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Collins Concise English Dictionary 6th Edition 2006 AAAA LETRA A a [e] [] an (before vowel or silent h) INDEF ART um* (uma) a book/girl/mirror, um livro/uma menina/um espelho an apple, uma maỗó shes a doctor, ela ộ mộdica (instead of the number one) um* (uma) a year ago, hỏ um ano, um ano atrỏs a hundred/thousand etc pounds, cem/mil etc libras (in expressing ratios, prices etc) a day/week, por dia/semana 10 km an hour, 10 km por hora 30p a kilo, 30p o quilo A , a [e] N (letter) A, a M (MUS) A, lỏ M A for Andrew BRIT or Able US (BRIT) (US) A de Antụnio A road (BRIT AUT) via expressa A shares (BRIT STOCK EXCHANGE) aỗừes FPL preferenciaisa a ABBR acre AA N ABBR Alcoholics Anonymous, AA M (BRIT) Automobile Association, TCB M (BR) ACP M (PT) (US) Associate in/of Arts, tớtulo universitỏrio, anti-aircraft, AA AAA N ABBR American Automobile Association, TCB M (BR) ACP M (PT) (BRIT) Amateur Athletics Association AAUP N ABBR American Association of University Professors, sindicato universitỏrio AB ABBR (BRIT) able-bodied seaman (CANADIAN) Alberta abaci [ổbsa] NPL (of abacus) aback [bổk] ADV to be taken aback, ficar surpreendido, sobressaltar-se abacus [ổbks] (PL abaci ) N ỏbaco abandon [bổndn] VT abandonar N (wild behaviour) with abandon, com desenfreio to abandon ship, abandonar o navio abandoned [bổndnd] ADJ (child, house) abandonado (unrestrained) desenfreado abase [bes] VT to abase o.s (so far as to do) rebaixar-se (atộ o ponto de fazer) abashed [bổt] ADJ envergonhado abate [bet] VI (lessen) diminuir (calm down) acalmar-se abatement [betmnt] N noise abattoir [ổbtw*] (BRIT) N matadouro abbey [ổb] N abadia, mosteiro abbot [ổbt] N abade M abbreviate [brivet] VT (essay) resumir (word) abreviar abbreviation [briven] N (short form) abreviatura (act) abreviaỗóo F ABC N ABBR American Broadcasting Company, rede de televisóo abdicate [ổbdket] VT abdicar, renunciar a VI abdicar, renunciar ao trono abdication [ổbdken] N abdicaỗóo F abdomen [ổbdmn] N abdụmen M abdominal [ổbdmnl] ADJ abdominal abduct [ổbdkt] VT seqỹestrar abduction [ổbdkn] N seqỹestro Aberdonian [ổbdunn] ADJ de Aberdeen N natural M, F de Aberdeen aberration [ổbren] N aberraỗóo F in a moment of mental aberration, num momento de desatino abet [bt] VT aid abeyance [bens] N in abeyance (law) em desuso (matter) suspenso abhor [bh*] VT detestar, odiar abhorrent [bhrnt] ADJ detestỏvel, repugnante abide [bad] VT agỹentar, suportar I cant abide him, eu nóo o soporto abide by (promise, word) cumprir (law, rules) ater-se a VT N ability [blt] habilidade F, capacidade F (talent) talento (skill) perớcia ability, o melhor que eu puder or pudesse to the best of my abject [ổbdkt] ADJ (poverty) miserỏvel (coward) desprezớvel, vil an abject apology, um pedido de desculpa humilde ablaze [blez] ADJ em chamas ablaze with light, resplandecente able [ebl] ADJ capaz (skilled) hỏbil, competente to be able to sth, poder fazer algo able-bodied [-bdd] ADJ sóo* (só) able-bodied seaman BRIT (BRIT) marinheiro experimentado ably [ebl] habilmente ADV ABM N ABBR anti-ballistic missile abnormal [ổbnml] ADJ anormal abnormality [ổbnmổlt] N anormalidade F aboard [bd] ADV a bordo PREP a bordo de (train) dentro de abode [bud] N (old) residờncia, domicớlio (LAW) of no fixed abode, sem domicớlio fixo abide [bad] VT agỹentar, suportar I cant abide him, eu nóo o soporto abide by (promise, word) cumprir (law, rules) ater-se a VT abolish [bl] VT abolir