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汉语广义中动式的结构、功能和历时演变 A STUDY ON STRUCTURE, FUNCTION AND DIACHRONIC EVOLUTION OF CHINESE EXTENDED MIDDLE CONSTRUCTION 蔡淑美 CAI SHU MEI 新加坡国立大学中文系 NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE 2012 汉 语 广 义 中 动 式 的 结 构 、 功 能 和 历 时 演 变 蔡 淑 美 新 加 坡 国 立 大 学 中 文 系 2012 汉语广义中动式的结构、功能和历时演变 A STUDY ON STRUCTURE, FUNCTION AND DIACHRONIC EVOLUTION OF CHINESE EXTENDED MIDDLE CONSTRUCTION 蔡淑美 CAI SHU MEI (Ph D, NUS) 新加坡国立大学中文系 博士学位论文 A THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT OF CHINESE STUDIES NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE 2012 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS For the most enriching learning experience I enjoyed in this country, I am extremely grateful for the kindness, encouragement, and helpful guidance of my committee members: Shi Yuzhi, Peng Rui, and Xu Zheng Their inspirational teachings, insightful criticisms, and tremendous generosity helped me to complete this otherwise seemingly unfinishable work I wish to express my deep appreciation to my supervisor Shi Yuzhi, with whom I had most hours of classes, independent studies and discussions He has provides me with extensive, impressive and constructive suggestions to my dissertation I am immensely indebted to Peng Rui, who provides important source of information, many bibliographical reference and criticisms to the diachronic part Many thanks to Xu zheng, who makes me believe that I could be an excellent linguist He has shown me the enjoyment to be found in generative phonology and morphology This dissertation would not have been possible without help of these great people I would also like to express my special thanks to my other teachers and readers: Shi Chunhong at Beijing Language and Culture University, Chen Zhenyu at Fudan University, for their constant encouragement and useful comments on my academics They spent many hours patiently listening to my reports on thesis writing stage Thanks also go to my friends: Jiang Yi, Wang Tongshang, Mao Zhaohui, Wang Dan, Shi Yan, Zhao Chunyan, Yang Lili and Wu Yayun, for their friendship and the happy days we have been together Finally, I would like to thank my parents, my sister and brother for their love, understanding, and patience throughout these years Their support always keeps me going i 目 录 第一章 绪 论 §1.0 引言 §1.1 广义中动式及与之相关的句法结构 1.1.1 中动句研究的分歧和广义中动式的界定 1.1.2 与广义中动式相关的同形结构 13 §1.2 研究现状及存在的问题 17 1.2.1 结构主义背景下的探讨 17 1.2.2 生成语法理论下的探讨 19 1.2.3 构式语法、认知语言学理论下的探讨 23 1.2.4 语法化理论下的探讨 25 §1.3 本项研究的主要内容和分析思路 26 §1.4 本项研究的语料来源和说明 28 第二章 类型学视野下的“中动”和汉语广义中动式 29 §2.1 类型学视野下的“中动”和中动构式 29 §2.2 英语中动句的特点 34 §2.3 汉语广义中动式的语义关系和结构特征 37 2.3.1 汉语广义中动式的语义关系和类型 37 2.3.2 汉语广义中动式的句法特征 42 §2.4 本章小结 45 第三章 广义中动式的篇章特征和浮现机制 49 §3.0 引言 49 §3.1 广义中动式的篇章环境和特征 50 §3.2 广义中动式中 P 的语义性质和句法表现 54 §3.3 广义中动式的“构”“式”和意象图式 59 、 3.3.1 广义中动式的“构”和“式” 60 3.3.2 广义中动式的意象图式 62 §3.4 本章小结 66 第四章 广义中动式的内部差异和制约因素 69 §4.0 引言 69 §4.1 广义中动式的内部差异 70 §4.2 广义中动式对各成分的选择和制约 77 4.2.1 对 x 的选择和制约 77 4.2.2 对 P 的选择和制约 81 4.2.3 制约广义中动式合法和合式的认知因素 84 §4.3 广义中动式的拓展模式 91 ii §4.4 本章小结 95 第五章 广义中动式的共时句法分布和语法化描写模型 97 §5.0 引言 97 §5.1 与广义中动式相关的共时句法分布 97 5.1.1 与“P+V 起来+VP2”相关的共时句法分布 97 5.1.2 与“P+V 来+VP2”相关的共时句法分布情况 102 5.1.3 与“P+V 着+VP2”相关的共时句法分布情况 104 5.1.4 与“P+V 上去+VP2”相关的共时句法分布情况 107 §5.2 广义中动式共时语法化的描写模型 109 §5.3 本章小结 113 第六章 广义中动式的语法化历程 115 §6.0 引言 115 §6.1 “P+V 起来/来/着/上去+VP2”的历时演变过程 117 6.1.1 “P+V 起来+VP2”的演变过程 117 6.1.2 “P+V 来+VP2”的演变过程 123 6.1.3 “P+V 着+VP2”的演变过程 128 6.1.4 “P+V 上去+VP2”的演变过程 131 §6.2 广义中动式的语法化分析模式 134 §6.3 本章小结 137 第七章 广义中动式演变的机制、动因及其系统地位 139 §7.0 §7.1 §7.2 §7.3 §7.4 引言 139 广义中动式的浮现过程和机制 139 广义中动式在语法系统中的定位 148 广义中动式的形成动因和句法后果 150 本章小结 153 第八章 结语 155 §8.1 本项研究的内容总结 155 §8.2 构式研究的方法论问题 158 参考文献 167 英文书目 167 Books: 167 Articles: 172 中文书目 178 专书: 178 论文: 179 引用书目 186 iii 统计表一览 表 1:广义中动式的 Vx 与 VP2 的制约关系 88 表 2:跟“P+V 起来+VP2”相关的构式使用频率统计 122 表 3:跟“P+V 来+VP2”相关的构式使用频率统计 