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F1 - MANAGEMENT This occurs when moon is between new and first quarter and between full and third quarter High tide occurs between transit of the moon A none of these B priming C neap tide D spring tide It is the interval of time that elapses between two successive transits of a star over the same meridian and is equal to 23h 56m 04s of mean time A solary day B lunar day C sidereal day D mean solar day Belts of the Earth with strong winds A Equatorial belt B Westerlies C Polar Easterlies D Polar low belt Is the angle at the pole measured from 000 to 360 deg westward from the meridian of the star A GHA B SHA C LHA D RA Equation of time is 12 minutes Find the LAN if the LMT of transit of tabulated at12hrs 12 minutes at latitude 25 degrees North, longitude 124 degrees East A 11h – 56m B 12h – 28m C 12h – 16m D 12h – 00m Long and narrow elevation which sides are steeper than the rise A Ridge B Trough C Trench D Rise Following spectra are having longer wavelength, Except: A Electric B Sound C Ultra-violet rays D Radio The central meridian for a place with zone description at +3 is A 55E B 45 W C 45E D 55W This physical element has most considerable effect in the weather A Water vapour B Oxygen C Nitrogen D None of these 10 It is the angular distance measured westerly from the observer's meridian to the hour circle passing to the body A intercept B GHA C SHA D LHA 11 The soft iron spheres used for compensating against the effect of horizontal soft iron in the ship A Heeling error corrector B Quadrantal corrector C Permanent magnet corrector D Flinder bar 12 The method of which air is induced to rise Except: A Turbulence B Orographic lifting C Advection D Convection 13 The sun moves eastward among the stars, causing the star to rise four minutes earlier than the previous night This is equivalent to how much hour angle the celestial sphere shifts westward? A degrees B 15 degrees C degree D degrees 14 Convert amplitude West 13.8 degrees North in 360 quadrantal notation A 283.8 degrees B 256.2 degrees C 193.8 degrees D 346.2 degrees 15 The standard zone meridian for zone description – 12 is A 180 deg B 165 deg E C 172.5 deg W D 172.5 deg W 16 Variation of zone time used on or near with somewhat irregular but defined zone limit A local mean time B standard time C apparent time D all of these 17 The horizontal components of the differential forces are the tide-generating forces These are called: A balancing forces B generating forces C tractive forces D attractive forces 18 The correction to be applied to ship's time to obtain the corresponding Greenwich meridian time prefixed by plus (+) sign at Western Longitude and by minus (-) sign at the Eastern Longitude A Equation of time B Zone meridian C Longitude in time D Zone description 19 The angular distance of a celestial body north or south of the prime vertical A Meridian angle B Local hour angle C Azimuth angle D Amplitude 20 Physical properties of sea water depends from A Salinity B Pressure C All of these D Temperature 21 On or about June 21 A The southern part of the earth's axis is tilted toward the sun B The sun shines equally on both hemisphere, North and South C The northern hemisphere having its winter and southern hemisphere its Summer D The sun reaches its highest declination north 22 Following spectra are having shorter wave length, Except: A ultra-violet rays B infra-red C cosmic D atomic 23 Following are navigational systems, Except: A terrestrial navigation B sonar navigation system C electronic navigation D celestial navigation 24 The average rate of decrease of temperature with height, barring little exceptions is: A 0.6 deg C per 100 meters B deg C per 100 ft C deg C per 100 meters D 0.6 deg C per 100 ft 25 It is the distance measured on the hour circle from the elevated pole to the body A Polar distance B SHA C Angular distance D Declination 26 Light is the spectrum which becomes visible, because of A Presence of medium, such as clouds and the like B Terrestrial radiation balancing effect C Sun's direct radiation D Being a visible band spectrum 27 This is a correction to the sextant altitude applied to the visible horizon to obtain the sensible horizon A Altitude correction B Refraction C Index error D Dip 28 The direction of a line drawn from an observer's assume or DR position towards the geographic position of the celestial body, when plotting an LOP or line of position is called: A intercept B bearing C azimuth D zenithy 29 The shape of the earth is A oblong B circle C ellipse D oblate spheroid 30 A minimum distance a vessel, if constrained by not enough sea room, should pass within a tropical storm is A 250 miles B 00 miles C 50 miles D 80 miles 31 The angular distance of a celestial body North or South of the celestial equator measured along the hour circle of the body is known as tropical storm is A amplitude B azimuth C zenith D declination 32 The time elapsed in a fixed locality between the occurrence of the wave crest and the occurrence of the next A wave height B wave velocity C wave period D wave length 33 The actual sun appears in the sky A apparent sun B none of these C elliptical sun D mean sun 34 This is the symbol for cumulus cloud A Ci B Cu C St D Cs 35 The LMT of longitude 78 deg 18'W is 04H 03M Find the GMT A 23H 00M B 23H 03M C 09H 00M D 09H 03M 36 Formation of water vapour in free atmosphere takes place by the presence of minute particles, called A gases B all of these C Nuclei D Carbons 37 A long broad depression with greatly sloping sides A rise B trench C trough D ridge 38 A snow that is partially melted by the time it reaches the observer A Frost B Hail C Dew D Sleet 39 The motion of a body in its orbit around another body A Rotation B Elongation C Revolution D Conjunction 40 In the daily pages of the almanac, which of the following is Not found on the right hand pages A GHA of the sun B GHA of the moon C GHA of the Aries D Horizontal parallax of the moon 41 Vertical circle is to the horizon system, what Great Circle is for celestial equator system of coordinates? A Prime vertical B Hour circle C Principal vertical circle D Equinoctial 42 On the Tropic where the earth deflecting force is very slight, the dominant factor is a force which contribute to the tendency of the wind to go off at a tangent to the isobars is A Corioli's force B Centripetal force C Frictional resistance force D Centrifugal force 43 The narrow belt surrounding the earth roughly midway between the magnetic poles where the Earth's field is horizontal A