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Research methodology 2009

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Research Research Starting: One Big Starting: One Big Mess . . . Mess . . . O.k., you're already in a mess and are looking out of the O.k., you're already in a mess and are looking out of the window thinking about having a nervous breakdown. window thinking about having a nervous breakdown. You're sitting there surrounded by books and copies of You're sitting there surrounded by books and copies of articles that seem to be multiplying on their own and you articles that seem to be multiplying on their own and you don't know how to get started with the paper or even how don't know how to get started with the paper or even how to make sense out of all of this information. And the kids to make sense out of all of this information. And the kids are knocking at your door and the paper is due in a week. are knocking at your door and the paper is due in a week. So how do you get out of this mess? So how do you get out of this mess? One Big Mess . . . One Big Mess . . .  Calm down. That's the first thing. Then start reviewing your Calm down. That's the first thing. Then start reviewing your sources. A good way to review is to re-read with your pen in your sources. A good way to review is to re-read with your pen in your hand so you can make margin notes and jot down the main ideas hand so you can make margin notes and jot down the main ideas and main points of argument. Review those margin notes. Can you and main points of argument. Review those margin notes. Can you find a common thread of idea or argument in them (other than their find a common thread of idea or argument in them (other than their common topic)? Do many of the authors advocate the same thing? common topic)? Do many of the authors advocate the same thing? Do you agree? As you can see, the first thing to do (the thing you Do you agree? As you can see, the first thing to do (the thing you should have done before starting your research) is to approach the should have done before starting your research) is to approach the research with a focused question or a tentative argument in mind. research with a focused question or a tentative argument in mind.  Sift through the sources to eliminate those that don't fit your focus Sift through the sources to eliminate those that don't fit your focus and identify relevant portions of those that do. Then follow the and identify relevant portions of those that do. Then follow the research writing steps that we've outlined here, in this course and research writing steps that we've outlined here, in this course and calm down the next time definitely will be easier, once you know calm down the next time definitely will be easier, once you know the process and special considerations for writing a research paper the process and special considerations for writing a research paper Developing a Research Question Developing a Research Question  It's absolutely essential to develop a research question It's absolutely essential to develop a research question that you're interested in or care about in order to focus that you're interested in or care about in order to focus your research and your paper (unless, of course, your your research and your paper (unless, of course, your instructor gives you a very specific assignment). For instructor gives you a very specific assignment). For example, researching a broad topic such as "business example, researching a broad topic such as "business management" is difficult since there may be hundreds of management" is difficult since there may be hundreds of sources on all aspects of business management. On the sources on all aspects of business management. On the other hand, a focused question such as "What are the other hand, a focused question such as "What are the pros and cons of Japanese management style?" is easier pros and cons of Japanese management style?" is easier to research and can be covered more fully and in more to research and can be covered more fully and in more depth. depth. Developing a Research Question Developing a Research Question  How do you develop a usable research question? Choose an How do you develop a usable research question? Choose an appropriate appropriate topic or issue topic or issue for your research, one that actually can for your research, one that actually can be researched. Then list all of the questions that you'd like be researched. Then list all of the questions that you'd like answered yourself. Choose the best question, answered yourself. Choose the best question, one that is neither too broad nor too narrow one that is neither too broad nor too narrow . . If you know a lot about the topic, you can develop a research If you know a lot about the topic, you can develop a research question based on your own knowledge. If you feel you don't know question based on your own knowledge. If you feel you don't know much about the topic, think again. Once you determine what you do much about the topic, think again. Once you determine what you do know, then you're ready to do some general reading in a textbook know, then you're ready to do some general reading in a textbook or encyclopedia in order to develop a usable research question. or encyclopedia in order to develop a usable research question. It's a good idea to evaluate your research question before It's a good idea to evaluate your research question before completing the research exercise and to completing the research exercise and to Ask the writing tutor for Ask the writing tutor for feedback on your research question feedback on your research question . And you also should check . And you also should check your research question with your course tutor. your research question with your course tutor. Topic/Issue Topic/Issue  A topic is what the essay or research paper is about. It A topic is what the essay or research paper is about. It provides a focus for the writing. Of course, the major provides a focus for the writing. Of course, the major topic can be broken down into its components or smaller topic can be broken down into its components or smaller pieces (e.g., the major topic of nuclear waste disposal pieces (e.g., the major topic of nuclear waste disposal may be broken down into medical, economic, and may be broken down into medical, economic, and environmental concerns). But the important thing to environmental concerns). But the important thing to remember is that you should stick with just one major remember is that you should stick with just one major topic per essay or research paper in order to have a topic per essay or research paper in order to have a coherent piece of writing. coherent piece of writing. An issue is a concept upon which you can take a stand. An issue is a concept upon which you can take a stand. While "nuclear waste" is a topic, "safe and economic While "nuclear waste" is a topic, "safe and economic disposal of nuclear waste" is an issue, or a "point of disposal of nuclear waste" is an issue, or a "point of discussion, debate, or dispute" (American Heritage discussion, debate, or dispute" (American Heritage Dictionary). Dictionary). Choose a Question that is Neither Too Choose a Question that is Neither Too Broad or Too Narrow Broad or Too Narrow  For example: For example:  if you choose juvenile delinquency is a topic that can be if you choose juvenile delinquency is a topic that can be researched, you might ask the following questions: researched, you might ask the following questions: a. a. What is the 1994 rate of juvenile delinquency in the What is the 1994 rate of juvenile delinquency in the U.S.? U.S.? b. b. What can we do to reduce juvenile delinquency in the What can we do to reduce juvenile delinquency in the U.S. U.S. c. c. Does education play a role in reducing juvenile Does education play a role in reducing juvenile delinquents' return to crime? delinquents' return to crime?  