16 Eternity Ring ArtCAM 16 Eternity Ring Eternity Ring Project • Select Create New Project • From New Blanks, select Rotary Shank • Leave the model name as RotaryAxisShank • Select a British size J½ ring • Set the Shank Width as 4, Border as 5, Shank Thickness as 2, with a Resolution of 30 • Select Accept The geometry of the setting will be creating using a number of functions from the Vector Toolbar • Select Create Circles Y –5 and create a Circle of Radius at X –25 and • Offset this R1 circle inwards by 0.1mm to represent the bezel • Offset this new Inner circle inwards by 0.5mm to represent the hole at the bottom The vectors for a single stone setting have been created Multiple copies will now be required to complete the Eternity ring design The paste along a curve function will be used to create an equal pattern of stones • Select the outer circle and then hold shift and select the horizontal reference line • Select Paste along Curve • Select Specify Number and enter 31 and press Paste and then Close JewelSmith 16.1 16 Eternity Ring ArtCAM • Repeat the above procedure for the inner two circles (separately) The geometry for the beads will now be created But to align them correctly with the stones, some construction geometry is required first Object snap cursors will be used to construct quickly and accurately • Select Create Polyline • Construct a single straight line between the top nodes circles • Construct a second straight line from the midpoint down of this line vertically to the horizontal vector • Select Create Circles anywhere on the page 16.2 of the first two and create a Circle of Radius 0.4mm JewelSmith 16 Eternity Ring ArtCAM • Drag this circle from its bottom node point midpoint and place onto the of the vertical line created earlier This completes the design and correct position of a single bead Multiple copies are now required of this bead vector around each of the stones A line onto which the bead vector will be pasted is required first • Create a copy of the horizontal reference line • Drag the new line from its endpoint and snap onto the centre point the bead vector circle of • Select the bead circle and then hold shift and select the new horizontal vector • Select Paste along Curve • Select Specify Number and enter 31 and press Paste and then Close • Select this new group of circles and shift select the original horizontal reference line • Select Mirror Vectors JewelSmith 16.3 16 Eternity Ring ArtCAM • Tick Copy the Original Vectors and press About Line • Select Close The relief can now be made • Double click the outer vector group and generate a flat shape of start height 2mm Click Add • Double click the stones vector group and generate a pyramid shape of angle –60 Click Add • Double click the small circles group Click Zero • Double click the beads group and generate a round shape of angle 90, start height Click Merge High The ring is complete, apart from the gems 16.4 JewelSmith 16 Eternity Ring ArtCAM • Select the Assistant tab Select Create Triangle Mesh • Set tolerance as 0.002 and Select Close with Back Relief • Select Create Triangles • Select Platinum from the properties Weight pull down • Then select Add to Project • The file is now saved in the assembly on your Project tab • Select Save • • • • • Select the Stone Group and select Vectors to Gem Vectors Select Round Select Gem sizes from Vector Select Diamond With both option ticked, select Next • Select the gem vectors Select Create Gems • Enter a start height of and press Next The stones are shown JewelSmith 16.5 16 Eternity Ring ArtCAM • Press Accept • Save the ArtCAM Model and then Close the Current Model The complete assembly is shown • Change the material colour if required • Select Save Project and select Close Project 16.6 JewelSmith ... generate a round shape of angle 90, start height Click Merge High The ring is complete, apart from the gems 16.4 JewelSmith 16 Eternity Ring ArtCAM • Select the Assistant tab Select Create Triangle Mesh... anywhere on the page 16.2 of the first two and create a Circle of Radius 0.4mm JewelSmith 16 Eternity Ring ArtCAM • Drag this circle from its bottom node point midpoint and place onto the of the vertical... select the original horizontal reference line • Select Mirror Vectors JewelSmith 16.3 16 Eternity Ring ArtCAM • Tick Copy the Original Vectors and press About Line • Select Close The relief can