Magnetic meridian B Geographical equator C Geographical meridian D Magnetic Equator 44 The apparent path of the sun around the earth A Ecliptic B Equinoctial C Hour angle D Ellipse 45 This is the result when the rays of light passes from one medium to another to different density A A Dip B Parallax C Refraction D Index error 46 If an observer is located at latitude 66-32'N on June 21 of any year in the Antarctic circle will have A length of the day equals length of night B All night all throughout C around the planet D all twilight setting at the west 47 A major component of a radar system which amplifies the weak echoes received thus retaining its distinctive shapes A indicator B receiver C duplexer D transmitter 48 The co-latitude (PZ) is line of the astronomical triangle which is derived from C A all of these B the earth C the horizon D The celestial equator system 49 Find the LHA of a star if the GHA of the star is 81 deg 57.3' and the longitude is 174 deg 32.9' West A 240 degrees 24.4' B 267 degrees 24.4' C 256 degrees 30.2' D 92 degrees 35.6' 50 Wave which is maintained by a periodic force, and the period of this wave must always coincide with the period of the force, regardless of the dimensions of the basin of frictional influence A free wave B progressive wave C Forced wave D D gravity wave 51 Ocean temperature varies with depth and horizontally which maximum temperature is observed 90 degrees F at A Persian Gulf B Celebes sea C Mediterranean Sea D Red sea 52 This is the amount of dissolved solid material in the water when carbonate has been converted into oxide, bromide and organic material oxidized A Osmotic pressure B Salinity C Chloronity D Density 53 Find the Great Circle distance from latitude 27 degrees North, longitude 112 degrees East to latitude 16 degrees 30'North, longitude 045 degrees 56'East A 3560 miles B 3609 miles C 3675 miles D 3590 miles 54 The hour of day reckoned by the position of a celestial reference point to relative to a reference celestial meridian A Time B True sun C Day D Mean sun 55 At latitude 19 degrees 33'North, the rising sun was observed to have an amplitude of East 13 degrees 58.2'South Find the declination of the sun A 18 degrees 29'North B 13 degrees 09'South C 13 degrees 09'North D 18 degrees 29'South 56 The angular distance of the body measured from the Greenwich celestial meridian A Meridian B GHA C LHA D SHA 57 This is a saddle-backed region between two highs and two lows The wind is light and variable but does not remain so, for long A Trough B Ridge C none of these D Col 58 If the great circle sailing is not checked by the possible increase of the latitude of vertex without limit, the effect on the track is the risk of sailing through the: A equator to the poles B equator C poles D latitude 70 degrees 59 Celestial sphere is A the extension of the earth's observer at the equator B the sphere seen by an observer at the equator C The imaginary sphere of infinite radius with the earth at its center D the arc of a great circle through the poles 60 Planets whose orbits are smaller than the earth's and is between the sun and the Earth A Auroras B Superior planets C Asteroids D Inferior planets 61 The chart indicates the variation was degrees 45' East in 1993, the annual change is increasing 6' If you use the chart in 2003, how much variation should you apply? A degrees 45'West B degrees 45'East C degrees 27'East D degrees 27'West 62 The navigational system which positioning is derived from terrestrial and natural land marks A Celestial navigation B Electronic navigation C Navigational satellite system D Terrestrial navigation 63 Hour circle is A the arc of the great circle through the poles of the celestial sphere B A great circle through the celestial poles and a point or body on the celestial Sphere C the path during the celestial body during its daily apparent revolution around the earth D the arc of the celestial equator between the upper branch of the local celestial meridian 64 What is the formula of amplitude? A Sine A= sine decl/sin lat B Cos A= sine decl x cos lat C Sine A= sine decl x sec lat D Cos A= sine decl/cos lat 65 The angular distance measured east or west of the local celestial meridian and is numerically equal to LHA if less than 180 degrees west A Angle of apsides B Meridian angle C Hour angle D Vertical angl 66 If the celestial body is at your meridian, it reaches A its highest altitude B its highest latitude C its highest declination D its highest amplitude 67 Term used for tropical cyclone in Caribbean A Willy-willy B Cyclone C Typhoon D Hurricane 68 Definite pattern of weather for a long period of time A Weather B Climate C All of these D Season 69 Great circle on the celestial sphere that passes through the East and West points of the horizon, passing through the Zenith and Nadir of the celestial horizon A Hour circle B Principal vertical circle C Vertical circle D Prime vertical 70 It is the sextant error if the horizon mirror is not perpendicular to the plane of the Instrument A index error B parallax errors C side error D perpendicularity 71 You are in long 175 East and heading 090 where you change clocks A 180 B 172 – 30 West C 172 – 30 East D 165 – 30 East 72 This is the result from the differential gravitational forces of the moon and the sun A Tidal current B Tide-generating forces C Tidal phenomenon D Tidal stream 73 It is the angular distance measured westerly from the observer's meridian to the hour circle passing through the body A LHA B Line of position C GHA D SHA 74 The depression of the visible horizon below the plane of the sensible horizon A Altitude B Dip C Refraction D Parallax 75 It is the sextant error if the horizon mirror is not perpendicular to the plane of the instrument A perpendicularity B Side error C parallax error D index error 76 This falls from cloud usually of layer or stratiform type, whose tops not reach much higher, or not as high as, the freezing level A Rain B Drizzle C Snow D Frost 77 If the GMT is 1500, the time at longitude 075 East is A 1700h B 2000h C 1000h D 1500h 78 Greenwich hour angle of a star (GHA of a star) can be found by A GHA of star = GHA of sun – SHA of star B GHA of star = GHA of Aries – SHA of star C GHA of star = GHA of sun + SHA of star D GHA of a star = GHA of Aries + SHA of a star 79 The periodic horizontal movements of the water, during the rise and fall of the tide is called: A Tidal currents B Stack C tidal phenomenon D stand 80 All of these are prognostic sign of approaching typhoon Except: A Violent winds B Short swell C