127 表 4:跟“P+V 着+VP2”相关的构式使用频率统计 131 表 5:跟“P+V 上去+VP2”相关构式的使用频率统计 133 iv 图示一览 图 1:中动和其他事件类型的语义关系 33 图 2:汉语中动“起来”的意象图式 64 图 3:广义中动式的意象图式 65,94 图 4:广义中动式意象图式的凸显 66 图 5:广义中动式的构式系统格局 69 图 6: 激进构式语法的象征结构模式 111 图 7: 广义中动式的共时语法化描写模型 112-113 图 8: 广义中动式的历时语法化描写模型 135 图 9:微观构式“P+V 起来+VP2”的形成 141 图 10:微观构式“P+V 上去+VP2”的形成 143 图 11: 中观构式层的类推 146 图 12: 广义中动式的的浮现 147 v ABSTRACT Chinese extended middle construction, as in “zhe liang che kai qilai hen kuai” (This car drives fast) is found primarily in spoken Chinese The intriguing semantic relations and syntactic features have prompted many scholars debating its particularity and intrinsic properties This study explores the structure, function, and historical developments of this construction in order to discover the interaction between form and meaning in this construction The dissertation consists of eight chapters In chapter one I give a literature review on the current research of this construction, and briefly outline the organization of my dissertation The central claim of chapter two is that, although there exists disagreement among scholars who believe that the English middle construction and Chinese qilaiconstruction are not the same thing, the status of Chinese extended middle construction is established through comparative studies and crosslinguistic data with other languages especially with English In chapter three I shift to the descriptive and illustrative context where Chinese extended middle construction emerges and put forwards that this construction is a double-topic nested structure The issue of how its form and meaning/function suited in a pair is emphasized in this chapter This leads to me to tackle the stratification and extension of this construction in chapter four, where I argue that the three levels micro-construction, meso-construction, and macro-construction could be specified in this generalized construction The distinctions among those levels could be drawn in this systemic perspective Chapter five further investigates the syntactic distributions of micro-construction as well as their functions and meanings, based on which I put forward the synchronic grammaticalization analysis model It is believed that the diachronic development is the historical expression of synchronic part, therefore, in chapter six and seven I continue to discover how this construction comes out, why it appears when it did, and what kinds of factors motivate and make it come into being Taking use of the framework of radical construction in vi diachronic studies, this dissertation not only describes the evolvement process of middle constructions but also investigates how this construction was emerging Chapter eight is the conclusion of the dissertation This dissertation attempts to unite the synchronic and diachronic analysis models Besides, it integrates the static descriptive distributions on one side and dynamic structuralization or grammaticalization on the other side It focuses not only the existed form and meaning, but also the constructioning process of the form-meaning pair, that is, how this form-meaning pair comes out, which paves the way to take the new and increative strategies of construction grammar vii Bisang, W., “On the 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of my dissertation The central claim of chapter two is that, although there exists disagreement among scholars who believe that the English middle construction and Chinese qilaiconstruction... Chapter five further investigates the syntactic distributions of micro -construction as well as their functions and meanings, based on which I put forward the synchronic grammaticalization analysis... interaction between form and meaning in this construction The dissertation consists of eight chapters In chapter one I give a literature review on the current research of this construction, and