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Bài giảng unit 6 Buying and Selling cuốn Market Leader

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Bài giảng unit 6: Buying and Selling trong giáo trình cuốn Market Leader 3rd Edition Elementary. Overview Vocabulary Choosing a service A. Use words from the box to complete the Dart leaflet below B. Decide whether these sentences about the Dart leaflet are true or False 1. There is no extra a cost for insurance. C. Rewrite the false statements in Exercise B to make them true

UNIT 6: BUYING AND SELLING WELCOME THE MEMBER OF TEAM  Võ Thị Diễm Hoa  Võ Thùy Trang  Phan Thị Hương Giang  Bùi Thị Mỹ Tiên  Nguyễn Thị Quỳnh Như OVERVIEW Overview VOCABULARY 2: Choosing a service LISTENING: How to sell LANGUAGE FOCUS 2: Past time references SKILL: Describing a product CASE STUDY: NPI VOCABULARY Discount /ˈdɪskɑʊnt/ (n) Tiền bớt, lãi xuất chiết khấu Insurance /in'ʃuərəns/ (n) Sự bảo hiểm Extra /'ekstrə/ (adj) Thêm Quotation /kwou'teiʃn/ (n) Bản dự kê giá; Sự trích Purchase /'pə:t∫əs/ (n) Sự mua Supplier /sə´plaiə(r)/ (n) Người cung cấp Warehouse /'weəhaus/ (n) Kho hàng Internship /'ɪntɜ:nʃɪp/ (n) Cương vị giáo sinh, sv thực tập Analyst /ˈænlɪst/ (n) Người phân tích Join /ʤɔin/(v) Tham gia, gia nhập Innovation /inə´veiʃən/ (n) Sự đổi Mention /'menʃn/ (v) Đề cập dẫn A Use words from the box to complete the Dart leaflet below Discount Free Period Join our Dart Car Hire Gold Club today • • • • • Save up to 50% on selected models price of two Three days for the Free insurance and unlimited mileage Extra 10% For a limited discount until the end of July only period As a Gold Club member, you … • get free hire days or airline miles as your reward Price Save B & C Decide whether these sentences about the Dart lesflet are true (T) or false (F) Rewrite the false statementsto make them true Ex: 1.There is an extra cost for insurance → There is no extra cost for insurance F 2.The customer can get some deals for half price → 3.The price is cheaper if the customer is quick → T 4.The offer is for the whole year → The offer is for a limited period only 5.Gold club members have a choice of reward T → 6.Gold club members get their receipt by express post → Gold club members get their receipt by e-mail F T F N t is ,l ow en ! UNIT6: BUYING & SELLING LISTENING Discuss this question What advice would you give to new sales staff ? What misstakes salespeople often make ? LISTENING B Listen to the conversation between them Then complete each gap with a word She is a management consultant, Ros Pomeroy He is interviewer LISTENING •Be (1)………… patient relationships • Take time to build (2)…… understand • Make sure you fully (3)……………… the product or sevice you are selling • Do not try to sell something to a custommer that they not actually (4)…….…or (5) ………… • • Take (6)…… to understand whatneed the customer (7)………want time(8) to Customers like to be wants listened GM: Let’s talk about new products, Jim Do you remember last year we bought that electronic tennis game from Sportsline? It was a great product, it brought a lot of people into our stores J: Yeah, It was one of our best buys I seem to remember our sales increased a lot after it went on sale in November GM: Mmm, I want to the same thing this November Buy a really exciting products, advertise it on television and get plenty of customers into our stores J: Good idea Are you thinking of a new sport game? GM: Well, maybe, but any toy that’s exciting and will get people into our stores Something we can sell at a high price and make a good profit on Any ideas? J: Mmm, OK, if it’s a new sports product- How about skateboards? Skateboarding’s very popular with young people, and the marker’s growing fast They’ll pay a lot of for skateboard that’s bit different GM: Yeah, good idea OK, What about other new toys? Something big and expensive Maybe something children can try out when they visit our stores J: Mmm, there are a lot of toys to choose from There’s a new robot coming on the market soon I saw it at a toy fair and liked it Another company had a space toy on show There was a lot of interest in it, too Both products might be good ones for us They’re radio -controlled Children love radio-controlled toys, you can charge a high price for them GM: OK Jim, let’s find out more about the products, then we can discuss which one to order We don’t have enough cash to buy all of them, so we’ll have to make a choice NP INNOVATIONS Task Work in groups of three Read