Intermittent or heavy rains D Halo around the moon 81 The navigational system which positioning is derived from the use of various electronic equipments A Navigational Satellite system B Electronic navigation C Doppler Sonar navigation D Inertial navigation 82 Find the longitude from the following given GHA of Aries = 252 degrees 17.6' LHA of Aries = 049 degrees 13.8' A 110 degrees 12.2' B 310 degrees 31.4' C 156 degrees 56.2' D 240 degrees 47.8'; 83 This is alternately defined as the line joining places where there is no dip, and for this reason, it is sometimes called Aclinic Line A None of these B Magnetic equator C Magnetic meridian D Magnetic pole 84 This is the symbol for cirrus cloud A Cs B St C Ci D Cu 85 Dumping of dying typhoon A trade wind belt B doldrums C Prevailing westerlies D polar low belt 86 Which is LEAST true why there is a "non-constant" rate on the apparent sun as a celestial reference for time? A Motion of the sun along the ecliptic is tilted B Revolution of the earth on its orbit is not constant C The effect of nutation on the Earth's rotational axis D Rotation of the Earth on its axis is not constant 87 It is the sextant error on the index mirror when not perpendicular to the plane of the instrument A Parallax error B Index error C Side error D Perpendicularity 88 Is a frequently shift resulting from relative motion between a transmitter and receiver or reflector of acoustic or electromagnetic energy A Doppler B Echo C Acceleration D Acceleration 89 Ocean average depth is A none of these B 2, 075 feet C 2, 075 meter D 2, 075 fathom 90 You are in long 175West and heading 270 where you change clocks A 172 – 30 East B 165 – 30 East C 172 – 30 West D 180 91 Type of tidal occurrence which is characterized by a larger inequality in the high water heights or in both Here are usually two high and low water each day, but occasionally the tide may become diurnal A None of these B Diurnal C Semi-diurnal D Mixed type 92 The possible effect of one precessional cycle upon the global weather pattern and its climate is to interchange the pattern to the opposite, every A 26, 000 years B 25, 800 years C 2, 000 years D 14, 000 years 93 When the temperature decreases or the density of the atmosphere increases, the propagated waves are bended upward causing the decrease of radar horizon A None of these B All of these C Sub- Refraction D Super-refraction 94 It is the sextant error when the horizon and the index mirror are not parallel A side error B index error C parallax errors D perpendicularity 95 Fog at sea is also called A radiation fog B convection fog C frost smoke D advection fog 96 Meridian angle is A the angular distance east or west of the local meridian, through 180 deg B the angular distance measured westward from the Greenwich meridian, through 360 deg C the angular distance measured westward from the vernal equinox, through 360 deg D the angular distance west of the local celestial meridian, through 360 deg 97 Factors affecting visibility A ice pellets B all of these C water droplets D haze fog 98 The point which the Great Circle track reaches its highest latitude A rhumb course B vertex C rhumbline D vortex 99 If the latitude is 47 degrees North and the declination is 18 degrees South, the amplitude of the body when setting is A West 27 degrees South B West 27 degrees North C South 27 degrees East D East 27 degrees South 100 The rate of temperature decreases with height, commonly noticed at troposphere is called A None of these B Adiabatic changes C Lapse rate D Inversion rate 101 Gnomonic projection is based on A Plane tangent at one point B Cylinder tangent at the equator C Cone tangent at selected parallels D Cone tangent at one parallel 102 In a marine sextant, when the index arm is set to zero and the reflected image and the actual horizon is not in one continuous line, the error is _ A Graduation error B No error C Prismatic error D Collimation error 10 B Needle C Lubber's line D Gimbals 262 The change in the length of the day becomes greater as latitude increases because of the: A path of the ecliptic relative to the equator B decreasing distance between meridians C changing distance between the Earth and the Sun D increased obliquity of the Sun's diurnal circle 263 A vessel at Latitude 32°05.0'North, Longitude 81°06.0'West, heads for a destination at Latitude 35°57.0'North, Longitude5°45.0'West Determine the distance by Mercator sailing? A 3128.2 miles B 3770.6 miles C 4126.1 miles D 4508.0 miles 264 A vessel at Latitude 21°18.5'North, Longitude 157°52.2'West, heads for a destination at Latitude 8°53.0'North, Longitude78°31.0'West Determine the true course and distance by Mercator sailing? A 081°T, 4617.5 miles B 081°T, 4915.8 miles C 099°T, 4617.5 miles D 099°T, 4915.8 miles 265 A vessel at Latitude 40°42.0'North, Longitude 74°01.0'West, heads for a destination at Latitude14°41.0'North, Longitude 17°26.0'West Determine the true course and distance by Mercator sailing? A 123°T, 3066.5 miles B 123°T, 3065.6 miles C 118°T, 3066.5 miles D 118°T, 3365.0 miles 266 You are steaming in the open ocean of the North Pacific between the Aleutian Chain and Hawaii A warning broadcast indicates that an earthquake has occurred in the Aleutians and has generated a tsunami that is predicted to hit Hawaii What action is necessary to be done? A Calculate the tsunami's ETA at your position and turn to a course that will head into the Tsunami B Securely stow all loose gear, check deck lashings, and prepare for extreme rolls C No special action because tsunamis are not noticeable in the open ocean D Prepare for sudden, high-velocity winds and gusts from rapidly changing directions 267 In the horizon system of coordinates what is equivalent to longitude on the Earth? A Altitude B Azimuth angle C Horizon D Zenith distance 268 The prime vertical is the reference point from which the angle of which type of observation is measured? A Sextant angle B Azimuth C Amplitude D Local apparent noon 269 The wind at Cape Bojeador shoals has been northwesterly at an average velocity of 22 knots The predicted set and drift of the rotary current are 125° at 0.6 knot What current should you expect? A 119° at 0.9 knot B 172° at 1.1 knots C 225° at 0.6 knot D 340° at 0.4 knot 270 When you are steering on a pair of range lights and find that the lower light is to the right of the upper light, you should: 27 A come to port B come to starboard C continue on the present course D wait until the lights are in a vertical line 271 You are in Longitude 135 East The date is February, and