abolition [ổbln] N aboliỗóo F abominable [bmnbl] ADJ abominỏvel, detestỏvel aborigine [ổbrdn] N aborớgene M, F abort [bt] VT (MED) abortar (plan) fracassar abortion [bn] N aborto to have an abortion, fazer um aborto abortive [btv] ADJ (failed) fracassado (fruitless) inỳtil abound [baund] VI to abound (in or with) abundar (em) about [baut] ADV (approximately) aproximadamente it takes about 10 hours, leva mais ou menos 10 horas at about oclock, aproximadamente s duas horas its just about finished, estỏ quase terminado (referring to place) por toda parte, por todo lado to run/walk etc about, correr/andar etc por todos os lados to be about to sth, estar a ponto de fazer algo PREP (relating to) acerca de, sobre a book about London, um livro sobre Londres what is it about? que se trata? ộ sobre o quờ? we talked about it, nús falamos sobre isso what or how about doing this? que tal se fizermos isso? (place) em redor de, por to walk about the town, andar pela cidade about face N (MIL) meia-volta (fig) reviravolta about turn N about face above [bv] ADV em or por cima, acima PREP acima de, por cima de mentioned above, acima mencionado costing above Ê10 que custa mais de Ê10 above all, sobretudo aboveboard [bvbd] ADJ legớtimo, limpo abrasion [bren] N (on skin) esfoladura abrasive [brezv] ADJ abrasivo (fig) (person) cỏustico (manner) mordaz abreast [brst] ADV lado a lado to keep abreast of (fig) estar a par de abridge [brd] VT resumir, abreviar abroad [brd] ADV (be abroad) no estrangeiro (go abroad) ao estrangeiro abroad that (fig) corre o boato de que abrupt [brpt] ADJ (sudden) brusco (curt) rớspido abruptly [brptl] ADV bruscamente there is a rumour abscess [ổbss] abscesso (BR) abcesso (PT) abscond [bsknd] VI to abscond with, sumir com to abscond from, fugir de absence [ổbsns] N ausờncia in the absence of (person) na ausờncia de (thing) na falta de absent [ổbsnt] ADJ ausente absent without leave, ausente sem permissóo oficial to be absent, faltar absentee [ổbsnti] N ausente M, F absenteeism [ổbsntizm] N absenteớsmo absent-minded ADJ distraớdo N absent-mindedness [-manddns] N distraỗóo F absolute [ổbslut] ADJ absoluto absolutely [ổbslutl] ADV absolutamente oh, yes, absolutely! claro que sim! absolution [ổbslun] N absolviỗóo F absolve [bzlv] VT to absolve sb (from) (sin etc) absolver alguộm (de) (blame) isentar alguộm (de) to absolve sb from (oath) desobrigar alguộm de absorb [bzb] VT absorver (group, business) incorporar (changes) assimilar (information) digerir to be absorbed in a book, estar absorvido num livro absorbent [bzbnt] ADJ absorvente absorbent cotton [bzbnt-] (US) N algodóo M hidrúfilo absorbing [bzb] ADJ (book, film etc) absorvente, cativante absorption [bzpn] N absorỗóo F (interest) fascinaỗóo F abstain [bsten] VI to abstain (from) abster-se (de) abstemious [bstims] ADJ abstinente abstention [bstnn] N abstenỗóo F abstinence [ổbstnns] N abstinờncia, sobriedade F abstract ADJ [ổbstrổkt] abstrato N [ổbstrổkt] resumo VT [ổbstrổkt] (remove) abstrair (summarize) resumir (steal) surripiar abstruse [ổbstrus] ADJ obscuro absurd [bsd] ADJ absurdo absurdity [bsdt] N absurdo ABTA [ổbt] N ABBR Association of British Travel Agents Abu Dhabi [ổbudb] N Abu Dabi (no article) abundance [bndns] N abundõncia abundant [bndnt] ADJ abundante abuse N [bjus] (insults) insultos MPL (misuse) (ill-treatment) maus-tratos MPL, abuso VT [bjuz] insultar maltratar abusar open to abuse, aberto ao abuso abusive [bjusv] ADJ ofensivo