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Chua Hang II School. Class: 7… Name:…………………………………… WRITTEN TEST 2ND (TERM II) 1. 2. 3. C.measured D.called C.youth D.sound C.detective D.artist I. 4. 5. II. TIME : 45’ School year 2010- 2011 Phonetics. ( choose the word which has different pronoucing) A.started B.lived A.around B.house A.adventure B.comfortabl e A.color B.school A.badminton B.baseball C.ocean C.favorite D.scuba D.toothache Give the correct form of the verbs to complete these sentences. 6. An (have) a big breakfast this morning. He (eat) a bowl of noodles and three eggs.(______, _______) 7. Nga (not come) to class yesterday because she (catch) a cold. (____________, __________) 8. My brother prefers ( read) books to ( listen) to music. (_____________,_____________) 9. I would like( watch) a detective movie. (______________) 10. At the moment, Ba ( sit) in Dr Lai’s surgery. III. Fill in the blank with a suitable words. 11. This medicine will make you______ (feeling, feel, to feel, felt) better. 12. My father is always busy. He has only________( a little, little, a few, few) days off. 13. I don’t like tea. She doesn’t like tea,___________. (to, neither, either, so) 14. She often gets up early. So _________her sister.( is, do, does, can). 15. Are there any good ____________on Tv tonight ? (showings,screens,programs,performance) 16. I receive a letter __________my aunt last week.( to, from, by, for) 17. A runny nose, aslight fever, coughing and sneezing are the_______of the common cold. ( signs, diseases, symptoms, sickness) 18. Jacques Cousteau __________a deep sea diving vessel in the early 1940s. ( discovered, explored, invented, made ) 19. Basketball is one of the __________popular games in the world. ( much, more, most, best ). 20. Would you like to go to the movies ? (_ No, I wouldn’t; _ No, I don’t; _ Great. I’d love to; _ You’re welcome ) IV. Read the text and answer the questions. Television is an important invention of the 20th century. It has been so popular that we can’t imagine what life would be like if there were no television. Television is major means of comunication and entertainment. It brings pictures and sound from around the world into millions of home. Through television, views can see and learn about people, places and things from distant lands. Television widens our knowledge by introducing new ideas which may lead us to new hobbies and recreations. In addition to the new television provides us with a variety of programs that can satisfy every taste. Most people now seem to like spending their evenings watching television than going out. 21. How is position of television in our life ? ……………………………………………………………………… 22.23.24 What are three major advantages of television ? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 25. What the most people like doing now ? …………………………………………………………………… V. Complete the sentences. 26. I/prefer/play/sports/watch/TV. 27. What sorts of TV program you like ? 28. There is a detective film shown on at Thang Long theater._ 29. Most of teenagers around world watch TV everyday. 30. My friend enjoys watching children’s programs Chua Hang II School. Class: … WRITTEN TEST 2ND (TERM II) Name: TIME : 45’ (111) …………………………………… I. Phonetics. ( choose the word which has different pronoucing) 1. A.ocean B.century C.ancient D.special 2. A.travelled B.asked C. watched D.returned 3. A.possess B.possible C.glassware D.accessible 4. A.separate B.grade C.pomegranate D.participate 5. A.commercial B.comment C.compile D.decompose II. Choose the best answer. 6.Taj Mahal, _______was built by Shah Janhan for his wife, became a wonder of the world. ( who,where,which,that) 7.The police saw a man _________car was stolen yesterday.(who, whose,whom,which) 8.We are delighted________you will come and stay at my house. ( because, so, that, in order to) 9.___________around the world is something he loves. ( travel, travelled, travelling, travells) 10. Who is your brother ? _The boy___________(to talk,talk,talking, talked) to miss Hoa is my brother. 11. The book_________(write,writing,wrote,written) by Victor Huygo is interesting. III. Give the correct form of the verbs to complete these sentences. 12.While my sister and I ( watch) a Music show on Tv lastnight, her friend (come). (________,__________) 13.I feel tired. Would you mind (turn) the TV down ? (_________________) 14. If you have an Math test next week, what you (do) ? (____________________) 15. I myself (witness) an accident on the road yesterday. A man (knock) down by a car. Then he(take) to the nearest hospital. (_________________,________________,________________) 16. We wanted to build a culture house, so we had a designer (design) a model. (______________) IV. Change these sentences into passive. 17. They cancelled all the flights because of fog. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18. Many people have read “ Gone with the wind” several times. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 19. We can see Mount Rushmore from 100km away. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 20. When did you send that letter ? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 21. Ancient Chinese had made The Great Wall for along time. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 22. Antipater compiled a list of seven wonders of the world. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 23. People know Angkor Wat as a wonder of the world. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 24. Why haven’t you complete that work ? V. Complete this text with the suitable words. In the united States, (25)______of the most important days in the year is Halloween. It is a day (26)________some people wear strange or unusual costrumes. Usually, they may dress up to look (27)_________an animal, a character from the book or movie or famouse person from history. In some places, children go to school in(28) _________Halloween costrumes. After dark, many young children(29)_________on their costrumes and visit their neighbors. They knock on the(30)_________and shout “trick or treat” Then the neighbors(31)_________them some candies, and the children go on to the (32)________house. There are usually halloween partties in the evening and the there is a prize for the most or the best unusual costrume. Chua Hang II School.Class: … Name: …………………………………… WRITTEN TEST 2ND (TERM II) TIME : 45’(222) I.Phonetics. ( choose the word which has different pronoucing) 1. A.special B.magnificent C.place D.council 2. A. played B. compiled C.lived D. helped 3. A.possess B.assistant C.message D.accessible 4. A. bread B.instead C.overhead D.peaceful 5. A.wonder B.comfortable C.compile D.something II.Filling in the blanks. 6. Jacques Cousteau,__________invented the deep sea diving vessel, is French . ( who,where,which,that) 7. I visited Angkor Wat, …………was the largesr temple in the world.(who, that,where,which) 8.We are happy________your exams results are good. ( because, so, that, in order to) 9.________around the world is something he loves. ( travel, travelled, travelling, travells) 10. The cities _____________in the earthquake were in Japan( destroy, destroys, destroyed,destroying ) 11. The cars _____(make,makes,making, made) in France are usually fashionable. III.Give the correct form of the verbs to complete these sentences. 12. Yesterday when my friend (call) I ( go) out. (________,__________) 13.I feel tired. Do you mind if I (turn) the TV down ? (_________________) 14. If she (come ) out the answer, please tell me (____________________) 15. I myself (witness) an accident on the road yesterday. A man (knock) down by a car. Then he(take) to the nearest hospital. (_________________,________________,________________) 16. The teacher gives us some questions and we try ( answer) home instead of going out. (______________) IV.Change these sentences into passive. 17. Cambodian had built Angkor Wat to honor a Hindu God …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18. Many people have read “ Gone with the wind” several times. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 19. We can still see the Pyramid of Cheops nowaday. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 20. When did he present you this postcard ? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 21. The tidal waves destroyed many cities in Japan. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 22. Antipater compiled a list of seven wonders of the world. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 23. When will you finish this course ? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 24. Clement Clarke Moore wrote the poem “A visit from Saint Nicholas” V.Complete this text with the suitable words. In the united States, (25)______of the most important days in the year is Halloween. It is a day (26)________some people wear strange or unusual costrumes. Usually, they may dress up to look (27)_________an animal, a character from the book or movie or famouse person from history. In some places, children go to school in(28) _________Halloween costrumes. After dark, many young children(29)_________on their costrumes and visit their neighbors. They knock on the(30)_________and shout “trick or treat” Then the neighbors(31)_________them some candies, and the children go on to the (32)________house. There are usually halloween partties in the evening and the there is a prize for the most or the best unusual costrume. . had a designer (design) a model. (______________) IV. Change these sentences into passive. 17. They cancelled all the flights because of fog. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18. Many. The cities _____________in the earthquake were in Japan( destroy, destroys, destroyed,destroying ) 11. The cars _____(make,makes,making, made) in France are usually fashionable. III.Give the correct. places and things from distant lands. Television widens our knowledge by introducing new ideas which may lead us to new hobbies and recreations. In addition to the new television provides us with

Ngày đăng: 11/09/2015, 16:03

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