the description of your product and note down key points on the table below Student A: Turn to page 132 Student B: 138 and C: 143 Tell each other about your products and complete the chart below for the other two products In groups, discuss the products Decide which one the company should buy for its stores, with your reason Present your group’s decision to the rest of class Give reasons for your choice PRODUCT INFORMATION Product name RC1 spaceship Mememe Inside track Product descrition A radio-controlled spaceship, made of plastic A small battery-operated robot; made of A two-wheel skateboard; very fast, doesn’t make and streel; goes backwards and forwards; can plastic and rubber; wears big rubber boots; much noise best-selling skateboard in China and turn 360 degrees talks in a funny voice; always about itself; Brazil based on a character in a TV programme Price $40 $30 $60 Target market Children aged 3+ Children aged 5+ Skateboarders aged 15+ Colours Blue and green Red and yellow Eight bright colours Selling points Press a button and front rises; hand control Can sing five songs; goes fact backwards Skateboards have colourful designs by a famous easy to use artist; Jeff Rollins; skateboard champion, advertises the product Discounts 5% for new customer, 3% for early payment 6% for new customers 15% for orders over 3000 items NP INNOVATIONS Writing • Greeting (Chào hỏi) • Opening comment (Câu chào hỏi ban đầu) You work in the buying department of NPI Write an e-mail to the manufacturer of one of Introduction (Giới thiệu) the products Ask them to send you a catalogue, price list and sample of the product you • are interested in Find out also about their delivery date if you place an order Main point (Nội dung chính) • • Concluding sentence (Kết thúc email) • Signing off(kí tên) Greeting Hi Paul, Hello Paul, Dear Paul, Dear Sir/Madam, Dear Mr Paul, Opening comment • I am writing/conforming to + verb… How are you? *I am writing to ask for the information about the English courses How are things? • • Introduction I hope you are doing well *I am writing to check if everything is ready for the launch of the product I hope you have a nice weekend * I am writing to reference to I am writing to enquire about… Concluding sentence Main point • • • • • • • • I would be grateful if … I wonder if you could … Could you please …? Could you tell me something about …? I would particularly like to know … I would be interested in having more details about … Could you please help me …… ,please? I would like to ask your help … • • • • • • • • • Let me know if you need anymore information Please get back to me as soon as possible I look forward to hearing from you soon Feel free to contact me if you need further information I would be grateful if you could attend to this matter as soon as possible If you would like any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact me I look forward to……… Please respond at your earliest convenience Nếu bạn bắt đầu Dear Mr, Dear Mrs, Dear Miss, hay Dear Ms, bạn nên kết thúc thư cụm sau: Yours sincerely, Yours faithfully, (kính thư) Signning of Best, Best wishes, Regards, Take care, Bye, +(họ) tên người gửi • • • • • NP INNOVATIONS From: bdoNPI@gmail.com To: mops@gmail.com Subject: More Information of the products Dear Sir I am from the buying department of NPI I am writing to need your help to provide more information of the product I feel more excited with RC1 spaceship toy So would you like to give me a catalogue, price list and sample of the product? By the way, I want to place an order, I would be grateful if you send me the delivery date I look forward to hearing from you Best regards Peter PLAY GAME Complete the sentences, then the puzzle, and find something buyers often look for The seller asks the for a deposit We placed an order with CyberBox and got a great _ on their LS200 computer It doesn’t cost extra for insurance It’s We are not happy with the _we received We want to return them Let’s contact two or three sellers, so we can _ prices We can play over a period of time at no extra cost The company offers interest – free _ Internet shopping is the future Place your orders from our _ catalogue ! BARGAIN A _ is something you buy for less than the usual price Next We are can not play happy over a period of _we time We no extrareceived cost The company ofers interest – free _ _ We the We want to return them placed an order CyberBox and got awe great on their LS200 computer ! Itwith doesn’t costat extra for insurance It’s Internet shopping is future Place your orders from our catalogue Let’s contact twowith orthe three sellers, so can _ prices Now, complete the definition of the hidden word The seller asks the for a deposit B D E F C C O MP O R E NL I A I TD N E EY R U L A R E E G O O E D S R Back Thank You! [...]