate their professional learning There is little research evidence on related questions such as the following Do the primary schools in

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