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Đề Anh vào lơ 10 LHP http://violet.vn/thcs nguyenvantroi hochiminh

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http://violet.vn/thcs-nguyenvantroi-hochiminh Quản trị: Nguyễn Hoàng Sơn ĐỀ THI TUYỂN SINH THPT Trường học THPT Lê Hồng Phong – HCM Lớp học 10 Năm học 2005 Môn thi Anh văn Thời gian 120 phút Thang điểm 10 I Choose A, B, C or D to complete the sentences (2 marks) His house has been sold $ 1,000,000 A at B for C in D with Bread is usually wheat A made of B made with C made by D made from Peter, can I you a drink? A buy for B buy to C buy D invite It isn't quite that they will come to our party A sure B exact C certain D right goes to the bus; now we will have to walk home A On time B At once C There D Early Don't hurry! There is no need A running B to run C run D you run Mike had hoped his letter A her to answer B that she answer C that she would answer D her answering Please write your answers ink A in B with C of D by Peter was not feeling well, so we gave him to than you A fewer work B less work C little work D least work 10 He spent half a year this house A to build B building C built D on building 11 Will you the door open? A leave B allow C permit D give 12 What food should you eat if you want to on weight? A take B get C put D carry 13 It is a skirt A French cotton flowered B cotton French flowered http://violet.vn/thcs-nguyenvantroi-hochiminh Quản trị: Nguyễn Hoàng Sơn C flowered cotton French D flowered French cotton 14 Do you know the beautiful girl ? A sit in the car B sat in the car C sitting in the car D who sit in the car 15 The weather was cold I wish it warmer A had been B has been C were D was 16 Dickens wrote a lot of interesting stories A his is one of England's best-known writers B as one of England's best-known writers C besides one of England's best-known writers D one of England's best-known writers II Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense and form (2 marks) Last night Mrs Leidner (1 to go) to her room to rest as usual after we just (2 to finish) dinner I (3 to settle) her on her bed with plenty of pillows and her book I (4 to leave) the room when she (5 to call) me back 'Don't go, nurse, there (6 to be) something I (7 to want) to say to you.' I (8 to turn) round and she (9 to tell) me to shut the door I (10 to do) it as I (11 to tell) She (12 to rise) up from the bed and (13 to begin) to walk up and down I (14 can) see that she (15 to make) up her mind to something and I (16 not to like) to interrupt her III Arrange the numbered sentences to make a complete dialogue (1.25 marks) a Oh, I was just wondering if you wanted to go out tonight b Tonight? You must be joking - it's too cold What about coming round to my place? We could watch TV or something? c Look, if you really want to go somewhere, you could come with me to the library d Hi, Michael! How are things? e Oh, I think it's half past eight or something I'll just get the paper and have a look Just hang on for a minute f Hi, Liz Good, thanks What's new with you? g Well I was thinking of going to the school library to a bit of study What have you got in mind? h OK Just joking What time does it start? i I thought we could just go for a walk May be down to that park near the beach k Oh, come on l Watch TV? That's all you ever want to do! I want to go out somewhere That new Jane Fonda film is on in town How about that? IV Write the second sentence so that it means the same as the first (2.25 marks) http://violet.vn/thcs-nguyenvantroi-hochiminh Quản trị: Nguyễn Hoàng Sơn The last time I went to the theatre was three years ago It is 'Who did you go to the cinema with?' she said to me She asked We are sorry we couldn't come to your birthday party We are sorry not 'I was born in 1983' Mary said to Peter Mary told The milk was so hot that the boy couldn't drink it The milk was He was very sad as he got a very bad mark in English If he You can't expect everyone in the village to help you, can you? Not everyone There must be a good explanation for his absence I'm People said she had passed the exam She was V Read the text carefully and the exercises below it (1 mark) Everybody loves movies We see them at theatres and we watch them on TV They are popular with children and adults, too We can learn from them or we can have a good time watching them We also call movies 'motion pictures' 'Motion' is a noun for 'moving' People tried to show motion in pictures for centuries Even prehistoric artists showed animals running in theier cave pictures Near the end of the 19th century several Europeans and Americans tried to make movies No one knows who made the first one New York City had the first movie theatre in 1894 People put money in a small machine and looked into it at the movie By 1900, movies were popular all over Europe and the United States They were not very good, but people liked them because they were new and different Every year people invented ways to make movies better They invented machines to show the pictures on a screen Then everyone could see the motion pictures on the front wall of a theatre instead of inside a small machine In 1927, inventors add sound to movies Then they added color Today it costs several million dollars to make a movie However, movie makers collect million dollars from people at movie theatres because everyone loves movies te T if the sentence is true, and F if it is false a Children like movies, but most adults not b We can learn from motion pictures c Prehistoric artists showed motion in the cave paintings http://violet.vn/thcs-nguyenvantroi-hochiminh Quản trị: Nguyễn Hoàng Sơn d An American made the first movie e Movies were popular in Europe at the end of the 19th century f Movies are the same today as they were in 1920 g Inventors added sound and color to movies at the same time h It is expensive to make movies VI Fill each of the numbered blanks with a suitable word (1.5 marks) The country is more beautiful than town and pleasanter to live Many people think and go to the country the summer holidays they cannot live all the year round Some have a cottage in the village so that they can go there whenever they can the time English villages are not all alike, but some ways they are not very 10 from each other Most villages are so 11 to some small town that people can go there to buy 12 they can't find in the village shops .. .http://violet.vn/thcs- nguyenvantroi- hochiminh Quản trị: Nguyễn Hoàng Sơn C flowered cotton French D flowered French... Write the second sentence so that it means the same as the first (2.25 marks) http://violet.vn/thcs- nguyenvantroi- hochiminh Quản trị: Nguyễn Hoàng Sơn The last time I went to the theatre was three... from motion pictures c Prehistoric artists showed motion in the cave paintings http://violet.vn/thcs- nguyenvantroi- hochiminh Quản trị: Nguyễn Hoàng Sơn d An American made the first movie e Movies

Ngày đăng: 20/12/2015, 11:03

Xem thêm: Đề Anh vào lơ 10 LHP http://violet.vn/thcs nguyenvantroi hochiminh