Once you complete your list, review your questions in Once you complete your list, review your questions in order to choose a usable one that is neither too broad order to choose a usable one that is neither too broad nor too narrow. In this case, the best research question nor too narrow. In this case, the best research question is: is: Choose a Question Choose a Question  "c." "c."  Question "a" is too narrow, since it can be answered with a simple statistic. Question "a" is too narrow, since it can be answered with a simple statistic.  Question "b" is too broad; it implies that the researcher will cover many tactics for Question "b" is too broad; it implies that the researcher will cover many tactics for reducing juvenile delinquency that could be used throughout the country. reducing juvenile delinquency that could be used throughout the country.  Question "c," on the other hand, is focused enough to research in some depth Question "c," on the other hand, is focused enough to research in some depth Choose a Question (example 2) Choose a Question (example 2)  Select what you think is the best research Select what you think is the best research question (neither too broad nor too narrow): question (neither too broad nor too narrow): - Question A: - Question A: What marketing strategies does What marketing strategies does the Coca-Cola company currently apply? the Coca-Cola company currently apply? - Question B: - Question B: What is the Coca-Cola company's What is the Coca-Cola company's future marketing plan? future marketing plan? - Question C: - Question C: What marketing strategies has What marketing strategies has the Coca-Cola company used in the past? the Coca-Cola company used in the past? Choose a Question: Explanation Choose a Question: Explanation  Question "c" may be too broad as well, since "the past" covers a lot Question "c" may be too broad as well, since "the past" covers a lot of time, especially since the Coca-Cola company was incorporated in of time, especially since the Coca-Cola company was incorporated in 1919. 1919.  Question "b" is very broad as well as being unresearchable it's Question "b" is very broad as well as being unresearchable it's unlikely that Coca-Cola personnel will reveal their marketing plan unlikely that Coca-Cola personnel will reveal their marketing plan  Question "a" is the best research question. Your research to answer Question "a" is the best research question. Your research to answer this question may include observation of print, television, and radio this question may include observation of print, television, and radio advertisements as well as research into various current marketing advertisements as well as research into various current marketing theories and strategies. Both types of research are "do-able," and theories and strategies. Both types of research are "do-able," and the question is focused enough to yield a fully-developed research the question is focused enough to yield a fully-developed research paper paper Evaluate Your Own Research Question Evaluate Your Own Research Question  Ask the following 8 questions to evaluate the quality of your research question and Ask the following 8 questions to evaluate the quality of your research question and the ease with which you should be able to answer it: the ease with which you should be able to answer it: 1. Does the question deal with a topic or issue that interests me enough to spark my 1. Does the question deal with a topic or issue that interests me enough to spark my own thoughts and opinions? own thoughts and opinions? 2. Is the question easily and fully researchable? 2. Is the question easily and fully researchable? [...]... a notebook 3 Review the topics of your newly-grouped notes If the topics do not answer your research question or support your working thesis directly, you may need to do additional research or re-think your original research 4 During this process you may find that you have taken notes that do not answer your research question or support your working thesis directly Don't be afraid to throw them away... before and after Evaluate Your Own Research Question 4 Is the scope of this information reasonable (e.g., can I really research 30 online writing programs developed over a span of 10 years?) 5 Given the type and scope of the information that I need, is my question too broad, too narrow, or okay? 6 What sources will have the type of information that I need to answer the research question (journals, books,...Evaluate Your Own Research Question 3 What type of information do I need to answer the research question? E.g., The research question, "What impact has deregulation had on commercial airline safety?," will obviously require certain types of information: - statistics on... essentially means going back and reviewing how this "new" information fits with your own thoughts about the topic or issue of the research Grouping your notes should enable you to outline the major sections and then the paragraph of your research paper Using Quotations in a Paper  A research paper blends your own ideas and information from expert sources It is NOT a series of direct quotations strung together... (journals, books, Internet resources, government documents, people)? 7 Can I access these sources? 8 Given my answers to the above questions, do I have a good quality research question that I actually will be able to answer by doing research? Thesis statement   Whenever you are writing to explain something to your reader or to persuade your reader to agree with your opinion, there should be one complete... citing your source, to save yourself a great deal of time and frustration otherwise you will have to make extra trips to the library when writing your final draft How to Use Idea Cards  While doing your research you will be making connections and synthesizing what you are learning Some people find it useful to make "idea cards" or notes in which they write out the ideas and perceptions they are developing... look at it is, once you've come up with the central question, or organizing question, of your essay, the thesis is an answer to that question Exercise: Thesis Statement  Suppose you've been answering a research question about adult illiteracy in the Vietnam, and have a fourteen-page draft about how widespread the problem is, six or seven pages analyzing the causes of the problem, and six or seven pages... job is not to write everything down, nor is it a good idea to give into the temptation of photocopying pages or articles Notetaking is the process of extracting only the information that answers your research question or supports your working thesis directly Notes can be in one of three forms: summary, paraphrase, or direct quotation (It's a good idea to come up with a system you might simply label... information about the source Writing Summaries and Paraphrases  The ability to summarize and paraphrase is an essential academic skill all students must develop Writers use summaries and paraphrases in research papers to substantiate their ideas since they do not need to use every word of every relevant source A summary is a condensed version of the main ideas of all or part of a source, written in your . starting your research) is to approach the should have done before starting your research) is to approach the research with a focused question or a tentative argument in mind. research with. special considerations for writing a research paper the process and special considerations for writing a research paper Developing a Research Question Developing a Research Question  It's. easier to research and can be covered more fully and in more to research and can be covered more fully and in more depth. depth. Developing a Research Question Developing a Research Question  How

Ngày đăng: 17/08/2015, 10:46