the zone time is 0900 The Greenwich date and time are: A 2200, February B 2300, February C 2400, February D 1800, February 272 What is the length of a standard nautical mile? A 1,800 meters B 2,000 yards C 6,080 feet D 5,280 feet 273 When displayed under a single-span fixed bridge, the channel is indicated by: A red lights B green lights C green and red lights D red and white lights 274 When approaching a preferred-channel buoy, the best channel is Not indicated by the: A color and shape of top mark B color of the uppermost band C shape of an unlighted buoy D color of the light 275 What is the datum used for soundings on charts of the Atlantic Coast of the United States? A mean low water B mean lower low water C mean high water springs D mean high water springs 276 What nautical publication is being publish weekly? A Pilot chart B Notice to mariners C Sailing chart D Light list 277 You are on a vessel at 0300 ZT on July, and the ZD for your position is +8 (W) What is the GMT? A 1100, July B 900, July C 1100, July D 1900, July 278 That northerly wind occurring on the Pacific coast of Mexico, particularly during the colder months; A papagayo B fall wind C foehn D williwaw 279 The vertical movement of the water is referred to? A Current B Tide C Bora D Bore 280 Heights above water of land features such as light houses are normally referred to this tidal datum: A Mean high water B Mean lower low water C Mean higher high water 28 D Mean low water 281 A buoy with a composite group-flashing light indicates a(n): A anchorage area B fish net area C junction D dredging area 282 The navigator aboard a ship at approximately 165‚ W longitude observes the Sun at ZT 1425-04 on 21 September What is the GMT and Greenwich date of the observation? A 03-25-04, 21 September B 03-25-04, 22 September C 01-25-04, 22 September D 01-25-04, 21 September 283 The difference between the heights of high and low tide is called; A Diurnal calibration B Duration of tide C Range of tide D Tide datum 284 When should a navigator rely on the position of floating aids to navigation? A During calm weather only B During daylight only C During non availability of fixed aids to navigation D Only when it is properly lighted 285 Which cloud type is normally associated with thunderstorms? A Cirrus B Stratus C Cumulus D Cumulonimbus 286 A vessel steams 1082 miles on course of 047°T from Latitude 37°18.0'North, Longitude 24°40.0'West What is the latitude and longitude of the point of arrival by Mercator sailing? A Latitude 49°30.0'North, Longitude 06°22.0'West B Latiutde 49°33.0'North, Longitude 06°25.0'West C Latitude 49°36.0'North, Longitude 06°28.0'West D Latitude 49°39.0'North, Longitude 06°31.0'West 287 Your facsimile prognostic chart indicates that you will cross the cold front of a low pressure system in about 24 hours You should A except to see cirrus clouds followed by altostratus and nimbostratus clouds B alter course to remain in the navigable semicircle C prepare for gusty winds, thunderstorms, and a sudden wind shift D expect clear weather, with steady winds and pressure , until the front passes 288 Recurvature of a hurricane's track usually results in the forward speed A increasing B decreasing C remaining the same D varying during the day 289 The navigable semicircle of a tropical storm in the South Indian Ocean is located on which side of the storm's track? A Rear B Front C Left D Right 290 Determine the great circle distance and initial course from Latitude 27°51.0'North, Longitude 71°41.0'West to Latitude 49°45.0'North, Long 06°14.0'West A 3196 miles, 313.1°T B 3214 miles, 046.9°T C 3219 miles, 042.5°T D 3231 miles, 041.4°T 29 291 As the South Equatorial Current approaches the east coast of Africa, it divides with the main part flowing south to form the warm _ A Agulhas Current B Canary Current C C Benguela Current D Madagascar Current 292 Determine the great circle distance and initial course from Latitude 27°51.0'N, Longitude71°41.0'W to Latitude 49°45.0'N, Longitude 06°14.0'W A 3196 miles, 313.1°T B 3214 miles, 046.9°T C 3219 miles, 042.5°T D 3231 miles, 041.4°T 293 Determine the great circle distance and initial course from Latitude 08°36.0'N, Longitude 126°17.0'E to Latitude 02°12.0'S, Longitude 81°53.0'W A 9015 miles, 067°T B 9076 miles, 067°T C 9105 miles, 079°T D 9076 miles, 079°T 294 The spin axis of a gyroscope tends to remain fixed in space in the direction in which it is started How does this gyroscope become north seeking so that it can be used as a compass? A By mechanically or electrically applying forces to precess the gyroscope B By starting the compass with the spin axis in a north/south position C By taking advantage of the property of gyroscopic inertia D The rotation of the Earth (Earth rate) automatically aligns the gyroscope with north, except for speed errors 295 The great circle distance from Latitude 35°57.2'North, Longitude 05°45.7' West to Latitude 24°25.3'North, Longitude 83°02.6'West is 3966.5 miles and the initial course is 283.7° T The latitude of the vertex is 38°09.4'North What is the longitude of the vertex? A 28°02.6'West B 28°18.2'West C 28°46.3'West D 28°54.7'West 296 Which current is responsible for the movement of icebergs into the North Atlantic shipping lanes? A Iceland Current B Baltic Current C Labrador Current D Baffin Current 297 Freezing salt water spray should be anticipated when the air temperature drops below what temperature? A 32°F (0.0°C) B 28°F (-2.2°C) C 0°F (-17.8°C) D -40°F (-28.9°C) 298 You depart Latitude18°54'North, Longitude 73°00'East, and steam 1150 miles on course 253°T What are the latitude and longitude of your arrival by Mercator sailing? A Latitude 13°16'North, Longitude 55°18'East B Latitude 13°18'North, Longitude 54°03'East C Latitude 13°19'North, Longitude 53°46'East D Latitude 13°20'North, Longitude 53°28'East 299 You depart Latitude 26°03'S, Longitude10°28'East, for Latitude 26°03'South, Longitude 01°16'West What are the course and distance by parallel sailing? A 090°T, 547.2 miles B 090°T, 632.5 miles C 270°T, 547.2 miles 30 D 270°T, 632.5 miles 300 The radar range scale to use in open sea when no other target vessels are around or when there is no expected landfall is _ A short B medium C maximum D maximum with periodic shifting to medium or short 301 You determine your vessel's position by taking a range and a bearing from a buoy our position will be plotted as a/an: A Fix B Running fix C Estimated position D Dead reckoning position 302 A single line of position combined with a dead reckoning position results in: