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Ô TÔ BUÝT NGUY N S , NGUY N THÀNH TÂM nguyenvansy@iuh.edu.vn Tóm xem xét tính an tồn sau , xe - xe buýt xe 50 km/h B hân tích t p châu Âu (ECE-R66) K va khóa: c nghiêng Abstract It is important to consider the performances of strength and safety after the accident that the deforming superstructure seriously threatens the lives of the passengers Thus, the stiffness of the bus frame is the first thing that needs to be considered This paper presents an finite-element analysis analysis method with which to design the monocoque bus frame for a reduction in occupant injuries from frontal crashworthiness and rollover accident while the weight of the strengthened bus is maintained at the same level First, the crash condition of the monocoque bus frame was a frontal crashworthiness with a speed of 50 km/h The entire front-end deformation is within the safe range, satisfying the safety conditions of direct collision Then, rollover accident analysis was done according to the safety rules of the European standards (ECE-R66) The finite element model of the monocoque bus frame is verified against the experiment method which showed a pretty good agreement The results showed that the survival spaces for the driver and passengers were secured against frontal crashworthiness and rollover of the monocoque bus frame Keywords: bus frame, finite element, simulation, dynamic analysis V hàng nghình theo ,t Thaco nh p nguyên chi c, ho c nh p c không th c hi n c c tính tốn t nt c ch -xi ô tô Tuy nhiên, c s d ng ch y u l c ngo i v l p r Liên Pathawee Kunakorn-ong © 2020 102 Pattaramon Jongpradist khách [1-2 [3] -xi giá hóa [4 - 6] c 7-9] -Cheng Lin góc giao khung hông xe Tomás Wayhs Tech [10-11] Bài báo an toàn , q 2.1 Va C R29 [12] xe 12m Hình Mơ hình ph n t h u h n c a k t c u xe khách va ch m tr c di n Cad yperworks - © 2020 -dyna constrained extra nodes option 103 sát1 automatic singer surface automatic surface to surface , Mô Thép Q235 Thép Q345 (GPa) 210 210 (kg/mm3) 7,85.10-6 7,85.10-6 0,3 0,3 (GPa) 0.235 0.386 2.2 V [13], xoay 4) Hình S i tr ng tâm l t hg = h1 = h2 = H= B= d= G, , (1) © 2020 104 (2) trình (2.1) (2.2): (3) (4) g = 0.00981 mm/ms2 J: mơ men qn tính h1 h2 = 397 mm: -DYNA, : (J) 4503 Moment quán tính (kg.mm2) 9006.106 (rad/ms) 2.58.10-3 K tiêu chu n n c th nghi m v sau th nghi m, k t c u ch ph mb c ng yêu c u c th S chuy n v b t k b ph n n c xâm nh p v o không gian an to n; B t k b ph n n o không gian an to u không cho ph ik tc sau bi n d ng; hay khơng Hình Khơng gian an tồn theo m t c t ngang khung xe Kh o sát kh u l c c a xát xi ô tô va ch m tr c di n t qu tr nh mô ph ng qu tr nh va ch m tr c di © 2020 105 t = 30 ms t = 90 ms Hình 8: Qu tr nh va ch m tr c di n S t-xi v phân -xi ph nh 9b hình 10 a S sát- -xi H nh 9: S phân b ng su t trình va ch m Hình 10: Bi n d ng c c b sát- cc c , thép 3.2 Kh o sát kh 3.2.1 u l c c i ti n xát-xi ô tô va ch m l t nghiêng giá mơ hình qua nhà máy c tơ © 2020 106 a Mơ hình Mơ hình Hình 4: Mơ hình ki m tra a hai mơ hình mơ Ngồi sàn hành khách hình 5b M Hình 5: Mơ hình bi n d ng mô ph ng th nghi m Hình 6: Góc phá h y tr © 2020 ng c a s p giáp v i sàn hành khách 107 a m phá h y t i m t c a d c ti p giáp tr ng c a s mui xe mơ hình mơ p mui xe mơ hình m eo 3.2.2 11 12 Hình 11 Vùng bi n d ng x m ph m khơng gian an tồn Hình 12 V trí bi n d ng hông trái cung mui xe 3.3.3 h trái, hơng 13 14 © 2020 108 Hình 13 Gia c cung mui xe Hình 14 Gia c hơng xe cung mui tồn, Hình 15 K t qu mơ ph 3.3.4 1, d 16 Hình 16 V trí khơng gia c l c hơng trái ph i m ng cung mui xe © 2020 109 Hình 17: K t qu bi n d ng khung xe không xâm ph m không gian an toàn 17 khung xe , - Xét an N toàn, Tuy nhiên, thép hành khách © 2020 , 110 [1] Pathawee Kunakorn-ong, Kitchanon Ruangjirakit Design and optimization of electric bus monocoque structure consisting of composite materials Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 4069-4086, 2020 [2] Pathawee Kunakorn-ong, Pattaramon Jongpradist Optimisation of Bus Superstructure for Rollover Safety According to ECE-R66 Springer 2020 [3] Jiang Liu, Liangjin Gui, Qingchun Wang & Zijie Fan Multi-objective Optimization on the Body Structure of Integral Bus Automotive Engineering 170-173, 2008 [4] Phan, Xuân Mai [5] Thành Tâm 2015 [6] Quang Anh - [7] [8] [9] [10] Yu-Cheng Lin and Hong-CHi Nian Structural Design Optimization of the Body Section Using the Finite Element Method 2006 SAE International [11] Tomás Wayhs Tech Numerical Simulation of Bus Rollover 2007 SAE International [12] ECR29 Economic Commission for European Regulation Official Journal of the European Union 30 January 2011 [13] ECE R66 E/ECE/324 Rev.1/Add.65/Rev.1 Uniform Technical Prescriptions Concerning the Approval of Large Passenger Vehicles with Regard to The Strength of Their Superstructure 2006, Untied Nations Ngày nh n bài:07/09/2020 Ngày ch p nh © 2020 22/03/2021 ... consisting of composite materials Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 4069-4086, 2020 [2] Pathawee Kunakorn-ong, Pattaramon... for European Regulation Official Journal of the European Union 30 January 2011 [13] ECE R66 E/ECE/324 Rev.1/Add.65/Rev.1 Uniform Technical Prescriptions Concerning the Approval of Large Passenger... Optimization of the Body Section Using the Finite Element Method 2006 SAE International [11] Tomás Wayhs Tech Numerical Simulation of Bus Rollover 2007 SAE International [12] ECR29 Economic Commission for

Ngày đăng: 25/10/2022, 11:16

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