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  • Ex 5: * Chuyển các câu sau từ câu trực tiếp sang gián tiếp.

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Review Mệnh đề Quan Hệ Ex1: Fill in the blank with the correct relative pronoun There are eighteen different kinds of penguins live south of the equator Thank you very much for the present you sent me This is Mrs Jones, son won the championship last year His girlfriend, he trusted absolutely, turned out to be an enemy spy The bus crashed into a queue of people, four of _ were killed A man bought in a little girl, hand was cut by flying glass Mary, boyfriend didn’t turn up, ended by having lunch with Peter He paid me $5 for cleaning ten windows, most of _ hadn’t been cleaned for at least a year In prison they fed us on dry bread, most of was moldy 10 The chair in _ I was sitting suddenly collapsed 11 The bed I slept on has no mattress 12 The man _ I was waiting for didn’t turn up 13 The student with she was dancing had a slight limb Ex2: Put a tick if the relative pronoun in the following sentences can be deleted, and put a cross if it is not We lit a fire, which soon dried out clothes The report, which should have taken an hour and a half, took three hours The children who I was looking after were terribly spoilt 4 She thanked him for the kind help that she received There wasn’t any directory in the telephone box from which I was phoning The man who was driving us didn’t know the way The Smiths, whose house was destroyed in the explosion, were given rooms in the hotel The car which we hired from the airport broke down on the road My boss, who I really wanted to see, was too busy to meet anyone 10 Mr and Mrs Jones, who were out playing cards, knew nothing of the burglary Ex 3: Câu Bị Động My father waters this flower every morning John invited Fiona to his birthday party last night Her mother is preparing the dinner in the kitchen We should clean our teeth twice a day Our teachers have explained the English grammar Some drunk drivers caused the accident in this city Tom will visit his parents next month The manager didn’t phone the secretary this morning Did Mary this beautiful dress? 10 I won’t hang these old pictures in the living room 11 The German didn’t build this factory during the Second World War 12 The Greens are going to paint this house and these cars for Christmas Day 13 Ann had fed the cats before she went to the cinema 14 The students have discussed the pollution problems since last week 15 Have the thieves stolen the most valuable painting in the national museum? 16 Some people will interview the new president on TV 17 How many languages they speak in Canada? 18 Are you going to repair those shoes? 19 He has broken his nose in a football match 20 Have you finished the above sentences? Ex 4: Bài tập giới từ: 1.We’ll buy a smaller house when the children have grown _ and left home The computer isn’t working It broke _ this morning My headaches have been much better since I gave drinking coffee I turned _ their offer because they weren’t going to pay me enough money It was not a problem We looked _ his number in the telephone book Helen takes her mother in many ways We need to set early tomorrow 8 The plane took very quickly Anne’s leaving London tomorrow morning 10 Your friend is always complaining _ her job 11 If there was a technical failure, Gagarin might never get _ to the Earth 12 Courses like shoemaking or glass engraving provide people practical skills they can with their hands 13.She is famous _ her beautiful face and sweet voice 14 We are all aware the importance of the environment protection 15 His opinion is different _ mine 16 If you don’t pay attention _ the teacher, you won’t understand the lesson 17 I’m not familiar his name, but his face seems familiar _ me 18 We were very grateful _ our friends for all of their assistance 19 No one knew precisely what would happen a human being in space 20 How would the mind deal the psychological tension? 