A assumed position B estimated position C fix D running fix 303 The path that a vessel is expected to follow is called: A DR plot B Track line C Heading D estimated course 304 The Wind shifts from west to northwest to south You should predict that the: A Temperature will generally rise B Barometric reading will generally fall C Temperature will generally fall D Winds will generally get strong 305 It is an elongated area of low pressure with the lowest pressure along a line which Marks the place of maximum cyclonic curvature in the isobars on surface charts A ridge B col C trough D low 306 This is the ratio of the amount of water vapor actually in the air to the maximum amount the air can hold at that temperature A absolute humidity B dew point C relative humidity D vapor pressure 307 Where does a cold front depends on its steepness? A its velocity B wind direction around the front C temperature of air behind the front D precipitation generated by the front 308 What kind of wind blows from sea by day and from land at night? A monsoon B diurnal C sea breeze D land breeze 309 Is the term used on the neck of relatively low pressure between two (2) anticyclones A wedge B ridge C col D trough 310 This is a neck of relatively low pressure between two anti cyclones? A col 31 B trough C wedge D ridge 311 Wind blowing down an incline is called: A sea breeze B anabatic wind C katabatic wind D land breeze 312 This is violent, intense cold wind laden with snow mostly or entirely picked up from the ground A cold front B blizzard C foehn D fall wind 313 What is the term used to identify the colored rings around the sun or moon covered by a thin cloud veil caused by diffraction of the light by tiny droplets in the atmosphere? A corona B aureole C halo D bishop ring 314 Your ship is navigating independently in heavy ice when it becomes beset Which of The following statements is Not true? A The vessel will most likely require an icebreaker to free her B The vessel may be able to free herself by pumping ballast from side to side C The propeller is more susceptible to ice damage when stopped D It is advisable to clear the rudder area of the ice by using ahead turns before backing down 315 Which of the following is Not a function of the Ice navigation Center? A Schedule Coast Guard ice reconnaissance B Keep abreast of Merchant Vessel movement C Keep abreast of Coast guard icebreaker movement D Organize and equip the Ice Pat 316 Which of the following types of ice is a hazard to navigation? A Ice rind B Pancake ice C Frazil ice D Growlers 317 Multi-layer ice is the hardest sea ice and should be avoided if possible If it is recognizable because of what tone to its surface color? A Greenish B Bluish C Grey D Grey-white 318 Which of the following is not an indication that pack ice may be nearby? A The presence of icebergs B Ice blink C Absence of wave motion D Sighting a walrus in the Arctic 319 The proximity of pack ice may be indicated by: A changes in sea water salinity B glare on clouds on the horizon C changes in air temperature D icebergs 320 Frost smoke will occur when: A Extremely cold air from shore passes over warmer water B Warm dry air from shore passes over cooler water C Cold ocean water evaporates into warm air 32 D Cool rain passes through a warm air mass 321 Fog forms when the air temperature is at or below: A 32ºF B The wet bulb temperature C The dew point D The dry bulb temperature 322 Which of the following will act to dissipate fog? A Upwelling cold water B Advection of warm air over a colder surface C Rain that is warmer than air D Down slope motion of an air mass along a coast 323 Ascending and descending air masses with different temperatures is part of an important heat transmitting processes in our atmosphere called: A Conduction B Radiation C Convection D Barometric inversion 324 The process in which an air mass changes in temperature and or moisture characteristics is called: A Sublimation or condensation B Modification C Consolidation D Association 325 It is the snow and rain falling together, frozen precipitation consisting of transparent, rounded, hard, rain drop size grain of ice A drizzle B hail C sleet D frost 326 An area where ships must navigate with particular caution and within which direction Of flow of traffic may be recommended A area to be avoided B roundabout C precautionary area D traffic lane 327 A routeing measure aimed at the separation of opposing streams of traffic by establishing traffic lanes A separation zone or line B traffic separation scheme C roundabout D inshore traffic zone 328 It is separation point or circular zone and a circular traffic lane within define limits A Roundabout B precautionary area C traffic lane D traffic separation scheme 329 A designated sea area between the landward boundary of a traffic separation scheme and an adjacent coast A Roundabout B recommended route C inshore traffic zones D deep water route 330 Before IMO adopts a traffic separation scheme in a territorial sea are of any country, the scheme must be approved by the: A Governing Council of IMO B United National General Council C IMO General Manager 33 D IMO Maritime Safety Committee 331 The separation of opposing streams of traffic separation schemes is one of the several routeing measures adopted by: A European Union Countries B International Maritime Organization C Baltic and Maritime Corporation D United Nation Organization 332 This is the symbols used on a chart to indicate the outside boundary or round-about precautionary area A Circle of dashed line B Firm-line circle C T-shaped circle D Any of these 333 What you call the zone or the line that separates the traffic lanes or vessels proceeding in opposite or nearly opposite directions? A separation zone B two-way route zone C sectoral zone D traffic scheme 334 The diurnal inequalities of the tides is caused by: A the declination of the moon B changing weather conditions C the moon being at apogee D the moon being at perigee 335 How many high waters usually occur each day on the East Coast of the United States? A one B two C three D four 336 In some river mouth and estuaries the incoming high-tide wave crest overtakes the Preceding low-tide through and is called: A seiche B bore C boundary wave D surge 337 Before IMO adopts a traffic separation scheme in a territorial seal area of any country, the scheme must be approved by the: A Governing Council of IMO B United National General Council C IMO General Manager D IMO Maritime Safety Committee 338 The separation of opposing streams of traffic