Easy to write and erase with any wet duster Special treatment of the board surface enables no reflection for beam Clean board sheet projector and OHP Easy to install with adhesive sheets 5 years dura
Clean board sheet Easy to write and erase with any wet duster Special treatment of the board surface enables no reflection for beam projector and OHP Easy to install with adhesive sheets years durability Wellbeing marker pen Water Marker Pen ◦ Not leave dust after erase ◦ No contamination Color ◦ Black, Red, Blue Write length ◦ 18,000m Refill ink ◦ 14 times refill with a bottle Eraser & Holder Eraser frame Adhesive eraser (reused after washing) Eraser holder (sponge type, water is filled) Eraser & replicable dustcloth Installation Process Cut the whiteboard sheet to fit to the size of black board Take off the oilpaper at the back of the sheet and attach it onto the black board without any bubbles on the surface If the status of black board surface is in poor condition, then attach the sheet onto MDF plywood and attach the MDF plywood onto the black board Specification Item Board Sheet Unit Roll Remarks 1.2m X 50m Wellbeing Marker Pen ea 1,200m writing Eraser ea Plastic Body and replicable dustcloth Refill Ink bottle Volume for 14 times • 25 blackboards (1.2m X 1.5m) will be changed with one roll of Clean board sheet • The cost of wellbeing marker pen is half of the cost of general chalk and quarter of the cost of general white board marker pen in Korea ... whiteboard sheet to fit to the size of black board Take off the oilpaper at the back of the sheet and attach it onto the black board without any bubbles on the surface If the status of black board. . .Clean board sheet Easy to write and erase with any wet duster Special treatment of the board surface enables no reflection for beam projector and OHP Easy to install with adhesive sheets... blackboards (1.2m X 1.5m) will be changed with one roll of Clean board sheet • The cost of wellbeing marker pen is half of the cost of general chalk and quarter of the cost of general white board