Project-based + Blended Learning: A recipe for student success Aaron Quigley Content Manager Education + Elearning, Today’s Goals1.Present a framework for creating and manag
Trang 1Project-based + Blended Learning:
A recipe for student success
Aaron Quigley Content Manager Education + Elearning,
Trang 2Aaron Quigley
Content Manager, Education + Elearning,
Backchannel discussion
Trang 3A Robust Online Training Library
Development, and more.
Trang 4Today’s Goals
1.Present a framework for creating and managing
student self-directed learning
2.Explore how to utilize classroom time for student
3.Support diversified student learning needs in a
student-centric classroom
Trang 610,000 Foot Overview
What is Blended Learning?
“Constructed learning where both in-person and online platforms are being used to deliver content knowledge”
•Making learning accessible in multiple places, and time
•Flipped learning, hybrid learning
Trang 7•Free-up class time
•Teaching technological skills
Trang 8Learning in the Corporate World
Learning on the job is Problem-Based Learning
How do companies support the learning efforts of employees?
Trang 9Learning in the Corporate World
Why do companies support employees with
blended learning?
• It’s good learning design Most learn best while doing.
• It’s time efficient Keeps things moving forward.
Trang 10How we create these
learning environments
in our classrooms?
Trang 11The Framework
S u p p o r t i n g S e l f
-d i r e c t e -d L e a r n i n g
Trang 13Beyond the Lesson Plan
Most Lesson Plans Focus on:
WHAT students are learning (Objectives)
HOW students are learning (instructional strategy, pedagogy)
HOW students are demonstrating knowledge (assessment)
Good Lesson Plans Include:
WHY are students learning
HOW can students apply their learning
Individualized Education Plan Requirements
Formative assessments throughout each lesson (CFUs)
Trang 15Supporting Student Learning
1 KNOW your students.
2 Identify what supports students may need (beyond content)
Presentation skills, writing support, grammar/math help, research support, creativity, inspiration, time management, distractions
3 What resources can meet those needs?, BrainPop, library services, collaborative planning
4 Map skills and resources (starting out, not required later on)
Trang 16Visually help student make
Creating a PowerPoint
Researching paper topics
Class website Project PPT template
Trang 17Creating an Information-Rich
1 What does it take to get internet into your classroom?
Computer labs, laptop carts, grants for tablets/laptops, student cell phones
2 What does it take to move learning outside the classroom?
Survey students about at-home tools, flipped classroom, host a learning lunch
3 Provide time for students to seek knowledge
Model for students, provide clear time for seeking knowledge
Trang 18Continuously Reinforce Self-Directed Learning
1 Parking Lot Grid
Provide venue for questions, but redirect to action
student-2 Redirect questions to sources, not answers
That’s a great question, where do you think we could find the answer?
3 Be consistent - both in PBL, and daily learning
Don’t introduce everything at once
Trang 19Start Small
• Test the waters to understand your students:
➡The drawing test
➡Pretest on technical and academic skills
• First problem or project - focus on finding resources and independent work
Trang 20Maximize Class time
d o w h a t y o u d o
b e s t : T e a c h
Trang 21Maximize Classroom Time
What can student NOT DO at home?
-Flip your classroom -Invite community speaker
-Make pre-class preparation critical to class time activity
-Reimagine what the classroom looks like!
Trang 22The Challenge:
Limit yourself to 10 minutes a day of entire-class instruction
Not for everyone: Teach a day without speaking You’ll be amazed
at what you learn about your teaching style, and your students
Trang 23Classrooms can look like:
Trang 24M e e t i n g t h e
d i v e r s e n e e d s o f
l e a r n e r s
Trang 25PBL - Differentiated Lesson
Quick wins for meetings varied student needs:
Peer Learning Groups
A small group of students are working together on a problem/
project Groupings are by skill level, and problem is specific to the needs of students
Scaffolded Problems
PBL lessons fall on a continuum Some students will walk through the lesson, others may sprint They will finish in different places, and that’s okay
Trang 26Who needs what?
What if you could spend an extra 5 minutes a day with each of your struggling students?
You can!
• If you are a sage-on-the-stage: Clone yourself
• Student-directed learning frees you up to focus on student
• If you use Blended Learning - Teach students to find the right level of content
Trang 27Assessing PBL with Blended
Trang 28Thank you for joining
Aaron Quigley
Content Manager, Education + Elearning,
Backchannel discussion