21 I’m good English, but I’m bad Mathematics 22 Mrs Brown is often worried money 23 Her parents are very pleased _ her French 24 I’m not interested _ politics 25 I’m bit short _ money Can you lend me some? 26 I was delighted _ the present you gave me 27 She was sad because he was very rude _ her 28 She was very angry _ Tom 29 Fred is capable doing better work than he is doing at present 30 You get bored _ doing the same thing every day 31 Thank you It was very kind you to help me 32 Mr Green is responsible hiring employees 33 There's really no need for you to be afraid the examination 34 Ken was proud his good marks on the English 35 My plan is similar _ yours, but it is different Ken's 36 Pierre said he had become quite fond _ American hamburgers 37 That fashion magazine is full advertising for women's clothes 38 Thin gloves aren't very suitable _ that kind of work 39 They were happy _ the results of the election 40 Y Gagarin lifted _ into space aboard the Vostok _ 9.07 a.m Moscow time _ 12th April, 1961 41 If you want to lose weight, you must go a diet 42 You should learn heart all the new words and try to use them in the context 43 We have been learning English five years 44.Can you send it to me _ fax? 45 She's never satisfied _ what she has got 46 She wanted to borrow some books him but she was shy _ asking 47 They succeeded escaping the burning house 48 I don't approve your smoking I wish you would give that habit 49 Do you think we'll find a solution the problem? 50 I must try and look my notes before the exam 51 He admitted having opened the suitcase _ asking its owner 52 Opening the parcel, he was surprised _ what he saw 53 She insisted him wearing the red tie 54 The teacher tried to explain the new formula his students 55 The English contest organized our teachers is an annual event in my school 56 The participants must find all the answers in order to go in the next round 57 Are you excited going on holiday next week? 58 She said to me "why don't you relax a while?" 59 the end of the film, the heroine was reunited with her family 60 On behalf our group, he made a speech at the meeting 61 Have you washed your hands _having lunch 62 He was accused _ having stolen a car 63 Thank you very much _ inviting me to your party 64 We could not play soccer due _the bad weather 65 If you don't want to watch TV Turn it _, please 66 He is retired He lives his pension 67 He's getting bored _ learning _ heart 68 The bomb went _ killing several by-standers 69 They cancelled the flight because the storm 70 The local people are very hospitable _ strangers 71 Why were you absent class this morning? 72 In English lessons we always speak _ English 73 When I bought the house, my sister helped me _ with a loan 74 Your father is very kind David 75 Your plan is similar _his 76 She is accustomed _getting up early 77 This area is rich oil 78 Are you acquainted this man? 79 It was very nice _ him to give me a lift 80 Smoking is harmful our health 81 Mary always take good care her children 82 Our study is very important our future and useful our country 83 Why don't you ask _a pay increase? 84 Don't shout the child when he makes a mistake 85 Ken prefers Chinese food French food 86 How long have they been working _the company? 87 He wore a hat, which made him look _a spy 88 I think your mother should let you make your own mind 89 The pens made plastic are very cheap 90 Many of the stories are based rumor 91 Was your friend successful getting a loan from the bank? 92 If you look the book, you can find what you need 93 You should make use the books you have 94 She was very upset the news of her father's death 95 How would the body react the extreme changes in temperature? 96 We congratulate you your successful flight 97 The American people shared the Soviet people their satisfaction for the safe flight 98 Most of the streets were named national heros 99 China became the third country in the world to be able to independently carry _manned space flights 100 He was in orbit around the Earth a speed of more than 17,000 miles per hour Ex 5: * Chuyển câu sau từ câu trực tiếp sang gián tiếp “I went to see him yesterday”, she said She said……………………………… .……… “I don’t want to meet him again”, she said She said……………… …… …………………… “Can you swim?”, he asked me He asked me…………………… ………………… He explained, “I didn’t break the vase” He expained………………… …………………… My mother said, “I am cooking now” My mother said…………… .………………… ………… “What time does John get up?”, he asked me He wanted to know………… .…………………………… “I like this book”, he said He said………………… .………………………………… “How beautiful she is!” He exclaimed ……………………………………… “Have you ever seen that film?”, he asked me He asked me…………………………… …………… 10 “I went to Do Son last week”, she said She said………………………… …………… Ex 6: Mệnh đê nhượng bộ: having the best qualifications among all the applicants, Justin was not offered the job A Although B While C In spite of D Despite of the internet is very popular, many older people not know how to use it A However B Nevertheless C Even though D Despite _ he wasn’t feeling very well, David was determined to take part in the interuniversity athletics meet A Although B While C Where as D yet what Megan prepared for the job interview, she didn’t pass it A Despite of B In spite of C Though D However Bruce was not praised _ he was a hard worker A despite B in spite of C although D no matter how It looks like they are going to succeed _ their present difficulties A despite B although C in spite D even though Mary usually goes to parties She likes meeting people and crowded places she is rather shy A In spite of B Even though C On the contrary D In other words Ann: Have you decided to get the job? Terry: Yes, I’ve just decided I’ll accept that job _ it is not suitable with my major It is not an interesting job, the salary is very good A although / but B despite / and C but / though D yet / however , he has continued to work on his thesis A Although all these problems B Even though there are problems C Despite of all these problems D In spite of there are problems 10 In spite of , he was determined to finish his work A was seriously ill B be seriously ill C his serious illness D he was seriously ill Mary tried to keep calm although she was very disappointed  Despite Even though it was raining heavily, the explorers decided to continue their journey  In spite of Despite his ability to the job, he was not offered the position  Although He had worked very hard but he failed Even though Although Tom was a poor student, he studied very well  In spite of Although he often tells lies, the headmaster believes him  In spite of Although the weather was bad, she went to school on time  Despite My mother told me to go to school although I was sick  In spite of Although there was a big storm, they decided to leave home  In spite of 10 Tom was admitted to the university although his grades were bad  Despite 11 Although she has a physical handicap, she has become a successful woman  Despite 12 In spite of his good salary, Tom gave up his job  Although 13 Though he had not finished the paper, he went to sleep  In spite of 14 In spite of the high prices, my daughter insists on going to the movies  Even though 15 In spite of her dislike for coffee, she drank it to keep herself warm  Although 16 He couldn’t earn enough money for living although he worked hard  Despite 17 Although Jane wrote for the tickets, she still had to stand in line  In spite of 18 We get a good room though we didn’t phone the hotel  Despite 19 She was admitted to the university in spite of her low grades  Although 20 Despite the terrible food, he still eats in that restaurant  Although Ex 7: Bài tập Danh Động từ: Mr Backer’s children are busy (collect) ……………… stamps for their club We not want (go) ……………… to that restaurant because it’s dirty Would you be so good as (answer) ……………… the phone when it rings? They give up (gamble) ……………… long ago Try avoid (make) ……………… a lot of mistakes in your thesis They are against (make) ……………… complaints about the road construction It is no use (drink) ……………… a lot of alcoholic drinks The director (hold) ……………… another meeting next week It is difficult for me to get used to (sleep) ……………… earlier 10 We are looking forward to (hear) ……………… from you next week 11 Would you mind (put) ……………… your pet snake somewhere else? 12 It ‘s no use (wait) ……………… for her too long 13 He urged us (work) ……………… faster than he does 14 My mother told me (not speak) ……………… to anyone about it 15 I can’t understand her (behave) ……………… like that 16 You are expected (know) ……………… the safety regulation of the college 17 I am prepared (wait) ……………… here all night if necessary 18 It isn’t good for children (eat) ……………… too many sweets 19 I could not help (overhear) ……………… that you said 20 She warned me (not touch) ……………… the wire 21 I regret (inform) ……………… you that your application has been refused 22 It is no use (tell) ……………… lies to anyone 23 I am beginning (understand) ……………… what you have told me 24 The boy does not know how (use) ……………… a computer 25 I am busy (teach) ……………… English all the day We decided(buy) a new car They've got some work(do) Peter gave up(smoke) He'd like(fly) an aeroplane I enjoy(write) picture postcards Do you know what(do) if there's a fire in the shop? Avoid(make) silly mistakes My parents wanted me(be) home at 11 o'clock I dream about(build) a big house I'm hoping(see) Lisa I can't imagine Peter (go) .by bike He agreed (buy) .a