separation schemes is one of the several routeing measures adopted by: A European Union Countries B International Maritime Organization C Baltic and Maritime Organization D United Nations Organization 339 Routeing schemes and the General Provisions of Ships Routeing are kept under continues review by _ and amendments are made when required A The country whose territory the sea area where ships routeing is imposed B The United Nations General Council C The International Maritime Organization D The Weather Routeing Organization 340 The purpose of ship's routeing is to: A Improve the safety of navigation where the density of traffic is great B Minimize the effect of oil pollution of the environment C Contain oil pollution of the oceans to smaller areas 34 D Avoid traversing commercial fishing areas of coastal states 341 Ship's routeing measures have been introduced in a number of coastal waters to, Except: A reduce the risk of over draft B reduce the risk of collision between ships in areas of high traffic density C keep shipping away from environmentally sensitive areas D reduce risk of grounding in shallow water 342 A route of undefined width, for the convenience of ships in transit, which is often marked by centerline buoys? A Recommended track B Recommended route C Mandatory routeing system D Precautionary area 343 The _ General Provisions on ship's routeing contain conditions for the adoption of routeing measures applicable not only to the territorial seas but also European Economic Zones, straits, and archipelagic waters A International Maritime Organization B International Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea C Hague Rules D U.N Convention on the Law of the Sea, 1982 344 At junction points where route traffic from various directions meet, which of the following statements is Not correct? A True separation of traffic is not really possible B Ships cannot cross routes or change to another route C A ship proceeding along a through-going route gives that ship no special privilege or right of way D In two way routes ships should as far as practicable keep to the starboard side 345 You will stop reporting to Amver when: A Nuclear war is in progress whether the ship is in the danger area or not B Under MARAD control C Under VCNS (Voluntary Naval Control of Shipping) D Under Full NCS (Naval Control of Shipping) 346 In sending a telegram thru Inmarsat system to countries where there are no telex facilities, th use 15 to be assured of delivery as well as format in accordance with A STCW B CCITT C IMO D NTC 347 Space segment of the Inmarsat system has been given a back up It activates automatically in case of failure Ground segment has but specifically intended for distress What is that component of Inmarsat satellite system A Satellite Control Center B Network Control Center C Network Coordination Station D Ship Earth Station 348 This is a reporting system operated by the U.S Coast Guard that provides important aids to the development and coordination of search and rescue efforts in many offshore areas of the world A AMVER B USAREP C National Geographic D U.S Coastal Safety Development 349 These reports shall be sent by the vessel anytime she is more than hours of steaming from the position that would be predicted A off-course report B deviation report C position report D sailing report 35 350 A position that is obtained by using two or more lines of position from known fixed objects At about the same time, is known as: A Dead reckoning position B Estimated position C Fix D Running fix 351 You plot a fix using three lines of position and find they intersect in a triangle The actual position of the vessel: A Is outside of the triangle B May be anywhere in the triangle C May be inside or outside of the triangle D Is the geometric center of the triangle 352 You are running parallel to the coast and take a running fix using bearing of the same object You are making more speed than used for the running fix In relation to the position indicated by the fix, you will be: A Closer to the coast B Farther from the coast C On the track line ahead of the fix D On the track line behind the fix 353 When fixing a vessel's position by radar, a navigator: A Should never use radar bearings B Can use radar information from one object to fix the position C Should only use radar bearings when the range exceeds the distance to the horizon D Must use information from targets forward of the beam 354 When using a radar in an unstabilized mode, fixes are determined most easily from: A Center of bearings B Tangent bearing C Ranges D Objects that are close aboard 355 When navigating a vessel, you: A.Can always rely on a buoy to be on station B.Can always rely on a buoy to show proper light characteristics C.Should assume a wreck buoy is directly over the wreck D.Should never rely on a floating aid to maintain its exact position 356 When using a buoy as an aid to navigation which of the following should be considered? A The buoy should be considered to always be in charted location B If the light is flashing, the buoy should be considered to be in charted location C The buoy may not be in charted position D The buoy should be considered to be in the charted position if it has been freshly painted 357 To distinguish a good chart from an indifferent one, the navigator may be assisted by the following Except: A Date of Survey B Amount of Detail Charted C Date of Printing D Spacing of charted Depths 358 Charted depths of a well-surveyed area usually appear: A solid curved lines B radial straight lines C dashed blue lines D dotted lines 359 On some coastal charts tables of tidal stream information are given for certain reference positions on the chart which are denoted by: A a circle with an arrow for tidal direction B an arrow with a number indicating the rate of flood C a diamond shape with a letter inside D a dotted circle with a + sign inside 36 360 In calculating a running fix position, what is the minimum number of fixed objects needed to take your lines of position from? A one B two C three D none 361 A position that is obtained by using two or more intersecting lines of position taken at nearly the same time, is a/an: A dead reckoning position B estimated position C fix D running fix 362 A position obtained by applying ONLY your vessel's course and speed to a known position is a/an: A dead reckoning position B fix C estimated position D running fix 363 You are plotting a running fix The LOP to be run forward is an arc from a radar range, what technique should be used? A The arc