abysmal [bzml] (ignorance) profundo, total (very bad) pộssimo abyss [bs] N abismo ADJ AC (US) athletic club ABBR alternating current, CA a/c ABBR (BANKING etc) account, c/ academic [ổkdmk] ADJ acadờmico (pej: issue) teúrico N universitỏrio* (universitỏria) academic freedom N liberdade de cỏtedra academic year N ano letivo academy [kổdm] N (learned body) academia (school) instituto, academia, colộgio military/naval academy, academia militar/escola naval academy of music N conservatúrio ACAS [ekổs] (BRIT) N ABBR Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service, Justiỗa Trabalho accede [ổksid] VI to accede to (request) consentir em, aceder a (throne) subir a accelerate [ổkslret] VT VI acelerar acceleration [ổkslren] N aceleraỗóo F accelerator [ổkslret*] N acelerador M accent [ổksnt] N (written) acento (pronunciation) sotaque M (fig) (emphasis) ờnfase F accentuate [ổksntjuet] VT (syllable) acentuar (need, difference etc) ressaltar, salientar accept [kspt] VT aceitar (responsibility) assumir acceptable [ksptbl] ADJ (offer) bem-vindo (risk) assumir, aceitỏvel acceptance [ksptns] N aceitaỗóo F to meet with general acceptance, ter aprovaỗóo geral access [ổkss] N acesso VT (COMPUT) acessar to have access to, ter acesso a the burglars gained access through a window, os ladrừes conseguiram entrar por uma janela accessible [ổkssbl] N ABBR acessớvel (available) disponớvel accession [ổksn] N acessóo F (of king) elevaỗóo F ao trono (to library) aquisiỗóo F accessory [ổkssr] N acessúrio (LAW) accessory to, cỳmplice M, F de toilet accessories BRIT (BRIT) artigos de toalete access road N via de acesso access time N (COMPUT) tempo de acesso accident [ổksdnt] N acidente M (chance) casualidade F to meet with or have an accident, sofrer or ter um acidente accidents at work, acidentes de trabalho by accident (unintentionally) sem querer (by coincidence) por acaso accidental [ổksdntl] ADJ acidental accidentally [ổksdntl] ADV (by accident) sem querer (by chance) casualmente accident insurance N seguro contra acidentes accident-prone ADJ com tendờncia para sofrer or causar acidente, desastrado acclaim [klem] VT aclamar to be acclaimed for ones achievements, ser aclamado por seus fatas N aclamaỗóo F acclamation [ổklmen] N (approval) aclamaỗóo F (applause) aplausos MPL acclimate [klamt] (US) VT acclimatize acclimatize [klamtaz] (BRIT) VT to become acclimatized (to) aclimatar-se (a) accolade [ổkled] N louvor M, honra accommodate [kmdet] VT alojar (reconcile) (subj: car, hotel, etc) acomodar, conciliar (oblige, help) comprazer a (adapt) to accommodate ones plans to, acomodar seus projetos a this car accommodates people, este carro tem lugar para pessoas ADJ accommodating [kmdet] complacente, serviỗal accommodation [kmden] (BRIT) N alojamento (space) lugar M (BR) sớtio (PT) hes found accommodation, ele jỏ encontrou um lugar para morar accommodation to let, aluga-se (apartamento etc) they have accommodation for 500 tờm lugar para 500 pessoas seating accommodation, lugares MPL sentados accommodations [kmdenz] (US) NPL accommodation accompaniment [kmpnmnt] ADJ acompanhamento accompanist [kmpnst] N acompanhador* M (F acompanhadora) acompanhante accompany [kmpn] VT acompanhar accomplice [kmpls] N cỳmplice M, F N M, F accomplish [kmpl] (task) concluir (goal) alcanỗar accomplished [kmplt] ADJ (person) talentoso (performance) brilhante accomplishment [kmplmnt] N (bringing about) realizaỗóo F (achievement) proeza accomplishments (skills) talentos MPL NPL accord [kd] N tratado VT conceder of his own accord, por sua iniciativa with one accord, de comum acordo accordance [kdns] N in accordance with, de acordo com, conforme according [kd] PREP according to, segundo (in accordance with) conforme according to plan, como previsto accordingly [kdl] ADV (thus) por conseguinte (appropriately) modo devido accordion [kdn] N acordeóo M accost [kst] VT abordar account [kaunt] N conta (report) relato accounts (books, department) contabilidade F NPL ``account payee only BRIT (BRIT) ``cheque nóo endossỏvel (a ser creditado na conta favorecido) to keep an account of, anotar, registrar to bring sb to account for sth/for having done sth, chamar alguộm a contas por algo/por ter feito algo by all accounts, segundo dizem todos of little account, sem importõncia on his own account, por sua conta to pay Ê5 on account, pagar Ê5 por conta to buy sth on account, comprar algo a crộdito of no account, sem importõncia on account, por conta on no account, de modo nenhum on account of, por causa de to take into account, take account of, levar em conta account for (explain) explicar (represent) representar VT all the children were accounted for, nenhuma das crianỗas faltava people are still not accounted for, pessoas ainda nóo foram encontradas accountability [kauntblt] VT responsabilidade F accountable [kauntbl] ADJ accountable (to) responsỏvel (por) accountancy [kauntns] N contabilidade F accountant [kauntnt] N contador* M (F contadora) (BR) contabilista accounting [kaunt] N contabilidade F accounting period N exercớcio account number N nỳmero de conta account payable N conta a pagar N M, F (PT) account receivable N conta a receber accredited [krdtd] ADJ (agent) autorizado accretion [krin] N acresỗóo F accrue [kru] VI aumentar (mount up) acumular-se accrued interest [krud-] N juros MPL acumulados to accrue to, advir a accumulate [kjumjulet] acumular VI acumular-se accumulation [kjumjulen] N acumulaỗóo F accuracy [ổkjurs] N exatidóo F, precisóo F accurate [ổkjurt] ADJ (number) exato (description) correto (person, device) preciso (shot) certeiro accurately [ổkjurtl] ADV com precisóo accusation [ổkjuzen] N acusaỗóo F (instance) incriminaỗóo F accusative [kjuztv] N (LING) acusativo accuse [kjuz] VT to accuse sb (of sth) acusar alguộm (de algo) accused [kjuzd] N the accused, acusado* (acusada) accustom [kstm] VT acostumar to accustom o.s to sth, acostumar-se a algo accustomed [kstmd] ADJ (usual) habitual accustomed to, acostumado a VT yog(h)ourt yoke [juk] N canga, cangalha (of oxen) junta (on shoulders) balancim M (fig) jugo VT yoke together, unir, ligar yolk [juk] N gema (do ovo) yonder [jnd*] ADV alộm, acolỏ Yorks [jks] (BRIT) ABBR Yorkshire you [ju] PRON (subj) (singular) tu, vocờ (plural) vús, vocờs you French enjoy your food, vocờs franceses gostam de comer you and I will go, nús iremos (direct object) (singular) te, o* (a) (plural) vos, os/as (indirect object: singular) te, lhe (plural) vos, lhes I know you, eu lhe conheỗo I gave it to you, dei isto para vocờ (stressed) vocờ I told YOU to it, eu disse para vocờ fazer isto (after prep, in comparisons) (singular) ti, vocờ (plural) vús, vocờs (polite form: singular) o senhor* (a senhora) (plural) os senhores* (as senhoras) its for you, ộ para vocờ can I come with you? posso ir com vocờ? with you, contigo, com vocờ, convosco, com vocờs, com o senhor etc shes younger than you, ela ộ mais jovem que vocờ (impers) (one) you never know, nunca se sabe apples you good, as maỗós fazem bem saỳde you cant that! nóo se pode fazer isto! youd [jud] you had, you would youll [jul] you will, you shall young [j] ADJ jovem NPL (of animal) filhotes MPL, crias FPL (people) the young, a juventude, os jovens a young man, um jovem a young lady (unmarried) uma jovem, uma moỗa (married) uma jovem senhora my younger brother, o meu irmóo mais novo younger [jr] ADJ (brother etc) mais novo the younger generation, a geraỗóo mais jovem youngish [j] ADJ bem novo youngster [jst*] N jovem M, F, moỗo* (moỗa) your [j*] ADJ teu/tua, seu/sua (plural) vosso, seu/sua (formal) senhor/da senhora my youre [ju*] you are yours [jz] PRON teu/tua, seu/sua (plural) vosso, seu/sua (formal) senhor/da senhora yours is blue, o teu* tua etc ộ azul (o tea) N is it yours? ộ teu etc? yours sincerely or faithfully, atenciosamente a friend of yours, um amigo seu etc mine yourself [jslf] PRON (emphatic) tu mesmo, vocờ mesmo (object, reflexive) te, se (after prep) ti mesmo, si mesmo (formal) o senhor mesmo* senhora mesma (o senhor mesma) you yourself told me, vocờ mesmo me falou (all) by yourself, sozinho* (sozinha) oneself yourselves [jslvz] PRON (emphatic) vús mesmos, vocờs mesmos (object, reflexive) vos, se (after prep) vús mesmos, vụces mesmos (formal) os senhores mesmos/as senhoras mesmas oneself youth [ju] (PL youths juz ) N mocidade F, juventude F (young man) jovem M in my youth, na minha juventude youth club N associaỗóo F de juventude youthful [juful] ADJ juvenil youthfulness [juflns] N juventude F youth hostel N albergue M da juventude youve [juv] you have yowl [jaul] N uivo VI uivar YTS (BRIT) Youth Training Scheme, programa de ensino profissionalizante N ABBR Yugoslav [juuslv] iugoslavo* (iugoslava) Yugoslavia [juuslv] N Iugoslỏvia Yugoslavian [juuslvn] ADJ iugoslavo Yule [jul] N Yule log, acha de Natal Yuletide [jultad] N ộpoca natalina or Natal yuppie [jp] (inf) ADJ N yuppie M, F ADJ N YWCA Young Womens Christian Association, ACM N ABBR F ZZZZ LETRA Z Z , z [zd] [zi US] N (letter) Z, z M Z for Zebra, Z de Zebra Zaire [zi*] N Zaire M Zambia [zổmb] N Zõmbia Zambian [zổmbn] ADJ N zambiano* (zambiana) zany [zen] ADJ tolo, bobo zap [zổp] VT (COMPUT) apagar zeal [zil] N entusiasmo (religious) fervor M zealot [zlt] N fanỏtico* (fanỏtica) zealous [zls] ADJ zeloso, entusiasta zebra [zibr] N zebra zebra crossing (BRIT) N faixa (para pedestres) (BR) passadeira (PT) zenith [zn] N (ASTRONOMY) zờnite M (fig) apogeu M zero [zru] N zero VI to zero in on, fazer mira em 5or below zero, graus abaixo de zero zero hour N hora zero zero-rated [-retd] (BRIT) ADJ isento de IVA zest [zst] N vivacidade F, entusiasmo (of lemon etc) zesto zigzag [zzổ] N ziguezague M VI ziguezaguear Zimbabwe [zmbbw] N Zimbỏbue M (BR) Zimbabwe M (PT) Zimbabwe an [zmbbwn] ADJ N zimbabuano* (zimbabuana) (BR) zimbabweano* (zimbabweana) (PT) zinc [zk] N zinco Zionism [zanzm] N sionismo Zionist [zanst] ADJ N sionista M, F zip [zp] N zip fastener, fecho ecler BR or ộclair PT (energy) vigor M VT zip up, fechar o fecho ecler de, subir o fecho ecler de zip code (US) N cúdigo postal zip file N (COMPUT) arquivo zipado zipper [zp*] (US) N zip zither [z*] N citara zodiac [zudổk] N zodớaco zombie [zmb] N (fig) like a zombie, como um zumbi zone [zun] N zona zoo [zu] N (jardim M ) zoolúgico zoological [zuldkl] ADJ zoolúgico zoologist [zuldst] N zoúlogo* (zoúloga) zoology [zuld] N zoologia zoom [zum] VI to zoom