new car The question is easy (answer) The man asked me how (get) .to the airport I look forward to (see) .you at the weekend Are you thinking of (visit) .London? We decided (run) .through the forest The teacher expected Sarah (study) .hard She doesn't mind (work) .the night shift I learned (ride) .the bike at the age of Ex 8: Câu điều kiện 1- It’s a pity you missed the party If you (come)…….you (meet)………… my friend from Hungary 2- If we (have)…… some tools, we (be)……….able to repair the car, but we haven’t had any with us 3- Thank you for your help If you (not help)………me, I (not pass)……….the examination 4- It’s a beautiful house, and I (buy)……….it if I (have)………the money, but I can’t afford it 5- I can’t imagine what I (do)……… with the money if I (win) ……….the football pools or a lottery 6- Mark isn’t a serious athlete If he (train)…………harder, he (be)…….quite a good runner 7- If Claire (listen)………to her mother, she (not marry)……….David in the first place 8- It rained every day in our holiday If we (not take)……… the TV with us, we (not have) anything to 9- Jim is so untidy! If he (buy)… ……some new clothes, he (not look) so bad 10- I wish I(have)… … the money to buy some new clothes, but I can’t afford it at the moment 11- I wish the government (do)… ……something about the air pollution in this city 12- I’m getting really soaked! I wish I (not forget)… …… my umbrella 13- That was a lovely meal, but I wish I (not eat) … …….so much 14- Come on children! It’s time you (be)…… .… in bed 15- Actually, I’d rather you (not smoke)… …… in here 16- Suppose you (see)……… a ghost, what would you do? 17- I’m so annoyed about my car accident If only I (be) ………… more careful! 18- I’d rather you (not put)…… …your coffee on the top of the book Ex 9: Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown 1- I didn’t have an umbrella with me so I got wet I wouldn’t…………………………… 2- I’ll call the police if you don’t leave me alone Unless……………………………… 3- In the snowy weather we don’t go to school If……………………………………… 4- Without Jack’s help, I wouldn’t have been able to move this table If………………… 5- You drink too much coffee, that’s why you can’t sleep If you……………………… 6- Make me some coffee, and I’ll give you some sweets If…………………………… 7- If you hadn’t told me about Sue’s hair, I wouldn’t have noticed her Unless……… 8- If you see Peter, tell him he should be here at 00 Should………………………… 9- I wouldn’t accept if you ask me to marry you If you were………………………… 10- What would you if there were an earthquake? Supposing…………………… 11- If you the shopping, I’ll cook lunch You………………………………………… 12-What would you if you found some buried treasure? If you were…………… 13- If Paul hadn’t been interested, the project would have been abandoned But for… 14- If by any chance you find my wallet, could you let me know? If you happen…… 15- I might be late If so, start without me If I…………………………………………… 16- The fire was brought under control thanks to the night watch-man If it hadn’t… 17- Dick is in prison because a detective recognized him If a………………………… 18- If you want my advice, I’d think twice about buying a car like that If I…………… 19- If the painting is finished by Saturday, we’ll pay you extra Finish………………… 20- Getting up early makes me feel hungry If ………………………………………… 21- Please don’t eat in the classroom I’d rather…………………………………… 22- I think we should leave now I think it’s time……………………………… 23- What a pity we ate all the food If only we………………………………………… 24- It’s a shame we don’t have a TV I wish……………………………………………… [...]... thinking of (visit) .London? We decided (run) .through the forest The teacher expected Sarah (study) .hard She doesn't mind (work) .the night shift I learned (ride) .the bike at the age of 5 Ex 8: Câu điều kiện 1- It’s a pity you missed the party If you (come)…….you (meet)………… my friend from Hungary 2- If we (have)…… some tools, we (be)……….able to repair the car, but we haven’t had any with us ... the terrible food, he still eats in that restaurant  Although Ex 7: Bài tập Danh Động từ: Mr Backer’s children are busy (collect) ……………… stamps for their club We not... was in orbit around the Earth a speed of more than 17,000 miles per hour Ex 5: * Chuyển câu sau từ câu trực tiếp sang gián tiếp “I went to see him yesterday”, she said She said………………………………... 19 He has broken his nose in a football match 20 Have you finished the above sentences? Ex 4: Bài tập giới từ: 1.We’ll buy a smaller house when the children have grown _ and left home The

Ngày đăng: 31/12/2015, 20:35



