Solar energy Nuclear energy Wind energy Water power... Picture 1: windmill Picture 2: solar energy Picture 3: hydroelectricity 2.. We need energy to live and work to cook meals to light,
Trang 1Solar energy Nuclear energy Wind energy Water power
Trang 21
Trang 4New words :
Source of energy ( n ): nguồn năng lượng
Fossil fuel ( n ): nhiên liệu hoá thạch
Reserve ( n ): nguồn dự trữ
Limit ( v ): hạn chế
Power demand ( n ): nhu cầu năng lượng
Increase ( v ): gia tăng
Exhaust ( v ): = end
Relatively ( adv ): tương đối
Therefore ( conj ): vì thế cho nên
Alternative ( adj ): thay thế
Provide ( v ): cung cấp
Electricity ( n ): điện
Trang 5Before you read
1 Picture 1: windmill
Picture 2: solar energy
Picture 3: hydroelectricity
2 We need energy to live and work
to cook meals
to light, heat, cool the house
to run machines,
Trang 6Task 1
1 Released
2 Alternative
3 Energy
4 Limited
5 Exhausted
Trang 7Task 2 :
Source of energy Advantages Disadvantages
Nuclear power It is unlimited It can be very
Geothermal heat It is available It is only possible in a
few places
Solar energy It is not only plentiful
and infinite but also clean and safe
It is only possible during the day time
Wind power It is a clean & unlimited There is no wind
energy when there is
no wind
Water power It is a clean & unlimited It is expensive
Trang 8Task 3
1 Our major source of energy comes from
fossil fuels.
2 Five sources of energy are mentioned in
the text
I think solar energy is the most potential.
Trang 91 Energy
2 One
3 Fuels
4 Limited
5 Alternative
6 Sources
7 Unlimited
8 Environment
After you read