past, passar zunindo to zoom in (on sb/sth) (PHOT CINEMA) fechar a cõmera (em alguộm/algo) zoom lens N zoom M, zum M zucchini [zukin] (US) N NPL abobrinha Zulu [zulu] zulu M, F Zurich [zjurk] N Zurique ADJ N MEDIDAS INGLESAS E AMERICANAS ENGLISH AND AMERICAN MEASURES Medidas de Comprimento/Linear Measure Equivalente mộtrico inch foot yard pole, rod, perch chain (ingl.) furlong (200 yards) statute mile (1760 yards) nautical mile league 2,54 cm 30,48 cm 91,44 cm 5,03 m 20,12 m 201,17 m 1,609 km 1,853 km 4,828 km 12 inches feet ẵ yards poles, etc 10 chains (40 rods.) furlongs (5280 feet) 6080.2 feet statute miles Medidas Nỏuticas (ou marớtimas)/Mariner's Measure fathom nautical mile league feet 1000 fathoms (approx.) nautical mile 1,83 m 1,853 km 5,559 km Medidas de Agrimensor/Surveyor's Measure link chain mile acre 7.92 inches 100 links 80 chains 10 square chains 20,12 cm 20,12 m 1609,34 m 0,4047 Medidas de Superfớcie/Square Measure Equivalente mộtrico square inch square foot square yard square pole (Am.: rod) perch (Brit.) rood (Brit.) acre (U.S.A.) acre (Brit.) square mile 6,45 cm 9,29 dm 0,84 m 25,29 m 252,93 m 1011,71 m 0,4047 0,4047 259,00 ou 2,59 km 10 square poles 40 square poles 160 square rods roods 640 acres Medidas de Volume/Cubic Measure cubic inch cubic foot cubic yard 1728 cubic inches 27 cubic feet 16,39 cm 28,32 dm 764,53 dm Medidas de Capacidade para Lớquidos/Liquid Measure minim (Brit.) minim (U.S.A.) fluid dram (Brit.) fluid dram (U.S.A.) fluid ounce (Brit.) fluid ounce (U.S.A.) pint (Brit.) pint (U.S.A.) pint (Brit.) quart (Brit.) gallon (Brit.) gallon (U.S.A.) peck (Brit.) bushel (Brit.) quarter (Brit.) barrel (U.S.A.) hogshead (U.S.A.) 0.592 milliliter 60 minims 60 minims fluid drams fluid drams 20 fluid ounces 16 fluid ounces gills pints quarts quarts gallons pecks bushels 31 ẵ gallons barrels 0,0000592 l 0,0000616 l 3,552 ml 3,697 ml 28,47 ml 29,57 ml 569,4 ml 473,12 ml 0,5682 l 1,1364 l 4,5459 l 3,785 l 9,092 l 36,368 l 2,909 hl 1,43198 hl 2,86396 hl Medidas de Capacidade para Secos/Dry Measure pint (Brit.; abbr pt.) pint (U.S.A.) quart (U.S.A.; abbr qt.) gallon (Brit.; abbr gal.) gallon (U.S.A.) peck (Brit.; abbr pk.) peck (U.S.A.) bushel (Brit.; abbr bu.) bushel (U.S.A.) barrel (Brit.) barrel (U.S.A.) quarter (Brit.) quarter (U.S.A.) gills gills pints quarts quarts gallons gallons pecks pecks 36 gallons 36 gallons bushels bushels 568,3 ml 473,2 ml 0,9464 l 4,546 l 4,41 l 9,092 l 8,810 l 36,37 l 35,24 l 1,637 hl 1,192 hl 2,909 hl 2,421 hl Pesos de Farmỏcia/Apothecaries' Weight grain (Brit.; abbr gr.) scrupel (U.S.A.) dram (Brit.; abbr dm.) drachm ounce (Brit.; abbr oz.) ounce (U.S.A.) pound avoirdupois (lb.) pound avoirdupois (lb.) 20 mites 20 gr 1/256 lb scrupels 16 dm drachms 16 oz 12 oz 64,80 mg 1,296 g 1,772 g 3,888 g 28,35 g 31,10 g 453,6 g 372,4 g 16 drams 437 ẵ grains troy 28,35 g Pesos Comerciais/Avoirdupois Weight ounce (Brit.; abbr oz.) ounce (U.S.A.; abbr oz.) 31,10 g pound (Brit.; abbr lb av.) stone (Brit.) quarter (Brit.) quarter (U.S.A.) hundredweight cental (Brit & U.S.A.; abbr cwt.sh.) hundredweight long (Brit.) short ton long ton 16 ounces 14 pounds 28 pounds 25 pounds 453,6 g 6,350 kg 12,70 kg 11,34 kg 100 pounds quarters 112 pounds 2000 pounds 2240 pounds 45,36 kg 50,80 kg 907,2 kg 1016,064 kg Pesos "Troy" (para metais preciosos e gemas)/Troy Weight carat pennyweight ounce pound 20 grains 20 pennyweights 12 ounces troy or 5,760 grains 200 mg 1,555 g 31,1035 g 373,24 