should be converted into a straight line using offsets and run forward B An arc should never be run forward C The position of the object observed should be advanced swung using the radius of the old arc D The distance between LOP's should be added to the Radar range and a new arc swung 364 You are running parallel to the coast and take a running fix using bearings of the same object.If you are making less speed than used for the running fix in relation to the position indicated by the fix, you will be: A closer to the coast B farther from the coast C on the track line ahead of the fix D on the track line behind the fix 365 A navigator fixing a vessel's position by radar: A can use radar information from one object to fix the position B should never use radar bearings C should only use radar bearings when the range exceeds the distance to the horizon D must use information from targets forward of the beam 366 The direction the vessel is pointed at any time is called: A Course B Track C Heading D course over ground 367 That path that a vessel is expected to follow is called: A DR plot B Track line C Heading D estimated course 368 Where possible, a dead reckoning plot should always be started from: A a known position B any position C an assumed position D none of the above 369 If an observer is at latitude 60º North, his zenith is: A 60ºNorth of the geographical equator B 60ºNorth of the celestial equator C 90ºNorth of the celestial equator D 30ºNorth of the celestial equator 37 370 If latitude is 29º 50' North and declination of the Sun is 15º 40' North, which of the following will happen? A Sunrise will be after 0600 B Sunrise will be before 0600 C Sunrise will be after 0600 if longitude is west and before 0600 if longitude is east D Insufficient data 371 On September 21, your vessel was at the Tropic of Capricorn Which of the following will happen? A Sunrise will be before 0600 B Sunrise will be after 0600 C Sunrise will be at 0600 D None of the above 372 On September 21, your vessel was at the Tropic of Cancer Which of the following will happen? A The sun will cross the prime vertical above the horizon B The sun will cross the prime vertical below the horizon C The sun will cross the prime vertical at the horizon D The sun will not cross the prime vertical 373 While your vessel was at the Tropic of Capricorn, you took a meridian passage observation If the altitude was 90º, the Sun was at the: A Summer Solstice B Vernal Equinox C Winter Solstice D Autumnal equinox 374 The sun will stay at the horizon the whole day if: A the observer is at the North Pole and the Sun is at the Summer Solstice B the observer is at the South Pole and the Sun is at the Winter Solstic C the observer is at the North Pole and the Sun is at the Vernal Equinox D none of the above 375 Observed altitude is: A sextant altitude corrected for parallax and semi-diameter B apparent altitude corrected for parallax and semi-diameter C the altitude of the Sun from the lower or upper limb to the celestial horizon D all of the above 376 In the daily pages of the Nautical Almanac, the "d" correction value is the amount that the declination changes between which of the following times on the middle day of the three shown? A 0000 and 1200 B 0600 and 1800 C 1200 and 1300 D 2300 and 0100 377 The time used as entering argument in the Nautical Almanac is denoted by GMT which is equal to: A 12 hours + GHA of the mean sun B 12 hours – GHA of the Apparent sun C 12 hours + GHA of the apparent sun D hours – GHA of the mean sun 378 In the lower right hand column of the daily pages of the Almanac, the time of Meridian Passage (M.P.) is given in: A GMT B LMT C LAN D LZT 379 In the daily pages of the Nautical Almanac, the tabulated GHA on the Sun column is for the: A Mean sun B Apparent Sun C Both the Mean sun and the Apparent Sun 38 D It doesn't matter which sun 380 The tabulated times in UT on the daily pages of the Almanac are based on the reference point as the: A apparent sun B mean sun C both mean and apparent sun D neither mean nor apparent sun 381 The line connecting Vernal Equinox to Autumnal Equinox is called: A Line of upsides B Line of nodes C Line of equinoxes D Line of minima 382 The angular difference of the Greenwich hour angle of a point on the celestial sphere and the angle between the First Point of Aries and the prime meridian is known as: A Local Hour Angle B Longitude of the Observer C Sidereal Hour Angle D Greenwich Hour Angle 383 Often expressed in time units, it is the arc between the hour circle of the apparent sun and the lower branch of the Greenwich meridian A Greenwich Mean Time B Right Ascension C Local Apparent Time D Greenwich Apparent Time 384 The angle measured from the elevated pole along the hour circle to the diurnal circle passing by the body is called: A Azimuth angle B Amplitude C Polar Distance D Altitude of Polaris O 385 If the Greenwich Hour Angle of the sun at noon of February 26 is 356 23.6', what is the Equation of Time? A + 14m 26s B – 14m 26s C + 12m 36s D - 12m 36s 386 Which of the following statements is/are true or false? I The body rises at the Prime Vertical when the Declination is greater than the Latitude and same names II The body will set at the Prime vertical when the Latitude is numerically equal to declination and same names A I and II are true B I and II are false C II is true D I is true 387 Which of the following statements is/are true or false? I For an observer at the equator, the amplitude is numerically equal to declination II As observed from the equator, the diurnal circles are perpendicular to the celestial Equator A I is true B II is true C Neither I nor II is true D Neither I nor II is false 388 The maximum reliable ground wave range of Loran-C is approximately: A 700 miles B 900 miles C 1,200 miles D 2,300 miles 389 A Loran-C fix taken many times at a known location will give positions normally varying: A Less than 40 feet 39 B More than 300 feet C More than 500 feet D Less than 300 feet 390 In Loran-C the high accuracy of atomic time and frequency controls allows each station to operate: A At higher frequencies B On schedule, independently C At 1,975 kHz D In a multiplex phase 391 After initial turn-on, most modern Loran-C receivers will be automatically tracking within: A minute B minutes C minutes D 10 minutes 392 The normal variation between the actual depth of water and the indicated depth of an electronic depth sounder due to water conditions is on the side of safety This would Not be true in a case when the water: A Has high salinity