... make and streel; goes backwards and forwards; can plastic and rubber; wears big rubber boots; much noise best -selling skateboard in China and turn 360 degrees talks in a funny voice; always about itself; Brazil based on a character in a TV programme Price $40 $30 $60 Target market Children aged 3+ Children aged 5+ Skateboarders aged 15+ Colours Blue and green Red and yellow Eight bright colours Selling. .. women’s bag and complete the details Model : Kachet Target market : smart, Material: It’s made of soft Features: It’s got lots of women and a special to keep things safely Colours: ,blue and professional material pockets compartment Price : Delivery : within a black brown 75 euros week NP INNOVATIONS NP Innovations(NPI) is a group of stores in Seattle, US, selling gifts for the home, office and travel... lot of preparation UNIT 6 a) Asking for a written quotation b) Being prepared to walk away from the purchase if you are noy 4 6 happy c) Working out the maximum price you are not happy 2 d) Looking at ways of getting additional extras or discounts e) Contacting several different suppliers f) Doing a lot of preparation 5 3 1 LOGO D+E Listen to the third part of the interview in pairs and take notes about... advertise it on television and get plenty of customers into our stores J: Good idea Are you thinking of a new sport game? GM: Well, maybe, but any toy that’s exciting and will get people into our stores Something we can sell at a high price and make a good profit on Any ideas? J: Mmm, OK, if it’s a new sports product- How about skateboards? Skateboarding’s very popular with young people, and the marker’s growing... December,1957 industrial design marketing Education: Studied at Linkoping University Carreer in IKEA 1979 : Worked as carpet salesman, Linkoping store, Sweden 1981 : Became Store Mananger, Sundsvall, Sweden marketing manager 1984-1988: Did management jobs in training and 1988: Got a job in Belgium as 1991-1995 1995 : Worked as Country Manager, Canada Southern Europe and North America : Became Managing... /,prezen'teiʃn/ sự trình bày, sự trưng bày, sự phô ra NP INNOVATIONS Listen to a conversation between a general manager and Jim, a buyer at NPI’s main store Discuss these questions If necessary, listen NP Innovations(NPI) is a group of stores in again Seattle, US, selling gifts for the home, office and travel At present, the company is looking for an 1 Why was the electronic tennis game so successful? 2 What... a period of 18 months, with a lot of diffirent negotiations and her patience on her part, she bought the house at a lower price than had originally been asked Language focus 2 Some time references refer only to the past The special deals ended two months ago Last week, we sold 500 units – a record! The prepositions in, on, from, to, for and during often refer to periods of time in the past in on From…... of for skateboard that’s bit different GM: Yeah, good idea OK, What about other new toys? Something big and expensive Maybe something children can try out when they visit our stores J: Mmm, there are a lot of toys to choose from There’s a new robot coming on the market soon I saw it at a toy fair and liked it Another company had a space toy on show There was a lot of interest in it, too Both products... buy all of them, so we’ll have to make a choice NP INNOVATIONS Task 1 Work in groups of three Read the description of your product and note down key points on the table below Student A: Turn to page 132 Student B: 138 and C: 143 2 Tell each other about your products and complete the chart below for the other two products 3 In groups, discuss the products Decide which one the company should buy for... the sales team at Johnson and Johnson for/ during/in since/ago ago/ last September 20 06 Two years , he became the Regional Sales manager for the Americas month, he accepted an exciting new job as Country Manager in Argentina During/ For/ On During In/InOn/ For Last/ First/ LastNext B Mikael Ohlsson is the CEO of furniture retailer IKEA Liste an to an interview about his career and complete the missing

Ngày đăng: 10/05/2016, 17:50

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