g Equivalentes importantes/Important equivalents Em inglờs usa-se o ponto para separar os decimais das unidades, ao passo que em portuguờs se usa vớrgula; p ex.: 4.5 (four point five) 4,5 (quatro vớrgula cinco) A vớrgula, em inglờs, usa-se para separar os milhares das centenas, etc., onde, em portuguờs, usa-se o ponto; p ex.: (ingl.) 3,400 (port.) 3.400 (trờs mil e quatrocentos) Inglờs point five 43,861.36 forty-three thousand eight hundred and sixty-one point thirty-six Portuguờs 0,5 zero vớrgula cinco 43.861,36 quarenta e trờs mil oitocentos e sessenta e um vớrgula trinta e seis Nỳmero Ingl E.U.A Port 1000 1000000 1000000000 1000000000000 thousand million thousand millions = milliard billion thousand million billion trillion mil milhóo bilhóo trilhóo Assim o bilhóo dos ingleses ộ mil vezes maior que o dos americanos PESOS E MEDIDAS WEIGHTS AND MEASURES Medidas de Comprimento - Linear Measures milớmetro (mm) centớmetro (cm) decớmetro (dm) metro (m) quilụmetro (km) miriõmetro (Mm) 0,001 m 0,01 m 0,1 m 100 cm 1.000 m 10.000 m (10 km) 0.03937 in 0.3937 in 3.937 in 39.37 in 0.62137 mi 6.2137 mi Medidas de Superfớcie - Square Measures milớmetro quadrado (mm) centớmetro quadrado (cm) decớmetro quadrado (dm) metro quadrado (m) are (a) hectare (ha) quilụmetro quadrado (km) 0,000001 m 0,0001 m 0,01 m 0,01 are 100 m 100 ares 10.000 ares 0.00155 sq in 0.155 sq in 15.50 sq in 1.1960 sq yd 119.6 sq yd 2.471 acres 247.104 acres Medidas de Volume - Cubic Measures milớmetro cỳbico (mm) centớmetro cỳbico (cm) decớmetro cỳbico (dm) metro cỳbico (m) 0,000000001 m 0,000001 m 0,001 m (1 litro) 1.000 dm (1.000 litros) 0.000061 cu.in 0.0610 cu.in 61.023 cu.in 1.308 cu.yd Pesos Comerciais - Avoirdupois Weights quilate mộtrico miligrama (mg) centigrama (cg) decigrama (dg) grama (g) decagrama (dag) quilograma (kg) arroba mộtrica quintal mộtrico (q) tonelada (t) 0,2 g 0,001 g 0,01 g 0,1 g 0,001 kg 10 g 1.000 g 15 kg 100 kg 1.000 kg 3.09 gr 0.0154 gr 0.154 gr 1.543 gr 15.432 gr 0.352 oz 2.204 lb 33.07 lb 220.4 lb 2,204 lb Medidas de Capacidade - Measures of Capacity centilitro (cl) 0,01 l decilitro (dl) litro (l) decalitro (dal) hectolitro (hl) 0,1 l dm 10 l 100 l quilolitro (kl) 1.000 l Br.: 0.352 fluid ounce Am.: 0.338 fluid ounce 6.1025 cu in 61.025 cu in 610.25 cu in Br.: 22 gallons Am.:26.418 gallons 35.315 cu ft Medidas Itinerỏrias - Itinerary Measures milha brasileira milha portuguesa milha marớtima (nú) lộgua brasileira lộgua portuguesa lộgua marớtima 2.200 m 2.066 m 1.852 m 6.600 m 6.200 m 5.555 m 1.36 mi 1.28 mi 1,013 fathoms 4.10 mi 3.85 mi nautical miles Medidas de Comprimento - Linear Measures ponto linha polegada palmo pộ cụvado vara braỗa 0,2 mm 2,3 mm 2,75 cm 22 cm 33 cm 66 cm 1,10 m 2,20 m 0.007874 in 0.09 in 1.08 in 8.66 in 1.08 ft 25.98 in 43.31 in 86.62 in Medidas de Superfớcie - Square Measures braỗa quadrada alqueire (N Braz.) alqueire (Minas, Rio, Goiỏs) alqueire paulista 4,84 m 27.225 m 48.400 m 24.200 m 5.7886 sq yd 32,560 sq yd 57,886 sq yd 28,943 sq yd Pesos - Weights quilate onỗa libra arroba quintal tonelada 199 mg 28,691 g 459,5 g 14,689 kg 58,758 kg 793,238 kg 3.07 gr 1.012 oz 1.013 lb 32.38 lb 129.50 lb 1,748.70 lb IRREGULAR VERBS VERBOS IRREGULARES Present tense Preterite Past participe Present tense Preterite Past participe abide abode (*) abode (*) awake awoke .. .Collins Concise English Dictionary 6th Edition 2006 AAAA LETRA A a [e] [] an (before vowel or silent

Ngày đăng: 29/03/2016, 14:34