B Is unusually warm C Is fresh D Is extremely cold 393 You are in Lat 50º South, and obtain an RDF bearing on a vessel 400 miles due west of you You should expect to receive the bearing from the: A Southeast quadrant B Northeast quadrant C Northwest quadrant D Southwest quadrant 394 You have calibrated your RDF When compiling the calibration table, the correction to be applied to any future RDF bearings is listed against the: A True bearing of the transmitter B Relative bearing of the transmitter C Heading of the vessel D Time of reception 395 The transmission time duration of a single pulse of radio-frequency energy is a function of the: A Persistence B Pulse repetition rate C Pulse length D Resolution 396 If a layer of cold, moist over rides a shallow layer of warm, dry air, which of the following may occur? A Normal refraction B Sub-refraction C Super-refraction D Optical horizon 397 The ability of a radar to distinguish separate targets on the same bearing but having small differences in range is called which of the following? A Bearing resolution B Range resolution C Range elongation D Propagation 398 Spoking would be indicated on the radar receiver by: A Targets appearing 180º from proper bearing B No targets showing up beyond miles C Random, pie-shaped wedges on the PPI D Spiral lines or dots on the PPI 40 399 The Frequency band between 20 – 20,000 Hz is the range of frequency that could be heard by the human ear This frequency band is called: A Radio Frequency Band B AM Frequency C AF Frequency D FM Frequency 400 A direct current flows continuously in the same direction If the strength of the current varies rhythmically but does not change direction, the current is said to be: A Direct Current (DC) B Alternating Current (AC} C Pulsating D Conducting 41 [...]... initial course from Latitude 27° 51. 0'N, Longitude 71 41. 0'W to Latitude 49°45.0'N, Longitude 06 14 .0'W A 319 6 miles, 313 .1 T B 3 214 miles, 046.9°T C 3 219 miles, 042.5°T D 32 31 miles, 0 41. 4°T 293 Determine the great circle distance and initial course from Latitude 08°36.0'N, Longitude 12 6 17 .0'E to Latitude 02 12 .0'S, Longitude 81 53.0'W A 9 015 miles, 067°T B 9076 miles, 067°T C 910 5 miles, 079°T D 9076 miles,... miles at 13 .5 knots, and consumed 18 1 tons of fuel If you have 259 tons of usable fuel remaining, how far can you steam at 16 knots? A 795 miles B 942 miles C 11 17 miles D 14 09 miles 240 You have steamed 746 miles at 14 .0 knots, and consumed 15 2 tons of fuel If you have 2 01 tons of usable fuel remaining, how far can you steam at 10 knots? A 13 81 miles B 19 34 miles C 2263 miles D 2707 miles 2 41 Which... Mercator sailing? A 0 81 T, 4 617 .5 miles B 0 81 T, 4 915 .8 miles C 099°T, 4 617 .5 miles D 099°T, 4 915 .8 miles 265 A vessel at Latitude 40°42.0'North, Longitude 74° 01. 0'West, heads for a destination at Latitude14° 41. 0'North, Longitude 17 °26.0'West Determine the true course and distance by Mercator sailing? A 12 3°T, 3066.5 miles B 12 3°T, 3065.6 miles C 11 8°T, 3066.5 miles D 11 8°T, 3365.0 miles 266 You are steaming... 28°02.6' West B 28 18 .2' West C 28°46.3' West D 28°54.7' West 216 The great circle distance from Latitude 08°50.0' North, Longitude 80° 21. 0' West to Latitude 22°36.0' North, Longitude 12 8 16 .0' East is 78 01 miles and the initial course is 324°44' T The latitude of the vertex is 56°52.7' North What is the longitude of the vertex? A 15 6°43' West B 15 7°29' West C 15 9°32.3' West D 16 1 18 .2' West 217 Most GPS... radar 211 Which position includes the effects of wind and current? A Dead reckoning position B Leeway position C Set position 21 D Estimated position 212 Determine the great circle distance and initial course from Latitude 35 17 .6' North, Longitude 14 4°23.0' East to Latitude 47°36.0' North, Longitude 12 4°22.0' West A 3946 miles, 312 ° T B 39 31 miles, 048° T C 38 81 miles, 042° T D 3 718 miles, 318 ° T 213 ... track? A Rear B Front C Left D Right 290 Determine the great circle distance and initial course from Latitude 27° 51. 0'North, Longitude 71 41. 0'West to Latitude 49°45.0'North, Long 06 14 .0'West A 319 6 miles, 313 .1 T B 3 214 miles, 046.9°T C 3 219 miles, 042.5°T D 32 31 miles, 0 41. 4°T 29 2 91 As the South Equatorial Current approaches the east coast of Africa, it divides with the main part flowing south... set should be applied to the second bearing 209 Determine the great circle distance and initial course from Latitude 27° 51. 0'N, Longitude 71 41. 0'W to Latitude 49°45.0'N, Longitude 06 14 .0'W A 319 6 miles, 313 .1 T B 3 214 miles, 046.9°T C 3 219 miles, 042.5°T D 32 31 miles, 0 41. 4°T 210 The closest point of approach (CPA) of a contct on a relative motion radar may be determined ? A immediately when... You depart Latitude18°54'North, Longitude 73°00'East, and steam 11 50 miles on course 253°T What are the latitude and longitude of your arrival by Mercator sailing? A Latitude 13 16 'North, Longitude 55 18 'East B Latitude 13 18 'North, Longitude 54°03'East C Latitude 13 19 'North, Longitude 53°46'East D Latitude 13 °20'North, Longitude 53°28'East 299 You depart Latitude 26°03'S, Longitude10°28'East, for Latitude... The set is 270°, drift 0.5 knot D The set is 270°, drift 1. 0 knot 2 21 The great circle distance from Latitude 35°08.0' South, Longitude19°26.0' East to Latitude 33 16 .0' South, Longitude 11 5°36.0' East is 4559 miles and the initial course is 12 1° T Determine the latitude of the vertex A 44°29 .1' South 22 B 45°30.9' South C 46 18 .2' South D 43° 41. 8' South 222 The wind velocity is higher in the dangerous... miles at 17 .0 knots, and consumed 12 1 tons of fuel If you have 479 tons of usable fuel remaining, how far can you steam at 14 .5 knots? A 12 11 miles B 17 48 miles C 2 817 miles D 3303 miles 247 Tropical storms and hurricanes are most likely to form in the Southern hemisphere during: A January through March B April through May C June through August D September through November 248 You have steamed 11 34 miles

Ngày đăng: 12/05/2016, 20:16



Mục lục

    A. Presence of medium, such as clouds and the like

    C. GHA of the Aries

    B. All night all throughout

    D. The celestial equator system

    C. The effect of nutation on the Earth's rotational axis

    A. the angular distance east or west of the local meridian, through 180 deg

    A. Plane tangent at one point

    D. in the navigable semicircle

    180. Low pressure disturbances, which travel along the intertropical convergence zone, are called :

    B. The contact is on the same course and speed as your vessel


